Love 40k's fluff. Tons of resources available to read and videos that explain the lore. Nothing of the sort for AoS. Before the obligatory "read fantasy", I have but I want to get into AoS because I'm a faggot
Age of sigmar fluff
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it's kind of like fantasy but nothing even matters at all, numbers are just arbitrary numbers to sound epic, and anything that happens or ever happened in AoS is essentially irrelevant even to it's own continuity.
Oh and almost forgot to spoil the end: Archaon wins, because what else could happen when he's the 5th Foreverchosen?
I've only read two Sigmar books, but I found them to be decent reads.
The first was Warbeast, which gives an interesting look into how Stormcast deal with their past lives and how it can differ significantly between individual.
The other was Skaven Pestilens. I really enjoyed it, but that's because Seraphon play a big role and.i love Seraphon. But the action is decent and it does give a glimpse into the normal mortal lives of people in Sigmar with the whole Worm City.
The lexicanum has very little on the Age of Sigma stuff, which is sad.
Well you have to keep in mind that while 40k have 30 years AoS just started a couple years ago. Give it some time he may impress us all, and remember, its here to stay whether you like it or not.
You can read battletomes in the AoS general resources link.
>Flesheaters think they are glorious bretonnian knights, when in reality are ghouls and undead
>Bone splittas are orcs who like to kill big monsters to appease gorkamorka and get powa
>Beastclaw raiders are followed by a constant blizzard and have to run around killing and eating things to survive
>Stormcast are gay
>Chaos is same chaos in 40k
>Skaven are bumbling idiots but are fun and funny, and in mass numbers can kill anything
>Warherds are big beastmen who will fight for whoever provides them with battle and the corpses to eat afterwards
>Seraphon are good guy daemons who are summoned into existence by big frogs
>Fyreslayers are dwarf mercenaries
You can see what the Lexicanum has on Age of Sigmar by going into this link and following the categories to what you want.
>Stormcast are gay
I don't play them, but I still don't agree. I like the idea that they're basically Sigmar's undead and this gets Nagash's panties in a twist so each time they "die" he grabs a small bit of their souls. You then get this interesting situation where the more times a Stormcast dies the more they become celestial automatons. It's a really neat twist, in my opinion.
Were they always one god in fantasy vs two gods in 40k?
They were 2 gods in fantasy.
I think Gorkamorka worshipping sect actually started wh40k.
They were two gods in fantasy too and are two gods in age of sigmar... most of the time.
Back in the past the two gods fused into a twin headed being. After a rebellion against Sigmar at the worst moment possible, it was split back in two again. When they agree, though, the two gods fuse back together for a while.
>Picks the worst map in the game and tries to represent it as the ultimate proof.
Yo bitch, why don't you go and see Ghyran+Aqshy's map and stop your strawmans, you've said that "nothing matters" nonsene too oftern already.
There are GW sourcebooks that tell the timeline with corresponding campaign scenarios, there are also BL books.
>t's kind of like fantasy but nothing even matters at all, numbers are just arbitrary numbers to sound epic, and anything that happens or ever happened in AoS is essentially irrelevant even to it's own continuity.
Do you have any shred of evidence to back that up other than meme summaries you read on Veeky Forums? Looks like it's just your opinion
You forgot
>Ironjawz allegedly have mystics who have the godlike power of being able to count above 10 by not wearing shoes.
It's still better than fantasy, in which numbers were entirely arbitrary just due to the fact that they couldn't keep track of that shit
Most AoS lore is in the rule books GW has released or BL novels.
>it's kind of like fantasy but nothing even matters at all
You could say the exact same thing about Fantasy. I would not be surprised if the hard numbers for the Empire (Which may not have made sense) only became a thing because they did an RPG and you kind of need stuff like that. There are likely a good number of towns in the Empire who are just vaguely placed in a certain province and only exist for the purpose of a battle being fought there or as something for Beastmen, Orcs, Goblins, etc, to shit on.
And anything else that did matter likely only did so because it was stated in an army book that X place was important and later on the RPG went into it.
AoS is already getting this with the three or four cities that exist in Ghyran which matter because they're bastions of order and a sign of Chaos losing ground.
Even 40k has stuff like this where nothing may be known about a planet and it's only important for one reason or another. Not much is known about Baal and the entire reason it's important is because it's the home planet of the Blood Angels.
AoS actually did a fun little thing about Gork and Mork being hard to tell apart and turned them into a two headed being inside a single body. However after disagreements they can break apart into two beings and only when they're in union do they fuse again.
>it's kind of like fantasy but nothing even matters at all
Why? is it because everything is happening on a bigger scale? thats the only difference
Where I can read about countries, kingdoms, economy, social hierarchy, production and other mundane stuffs? Want to know what humans, elves and dwarfs are doing now and what do they workship as basically gods are tangible beings now (is there any reason to keep praying to morr or khaine?).
When I first heard the Ork god being referred to as Gorkamorka, I was concerned that they were combined for no good reason. Glad that they did something fun with it.
Honestly, the only problem I've had with AoS fluff is feeling like it's not very 'front-loaded'. That's mostly a function of how new AoS is, but I personally don't think they did themselves any favors by making sure the first book only really talked about the Armies of Chaos and the Stormcast Eternals, and absolutely nothing else about the setting. Getting better now, at least. (Or more accurate to say, I at least found a quick-and-dirty primer someone online put together, which is all I've been looking for.)
I'll admit, I wish that the 'legacy' armies had a bit more of a presence in the setting, but, you can't have everything.
>countries, kingdoms, economy, social hierarchy, production and other mundane stuffs?
Battletome is your best bet if you want detail, every book can feasibly have mentions of societies which existed in the past, good chance they were destroyed by Chaos though.
>Want to know what humans, elves and dwarfs are doing now
Humans are broad, if you want something like the Empire from Fantasy than they reside in Azyr or one of the new cities set up in Ghyran. Same goes for Fantasy Dwarfs. Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords are two other societies of Dwarf. I think Fyreslayers are mostly in Aqshy, but also have holds in other realms. From what I know of the Kharadron they're mostly located in Chamon.
Anything like Fantasy High Elves or Dark Elves are present in Azyr and the order cities in Ghyran.
Sigmar seems to be the primary human god, don't know of any mention of Morr. For Fantasy Dwarfs it's Grungi, for Fyreslayers it's Grimnir, and a lot of Kharadron have seemingly forsaken their gods. Elves are unknown outside of the fact that there still are Witch Elf cults in Azyr that worship Khaine.
holy shit hahaha
What the fuck are the Free People? Time displaced imperials?
I know fuck all but I know that's not exactly true.
Basically OP the sigmar inescapable have come out and pushed back hard against chaos. Ever since the war of seasons or whatever more of the mortal realm has been resettled and now the ongoing wars are in defence of the new cities and realmgates in these mortal realms.
The first book speaks about the other factions too, but it very light. Like around 10 pages of it are dedicated to them.
These maps are like the stuff small indie shareware rpg makers used to make.
Nobody can be bothered to make stuff for AoS because the lore is cringe-inducingly bad.
Just play with the pretty models OP. The more you know about AoS' setting the more retarded every faction feels.
Free people are the inhabitants of azyr that have organized into military guilds.
I think Morr name appeared in one of the maps but I dont think there was anything else.
>Elves are unknown outside of the fact that there still are Witch Elf cults in Azyr that worship Khaine.
This is the dumbest shit. Their fluff may as well be "look, okay, we just want to keep selling these models, don't think about it."
still waiting on more info about the glorious under-empire, i mean with pestilens we know they're around atleast but with skavenblight gone and a lot of key players being dead the rat men need to get their shit together. Then again we still have screech and thanquol so hopefully lore will return
Later this year skryre is getting new stuff.
I didn't even know how bad it actually was until reading this thread.
It's a literal Moba game setup, who was their lead writer?
Whfb always had the shit stories.
the good one are in 40k.
>this is what 40kids actually believe
warhammer's done for