I just really felt the need to share this. This is why roll20 is a meme at this point. Most games aren't this bad, but this is an example of a no go zone. Post more no go zones, so we show new people where not to play.
I just really felt the need to share this. This is why roll20 is a meme at this point. Most games aren't this bad, but this is an example of a no go zone. Post more no go zones, so we show new people where not to play.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow that's really awful. Fuck.
Anything that is advertised in /pfg/
Unless you're into that kind of thing, in which case more power to you
This reads like someone who has either never played/run a game before or someone who is taking the piss out of roll20.
I refused to think that someone is this dense without collapsing into a singularity.
The lack of self awareness makes me fear about how my fellows perceive me.
>you can call me sanguine im 16 years old (but very mature so dont worry :P)
This can't be serious. This has to be some kind of parody of how crappy roll20 is.
Non Roll-20'er here bumping for more insanity/idiocy.
>i changed the AC system ill tell you more about it if you get accepted but basically there is cloth ac metal ac and middle ac you need to average them and it depends on weather and moisture levels
>i changed the AC system ill tell you more about it if you get accepted but basically there is cloth ac metal ac and middle ac you need to average them and it depends on weather and moisture levels
This has to be performance art.
Are we sure they're not a rolemaster dev who's taken several blows to the head?
Holy fuck. It's so terrible, yet almost beautiful. This must be what a Sanity check feels like.
Cringy teen does something cringy, news at 11.
You swing a steel mace at a goblin!
AS: +87 vs DS: +51 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +61 = +128
... and hit for 14 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on the goblin's left arm.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Rolled 20 (1d20)
Might as well.
The DMG would have me ask for a DC 10 San save.
Hey now I stopped playing dwarf fortress years ago
I feel like Mythweavers doesn't get enough flak on here, it's just as fucking awful as Roll20. I once played a Mass Effect game where one of the players rolled up a 'male' Asari who had been genetically experimented on giving them 'super powerful biotics' and also a penis apparently. The GM thought it was the most fucking incredibly original idea he'd ever heard and wanked the guy off incessantly.
I just want to play a grizzled Krogan merc who mutters he's too old for this shit whenever they get in a firefight. Is that too much to ask?
Yes, because your idea is just as bad as the other guy's, only in the other direction. He went off and made the speshulest snowflake he could, you just copypasted the most generic shit you could find.
>DM is 16
>age (noone younger then 18 i dont get along with kids lol):
>can't spell persistent
>can spell pontificate, but uses it incorrectly
Fuck me whoever made this is a genius.
>male asari
Also why do DMs always jack off the worst players?
I'd take generic over cringe if we're talking extremes. At least generic usually ensures a solid base to work from.
>Generic, yet harmless concept in line with the lore is equally as bad as concept that disregards the lore entirely.
You're going to find those players everywhere you go, Mythweavers isn't special for that.
That said, you're only telling your side of the story. Maybe it was an eloquently written character and you're just sperging out because it disagrees with your headcanon and you didn't get the spotlight. Maybe it's just as shitty a character as you say, who knows. You do sound like yet another boring "I play human fighters exclusively and shit on everything else for being speshul snowflake" player though.
>favorite anime/character:
Well, Veeky Forums?
The only reason this didn't give me cancer is because 4chins already gave it to me.
The worst thing I found about Mythweavers is that they have a swear filter that can't be turned off. Even in private games. Apparently regardless of what kind of gaming you're running, the admins still want you to be aware of the chilluns that could (not) be watching.
I'm sorry, but I'm a big boy and sometimes I like to say 'fuck', and so do my characters.
>concept that disregards the lore entirely.
It doesn't, though. It specifically incorporates the fact that Asari are female only in order to make itself more speshul.
You may not like the way that it interacts with the lore, but it's certainly not disregarding it. Not that Mass Effect has worthwhile lore in the first place, but that's more an overarching issue than with this particular case of terrible characters.
>Oh, young DM, you can't give me cancer, I AM CANCER!
Guts, I like to use him and my isekai character of the season/month as 'inspiration' for my human male fighters of varying grizzledness, because who doesn't love being a murderhobo with a large sword and totally missing the point of the character and fetishizing a broken man's lashing out at the world?
Don't pretend you guys didn't do something this stupid when you were sixteen.
Well, probably less stupid, but some kind of stupid.
Asari are a female only race in the Mass Effect universe. Male Asari literally do not exist. That isn't head canon.
Pretty much t b h.
No. I wasn't even that edgy with my first character, despite it being very easy to go full edgelord.
Lelouch, Vash, or Sephiroth. Take your pick.
This seems like a person who just graduated from GaiaOnline.
Not really.
Stupid, but not this kind of stupid.
We played stereotypes and threw martials on catapults to the frontline.
Asari are an all female race, having a male one isn't just against my headcanon, it's against one of the most fundamental fucking parts of the lore. Combined with the super biotics shit it is literally textbook Sue bullshit.
Also, I'm not sure how you get the idea that I play exclusively human fighters from one character in one game, who was briefly described in one sentence. Sometimes it's nice to just relax and play a classic character concept.
Never realised the day that my favourite fucking anime could affect my application.
This is just so fucking awful.
First character I ever played was a scantily clad warrior woman chick who tried to blow up the town mayor for shits and giggles. It physically pains me to remember it.
I went whole horse and made a setting based on just shit i liked at the time.
it was pretty bad
OP here, I volunteered for this one myself just to see how bad it is.
What's wrong with /pfg/?
why do they all insist on half a hundred custom rules. surely if you find yourself with a dozen complex homebrew rules you should just play a different system.
I appreciate the guy who made a WH40RPG with 5e.
As soon as you claim to not be playing D&D you lost all your future players.
Because D&D 5e is popular, and they are to lazy to learn a new system.
Im not from this board, i come here becouse i find Veeky Forums to be a very confortable place to be at and out of respect i try not to post anything
That said, could someone explain to me what's wrong with what OP posted? It seemed like some generic and simple legend of zelda style adventure and it was obvious it was a teen that wrote it, but besides that i fail to see anything offensive about it
what about this ban list guys.
Get out, and legend of Zelda is trash. It's Japanese Tolkien.
yeah i guess its kinda hard to see if you don't play, but basically they do everything super wrong.
And I mean like painfully wrong
>doesn't get enough flak.
I will never not shit on this guy:
>legend of Zelda is trash
I didn't say it was good, just nothing to be upset about
>Get out
What is this person's problem with conjuration?
Honestly it's not that surprising to me either for a teenager, but if you saw a good application next to it, it would make a little more sense.
I posted a player asking to be a 12 year old girl prodigy wizard complete with edgy dead parent backgroun in a HotDQ game, and when I posted it here Veeky Forums said it was a normal character for FR. This is not the best place to poke fun a cringe.
What the fuck drives you to do this shit?
Those aren't that bad, if you have a bunch of people wanting to smash a car, and they buy a used car for that, it's their problem, they are doing it for fun and they know very well what they are aiming for.
Mostly, a teen with no self-awareness, if you want something more specific the forum has a point by point deconstruction.
Sensible, It's clear and says it's for setting reasons, so I can't say more with no context.
Veeky Forums at large likes poking fun at FR, we were messing with you.
I bet it was this guy: Apparently that dude is always trying to apply with the exact same child character in any game he can.
I don't know do you want the group listing? it was looking good till I got to this part.
What's so bad about him? I don't see any information on his account.
One of the first things you will learn about Veeky Forums is that there are quite a few people who get very upset when people are having fun the "wrong" way.
I don't understand banning eldritch knight but not arcane trickster.
>Banned Archetypes.
>Rogue: None
>Wizard: All
Fuck yeeeeeeah we in this shit senpai!
Yeah, it seems low magic.
Where is the campaign?
How the fuck do you use a word like erudite, but not use any kind of proper punctuation or spelling?
dude gather a group and then use roll20 to easily hold weekly games or whatever, don't just open a fucking game and invite strangers, roll20 is completely fine
it's the shit cesspool of players and awful people clogging up most sites that fuck it up
then again I guess most people don't have the benefit of vetted forums and long time friends to run games with
Read what the reasons why its stupid thing someone did.
Post is packed so full of red flags it's comical.
Biggest one is the 16 year old DM has never played the game before, but has somehow homebrewed new armor rules, and they're based on the weather.
Sesquipedalianism, the use of long words when is used when trying to sound "smarter" than you are.
Then fun thing is, explaining it falls in the same trap.
I feel like that word's mere existence is irony
Oh no dont get me wrong, I love roll20 and I join games with strangers. I just saw this and new how wrong it was and felt "I should share this with people as a way to show red flags" and thats how this thread started.
Eh, looks over-homebrewed and rather complicated but not too horrible. At least the GM knows how to capitalize letters.
Also, not only long, but "complex" words.
The point is, you are artificially trying to artificially smart. Like including irrelevant factoids in conversation
Search for the phobia of long words.
Fuck, there is a factoid
Its opposite is also ironic
But the American Civil War was strictly over the question of whether a state could secede. The leaders on both sides literally said this. Several states -seceded- over slavery (four clearly seceded for other reasons), but that's irrelevant to the question of what they were shooting each other over.
You forget that was most likely made by an American. An American who was only taught "yeah we had one civil war because of slaves."
> Several states -seceded- over slavery (four clearly seceded for other reasons), but that's irrelevant to the question of what they were shooting each other over.
It had relevance then.
The mount stupid is reserved for people who say, for example.
> Several states -seceded- over slavery (four clearly seceded for other reasons), but that's irrelevant to the question of what they were shooting each other over.
And can't follow through or say anything about it except for what Hitler Channel said.
I meant:
>But the American Civil War was strictly over the question of whether a state could secede.
I messed up a copy-paste. See kids? Using long words doesn't make you less of an idiot.
I did things equally as stupid, but I at least used spellcheck and understood the words I was using.
I cringe anytime I think about it. I wish the friends I had made RPing had been there in the beginning to save me the embarrassment.
Look at the character he plays.
This has to be a troll
>you can play as any class but you cant cast spells they are too powerful for mere mortals
>also no magic powers of any kind no magic healing only normal healing
But magic isn't real so anything is technically to powerful for mortals...
>even if you do something like rape
>we will be using the 5d6 drop the lowest die roll rules and you also get 4 bonus flex scores to put where you want
But in 5e max ability score is 20 and 5d6 drop the lowest averages to about 18. +2 from racials and that's 20. And that's before the 4 extras.
>critical failures that go from hitting you’re self to breaking weapon (even magic weapons)
>short rests are 5 hours and long rests are 5 days i think they needed to be longer and also 5 is an easy number so i think this will work better :)
>i changed the AC system
>persistant morality scale if you go all the way evil you will go to hell
Fuck. Every week I don't DM I am worse than this person.
> 16 year old made this
Yup, checks out. However some small part of me wants to get on the ride, turn my brain off and see where this hot mess takes us.
This was a full body cringe hooooly...
Homura did nothing wrong
>16 year old, but mature for their age.
>Thinking this is a good idea.
They need to choose ONE and stick with it.
I wrote shitty self aware bionicle fanfiction that I never took seriously. And started getting real into MtG.
So yeah, this beats that real bad.
This is like saying that WWII was strictly over who could possess Polish territory, and completely ignoring all of the factors which pushed things to the boiling point.
Whether states could secede was only a question because states wanted to secede to preserve slavery.
And they wanted to preserve slavery because they were agricultural economies who, when attempting to industrialize, were fucked over by Northern congressmen and business interests.
There's plenty of blame to go around, but pretending the Civil War was only about slavery, or that the Southern States were pure ebilz is the Dunning Kruger effect in action.
I tried writing a fantasy/comedy/romance story. I got about 40 pages in and even gave it to my English teacher to proof read.
Brunette master swordswoman
Tomboy master swordswoman with short grey hair and eyepatch
something something about a mystical magic music box
caravan destroyed, rescued by competent-but-not-as-masterclass-as-they-are good looking dude
Side story of emotionally sensitive young blonde masterclass general
General partners up with loli swordsgirl that is far more mature and collected than her age, also wields giant katana
Everyone has anime ninja movement
Even looking at this fills me with shame
>when attempting to industrialize
Honest question here. Why would the South have any interest in agricultural industrialization when they had an unlimited source of free labor?
Heavy Industry user, and the Cotton Gin was easier to operate with fewer laborers. Slaves were only 'free labor' in the sense that they only cost food, shelter, and the wages of overseers.
Reducing the number of slaves in your field while increasing or keeping the same output sound good? How about being able to build railways or manufacture stuff locally instead of having to buy stuff from distant northern manufactories?
The real question is why wouldn't the South have wanted to industrialize and achieve a, for then, modern economy?
The second two aren't too bad. The first is cringy though.
>The real question is why wouldn't the South have wanted to industrialize and achieve a, for then, modern economy?
Because the south was a Libertarian Paradise, with all the wealth going into the "right" pockets.
Everyone else was kept dirt-poor and uneducated, which came in super-handy when they needed mobs of cannon-fodder to "Preserve Our Way of Life".
I'm STILL kekking!
>if you do things there will be CONSEQUENCES
>but you can still do anything i wont stop you
>(even if you do
>something like rape) but yeah
How can the author of this fix his mistakes and make something good?
That is why you should do what many of us here do not.
GO out, go to bars, talk to strangers, make friends, form a large social circle, and have people who will inform you on how your behavior makes you look.
Better to look stoopid sooner and make better choices late.
10/10, would read.
Another strategy is to play a system that's not popular.
I imagine putting GURPS as your system would be a great filter for the kind of people like OP's link.
Granted, then you'd have the problem of having few players to play with, but what can you do.