What is the worst permanent damage your PC have suffered during adventuring?
PC's getting scarred
Lost an arm
In a few games I'm currently in, one character has lost an arm, another has quite severe facial scarring, another is blind and has crippled arms.
Then again, it's a Wuxia game, so 'being a badass despite a disability' or having a notable disfigurement is pretty par for the course.
he died.
Watched as two soldiers of a not!Templar order killed a mother and child when they failed an intimidation then attacked their commander.
Wouldn't of happened if one PC had just stayed by the fuckers and kept fighting them.
Lost an eye.
We wanted to use critical hit charts and the DM said "Ok, but the bad guys will too, if that's how we're doing it."
First combat, I took an arrow to the eye.
So on one occasion GM has pulled out a random effects table, after my PC was torture tested by space Inquisitors. I got bald, developed fear of needles, got needle scars on whole body, became highly territorial and, last but not least, was declared as one of "sexual prowess"
He got all his face and part of his body burned. Almost no scars on the back, though.
Lost his lips, eyelids and nose.
And it took three different battles for it.
Lost my mind.
not permanent, but
>get dick cut off
>next encounter is a powerful wizard
>once it was obvious he was a wizard I immediately grapple him and tell him to fix my dick (character isn't smart)
>he tries to tell me hes an evil wizard, not a good wizard
>tell him I don't care, learn how to grow a dick back before I take all 1000lbs of me and sit it on your legs and stomach until you starve to death while I shit and piss on you from my dick stump (not all at once, but he thought I would move to go to the bathroom)
>party rogue reminds him that we have plenty of healing potions in case he starts feeling himself slip into the sweet release of death
>both of us get 15+ intimidation, and the DM adds +2 because of the situation
>he complies, I keep the grapple on him and carry him to where he says he thinks he has a scroll of regeneration
>finds it (dm fiat I'm sure, but that's probably true for most good stories)
>performs the ritual with an arrow tip touching his forehead (none of the other party members wanted to get too involved because they're wimps, but they're both male so they understood)
>DM tells me to roll a d20 and it comes up 15
>apparently it was a DC15 dick length check because it came back twice as long
>dick grows back and the wizard asks if he can g-
>thats as far as he got before the rogue loosed her arrow
>taken aback I ask the rogue why
>it was a backstory thing because that's how the DM is hooking us into the next campaign
>she doesn't want the party to know and asks me to lie that he made a move when I was distracted about my new extra big dick
>agree because the reasons she had for killing him
so that's how you make a wizard nervously rub a 1000lb gorillas dick stub for 2 minutes while on the verge of tears, then comply with breaking the geneva convention and bond with an orphan girl
About three different crippling curses.
Death of course. Otherwise a collection of scars, both mental and physical.
Someone post that cap of the guy who picked up DMing for a group after their last DM left and the party full of scars and fake/lost limbs.
In a world where instant regeneration magic exists, I'd totally cut my own dick off purely for the novelty. Purely to see what it feels like, what it looks like et cetera. Then I'd regrow a bigger, better dick and have someone cast gentle repose on my old dick and gift it to a lover.
Not my PC, but an NPC I was running. I decided to run a post-apocalyptic campaign for my group, taking place 10 years after. It was meant to be this really dark mysterious world, I got inspiration from a lot of strange creepy art I downloaded while listening to weird atmospheric music. They made their characters and started out in a small village built around a radio station, with winter approaching they had to journey across the barren fields to the distant city to look for medicine as people started to fall ill. They get there, jury-rig a plank across a gap in the bridge, fight some monsters then some bandits. They end up fighting a group of bandits that have taken over the hospital and end up fighting their leader, a twenty-year-old girl who they quickly defeat. Now, I had expected that they would either kill her, and that would be that; or that they would keep her alive, in which case she would beg for mercy and her storyline would progress further (she had power to speak to the gods, the mysterious beings from beyond, and there was a cult after her for her power). However one character just decided to grab a scalpel and sever her spinal cord while she was unconscious. He proceeded to roll like a 35 on his Healing check. So I said he was successful, and they proceeded to throw her in the back of a pickup truck and drive off. Later after they had finished off another battle, she finally woke up screaming, and that player then refused to play that campaign for almost 1 year. When we went back to it, they dragged her along in their wheelchair, ended up running into the cult, and the girl started making friends with one of the party members (not the one who crippled her). Finally, the character who did felt shame and handed her a folded up piece of paper saying he was sorry for what he did to her. They later defended her from the cult who wanted her, then brought her back to their village, where they learned she was dying from infection.
Burned face causing blindness in his left eye
I wish more of my players would try to get their character married. It gives them grounding in the world. I don't even use their spouses as adventure bait, I just like them having families like real cahracters.
Too many players have been burned by sadistic GM's when they made the mistake of having living family or getting attached to other NPCS/player characters.
To That GM any favored NPC, mentioned family members or even a pet dog are just there to be murdered/kidnapped/raped or some combination there of for cheap drama.
>yfw nobody should realistically be bald because you can just scalp yourself and regen a full head of hair
>unwilling cutfags dont have to be sad about being cut
>ingrown toenails?
>those little cuts you get around the sides of your nails where they hurt when you put your hands in your pockets?
>everything can be solved by cutting off the limb and getting someone to cast regenerate on you
Old folks can even be rejuvinated by cutting off their everything until they're the living version of Theseus' ship.
Player lost a hand hand but got a sweet hook.
Uses it really well 2bh, constantly interacting with the world using it. I think has he levels up though hes gonna start having a god damned collection of attatchments though
sounds like a cool way to run a necromancer in plain site, he just secretly cuts stuff off when it starts turning necrotic
>To That GM any favored NPC, mentioned family members or even a pet dog are just there to be murdered/kidnapped/raped or some combination there of for cheap drama.
Then quit the campaign. You are going to come up against his shitty GMing soon anyway, if he is that kind of person to do that.
>What is the worst permanent damage your PC have suffered during adventuring?
lost an entire leg.
>In a world where instant regeneration magic exists
Man, 3rd edition really fucked up the game.
Why not just savescum your way through a video game if you never want to be inconvenienced
honestly losing an arm is the only one thats stuck.
The party has basically become a bio medical research firm at this point, and they have the medical capacities to back it up. The only reason the arm hasnt been replaced yet is they had to throw on a robotic prosthetic in the field, and it would up damaging some nerves
I had a character that went from no implants or cloned parts at all to being a brain in a jar thanks to two bad rolls.
90% body is scars from 3rd degree burns, missing an eye and nose, both ears, 3 fingers on right hand, left arm removed at elbow, and right femur got effectively turned to powder. At least my junk is intact.
Was running the introductory module for Anima: Beyond Fantasy, where the players shipwreck on a tiny island controlled by a local small nobility. Secretly, he's evil and has spies everywhere, the entire island is under his control, and he himself is possessed by a shade of sorts.
Players frequently interacted with the local smith (not written in module) who was very friendly, and was the one who opened up the most regarding the truth of the island, though clearly reluctant. I figured for added effect, I'd kill him off, due to the whole spies-thing, to further fuel their growing hatred of the BBEG.
Well, one of the players was my new girlfriend, and she's the one who had gone back to the blacksmith multiple times. I was unaware how attached she got to characters, but she blamed herself for his death and ended up legitimately crying OOC that evening as a result. Woops.
DM ruled that I couldn't use dual florentine shortswords after saying I could. It ruined my whole build and I was scarred for the rest of my gaming career
Getting his head cut off and then reincarnated as a troglodyte of all things, if that counts.
In a Rogue Trader game, my Seneschal lost an arm, a leg, an ear, and most of one side of his face to a bomb someone failed to defuse properly. Luckily for his social life, he had already adopted the habit of wearing masks.
Over the first five sessions of an Only War campaign, my players suffered the following.
>Shot by about fifteen naval ratings causing the individual to all but turn into red mist.
>horrific burns over 25% of the body, resulting in irreparable nerve damage to the arm
>Spine shattered any grenade plus being incinerated to death when his flamethrower backpack exploded.
>leg blown off and body-wide burns when the squad's flamethrower operator blew up while standing next to him
>Ribcage virtually shattered by repeated shotgun blasts at close range resulting in a rib piercing a vital organ
>Head severed by heavy stubber fire incurred while breach-and-clearing a room.
Shattered ego.
Lost hope.
One of my bards owed a debt to a powerful crime boss. Unfortunately I got caught and he decided that he would mutilate his money out of me. Turns out the crime boss is a strong believer in "an eye for an eye", and also very literal.
Now I don't owe a debt, but I have to organize my wardrobe around an eyepatch.
Got his left arm shot off by a bolt pistol. The tech-priests only had a right cybernetic arm in stock. So he then got two right arms.
-14 toughness and 1 fate point permanent damage during a rogue trader session. That unless we count the ones that died...
Dunno if it count, but one of mine was rendered barren (among else) by a surge of black magic. Considering she planned to retire and raise a family at the end of the campaign, it has a significant impact over her character developpement. Some times after the party went into a quest to reverse that, it was pretty cool.
I played a lot, and lots of my characters got wounded, but one of them had it worst:
>Right arm cut off by another Throne Agent to save him from some kind of corrupting slime.
>Left half of the face burned to the bone due to bionic eye melting in the eyesocket. >Still win the boss fight, but the Inquisitor died in process, sacrificing himself (engaging ancient TS Sorcerer Lord in psychic duel, forcing him to drop his telekinetic shields)
>got 3 holes in his chest and abdomen after getting shot with hellguns.
>went for 5 days without sleep and food while getting away from Dark Mechanicum World filled with corrupted skiitarii, mutant servitors and daemon engines
>Pain-blocking implant was also broken.
>Alive only because of stims and sheer determintaion
>Escaped from 3 Swiftdeath Interceptors while piloting old and battered Arvus Lighter
>Finally made it to the docking bay of Inquisitor's ship and succumbed to his wounds.
It was a fun session and fun campaign.
Savage Worlds campaign. Had a character be incapacitated, fail the vigor roll, but be stabilized in time to avoid death.
Unfortunately a failed roll means you roll on the injury table (pic related), and it's permanent.
The above happened four times to him before I force-retired the character (suicide-bombed a boss enemy). By the end of it he was one eyed, peglegged, one armed and had no dick. Fucker just refused to die.
but if you cut off your own head and regenerate it, it's not you, you'll be dead.
One of my players was a druid, and during the course of the adventure he had a nasty habit of lossing limbs, replacing them with magical wood and so forth.
It got so bad that in the end he was just a head and a heart attached to this large magical wooden body.
Died in a horrible way to, was dragged into a lava pit after saving a dear friend, very heroic indeed.
Lost arm, lost leg, most of body covered in burnscars, nose blown off, head splattered all over group.
I had a Shadowrun PC suffer 3rd-degree burns and lose two legs and an arm, plus some additional brain damage because the GM hated me.
I totally deserved it
My half orc muscle bard lost an arm in his first adventure after jumping on a magical hand grenade to save some women and children.
He probably should have died (and I wouldn't have minded, it'd be a pretty badass death) but the DM didn't want to kill him off so early.
IK character, lost an arm and an eye. Eventually got mechanika replacements for both.
Arm got permanently replaced by a fucking live salamander.
Jesus, how did that happen?
Got an axe jammed in his face. Knocked him unconcious at the time though he managed to survive. Ended up with a massive scar across his face and some brain damage.
The bard got kneecapped and walked with a limp for the rest of the campaign. Another time a player lost his left arm and leg, but that campaign had regeneration magic, so it was resolved more swiftly than I'd have liked.
Was playing a morbidly obese food mage. Had to climb down a volcano to retrieve McGuffin for a trial. Party got attacked by a bunch of salamanders. The salamander tried to bite the food mage, so he sucesfully pushed his staff vertically into the salamander's mouth and it couldn't close it.
The salamander's jaw is a tough thing though, and it managed to break the staff in half, ripping off the mage's arm, as he didn't manage to remove it in time. As he lays there dying, the party's blood mage had a choice to save the mage's life, at the expense of another. Since the only other thing dead was a bunch of salamanders, he magically transfused the salamander blood into the food mage, healing him.
Next thing the food mage sees is that his arm is still there, but covered in cloth. It's also weirdly itchy. The arm regenarated, since the mage is part salamander. The arm also had a mouth, a pair of eyes, and was constantly hungry.
Later they became buddies, the mage and his arm. Both of them had a knack for cheese.
>spent a lot of xp to get my adept 40 fellowship
>next session character gets hit by a power crozius in face
>fellowship is 3
Went from weird to cute, i like it
>that Call of Cthulhu copypasta about the party throwing a byakhee fetus at each other and becoming retarded
one character in my group lost both an arm and a leg due to infection after fighting against a group of ghouls.
maybe he doesn't get his face corrupted?
or when he does he just carves it out instead of cutting his whole head off, which is pretty metal
He's half the man he used to be.
Survived three coup de graces in a row.
Now has a really impressive scar across her throat and a pair between her breasts where the motherfucker tried to stab her in the heart.
She's still around, he ain't.
Got set on fire by a dragon, then someone on accident poured lamp oil rather than water on me and I somehow managed to live. Couldn't really play him after that needless to say.
Was playing Edge of the Empire and my Wookiee player decided to try and throw back a thermal detonator that an imperial trooper through at them. They were in a small parts shop on tatooine and it was gonna be bad if it went off, the Wookiee PC picked it up to throw it and he failed and it went off in his hand. No more arm for the Wookiee after that.
Was almost turned into servitor, chains and ropes instead of painkillers. Lost left arm, part of spine and a lot of sanity. And that bastard heretek still alive.
If the fire inside you burned brighter than the fire outside you , you could have played him.
Quivering Palmed a god and lost the arm, no regens. Few months later I got a robot one though