All right, so all these boobplates and chainmail bikinis and revealing leather look really hot and get your sweaty neckbeard dicks hard, but why would any woman actually wear them?
All right...
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That is simple. They wouldn't.
Women dress like skimpy whores in public anyway so why not?
Yeah. They do it in real life all the time.
You'd be surprised how real female players make their characters. Just like guys want to be big, muscled, handsome heroes, girls want to be sexy, curvaceous, heroines. Strange but true.
Bikini of protection. The AC value is the equivalent of the heavy plate the others are wearing, obviously, yet far more comfortable.
I hate these threads. Literally nobody defends literal chainmail bikinis as legitimate armor. You're arguing against a group of people that simply do not exist.
Either their bikinis are magical and thus superior to fullplate, or they wouldn't wear them. Simple as that.
I thought neckbeards are REEEEEE-ing at them for not being realistic enough.
>Either their bikinis are magical and thus superior to fullplate
Then the question changes: why wear magical chainmail bikini instead of magical fullplate?
The answer is easy, it's the same as: would you wear a chainmail jockstrap.
Maybe they're both equivalent, and the character in question thinks the bikini is more comfortable, or that part of their character is to try and look sexy while they kill people. Armor throughout the ages has contained decorations that dramatically reduce its effectiveness just because people thought it looked better, it's even well possible that some people who preferred the chainmail bikini look would compromise their defense for their look. Though an optimizing player would pretty much always pick the full plate, so long as it was actually superior and not merely equivalent.
to get my sweat dick hard
Once again GURPS has you covered.
If I wasn't me and was a rugged, muscled, good looking fantasy character, sure.
If we're going that route women would most likely not even be on the battlefield in the first place, so why bother with armor at all?
>Once again GURPS adds extra unnecessary rules to a thing that didn't need them
You would be able to answer this question yourself if you ever spent any time around women
Because they find it appealing or wish to convey something in appearance, combined with the fact that they live in a setting where, for whatever reason, doing so does not significantly decrease their chances of survival.
Then there you go. You may die but you will look hella good while doing it.
>I wanna play a silly action campaign with hot assassin babes
Good thing gurps has me covered
Better question. Why do women wear bikinis at the beach instead of going full burkhini? How come they wear dresses with windows that lead to their cleavage, or short skirts when they could just wear full on burkas? It's almost as if some women aren't ashamed of their bodies. It's almost as if some women are the complete opposite of ashamed of their bodies, and in fact, proud.
Pic related. It's a person who you never would have thought to question why they're not wearing more clothes, because as much as you hate to admit it, the reason you're asking this question isn't coming from a forward thinking place, but rather, a very backwards one.
You could have done that anyway, if an arbitrary +1 on your stats was stopping you doing it you probably weren't gonna do it anyway.
Plus if everything in the setting is going to be half-naked then you might as well say all the bonuses cancel out and call it a day.
Not only would they, the female players I've had deliberately went out of their way to do so. It's a fantasy, wanting to look and feel sexy.
Actually, I regularly wondered why he wasn't wearing more in the films. All the places he went to looked cold as fuck.
Because the character is a narcissist? They wield magic protective armor against all threats and possible wields earth shattering magic, you must be fucking boring to play with.
Conan or your average bikini chainmail chick aren't exactly realistic, but that's not the point.
The point is that while Conan could've used more of a cuirass (or, hell, a jacket, as is saying)... he's still pretty damn comfortable. His clothing or lack of isn't impeding his movements.
Your average token fanservice girl is in fucking heels.
Make her nude, if anything.
Assuming they're both equal AC, maybe they're playing a swamp/desert/sea campaign and the DM likes trying to overheat everyone?
It's the most realistic thing that would happen in a world where adventure/dungeon-crawling is common place.
Attractive looking armor/gear will be crafted and bought since we're a social species. Who cares if a girl/guy can defeat a werewolf with sword if they don't look good while doing it.
Soldiers don't usually shoot peple in full formal dress, tough.
>platemail bikini with wristguards
>14 AC
>no strength minimum
>full dex bonus
>no casting limitations
>no stealth disadvantage
Actually sounds a little OP for like a rogue if you want to dip into fighter
Female knights would have eventually devolved into bikini knights anyway.
You cant stop them from being sluts.
>Your average token fanservice girl is in fucking heels.
So you're fine with chainkinis as long as they're in flats?
Actual answer: because the game, on a scale of Oregon Trail to Xena, is Xena.
Gurps is 3d6 roll under your stat, so a +1 in the right place can actually make a big difference. Also, if I remember right, an average character's baseline defense that works on everything (bullets included) is something like an 8, so going from an 8 to a 10 would actually be a huge deal, taking you from "probably not happening" to "about a coin flip."
No, they're bullshit. I was just enfatasing the most bullshit part.
Just underwear (or pants) and no bra would make way more sense, in comparision.
Everyone is a neckbeard so neckbeards can have very diverse opinions as a group
Not that guy, but yes. I can take a girl being so tough that a chainmail bikini is all she needs for protection, but god damn you if you try and adventure in high heels.
>Artist depicts two women in full body covering, with covered hair, discussing how women who expose their bodies should be put to death on principle
Sure is Islam in here....
>Actually, I regularly wondered why he wasn't wearing more in the films. All the places he went to looked cold as fuck.
Conan regularly wanders around icy wastes in nothing but a loincloth, some boots, and a cloak made from some unfortunate denizen of said icy wastes.
But they did you fucking retard.
They used to.
Because AC from armor stops mattering at high levels. Everything either hits touch or your saves.
>All the places he went to looked cold as fuck.
Muscle generates heat, only DYELs feel the cold.
In Japan they had the fucking dungeon miniskirt that honestly was perhaps even stupider.
I mean, jesus, I can see why Pirotess would like being sexy everywhere, but come on.
No, they didn't.
Not of his choice tough. Conan usually begins his stories in some deep shit.
Doing sports with no bra is hell for women with big breasts
>No, they didn't.
You do realize that triangular bikinis aren't at all like sport bras, right?
Exactly. That's not napoleonic age formal wear at all.
You could've at least tried and choose officiers.
Gotta love how the ones on the right are just as much the stuff of fantasy and fiction as the ones on the left.
Stay rekt tumblrcucks.
>just as much the stuff of fantasy and fiction
Maybe slightly less in that they're at least dressed appropriately.
women would never actually wear heavy armor to a fight, because women were never fucking knights. they weren't even footsoldiers. the only two things a woman did in an army was cooking and fucking.
Because they think it looks cool? Fun?
I had a character who wore a ballroom dress under her armour, a character who wore what ammounted to a giant safety cone, a character who whipped his shirt off whenever shit got serious, a character who wore only a thong and those big scale like arm-guards you see on gladiators, a skeleton who wore a larger skeleton as armour.
Thinking about why someone would do it in real life is stupid for most games, but I can think of a few. Ego would probably be the main reason. Supreme confidence. Another might be that they aren't proficient at moving in real armour. Maybe it's just fashionable.
appropriately for riding a horse into battle, not for dungeoncrawling
>Literally nobody defends literal chainmail bikinis as legitimate armor.
You haven't been on the Internet long.
A thin sheet of metal might help when you're fighting goblins but it's dead weight by the time you're wrestling dragons.
Women are too weak to wear the armour on the right. Even expecting them to fight with bows and shortswords in light clothing eliminates about 75% of them
Protip: the men in the show Vikings use steel replica swords, the women all have to use rubber prop swords just to be able to do multiple takes. Many of them are athletes, one is an mma fighter. Still too weak to swing a real sword all day.
"History" channel
It's a dress uniform you sperg
Pretty simple really: they'd be for the bodyguards of people who either don't really care about functionality all that much and just want to make their guards look cool OR they're playing 5 dimensional chess and the stupid outfits are meant to lull potential assassins into a false sense of security so they won't expect them to be able to resist well because they think they're just for decoration.
Also the celts fought with literally no clothes at all, and that really happened (allegedly).
Can you site references for that? Please? I would really like to have a reference for that.
If we're going to talk about "realism" then the female warriors on the right in OP's image aren't any more realistic then the one on the left, hows about we just leave realism aside and admit we're all playing silly games of pretend, okay? Unless you're into realism of course, but don't act like it's required.
To be fair that armor would be fine 1500s armor if not for some bizzarre curve at the waist ot the left one.
You know what else didn't happen?
People killing dragons in dungeons.
Why do you enjoy failure, user? It's a field uniform.
Pic related, that's a riding dress for gentlemen, not even formal. The differences are pretty damn explicit.
could be real
>Women are too weak to wear the armour on the right.
Armor on the right was far less clumsy and cumbesome than people think it was.
>didn't need them
Have you forgotten the OP already? OP asked for a reason, GURPs provided him with one. It's a silly one, okay, but so are chainmail bikinis.
>Women are too weak to wear the armour on the right
So are you, you fat slob.
Apparently that's not really true if you're thinking Julius Caesar's celts, but they used leather armour.
So you allow women to play the same games of fantasy and pretend as men, but you still want to dictate how they dress up?
For shame, OP.
Not really.
The -4 strength nonsense was proven to be only a -1 strength penalty according to the rules as written for encumbrance.
God forbid game mechanics should have some sort of relation to what the tone of the setting is.
>Plus if everything in the setting is going to be half-naked then you might as well say all the bonuses cancel out and call it a day.
But what if you're not half naked all the time, what if one of the party members disguises herself as a nun in full habit to infiltrate some evil cult and then WHAM whips it off to dramatically reveal her chainmail bikini outfit like they would in the sort of stupid cheesy action fantasy movies you're trying to emulate. In GURPS that would have an actual mechanical purpose!
*whips it off before combat
Ooo struck a nerve
Sincerely guys and gals we've had this same exact argument for years now.
>They're not realistic REEEE!
>You're taking away my fapbait? REEEE!
An extremely diverse group.
Yes, that is what happens when you make generalizations based on your singular opinion.
The headdress is a bit much but fix the dickplate and that would look rad
Hence why I added allegedly, just disregard that sentence then.
Gonna need some evidence to support that claim user.
>Apparently that's not really true if you're thinking Julius Caesar's celts, but they used leather armor.
You're correct in that "the Celts" is a meaningless categorizations since it describes peoples inhabiting regions from Ireland to Anatolia, across multiple time periods. BUT, the Celts of Julius Ceasar's time (Gauls, specifically) did not wear leather armor, or at least not in any significant quantity. Those who could afford metal armor wore metal body armor, and the majority unarmored, save for a shield. Some DID fight naked, as per the customs of specific warrior cults.
Heels are cumbersome is a meme. Women and trannies dance salsa and merengue in 6" heels and that shit takes more dexterity than shanking a thug.
Here you go
>Gross measures of body strength suggest that women are approximately 50-60% as strong as men in the upper body, and 60-70% as strong in the lower body.[37] One study of muscle strength in the elbows and knees—in 45 and older males and females—found the strength of females to range from 42 to 63% of male strength.[38]
At the very least they'd have to redesign the armour, you couldn't just stick a set of armour designed for fit, well-trained male knights and expect them to be able to move. There's a reason why they split the men and women's divisions in sports, when men get strong they get REALLY strong.
*just stick her in a set of armour
I'm no expert, but I tought historians now mostly think it was pretty much romans' bullshit.
Women soldiers, athletes or hikers, don't. Bizzarre, eh? It's like that when aesthitcal performance isn't really the matter they prefer not!
Why not ask a girl you know, if she thinks heels don't matter?
Soldiers and athletes are pussies that have to be coddled to perform, specially female ones.
Old ass cowboys with more whiskey than calcium on their bones hike the south-western canyons and north-western mountains wearing heeled boots.
"realism". is unreal.
No no, I already know about sexual dymorphism. I'm aware that men are stronger than women, anyone who argues against that is just huffing paint, I was hoping specifically for reference to where you learned about the different props they used.
Oh please of course that part's just rumored bullshit.
Not the same guy, I'd like to hear the source for that as well actually.
If you're retarded, I guess it is.
Well fuck you then.
I wear cowboy boots, raised heel and all, and they are pretty different from high heels. They are wider and shorter.
I'm not sure why you need to be reminded of the difference between bootheels and high heels, but cowboy boots have much lower heels than most high-heeled shoes.
In the original books he always webt with chainmail and the usual clothes of the region he was in. Bad argument user. He also was a skillful thief and quite stealthy when he wanted. He was a muscled rogue barbarian.
Yes and most non-japanese fantasy character art has heels on the high end of cowboy/riding boots unless they're slutty sorcerers or pin ups.
OP pic is a straw-woman, Red Sonja wears pirate boots.
That's unfair to compare islamic extremists to leftists user, it's not like they dress all in black, put on masks and go out and start violently attacking people who disagree with their political beliefs.
>Implying there isn't an appeal to stripping a woman out of her armor for hot, sweaty sex
Shiggydiggydingdongdaggot, I do declare I smell a faggot.
Because the people making magical armour are a bunch of horndogs
Heat dissipation