The time has come
The time has come
Blue. Normies infest our secret clubs no matter what we do. Might as well get the perfect game out of it.
Of those, only blue has no downsides.
If it's the perfect game, playing with normies would not be less enjoyable than playing with learned experts.
Blue, obviously.
This also the publicity and profit would encourage loads of new games. Although they would probably all be like the perfect game and nothing would ever beat it/
Blue. "The game is so perfect that people want to play it" is an upside, not a downside.
Gatekeeping is for assholes. I teach newbies to play and I'm proud of it.
Red. I've never been one for magic characters, and the games I play are gritty anyways.
> the publicity and profit would encourage loads of new games
And probably tie-in movies and tv shows and theme parks. Most would be crap, but some might be good, like the IDW D&D comic. The more fantasy and sci-fi stuff gets popular, the more swings the studios will take, and a small percentage of those swings will be awesome hits!
Yellow or Red. The catch is what determines my 'favorite'.
If I can't pick and it just goes off my feelings, Yellow.
If I can pick, Red.
I push all the buttons.
What? You didn't say I was restricted to only one.
I think I'll pass.
Tempting, but as I'm pretty sick right now, maybe later.
>implying I'm not a shitposter
>also *insert random shitty designer*
>creating a perfect game
>hordes of normies
No thanks, I've already got enough enemies.
Blue, obviously.
I was thinking Green would be bad, but I don't think it would be bad for Veeky Forums. It's got a good users:shitpost ratio compared to other boards already.
some other boards I don't visit would probably be crippled though.
You'll get used to it newfriend. If you stay long enough normie will become a normal word.
>The more fantasy and sci-fi stuff gets popular, the more swings the studios will take, and a small percentage of those swings will be awesome hits!
I like zombie games
oh hey people started making more zombie games, great, even if most are bad there's gonna be some awesome stuff!
*a few years later*
not another shitty zombie game
>but user try this one, it's really good
no, fuck you, if I never see another zombie it's gonna be too soon.
I'm a normie, don't see any problems with having game buddies.
Yellow because
>Picking red makes me stuck in 40k as an un-augmented human pleb.
>Picking green is pointless because lol just hide that shit nigga. It's just a website.
>Picking blue is cool but it's still just a game, why pick it when
>I can pick yellow and have baller duels with my archrival every day in real life
I frankly think all of the options are shit.
Yeah, living in a shitty medieval world as a commoner must sure be awesome
I don't care about Veeky Forums
A perfect game can't exist because different people can have opposite ideas of it, which are impossible to reconcile.
Don't you just love endangering your life for a really useless benefit?
A vast majority of settings are inhospitable to anyone that isn't a grizzled, over-the-top, Dark Age Comics Anti-Hero-Tier Mary Sue and for a reason.
Pointless option unless you like to suicide.
Include the rest of the net and deep web and now we're talking.
Pointless option otherwise.
World famous game that drags the hobby out into the open so all those arseholes have to flee back to their basements to mold away far from the world.
I literally can't see a bad side here.
I can turn into an alcoholic, twenty something French-Japanese lady with military training.
Kinda worthless really.
Someone wants me dead because of this.
Obviously yellow.
CATastrophe is technically a tabletop setting.
I've been here longer than that word existed and I think anyone who uses it needs to go back to /r9k/ where they belong.
I dunno, I feel they've been on the downswing for long enough that I could stomach another. We're already a third of the way into 2017.
Maybe I'll actually give Metal Gear Survive a shot.. the very thought made my blood boil on its announcement day, but I have since cooled.
user, please. Your exclusionary attitude legitimizes their use of the word. They feel like outcasts and here you are, treating them like outcasts.
It's people like you that make the "bad" side of the blue button a real concern for some.
>being a meme prescriptivist
Let me guess, all the meme words that already existed when you first came to Veeky Forums are fine, but any meme words that began after you came to Veeky Forums are dumb and only newfags use them?
If you don't understand the difference between excluding proven assholes from the hobby, and excluding anyone who isn't already entrenched in the hobby from it, then I genuinely don't care about your opinion.
Nah. Most memes are fine. But the term "normies" is indicative of the cancerous sooper sekret clubhouse mentality.
I wouldn't. It's not the term itself that's the problem. It doesn't matter whether you call them normies, sheeple, or squares. It's the exact same "not conforming makes me superior" attitude.
Red for sure. We actually played a campaign once as our IRL selves transported to a campaign world, complete with trying to gauge our own stats through various tests like running, charismatic speaking, lifing weights, memorization, etc. Definitely the most fun campaign I've ever had.
well for starters I actually AM better than them given that I don't just eat up everything mindlessly because i don't have a brain of my own.
People like to shit on this attitude, but frankly, it /is /objectively better to be aware of the media you consume and try to not fall into the "lowest common denominator" bracket of humanity. Using your brain is always a superior method to not using it.
I don't see people having secret clubs as a problem, especially if it's based around being a reject so it's more of a problem for them.
>red will kill me
>green will kill me in horrible manner for this post
>yellow sounds like tumblr shit
Green is the best choice.
A curious game; the only winning move, is not to play.
>The game is so perfect that everybody wants to play it!
>Don't you want to play the perfect game too?
Is anyone else a little...suspicious of that one?
red please
All of them, except the yellow one.
What? I like fun things.
Magic Spaceships and you can't talk shit over the comms system because someone will scry and die you in a split second. That, and some AYYlmao is going to destroy your shit.
yellow here I come
Unless your setting is really low-powered, it's probably lethal. Pass.
It could help quality discussion, and I post pretty rarely and only things like this, so I wouldn't mind too much.
Putting aside the nonsenicalness of this option, I have zero problem with "normies" picking up the hobby. Many will go on to be good gamers, and more buyers means more money for the makers to make cool stuff.
I'd rather not have someone out to kill me, thanks
So two options which are lethal, and two with downsides that aren't downsides.
> you can't talk shit over the comms system
>implying I would talk shit on the comms
I barely even fucking use Internet besides lurking, downloading and business mail, I'll be fine with giving the bantz in person.
>AYYlmao is going to destroy your shit
All the fucking better. I hate being bored.
Red also implies you could push it while you were strapped to the teeth with /k/ommando gear and go to a non-magic fantasy setting.
Green is okay, but leads to basically reddit.
Blue brings casul scum who will think its great but then want it to be easier and easier until they shit it up and leave.
Yellow implies both you and your nemesis are equal, at best you can tie with one another. also, a nemesis may not want to kill you, it might just be gary oak syndrome.
green cus I get a boner when I receive an electric shock and enjoy the sound of my own voice
how about this
Red> CYOA and threads like this are forced into /qst/ forever. Posting anything that should be in qst results in a permanent ban the first time, and the second time you get a hit put out on you.
Blue> Fusion boards become a thing, rotating weekly. Unfortunately a glitch in the system gives /pol/ a slightly higher chance of pairing up with Veeky Forums every week than any other board.
Green> Hiro is removed, Moot returns. For better or worse.
Yellow> The spirit of Veeky Forums (that is to say, how people post and the general site-feel on each board) rolls back ten years, but keeps the current memebase.
Green, blue or Yellow.
Green, would be my first choice since the evil will just have my name and wouldn't do anything with it.
>"Oh yeah his name is user,..... now what do I do with this useless information".
Yellow would probably be comfy since it says I would start with a shop, just hire a bouncer/bodyguard.
Blue would be ok if I could befriend a magic person or they could help solve problems.
I'd probably pull green to invest in stuff like space-mining and whichever company/companies developed spacecraft. I'd get the best ship I possibly could and git gud with it. I'd definitely want it decked out for speed/maneuverability, defense, and firepower, with that order of priority.
After that its a matter of raising awareness of the ancient evil while developing countermeasures to keep the human race alive and kicking, the best solution to this might just be pulling the blue lever. I wouldn't want to pull red because I like anonymity, I'm OK with shitposting, and I would be fucked if the ancient evil decided to search for me on the internet. I can't really pull yellow because it conflicts with green. I also like having my legs function.
Yellow button. I can be a cute girl. Maybe with a dick. I dont care about the nemesis.
It's the only choice worth anything.
I use the word normie not as a way to imply superiority, but because I am abnormal and most activities that people take for granted are alien to me. I can't leave the house without suffering a breakdown, I randomly start shaking unctontrollably, and my only friend died many years ago. I hate myself, and I refuse to partake in "normal" society, because I can not function within that. That being said, most people use that word in a different context than I do, as anyone who is capable of interacting with other humans in a regular sense is a normie in my eyes.
Let's throw some tungsten telephone poles at Cthulhu!
Devil's advocate:
Imagine two individuals, Alice and Bob, with differing tastes. Alice is a sharp, discerning critic who can easily identify the flaws in a work of fiction; consequently, Alice only really likes a tiny sliver of the works that get produced-- timeless, brilliant classics. Bob, on the other hand, has no taste, and enjoys Transformers 2 about as much as he enjoys Citizen Kane; thus, Bob can have fun with virtually anything ever made by anyone.
Under what conditions is it better to be Alice than it is to be Bob?
Green, then immediately stop posting anything besides image replies on Veeky Forums. It's not even a major sacrifice, and it'd kill most of /pol/'s problem children within the day.
Blue switch is terrible. You think terrorism is bad now? Just wait till they can teleport IEDs under your bed while you sleep.
Green is best
but seriously, we all gotta die someday. Might as well be at Cthulu's tentacles. Or hell, nothing says you can't be the evil's high priest...
Red is probably second best, just because humanity's too damn angry all the time as it is. Red helps us chillax a little bit. Minor, but useful.
Yellow is dumpster-tier. You will be murdered by a dragon, and you won't be able to run away when it burns your store down around you to get that fresh hickory-smoked human taste.
If I have to become Doomguy to give humanity stairs to the stars, so be it.
if the game is perfect i don't mind the normies
none of the consequences are all that bad except the red one
I choose blue because I don't factor fanbases as a determinant of quality (though I will stay away from Veeky Forums for awhile until the mods give said tabletop its own containment board).