Why don't the space elves get any love around here? Their fluff is pretty interesting
Eldar/ Dark Eldar/ Harlequin thread
Because nearly everything that is wrong with the Galaxy is their fault.
The only "love" is by waifufags that don't care about their lore and just masturbate to the unthreatening waifu-version they made up in their heads due to memes and fanfiction. The rest never leaves PURGE KNIFE YEARS DEUS VULT meme train.
Harlequins best Eldar, Cegorach should have taken the fight to Slaanesh, not that Ynnead thing.
I'm deeply sorry for that.
Oh yeah the Horus heresy, tyranids, and orks are entirely their fault. In depth lore analysis
Because everyone draws them as shorter than Space Marines, when they're usually as tall as or taller than them.
I don't think this is correct.
>nearly everything
But Cegorach was the one that told them that Ynnead would come fight Slaanesh.
Even he can take a joke too far.
They make poor waifus. Now Krieg girls on the other hand, those are proper waifus.
Krieg's fanbase has very odd conceptions of Kriegers.
Are fire dragons underrated? They sure are a bit one-note, but I like that they represent the destructive side of Khaine and the Eldar.
It is indeed correct. Eldar are Tall with a capital T.
Think of it like that one Mental Illness CYOA. The appeal isn't really in having the perfect woman, the appeal is having a broken woman that you can fix with time and effort.
>caring about 40k lore
I'm just gonna let you have your waifu and not say anything.
>caring about lore
Eldar get plenty of love as the Dev's favorite, the others not so much. On here they're hated because Eldar are OP as fuck and tend to act stupid at times
>and tend to act stupid at times
Like anybody else in this setting.
Okay. We'll be snuggling in the trenches if you need us.
Yes, I hoped you would post this.
>fixing broken women
i hate to break it to you but from personal experience, that doesn't happen
On the other end of the spectrum, I can tell you from personal experience that it does.
It's almost like human beings are complex entities that are difficult to accurate generalize.
Well, I wouldn't need to fix her so much as convince her to that it's okay to show emotion around me.
>not even a human thread
>not even a waifu thread
And yet here you are. Reclaiming the thread for the Eldar.
We probably never learn much more about the Exodites right? Now, that Yenos are getting pushed aside even more.
The only eldar i want. And it will never happen.
Well, all the factions need to space travel to be of importance. Also their tech is supposed to be rather primitive. At least to Eldar standards, don't really know it compares to average Imperium stuff, but Exodites seem to get fuckd by them until some craftworld arrives to save their asses. Also they are really inactive, passive, not a factor in the galaxy.
The problem is unlike Imperium, Tau and Orks. Their internal issued isnt as dystopian as say an Imperium farmer in an Agriworld or an Ork in an encampment. At least for Craftworld Eldar at least.
People love talking about how utterly dysfunctional the Imperial Guard is, taking the worst aspects of a military regime military and blending it
user, their souls are the most endangered of any of the other species souls.
>implying she has any emotion but distain towards you to show
I like dark eldar daggertails. Reminds me of prince of persia TTW
Yeah, fuck off, EVDF
yeah, but they're meant to be the jaded smart guy who sits in the corner rolling his eyes every time the rest of the races do something arsebackwards and ruin everything. this is undermined somewhat when they also start acting like total goons.
This is heresy, user.
Because elves are for fags, so space elves are for space fags.
>implying she'd ever have disdain for a fellow soldier and future martyr of the Imperium
>make a thread about space elves expecting it to delve into anti-elf shitposting, as it's been doing in the rule update threads
>instead the IGfags remind everyone that they're the worst people in 40k, after the Tau
They created a Chaos God.
New God= stronger Chaos.
Horus gets corrupt by Chaos.
Horus hits Emps
Injured Emps gets turned into magic light tower.
This attracts nids.
Orks and Eldar are just different strands of the same thing.
Please read the lore before posting.
Like women going back to abusive boyfriends. They think they can 'change' them.
I an feeling less sorry for Vance Stubbs getting krumped by Gorgutz.
Since this is the "serious" eldar thread, what is exactly the material their infantry armor? Because someone said that Wraithbone was only used on vehicules and Wraith constructs.
3/4 Chaos gods were created primarily by humans.
Outdated fluff. Chaos gods were result of Old Ones and Necron war.
Wait... what?
I mean, they were both creations of the Old Ones. Is that what you're saying?
Because Orks and Eldar are not biologically related. At all.
I'm pretty sure Eldar armor is made out of some variation of wraithbone.
If I remember right it's a kind of malleable substance that's psycho-reactive (like wraithbone). Meaning it can harden, soften, and flex to enhance the Eldar's capabilities, protect them, and still remain light and flexible.
Chaos was the result of the War in Heaven. The actual Chaos GODS didn't start developing until after the dawn of humanity.
Not that it really matters, since time's fucky in the Warp, and some influence of the Gods might have jumped back to before their actual awakenings.
What if one of the missing Primarchs had landed one a Craftworld? And, bear with me here, the Craftworld wasn't a huge bag of dicks and murdered him as a kid.
Surely, the pubescent primarch must have swimmed in xenos pussy.