Dark Souls Board game, anyone else got their copy yet?
Game's great fun, takes up an entire afternoon if you let it
Dark Souls Board game, anyone else got their copy yet?
Game's great fun, takes up an entire afternoon if you let it
I'm starting to think some people are shilling for it
Still haven't received mine.
Did they send an email when they shipped it to you ?
I'll shill all day
Didn't get any emails, just showed up one day. Not the best course of action from Steamforged but at least I have my game
Well, at least It means I can have my hopes up for tomorrow.
Havent gotten it, but it has partially shipped, which means that the main game has probably shipped but not the 2 addons i got or the free stuff from the stretch goals. You can check the status from the backerkit email you got when you paid for shipping and add ons. Youll have to search for "backerkit" in your email, pretty sure they all have a search function. Theres a link on the bottom that takes you to their page and shows the status
Didn't know about that, thanks, never used kickstarter before.
Think they sent out an email that said the add on stuff is coming late summer this year
What country? They are handlong the US first, mine just changed to partially shipped today
How does it play?
That's what im wondering, i hope the die rolls dont fuck me over more than my lackluster dodging in the real game
UK, you should be getting yours within a week then
From what I hear it's decent, but everything about it just feels like a generic dungeon crawler with souls mechanics slapped on top than a real attempt to capture the themes and feel of the game in a tabletop setting. I can see why it's popular, but it just seems like kinda lazy and uninspired design to me.
Eurogamer did a video on the mechanics. Really basic but that's all I know.
Has an okay amount of complexity, it's simple enough for normies.
There's a decent amount of luck that can be mitigated with rerolls and your estus.
The game gives you the feeling that almost every decision is important since enemies all get to move in between each player turn, meaning that you could be stationary for 4 enemy turns.
In addition to the way that your health is linked directly to the amount of shit you can do in a turn can make a problem when one player is stuck doing nothing run away while everyone else has fun rolling dice.
Can take forever to play, I was playing for 9hrs with the parents last weekend. Enjoyed every minute.
TL;DR: Faster Kingdom Death Monster with less of the not combat shenanigans
>On Veeky Forums
Nobody knows we exist. At least, not until we pull a Gainax and make our own company.
So dumbed down KDM with shittier models? pass
Worse than the 100 other dungeon crawlers you could be playing and a disgrace to the IP. Go find someone who owns Gloomhaven.
>Go find someone who owns Gloomhaven.
Heard nice things about it. How good is it compared to other dungeon crawls?
I pre-ordered it but amazon told me I won't get it until next goddamn month.
I'm new to miniatures in general, does anybody know if it's okay to paint the ones that come with this? I'm a big Dark Souls guy and I would love to add some color to these models.
You can play 9 campaigns of Dark Souls before you end up setting up Gloomhaven and DS is super fucking grindy.
Dungeon crawlers seem to have split these past years. If you like Descent 2e more you'll like Myth (abridged rulebook), Super Dungeon Explore, Shadows of Brimstone, Gloomhaven and Massive Darkness. If you like Castle Ravenloft more you'll like Claustrophobia, Zombiecide: BP, and Dark Souls.
L7: Omega Protocol, Imperial Assault, Rum and Bones, The Others and Conan are more skirmish games than crawlers. And KD:M is a misery simulator.
>does anybody know if it's okay to paint the ones that come with this?
Why wouldn't it be? It's not like someone is going to burst into your house and beat the shit out of you for painting your minis.
I hate that now dungeon crawlers are basically either obtuse puzzlers like descent or simplistic "on the clock" rushers like the D&D board games.
I haven't played an actual dungeon crawl in forever.
+ While combat still has a luck factor*, the card system is far and away superior to the "move and then roll some dice" gameplay you see in other titles.
* (a modifier deck can add or subtract damage from your attack or rarely double/cancel it; the enemy might draw an unfavorable AI card; your allies might get in your way as you aren't allowed to fully discuss your plans)
+ The game does not have a fetish for miniatures, allowing dozens of unique enemy types (each of which have 16 difficulty levels and often a unique AI deck).
+ The entire campaign aspect is well done. Event cards will be added to decks, scenarios will unlock or close depending on your choices, new classes will unlock and older characters will be forced to retire (though you can roll up a near identical one). This keeps me coming to our weekly session compared to other co-op games which I rarely play.
- You need a group that will actually campaign with you. Swapping out people is fine but not ideal (me and my buddy run two characters each and lend them to people who want to play, but they can also make their own character and the game scales based on average party level).
- If you're not playing at least weekly, campaign progress will be glacially slow. One scenario can take 2 hours. There are 80+.
- Failing a scenario is even worse; while you do receive a bit of experience and any loot you gathered, you get no progress towards the overall campaign or unlocking anything. It is not like Pandemic Legacy where failing twice will kick you into the next mission anyway. We've fudged one scenario so far just so our evening didn't feel like a total waste.
If you can do 9 campaigns of Dark Souls in 2.5 hours that's impressive.
total crap of a product
No no, I wasn't sure if paint would sit well on whatever type of material they're made out of. I wasn't sure it that was a thing that could happen or not.
The way I see it they're either wannabe D&D or wannabe Diablo. And to tell the truth, I prefer the wannabe Diablos.
Gloomhaven and Massive Darkness have an absurd ammount of shit to keep track of and it just comes to a point where you don't wanna keep playing because it's stressful and draining, you don't feel like you're roleplaying of dungeoneering, you feel like you're doing accounting.
So far Myth is the one that's best balanced a streamlined and concise AI with deep gameplay options and a bit of actual exploration. Shame it's rulebook was an absolute disaster and the developers suffer from dissociative identity disorder.
>What is comical exaggeration
Pls don't derail with autism
They seem to be made of the same plastic as $1 store army men. You can try with one of those first.
Blatantly false exaggeration isn't comical; the two games are literally the same length.
Gloomhaven takes half a decade to set up.
Glaciers melt faster than you can manage and order all the fucking cards.
By the time you're done with one session and leave your basement Barron Trump will be running for his second term as POTUS.
You'll have to finish the campaign at the international space station because earth only has aproximatedly 500k years left before the sun becomes a white dwarf.
>user blatantly lies in an attempt to criticize a game, then autistically blows up when this is pointed out.
He's not the only one being autistic here, user
Got mine on saturday afternoon, only had a chance for a very hasty game without me getting all the rules right, because kids have no patience.
I like how different weapons give you different attack options, but it can get pretty slow if you don't get weapons anyone can use because you're only two players. Winged Knight was als to damn tanky becaue we had to roll really good just to do any damage at all.
One thing that really bothers me is the translation though, because there hardly is any.
Getting all the tokens and dice back in the box is also a pain, and the silver knight arrows are slightly bent.
I hope so. We need more shillposters to drive the postrate up. Too many marks freeposting their shitty unregistered opinions. It drives down the postrate and encourages genuine writers to shill elsewhere.
I haven't gotten mine yet, but I saw my status had changed from 'Answered' to 'Partially Shipped' at 4AM this morning, so hopefully it'll arrive this week.
I've been getting so impatient for it that I've been spending most of my time just watching unboxing videos and reading the forums for the board game.
>"guys, did you buy that game that can never translate well into tabletop shit?!"
Get out.
>its the "Dark Souks can't translate into tabletop" meme again
>shittier models
>implying KDM models look good
Sorry, I'd rather not have blatant fapbait in my games.
>tfw when florida
Still waiting for my copy, thought that D.C. would have been hub 1 but fuck me I guess.
>dark souls wouldn't translate to a ttrpg
>somehow means it won't translate to a board game
Dark Souls lore is shit "le dark souls rpg" would just be about tone rather than actually being set in the game world.
It would be super boring, Dark Souls is about pattern memorization and finger speed. Translated 1:1 to tabletop it'd be like dumbed down chess.
Thats why you dont translate it 1:1 its literally impossible to translate almost any vidya 1:1 to tabletop, also the board game does have pattern memorization.
I'm pretty sure you could make A Link to the Past in board game form since it's grid-based, the enemy AI is pretty much "touch that nigga" and puzzles are mostly physics, item collecting or fetch quests.
Was this thread ruined by the humorless autist or is the game really that bad?
It really is that bad. It's a horribly uninspired run forward and roll dice brainless dungeon crawler. Heavily luck based, very grindy, long, and with a game design that strongly encourages alpha players. I've watched two playthroughs that both played out the same way and reviewers are pretty much universally panning it.
The minis are nice, and that's about it as far as positive things go.
Yeah, the minis were 90% of why I backed it. I remember thinking, "When am I going to get a chance to get an Ornstein mini?"
>The minis are nice
And "nice" is pretty much as high in praise as they'll go, they're made of toy soldier plastic and lack texture or interesting detail as if they just took the in-game models and 3d printed them for the casting original.
Its a long-awaited game that heaps of people are excited for. Fuck off
Does anyone know if NZ is being counted as part of AUS for the release schedule? As much as my patriotism finds the concept distasteful, want muh game
Holy kek!
>people playing this gay casual shit
Grow up and play real roguelikes rather than games that cripple you and kill you randomly because "lol so hardcorr XD".
Secondly, pretty sure someone already made a tabletop homebrew of Dark Souls that was better than this. The shilling in here is so desperate it hurts, because even if you do like DS this game looks like complete garbage. If you want tabletops with a DS flair, there are already others out there like the Veeky Forums homebrew and other games.
There isn't one stand out trait that makes this game appeal to either group of people.
Why are you like this?
>muh homebrews
Shut up rat kid.
Prime them first.
Go check out the painting starter guides on the /wipg/ threads.
The Veeky Forums homebrew based on DS is better. Not only can you be more creative, but it allows for more versatility when playing. And it's free, and can be modified at your convenience.
From what I can see this offers nothing to board game fans because it's an uninspired cashgrab and clunky at best. And it sure won't appeal to DS fans who want to feel immersed in the world or like the style of play. And it won't appeal to the roguelike crowd because it's casual as fuck.
What does this game even offer besides a DS coat of paint? Nothing. Especially when you can name homebrew pen and paper games, other games with similar settings without this clunky play, better designed games, etc. It doesn't really fill a niche that people wanted or needed, and does not do it well. Hence why it's being panned.
Nobody said the game was good, I just called you out for the homebrew ass-kisser you are.
Did any of you guys happen to play Silvertower? If you did, how was it? How does it compare to the current dungeon crawlers?
I was thinking of buying it. I wanted Heroquest but I'm not willing to sell my kidney for it.
All I care about is the minis, how are they really?
I like the adventure card game more. Silver Tower is weird for me with how much you have to fiddle with the book, It's like you're trying to play a video game where you have to bring out the main menu every couple actions.
This game is the perfect example of what is wrong with gaming.
It is KDM, but stripped down to remove anything a normie might find "problematic" and with the most cancerous of meme games replacing it.
KD:M is not an inherently good game, you have to like that kind of shit and I don't mean the kinky stuff or the gory stuff, the flavor is irrelevant. As mentioned above, KD:M is a misery simulator and you have to like a specific kind of gameplay to enjoy it. Nobody in my playgroup wants to play it with me because I'm the only one that likes grinding with notorious RNG.
>come into thread
>oh boy I'm hyped time to talk about it
>shitflinging and >muh mechanics that aren't 1:1
It won't be perfect but nothing is. I just wanted to be happy about something but I'll just be happy about when I get my game and play alone like always
It's ok user. I'm here for you
Which class is your favorite user? I'll pretend he's you
A dungeon crawl has to have minis for me. Idk I'm just autistic like that.
Minis are nice and really detailed, they do feel cheap, however.
They're made of $1 Bucket toy soldier plastic.
Literally Happy Meal toys
Anyone who bought this got cucked hard, it's beautiful to behold exactly how much of a trainwreck this is
It's the Mighty No.9 of boardgames, 120 dollars for a "game" as in.depth as Zombies!!! and a bucket of happy meal toys
>as in.depth as Zombies!!!
Let's not say thing we may repent about later.
DS is shallow and mediocre but it's not literally cancer.
Fear not, my weary friend, Lonely Samson the herald will stay by your side. Just look for my brilliant summon sign. If you miss it, you must be blind. Ha hahaha...
Apparently mine was delivered a week ago. To my neighbours. No delivery slip left, no word from neighbours. Gonna need to do some investigating. Thanks, parcelforce.
How do you check to see your status? I don't think I ever got an official 'here it comes' email.