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everything after Rogue Trader is basically fan fiction edition

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First for the Dark Eldar! Long live Commorragh!

you fucker I've been refreshing and waiting to get 1st

Post cutehammer.

third for the omnissiah

>Tfw no cool looking Black Legion stuff
>Tfw Black Legion could be awesome but you remember that Abbadon is their leader
>Tfw Abbadon will never get a new model along with a Black Legion focused Chaos Space Marine box
>Tfw Black Legion, literal Sons of Horus, forever relegated to being forgotten lame faggots.

You believe that you are in youtube's comment section, or what ?! Damn Heretics.


This is Kyre. Great Autarch of Biel-Tan.

Say something nice about him.


Why the long face?

he's old which means pretty soon there's gonna be one less elf in the universe


>mfw Tyranids will raise again in 8th
>mfw they will still fail at cqc because of trigger happy, overwatching units
>mfw nothing will change

3rd edition is best edition.
Anyone that says otherwise has shit tastes

>constantly talking about how their race is dying out and their domain is being taken over by more populous inferior species

Are Eldar confirmed alt right?

According to the news, GW in the coming days will explore the Hadex anomaly and what's up with the Sautekh Necrons.

What are they going to reveal and how does this reflect on the T'au?

I'll actually be playing third edition guard against my friends third edition orks next week, any tips?

Gas the humans, race war no--oh wait.

Rulebook version or codex version?

r8 my edit.

gonna steal and post on ifunny/10

Besides tau, what faction has the best dakka?


>machinefags can't even count past 1

Do you reckon that Cadia was 40k's Reach?
I think it's funny drawing the similarities between the two universes.

Assembling a Razorback, thoughts on the turret?

I'm not sure what'll still be good in 8th, though ideally I want something for advancing up with a melta or possibly assault squad inside, if assaulting from transports works out.

Would Heavy Bolters be alright? I hear they're supposed to be a lot better now

Armageddon is more like 40ks Reach.

Hey, are we still fighting over if 8th edition is good or not?

all I know is he said he has a 3rd edition rulebook and 3rd edition ork codex and he told be to get the codex that looks like pic related,

You might want to wait for 8th before making your decision. Who knows what will happen to those gun profiles.

>Best Dakka
Who do you think

That's nice 1d4ddit.

Magnets are the real way to go

Cadia was the imperium's Harvest, the first loss of many

Remember when the Imperium had a world classification just for worlds dedicated to science?
I remember in best edition

On a side note I didn't remember my rulebook to being in Spanish.

Fair point. I suppose I could just leave it be. Maybe work on magnetizing it?

Yeah, that thought just occurred to me.

I had forgotten about Veeky Forums not understanding phones and the random autocorrect sneaking by.

Nice to see Veeky Forums is still behind the times.

There was a 4+ and 6++ invulnerable Troops you could do in that book if I recall correctly.

Back then massive blobs of guardamens with random heavy weapons and leman russ support was rather common.

>tfw cloud of 15 hellions will be viable
>flanked by raiders filled wyches
>Dark Lance Scourges fluttering around the back field

The time has come!

I think a lot of the people stoking the flames got banned/board
don't worry, this sint the last youll hear of butthurt

What do you mean with 40K's Reach?

Didn't Armageddon hold, though the conflict goes on?

Oh be careful back then Ork didn't had retarded looted vehicles so expect him to bring Basilisk

was that the edition with rending conscripts or am I gay?

I can't fucking wait.

Yes, but in terms of its strategic relevance and position to Earth it fits better than Cadia.

don't worry, that's why I'm bringing three, I heard the ordinance table wasn't forgiving, will have to speed read the codex since it arrives the night before we play

Rending as concept of today (wounding or doing extra damage on 6) was in 4th if memory serves me.


For some reason I suddenly want to taste ork dick.

>futurama ass girlsman face
>Zap Gulliman

Reminder that only Tau and Eldar, superior xenos lifeforms that they are, have both male and female infantry fighting alongside

The entire planet was forfeited by humanity in order to achieve an important goal.


Tyranids do it even better.

Every single Hormagaunt is a pregnant female.

You forgot Necrons

Why wait?

2nd nd is the correct edition IG codex.

Go back to your shitty planet, you lying xeno apologist scum.


>UNSC-fags still trying to justify reach wasn't a total and complete failure
>Imperium-fags still trying to justify cadia wasn't a total and complete failure
I guess you are right user, quite similar

MFW robin is still one of the lead designers


seriously? And then they eat you?


>ever since that Slaaneshi daemon crawled down sister Valaria's throat she's been much more friendly to her sisters

Just so I don't screw up base sizes or anything I'd like to reconfirm: the GW store says that Ahriman comes on a 50mm base, though someone has claimed (at least his disc) can fit on a 40mm base. I'd like to use his disc for an exalted I have, would it fit the 40mm base? Is it too large? Even though my friend and I don't worry about base sizes or anything too much, I don't really want to use too large a base or anything and would like to be more accurate in terms of sizes and such.

Shhhh. Forget it, only dreams, now.

They don't have time to eat you, they just eviscerate you, suck out some of your your body fluids to stay hydrated, and lay eggs in your dessicated corpse, then run off in an adrenalized frenzy to repeat the process until they are killed or die of exhaustion twitching and frothing while their own young eat their way out of their body.

I miss the days when Tyranid Warriors had beaks for dicks.

She was one of the best female characters I've seen in video games in decades.

how would you react if we find out he's the one leading the changes on 8th? What if it's fun?

>tfw you realize she probably died defending Cadia
>tfw you'll now never get a chance to bed down with no nonsense violet eyed qt

user, Reach was legitemately overwhelmed and lost, not sacrificed.
It's loss, however, predicated the beginning of the end of the Covenant War with the discovery of the Halo Arrays.
In that, yes, they are similar, but Halo humanity was going to lose, period, and damn near did any fucking way

Is this supposed to be a cute version of Sabathiel ?

>Dark Lance Scourges

I hadn't even thought of that being a thing. Really curious about what they do with mandrakes, their models are too cool to not use.

How do Tyranids even work? Do they literally just eat everything till they are so bloated they explode?

Shhh... No more tears

And everything is as it should be.

He's not, Pete Foley is.

It might be fun, but that will be thanks to the playtesters keeping the dev team in check.

If Tyranids suck again for a third time GW is going to have their heads spin when the collective wrath hits their social media. People constantly underestimate how huge the Tyranid portion of the 40k fanbase is, almost everyone who wants to play gribbly xenomorph aliens plays this game because no other games offer a similar themed Faction.

the mainline nids just murder you and leave your body strung across the battlefield, then rippers swarm over an eat everything until they are bloated and can barely move, then they drag themselves into digestion pools and throw themselves in

Just went out to the LGS and picked up a Razorwing and Wych squad for 50% off. Starting a DE collection over here. Besides the obvious (a Start Collecting, a Skysplinter box, and Scourges, the most beautiful unit in the army), what else should I be looking at picking up to get started? Aiming for the fastest-movers I can get, barring an eventual Talos or five for virtue of second most beautiful model, so jetbikes and Scourges are high on my priority list.

It will literally be like the hivemind was unleashed upon this world.Thousands of chattering voices


No. The combat organisms barely eat at all. They're just born with nutrients and then expected to die in a fight before starving matters.

Then big feeder organisms come along and hoover the resulting slurry, carrying it back towards capillary towers which takes all of the biomass back up to the hive ships in order to make even more tyranids.

Picture Nids as communism, they will eat up everything they had before it was installed in the country, then proceed to die in awesome and predicable way.

But don't worry it was not a true Nid so we will try again.

Ad mech, but the trick is getting that dakka in range and not being charged.

No, the whole "eating" thing is a misnomer. They only have certain specific organisms that are used for the actual feeding. Most of them literally don't eat at all, they're just killing machines that murderfuck anything that moves with horrible barbed venomous appendages until they collapse of exhaustion or starve to death. The more important ones, like synapse creatures, are fed on preprocessed nutrient gruel chewed up and digested for them by the dedicated feeder-organisms.

That would be some poetic justice.

10/10 edit, anonbro.


>tfw you're a bio major and the fact they are called "synapse creatures" messes with your autism a little because that makes no sense

Tyranids don't count

Difficult to say.

Ignoring that they're all soulless robots, off the top of my head I can't think of any that are described as women in the codex.

If there are any, then yes, the Xenos Empires Triumvirate are truly a best races, but I do think it's limited to Tau and Eldar insofar as officially co-ed forces.

You can't let a video game bail you out, nowhere are there lady soldiers in your codex.

Another month pass and we still haven't got a decent Sailor Moon Celestine and Sailor Jupiter Greyfax.

Not even a half assed fapfic

Trust me I know exactly what you mean.

It's derived from brain synapses but the confusion with Synapsids can be odd.

Which ones are the Rippers? Also how does the Swarmlord work if it all ends out digested? Does he throw himself into the pool too and get reborn?

>Tyranids don't count
Says you, faggot

True, but there are female soldiers miniatures.
Checkmate, contrarian.

In the IG? There mixed regiments, beside the only male and only female ones. It is basic IG lore since second

They just lack the models because human girls are gross acording to GW. Also they are not marines so they care even less.

Rippers are the very tiny ones that look like little snake worms.

Also, yes, that's what the Swarmlord does, and yes, it's as stupid as it sounds.

Tyranid players do our best to ignore the Swarmlord because it's a stupid concept that doesn't make any sense if you know how Tyranids work.

Rippers are the tiny worm-looking ones that cluster a bunch of models on one base, like necron scarabs.

The Swarmlord is complete and total fluffrape that shouldn't exist and every mention of him by GW is like a slap in the face, but yeah presumably that's how it would work if anything about him made sense.

I'm kind of fine with not having female models. GW is straight up incompetent when it comes to making a female face.