Can a wizard be killed by a farmer with a shotgun, assuming neither has any prep time?
What about TWO farmers with shotguns?
>depends on-
>I prefer-
Stop. These are strict yes-or-no questions. Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting.
Can a wizard be killed by a farmer with a shotgun, assuming neither has any prep time?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, assuming the shotgun is pre-loaded.
Maybe, if the shotgun isn't loaded and its one farmer.
Probably, if there are two farmers with unloaded shotguns and the wizard doesn't use an AOE spell.
D&D rules and the like the farmer wins assuming its a level 1 farmer vs a level 1 wizards. You have at best 6-7 HP and im pretty certain a shotgun blast does more than that. In Harry Potter? Wizard assuming they have the faster reflexes otherwise the human wins again. Not sure about any other particular magic universes
Depends on the setting.
>>depends on-
>>I prefer-
>Stop. These are strict yes-or-no questions. Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting.
The only answer here is that you're stupid and your bait is weak.
>Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting.
You might as well be asking "Is there anything that can canonically beat power-man?" not realizing that in order to even answer the question you would have to break canon and introduce power man into the setting.
>Stop. These are strict yes-or-no questions. Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard
What a terrible post.
Obviously there's no catch all for all cases.
I could tell you the answer, but it's only true for spherical farmers and frictionless wizards in a vacuum.
Give me a catch-all answer. Yes or no. In every setting.
Veeky Forums has had threads like this since its conception.
There is no "Yes" or "No"
It's an invalid question.
You didn't specify the conditions, ergo yes or no is impossible. How powerful and skilled is the wizard? Is the shotgun loaded? Can the farmers miss? What spell is the wizard using against the two farmers?
Well, if you want to be like that.
No, and if the players disagree Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.
I like you.
Veeky Forums has had other kinds of shitposts from the beginning too, doesn't make it any less stupid
>Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting
Wait, so, if one setting has wizards that become immune to mundane weapons as they delve further into the arcane, and another setting has wizards that become more susceptible to mundane weapons, I still have to come up with an answer that's true for both?
Yes please
Depends on the Setting.
>Give me a single correct answer that's true for every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting.
That is a literal impossibility, you stupid fucking idiot.
A quantum answer, that holds all possibilities within itself, until it's applied to a certain setting and the waveform collapses into a correct answer.
Yes, a farmer could win every time, presuming no prep.
Oh man.
OP, please do these for other stupid "what-if" topics. I need to see more autists not getting the joke.
>Wizard casts Fireball/Lightning/something flammable and hot
>Farmers throw the shotgun shells at the Fireball
>Shotgun shells explode within the Fireball
Would this kill a wizard?
Oh, I see. You're a passive aggressive gobshite. Someone in another thread called you stupid for spouting "hurr depends on duh setting" like a mindless idiot and you just HAD to start your own thread to prove that you were right all along and the big meanies are dumb so there.
Fuck you. Fucking cunt.
shotgun wins because we still use them and jesus is dead
shotgun wins every time
>How powerful and skilled is the wizard?
As powerful and skilled as every conceivable wizard in every conceivable setting.
>Is the shotgun loaded?
It is every conceivable shotgun in every conceivable setting.
>Can the farmers miss?
Whatever the truth in every conceivable setting is.
>What spell is the wizard using against the two farmers?
He is using the spell that he is using.
I hope I can one day make internet autists this angry, this effortlessly.
now go to sleep
>It's shitposting but it's ironic so it's okay
user, what you fail to realize is two things.
One most people here probably think there is a good chance this person is purposely being obnoxious.
Two, there are people who will unironically post shit like this and expect answers.
yes he can
emphasis on can
depends who see's who first
So we're dealing with what amounts to the platonic ideals of "Wizard," "Shotgun," and "Farmer" and/or the amalgamation of all wizards, shotguns and farmers across all settings?
The archetypical wizard doesn't have passive defenses or the ability to instantaneously react, shotguns are archetypically fired within a range where they are effective, and the archetypical wizard does not have a means to treat a wound caused by being shot by a shotgun.
So yes, if you're dealing with the most generic versions of everything involved.
But that's not the same as "in every conceivable setting". That bit is stupid.
>>depends on-
>>I prefer-
>Stop. These are strict yes-or-no questions.
Fine, the answer is no. The farmers lose because the wizard has a shield spell to block their bullets and a means of dealing damage to them from afar.
it depends but generally no
Farmer loses because magic beats shotgun. Now go back to your corner faggot.
Probably the farmer(s). A shotgun is gonna do a lot of damage and even if the wizard got first in initiative he probably isn't good enough to cast a spell powerful enough to finish one, let alone both farmers before their move because he is hanging out with peasants instead of studying in his tower.
>A shotgun is gonna do a lot of damage and even if the wizard got first in initiative he probably isn't good enough to cast a spell powerful enough to finish one, let alone both farmers before their move because he is hanging out with peasants instead of studying in his tower.
What is "shield?"
>Give me a single correct answer that's true in every setting
Your thread is bad, and you should feel bad.
the wizards gonna wish he knew, because a wizard that even looks at a peasant can't cast more than prestidigitation
Justification: The requirement of "Can x" is met as long as there is even just one scenario where the intend result will occur, no matter how improbable. There's non-zero probability that farmer will get initiative and cause fatal harm to the wizard before the latter can react. This is the "winning national lottery three times in a row" type of can.
Shield is a first level spell user. It's also generally one of the first spells you learn because gaining a shield to block bullets with is pretty fucking useful.
the farmer knows counterspell
If they could cast counterspell, they wouldn't need a shotgun in the first place.
why waste your spellslots when you can just shoot 'em with the ol family scattergun?
Without prep time, Batman loses.
Because you're a sufficiently powerful wizard and your spells are magnitudes more powerful than a dinky pellet shooter that your grandfather bought off a drifter?
Anything can be killed by anything, assuming the relative velocities are sufficiently high, trajectories intersect, and the laws of physics as we are aware are the same.
So depends on the setting.
I think that's the best answer.
Depends on the wizard and the circumstances.
Let me elaborate.
Many wizards have permanent safety protocols running to prevent accidental death. You might argue that these count as being prepared.
Without these, the farmers can probably shoot and hit the wizard, leading to a victory for them.
If they are seperated by a mile or in the dark or something, the wizard has a better chance to cast his suckerpunch spell even if he has no wards running.
but the lowly wizard in front of him does not warrant the use of such spells. It's like asking a paladin why he doesn't divine smite his target dummy every hit.
And that scattergun was passed down for generations. It was smithed by the farmer's great great grandfather, one of the first and still one of the greatest gunsmiths in the land. Each generation of that family has seen it defend their farmstead multiple times from bloodthirsty bandits, wild beasts, and fearsome tax collectors.
Wizards GTFO of my yard !!!!
>implying old fashioned lead at high speed is any less dangerous to human flesh just because you can flick fire from your fingers
And what, a long sword is ok to kill a wizard with?
There are settings where wizards are invulnerable to non-magical attack. So no.
Then the answer is kys
This is high quality bait and I commend it.
There are settings where they aren't. So yes.
>but the lowly wizard in front of him does not warrant the use of such spells.
Oh, so now these two farmers are even better wizards than the wizard is?
>And what, a long sword is ok to kill a wizard with?
Well there's less chance of the wizard sending it back to you but we've moved the goalposts so much this entire discussion, who the fuck knows.
There are settings where shotguns don't exists. So no.
High tier wizards will immediately deploy an arcane shield/emergency teleportation procedure and the bullets will be rendered harmless, regardless of shotgun quantity.
Low tier wizards will get blown away.
Highest tier wizards were never there to begin with, you're just shooting at an illusion. The illusion promptly kills the farmer anyway.
>In every setting.
In my setting, wizards have a mystical aversion to buckshot. It just curves around them
Infinite monkeys and typewriter
If your question is about every conceivable setting, the answer is both yes and no
No, the shot would fly everywhere and be harmless
Go look up why guns have barrels
One farmer with a shotgun no
two yes.
Why? Because two have double the power!
I can canononically bat power man because I am not an overpowered fictional character. He only destroys those, but because power man is not a mary sue (what kind of faggot name is that for a man anyways) he doesn't win every pointless competition just to prove he's better than everyone else for no reason.
So I can beat him fairly at checkers or tic tac toe or something, as long as /tg isn't discussing who would win in that particular area.
J. K. Rowling says that Wizards are screwed vs guns.
Can we bling some of those back too?
kiss kiss
but he IS being purposefully obnoxious.
>Veeky Forums has had threads like this since its conception.
And since its conception, they've been cancer.
Just like you.
No; fuck no. A million farmers with a million shotguns couldn't kill the greenest wizzy.