This is the best Space Marine Chapter.
Prove me wrong anons.
This is the best Space Marine Chapter
How the fuck are these guys Chaos Undivided and not sworn to Tzeentch?
first of all not chaos undivided, might not even chaos at all. Second not a chapter /thread
Why did you post an empty image, OP? Am I being trolled?
They betrayed humanity for bullshit reasons.
Did they tho?
He already has the TS, and I imagine the AL want to avoid mutation as it'll be a detriment to infiltration.
Cause they are loyalist
They're a legion
They are not a chapter.
There are no alpha legionnaires left.
Hydra does not Dominatus.
Go back to sleep.
It would ruin legion distribution. Two for Tzeentch and only one apiece for the others?
I guess you could always just sunder the Thousand Sons entirely and reinvent them as a Codex: Inquisition type force that's just used to add super-powered sorcerers into other legion forces. Say that while a plurality followed Magnus into the clutch of Tzeentch, the majority either fell into the service or another god or turned to mercenary work using whatever esoteric and malific rituals necessary to stave off the flesh change.
If I know correctly, they want Horus to win, because than he destroys Humanity and Chaos in the consequence. That is what the cabal said them, at least. But, here a question? Let us say the Imperium is gone, Eldar and Orks and Tau fight against each other on its ruins. Then the nids and crons appear. Who is the first to die, and I guess it wont be the nids, nor the crons.
Scooby-doo marines plz go
Someone please post the screen cap.
I'm on my phone
All chapters are shit until proven otherwise. You haven't proven otherwise, so they're shit.
chaos undecided is the only thing that can fit a legion with absolutely no overarching goals or ideologies
>Blood Angels
Try Alpha Legion, faggot.
>had TWO Primarchs, compared to everyone else' one
>still managed to lose BOTH to Dorn and Guilliman respectively
>is hated by both loyalists and traitors because Alpharius' boner for needless scheming results in the Alpha Legion needing weeks/months to accomplish what other legions can do in days
>has achieved so little in-universe their fandom has to fall back on memes like "t-they wanted to lose" and "t-that wasn't the real Alpharius!" in order to feel relevant
Worst traitor legion by far.
All you posted was a picture of a brick wall OP.
Easy. It's not a chapter, but a legion, therefore it can't be the best chapter.
Shit chapter that even backstab themselves.