/pfg/ Pathfinder General

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Trespassers from the Stars: Golorian is invaded by spess aliens! Are your party bad enough dudes to send those filthy xenos packing? except the sexy ones... they're cool.

Unified /pfg/ link repository: pastebin.com/hAfKSnWW

Current Playtests: pastebin.com/quSzkadj

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diamond dogs
meme games
page 6
transniggerotherkin iconics

We were on page 6.

There is a space game running now thats NOT blood and iron right?


P A G E 6
A G E 6 P
G E 6 P A
E 6 P A G
6 P A G E

do you mean raining blood and oil?

There's the Kobold Queen one too but I have no idea about it

I wonder what'd the thread be like if you filtered all of that.

Yeah its supposed to be some sort of treasure hunting planehopping space adventure with ships and portals and stuff. Seems cool to me.

I dont fucking care. pitch your bitch fit.

For anybody that missed them when they initially came out, there's a pair of large streams that go over what we know of Pathfinder thus far, that you can find here: pastebin.com/GLKBydzC

We also have confirmation from a Podcast called The Drift that weapon damage will be scaling, meaning your pea shooter your character took for sentimental reasons can become a powerhouse in its own right given enough time.

We also have the first of the Iconics' backstories - Navasi, the girl with the painfully generic backstory.

>bonbon isn't popular anymore


So who's getting into Overlewd
Wist, Wubu, and Protag presumably, they're even all available at the same time
Two more slots

wew lad
and he thinks he isn't cancer

I doubt wist can actually play.

bonbon isn't being raped presently so she's not a target right nowr

>page 6

Literally worse than kitsune.

I roll to rape

Why is this game so popular when 4e and 5e are out and both have objectively better number balance, more meaningful chargen choices, better math overall, larger playerbases, and less caster supremacy? I mean for fuck's sake, it's almost halfway through may 2017, and you are still playing a game that came out in 2000, based on extremely flawed assumption about game design, which was then re-designed by people who are even worse at game design.

Why is Pathfinder even still legal to sell? There's a law against selling shit like faulty brakes or poisoned food, isn't there? Then why isn't there a law against selling substandard RPGs with rules that are quite literally the wrong way to do things.

Punishing players for wanting to use a crossbow? Wrong.

Punishing players for playing a martial? Wrong.

Punishing player for playing a human? Wrong.

Punishing players for having a life outside of the game so that they can't spend 6 hours a night on char-op boards trying to make the perfect character in order to be able to survive a sytem full of trap options like Toughness and Fighter class? Wrong.

Well out of the already established alien species. which ones are invading?

Protag should change his name to start with W so we can call Overlewd WWW2

But fighters are pretty solid now.


But humans are one of the best races, if you're not retarded with your feat selection.

Does anyone have the LFG page for PLD
I never bothered to look at it and kind of want to see what the character apps were like

Why are you here?

>Wist, Wubu, and Protag


two sluts and a discord celeb



I want all the thots to get the fuck out. Every time we find out some player is a girl, /pfg/ becomes full of thirst lords. It's like a fucking desert.

Its like the saddest shit ever

i prefer a different sci fi series. yours is good, i just like mine better.

I mean
When the person playing a CORED girl happens to actually be a girl probably touching herself to it it's kind of lewd

Lots of people prefer having more choices. That is the main draw to pathfinder. Some people actually prefer how close it is to 3.5 but being better than 3.5. Plus 5th edition has barely anything out and is essentially baby's first rpg

Excuse me, are you saying being a lesbian communist is "generic?"

Don't think anything stops us from having both.

wildstar and starfinder will be very similar tonewise

Pathfinder is pretty balanced. Martial characters are plenty viable.

i like the way you think.

I'm saying a rich kid with a heart of gold runs away to see the world, finds it screwed up, falls in love, and goes on adventures is generic. Her being a Lesbian Communist is just Paizo.


It's still 3DPD, guys.

You do know sage isn't pronounced like that, right?

You'd have a point except I imagine her as an anime character.

>Punishing players for playing a human
Humans are literally one of the best races in the game, only eclipsed by obviously broken shit.

>Crossbow... Martials... Fighter
Crossbows fall under same Water Balloon problem (or whatever the fuck you want to call it) as throwing weapons of the developers being absolutely retarded cucks. Thankfully 3pp's and many groups realize that this is utterly moronic, but it's a long road to actually make them viable. People usually just give up caring because it's more work to houserule shit and convince groups that it actually NEEDS to change.

Martials being shit is something constantly bitched about, but is nigh impossible to fix because realismfags and mundanefags will have bitchfits the second anything fantastical is proposed. Fighters are actually in an okay place and are no longer completely invalidated by every other full BAB class, even if they still severely lack in many areas.

5th ed is also barebones, and its skill/saving throw system is completely retarded. I'm sure I would still have fun with it, but I'm leaving it for playing with my sister and her normie friends.

Does a bard take penalties for performance that require both hands like Strings if they're wearing something like a shield? Does their shield bonus still count while they're performing?

Buncha thirsty ass niggas tryna get their dick wet over online ttrpgs. s m h.

$25 I'll suck your dick before she will.

Is that a Dark Matter?

For what purpose?

No, they can perform without worrying about that shit

because they're just that good.

I don't want some random bitch to suck my dick though
I want my osananajimi to do it and I can just get up and ask her to if I want it now
Saying she's lewd is completely different from saying I want to lewd her.


>only 25
Why do you such low self esteem, my nigga?

I loved the Factotum.
The Factotum was the best (for suboptimal values of best) class in 3.5.

What's the closest I can get to being a Factotum in Pathfinder?

Did you know Steve Rogers has been made official HYDRA by Marvel? The only reason, the ONLY reason he isn't a card-carrying Nazi in his works past and present is because the Allies literally rewrote reality using the Cosmic Cube to make sure they won World War 2.

But the REAL Steve is out there, somewhere in the aether. All it takes is a flick of the wrist to bring him back.

You guys do realize you're replying to obvious bait left by WarframeAnon to keep his shitty thread afloat, right?

Dilettante, by Drop Dead Studios. Its straight up a port


No BJ is worth more than 40 bucks. He is just being fair


It's not like people are boycotting this thread so just let it happen

Martials are good at what they do. Tanking and dealing damage. Fighters are even able to do battlefield control and ranged damage. What exactly is the problem?

Sounds like you've never had a good succ

I thought he was Hydra because Red Skull used the Cube to rewrite him.

are you excited about Starfinder, /pfg/?

It was meant as a bet, but a man needs cash too sometimes i guess.

Then ask the najimi, faggot. Stop giving attention to these whores who just want (you)s and PMs.


yes that is where there are games like MQFEL being run right now. Because people are excited

Actually I am from the 5e general, and I also post in 4eg on the rare occasion it exists. Both are better games.


I got a good number of players enamored with Stellaris, so I'm sure I can port them over.

I'm also wondering how my wild and crazy characters might do in the setting.

My Queef Fell Every Linnorm?

Quite excited, yes.

>Why are you here?

Because playing Pathfinder ought to be against the law.

Why does that Houri have bombs strapped to her? What is this?

No, I said Wist / Wubu / Protag are going to get in because they're celebs and their apps aren't actually bad. Imagine if NamelessFairy applied too.

So you're a shill?

What makes crossbows and martials better in 5e?

Ok, so why are you here?

We like Pathfinder, we know its flawed, but there are things that attract us to the system regardless.

Why do you care that we have badwrongfun?

"reee people are liking the wrong thing, they should be put in jail"

>more meaningful chargen choices

He's probably a liberal in the /pol/ boogeyman sense of the word

Bounded accuracy memes where no matter how good you are you can fail at something, and will only be marginally better than an untrained peasant of course.


>concentration for every little thing
>literally one level 9 spell at level 20
no user

Remember, talking about ethnicities at all makes you /pol/!

Only so I can port back (hopefully not shit) tech weapons and power armor back to PF.

>Punishing player for playing a human? Wrong.

I feel bad for having read the obvious bait that far.

4e humans were more of the same. I.E. pretty broken due to extra feat and adaptable to any class.

5e humans are much weaker unless you are running variant, which DM can disallow. In which case they slightly stronger than PF humans only due to ability score.

I actually theorized there were going to be a fair amount of female players that apped to PLD, the man to woman ratio of those that enjoy rape fantasy is pretty even.

It's okay, he also likes 4E so he's certifiably retarded.

In one of my long-running weekly games, I tend to link picture references for whatever frilly, poofy dress my foxboy is currently wearing.

Since the session on March 17 (~11 weeks ago), my character has primarily been wearing the gown in the image to the left, replete with levitating energy-halos and copious jewelry. Granted, he has temporarily switched out of it on occasion.

Only now has it come to my attention that this is the selfsame default dress of Cashmere, one of the Puella Librum Daemonium characters. My character had begun to wear said gown even before Puella Librum Daemonium had finalized its player selection.

Furthermore, one of the Puella Librium Daemonium players happens to be my GM for the game in which my foxboy is wearing Cashmere's default outfit.

I now feel as though my character is wearing the tabletop equivalent of a cross-promotional DLC costume, one that had become available even before the other game had been released.

What's bounded accuracy?

Dex to damage, for one thing. In the case of crossbows. In the case of 5e, spells are actually made so that wizards can't push a button and do litrerally everything, while fighters can do literally nothing.

a 5e meme that prevents you from actually being good.

thanks 2hu

Oh god, who the hell cares?


We had a pretty interesting discussion last thread that didn't degenerate too quick.

Butt party for Starfinder!!

Yeah. Feats are better, because they do more and you don't have retarded feat taxes. Also playing a fighter lets you actually choose maneuvers to affect the fight, not shitty improved disarm that gets you 5% closer to being able to hit the enemy's 44 CMD. Oh shit, now instead of needing to roll a natural 20, you only need to roll a natural 20!!

>bounded accuracy
It's shit m8
I play fantasy ttrpgs to pretend to be Conan and Siegfried and Abe no Seimei
I want to steamroll a thousand and twelve redshirt mooks, end a threat that could obliterate a kingdom on its own, then grab the six princesses it was keeping holed up and fuck them raw on my magic carpet while I fly back to the King to report a successful extermination of the Lord of Slimes
Not get mobbed by two dozen commoners and get killed


Dex to damage makes zero sense

What meme game DLC do you want to see? I hope to see the RotJR Cameo Costumes, and the PLD new character DLC.

>dex to damage

Bolt Ace. Get Dex to damage and an increase to your crit modifier.

>We like Pathfinder, we know its flawed, but there are things that attract us to the system regardless.

Like what? The retarded furfag races? There is literally nothing good about Pathfinder, that another system does not do equally well, or just flat-out better. Unless what you want is to make pointless chargen choices that don't matter because wizards are still better and can do everything you can do and more with a single spell that they can cast 10 times a day and

eh it kind of makes sense if you think of it as aim