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Pact Magic Edition

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Previously on /5eg/...
What has your experience with warlocks been?

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>still hasn't changed the OP to include the new unearthed arcana

Can you please stop making the OP?

One of my players plays one.
I think he likes it.

>warlocks been?
Played a Pact of the Blade Hexblade so fun.

This a thousand times
>link by the way

>What has your experience with warlocks been?

powergamer faggots dip into it then get blindsided as I actually make their relationship with their patron relevant



Reposting from last thread because I could still use some input:

Our party has an ally, a vampire who's helping us kill off an army of undead cultists because they're causing trouble for him as well. We're approaching the final battle, and he's brought 25 or so vampire spawns and a handful of normal humans as well as himself in order to help fight the enemy army.

The enemy army is potentially about 10,000 strong with an undead dragon leader, we don't know yet how strong our own side is, but we have allies coming from three different cities as well as several mercenary groups.

Assuming the battle itself goes well, my character wants to betray the vampire and purge him and his forces from existence. This has far-reaching political ramifications if successful. The party will go along with whatever I suggest, because enough of them are anti-undead Good and the rest are roughly aligned with my political struggles.

The DM isn't really planning for it as far as we're aware because it would be really stupid for us to turn on the vampires... if we weren't thinking five steps ahead, which we are.

His lair is too far away from the battlefield for him to reach after being killed, so he had us bring him dirt from his grave so he could make a temporary lair nearer by. We're planning to locate it and either dump it in the river or pour holy water on it so he has nowhere to run if we do kill him.

Given there's up to 9 of us (it's a big party because of RL restrictions, we can't divide the table) and we're levels 5/6, if we can persuade at least some of our own forces to attack the vampires, how likely are we to win?

My Paladin, who worships one of the deities of the dead, granted her the power of light so as to better serve him and is an Undying Light warlock now. She's been hilariously OP so far with that Radiant Soul ability and Divine Favor.

I actually got forced into multiclassing into it to buy my soul back, the patron has been relevant throughout.

Someone else in the party is thinking of becoming a warlock to a fey we initially fought with, after we resolved the understanding.

Anyone looking for new players?

>What has your experience with warlocks been?

I only DM. They're my favorite class, but the one time a player picked one, all he did was eldritch blast. I kept wishing he'd do something more interesting with them (and he could have), but he didn't.

So I guess that's a problem. They've got a lot of non-intuitive options, and one really really really good intuitive option (eldritch blast), which leads to a lot of repetitive turns in combat.

What's an interesting class for a Dwarf while still being... Dwarfy?

>new ancestor barb
They somehow made it more boring. Bravo wizards.
>new bard
They removed ranged flourishes, and the cool "truthful question" flourish, which also removed most of the flavor. I can't believe the community could be this stupid, wanting such a watered down, boring as fuck option over something interesting. Also, let's be honest: the flourishes should have never used bardic inspiration dice in the first place. They should just be melee cantrips.

>They somehow made it more boring. Bravo wizards.
Care to explain? I personally dislike the level 10 changing but the rest seems rather solid and flavorful.

Try it and let us know how it goes

Were it my campaign, that would get you really, really dead.

Instead of being a powerful ability with serious tactical considerations (for example, do I run up to the guy we're chasing and slow him down, or do I run up to the guy chasing us and tank up, etc), it is now a powerful ability with almost no dual usage.

Paladin, cleric or barbarian

My main question is has this ally been evil? Are they actually an evil entity or person or are they trying to live with their curse and doing as little harm as possible?

Since we're on the subject of Warlocks, I recently hit level 2 Warlock and picked up the invocations Beast Speech and Eyes of the Runekeeper and was wondering how to effectively use and roleplay with these invocations? I'm not a clever person.

You guys.

Thanks, you guys.

They're my favorite class to play and are great to DM for. I wrote 14 new patron with invocations and familiars because I wanted more warlock options for my players.

Seriously, no class has as much flavor, style, plot-device power, or cool thematic abilities. I'm working on fixing that too, but warlock patrons were so easy to make.

The latter. But our party is pretty much neutral on average and falls on the side of "purge the undead".

In what way? And for what reason?

Doblecrossing an NPC is giving me a blank check for treason, and when you have a price on your head, as any vampire would make sure there was, you'd get ground down by constant ambushes of enemies comparable to the vampire, or worse, lesser enemies fucking all of your rests.

I'm okay with the barb. It seems simpler to use and still effective. The Blade Bard is not ready.

Oh so you're being lawful stupid in this sense because while he is an undead being he is potentially not by choice and trying to make the world better. For all purposes he is good and does good in the world but he has to die because reasons.

Do it I hope they slaughter you all and this is coming from a guy who normally runs paladins.

Player wants to wild magic sorc
1d10 instead of 1d20


I don't want an argument about melee sharpshooter because it's clearly not RAI but I've got another issue.

Under weapon proficiency it says "Proficiency with a weapon allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with that weapon".

Now everywhere I've seen has said that throwing a Greatsword or something counts as improvised and so it doesn't gain proficiency. Even thought proficiency says you put it on ANY attack you make with that weapon and nowhere under improvised does it say you don't, so there's no specific beats general rule here. The lack of proficiency only comes from not have "Beer bottle" or whatever listed on your proficiency.

So all along have I been able to throw my greatsword 20ft. to impale a bitch? I can't find a single rule that counters what I'm saying here and if someone could I'd like to know.

Most of the wild magic surges will come from Tides of Chaos. Raising it from 5% to 10% is nothing compared to that. Surges aren't bad.

You totally could. The people saying no are the same people who instinctively veto any cool thing you could do with a weapon, the same people responsible for the current implementation of champion fighters.

Are there any good character builder apps out there?

Personally I do an adjusted modifier, on a normal situation for just random rolling I do anything 5 or below.

If it's a somewhat stressful situation and the player is rping that it goes up to 10 or below.

Since their character is terrified of fire anytime they cast a fire based spell or someone casts it at them they make a wisdom save (DC10 cantrip, level 1-2, DC15 for higher) they fail the save they roll.

You talking about where to input character stats or just actually make a character for you?

>Using a weapon at range
>Doesn't have "Thrown" property

Either take the improvised rules or use your dexterity modifier.

>mfw Arcane Archer's Seeking Arrow

Can you show me where it points out I don't have my proficiency on throwing it? Specific beats general sure but there's no specific rule that says I don't.

Auto calculating character sheet with built in class progression and spell lists. Includes the playtest rules (not sure about the latest)


I'm kinda new to 5e so I'm looking to make my own character(s) from scratch, but with some guidance. In other words, I'm looking for an app that knows how many and what feats/spells/attributes/skills I can take or improve based on the level and character class I pick.

What he's saying is that it is an improvised attack and follows the rules, but there's nothing that says making an improvised attack with a weapon doesn't get your proficiency.

So it's an improvised attack, with 20/60 range but he still gets his proficiency mod because nothing in the rules says he doesn't. I think it comes down to it being an improvised weapon, but it's still a greatsword. He's proficient in greatswords.

Any class, just add alcoholism

From strength, in using ability scores
>You add your Strength modifier to your attack roll and your damage roll when attacking with a melee weapon such as a mace, a battleaxe, or a javelin.
>You use melee weapons to make melee attacks in hand-to-hand combat, and some of them can be thrown to make a ranged attack.

From Dexterity
>You add your Dexterity modifier to your attack roll and your damage roll when attacking with a ranged weapon, such as a sling or a longbow.
>You can also add your Dexterity modifier to your attack roll and your damage roll when attacking with a melee weapon that has the finesse property, such as a dagger or a rapier.

The Thrown Property, in Equipment
>If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon.
>For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.

It is acting as a ranged weapon, so Dex, and lacks Thrown, so you cannot use Str. Or, it is fully improvised.

Improvised count as simple weapons, so you could add your proficiency. GM rules the damage type, maybe a short ranged javelin?

There's a bit more to it than that.

Barbarian joined the party because undeath is abhorrent to him in all forms and he wanted to help us eradicate it. It doesn't make sense for him to suddenly be OK with working with vampires.

New cleric is a Life Cleric and is anti-undead by religion and design.

The wizard's girlfriend is a citizen of a city that's used as a blood bank by the ruling vampire, so wizard's a little wary of him.

In my case, the DM set up my backstory so I was betrayed by my vampire boss, who is in a centuries-old stalemate with this vampire. The vampire boss doesn't want him to come to harm because she would be blamed by his vampiric wife for his murder, and the stalemate would come to an end.

So clearly, my character, who has a revenge-heavy flaw, wants to kill him so the boss gets into difficulties, which would then lead into killing the boss and getting revenge on her himself.

It's not just "lawful stupid" - it's a combination of character design and careful politics.

There's also no chance of "treason" as the city helping us kill the vampires would be ordered to do so by the regent.

>there's no specific rule that says I don't.
Technically, you're looking for a rule that says you do, like "Proficiency wilh a weapon allows you lo add your
proficiency bonus lo lhe atlack roll for any attack you
make wilh lhat weapon. "

A patron is like an annoying little sister.

>What has your experience with warlocks been?
Played raven queen pact, pretty underwhelmed. Would rather be a cleric
Played fey pallylock, good fun being a hobo illusioning himself as a shining knight

So breaking your written plot results in enemies auto spawning and notoriously backstabbing undead all teaming up to fuck the party for daring to climb off the rails?

You, sir, are a SHIT DM.

Who's your patron? That's where you get your abilities from, you can use that to flavor your invocations

>Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg is akin to a club.
>At the GM’s option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her proficiency bonus.

Anyone proficient in great swords better be proficient in javelins.

So, proficiency on improvised, but a GM adjudicated damage type? The default damage is 1d4 bludgeoning and the default range offered is 20/60 ft but the GM could shift that.

Except it's not. It's an improvised melee weapon and an improvised throwing weapon because I'm throwing it. No where does my Greatsword become a Ranged weapon, it's a melee weapon making a ranged attack.

"An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet." means that anything improvised can be thrown as a throwing weapon.

So it's making a Ranged Attack, with a Melee Weapon, that's also Improvised Throwing Weapon.

I think this I might actually ask sageadvice about this one. I can see where you're coming from but I don't see anyway it specifically overwrites.

It's the Undying Light patron.

I use squire on Android, it has most of what you need items you might have to add but i haven't had a problem so far.

I also forgot to mention in that we made an agreement with the ally vampire that we would hand over as many of the enemy cultists alive as we could to him. He says it's to use for blood supplies as his spawns are starving, but he also converted previous cultists into spawn, so we're worried that if we don't kill him, he'll form a vampire army at least as dangerous as the undead one we face currently.

It was an abstraction, with the in formation I had at the time of that post, he was just murdering an influential ally, something that while interesting, does not warrant a fucking essay on vampire politics.

Well I agree throwing your sword gets proficieny here. Just that you're likely not very good at it.

So I'd say the 1d4 bludgeon seems right because chances are it'll smack them with the hilt or something. Plus with 1d4 using Strength it never overshadows throwing weapons.

Fucking vampire racist biggot. I hope you die in a fire.
I don't give a fuck that vampires in the past have been not nice to you. This one clearly being a bro.

"Niggers killed my cat and stole regularly from me, so I'm going to leap unto the starbucks employee nigger and stab him thirty times just because he's there"

And I fucking hate niggers. But fuck you more.

Need an "ignore vampire posters" image for this one, boss

As the "really dead" guy from before, you NEED the support, a vampire is bad news, but the spawn is what worries me. Kill him soon and good luck.

Our DM originally would roll 3d20 and if the wild sorc rolled any of those numbers he'd surge. He's now uped it to a single d20 roll, but anything within +/-3 of that number makes the sorc surge too. Our wild sorc uses a d10,000 chart for surge affects, but so far they've been pretty beneficial.

Hey /5eg/ when you have a new PC arrive into the campaign how does that character usually discuss their backstories? Does it ever come up in your games? How do you make it sound natural without it sounding forced or feel like an exposition dump to a random person you just met. When is it comfortable for your characters?

Campfires are always a good time for stories

Looks like world of darkness is leaking

>means that anything improvised can be thrown as a throwing weapon.

Nope, DM has the final say on what an improvised weapon can and can't do.

Mention to the DM that treating it as a 1d4+Str bludgeoning 20/60 thrown weapon is basically throwing a club at someone. It is the lowest die of damage and bad range.

Don't get too salty if they rule against you.

There is no reason to discuss backstory unprompted. Backstories are what the DM knows and hopefully weaves into the plot, giving reason for the PCs to reveal their lives to relative strangers

Makes sense.

In theory, the current plan is to put the vampires on the front lines to a) fight the undead army anyway and b) thin their numbers significantly.

We'll have to see how much support we can get outside that. Hard to say at this time.

>It's a monk but he's blindfolded

>I have no idea what I am doing by a guy using a very specialised, difficult, and useful tehnique

Wew lad.

>LvL6 cleric heals him.

Can anyone tell me who this Blue monster the party is fighting here is? I read the whole of the Tamoachan dungeon and have no clue who he is.

An ogre mage?

The problem I still see with this whole situation, to me anyway and I've had paladins who hate undead, is that this is a person who has agreed to work with you and has shown that he genuinely is good, at least from the information you've given.

By letting your own party's hatred of undead blind them and simply kill someone for being undead is foolish. Then again this all my personal opinion and based off my own experiences so if you truly feel this is the only course of action your characters would take then good luck.

I could understand some ramifications but that just sounds like you're a bad DM mad that the party did something you weren't expecting.

Check the filename, friendo.


>chances are it would smack them with the hilt.

You should reconsider how rotation works. Aiming he threw the sword like one throws a bat, the sword is equally likely to hit the enemy with the point father along the trajectory than the hilt, as the reverse. But also consider that there are a lot more points along the blade for the sword to hit than the hilt. Slashing damage is far more likely.

Then if he throws it like a javelin, there is no rotation, and piercing damage is certain.

And throwing a great sword would never overshadow throwing weapons. You can't typically stuff your breeches with greatswords like you can with knives or throwing axes. You can't have a quiver of greatswords like with javelins.

As a warlock player, THANK YOU. The warlock is not a "dip" class. It's a commitment.

user, if you're still here, my only question is how you'd pronounce this. Following the original pronunciations from both languages comes up with "SHEE-heim" which feels a bit awkward.

>You can't have a quiver of greatswords like with javelins.
Just want to point out, there's literally nothing stopping you as long as you have like 12 strength.

Everything else you say is right though.

>can't have a quiver of greatswords
Say that to my goliath tree ranger

mmm maybe an Oni is the closest thing I Can see but why is it not featured in the dungeon when its so prominent on the art cover?

That fear is understandable however I haven't believed in killing in any campaign just because we fear what might happen. Except that one where we ran an evil campaign.

However it's up to you and your party in the end, personally I'd argue against it because of my stated reasons. Mainly the evidence shown that he isn't some monster and is simply making what he can of the hand he is dealt. If you have far more information that points to more solid proof that he will become worse instead of using that power to better the land then God speed to you.

>I could understand some ramifications but that just sounds like you're a bad DM mad that the party did something you weren't expecting.

See for a brief explanation, and understand that it was kind of hard to convey the meaning I intended without exaggeration, and it seems that even then, it didn't work.
And this is a vampire with plot significance beyond what I knew at the time, not the murder by hobos of an ally because it has shinys.

>Roll stats (4d6 drop lowest)

I wonder what the statistical chances of that happening are.

I'm going to be the ultimate commoner.

My bad. I know what a Mordhau is though, thanks.

Their is a quiver that would let's you store pole arms in the center compartment, so technically yes you can

...I might need to talk to my DM about his homebrew Throwing Mastery works with an improvised throwing attack.

>The problem I still see with this whole situation, to me anyway and I've had paladins who hate undead, is that this is a person who has agreed to work with you and has shown that he genuinely is good, at least from the information you've given
You're making the assumption that his alignment is vital to these decisions.

It's politically convenient for my character to eliminate him, it's not a judgement upon him. The other characters specifically hate undead, not the guy in particular.

There's only two good-aligned characters in the party of 9, and one of them is the life cleric who hates undead. The rest of us are just happier with the super strong creature of darkness in the ground.

Ahh completely understandable then, it is slightly hard to give solid advice without all the information.

Ogre mage or Oni, named Xipe in the scenario.

The easiest ramification I can see from this is you betray and kill him, true you make life hard for others but now all undead know you will betray them when it's convenient, unless you can convince them otherwise. So instead of having an ally to leverage with to gain more standing and power you may have very well set yourself back several steps.

Page 82-83.

Perhaps. Currently, the undead we know of are:
>Him, who we're planning to kill
>My ex-boss, who stands to be attacked if he does, and whom I'm organising the group to kill indirectly immediately afterwards
>The ally's wife, who we're planning to stave off with lies and then kill to end the role of vampires in Waterdeep politics
>The entire army who are our central enemies

Remember that longswords work as heavy javelins when thrown over the shoulder!. They hit hard but don't fly very far.
While the posibility of a spawn army is worrying, wouldn't the vampire be useful against your X-bos?
If not, just try to use your support to occupy the spawn while you shank the vampire.
Do you have your trusty Sunblade™ in hand, right?

Also take into account how others might view this, even though they hate undead as well other nobles and such might see this as a red flag. Not saying it actually is but breaking your word can easily lead to ruin unless done near perfect.

Ogre mages were always oni. We just finally started using the term.

>wouldn't the vampire be useful against your X-bos?
We're planning to drop a mountain and the ocean on her afterwards, so she shouldn't be too much of a concern.

We don't have a sunblade, but if we can make the next session not be the battle, we'll have our wizard back with literally endless fireballs, because the DM made a bit of a miscalculation when it came to giving us potions that restore spell slots.

Not sure if we can string it out a whole session though. I really wish the wizard was still around next week.

I like the RP potential for patrons. I think it's a good angle to tackle for a patron sympathetic to the party's goals, while also clearly pursuing their own goals.

For instance, I'm playing with a fiend patron, and my overseer is an Erinyes who's taken a motherly interest in my tiefling warlock. It's made for some horribly disturbing and disturbingly erotic scenes


Nothing explicit. GM's down with, and so's the rest of the group. No problemo, friendarino :^)

Post the follow up

Carry on then, most times a DM does it it's by accident or in my case he thinks it'd annoy me. It didn't it