Can you butt chug a magic potion and still benefit from its effects?
Can you butt chug a magic potion and still benefit from its effects?
It reverses the effects.
What if someone drank the potion out of the butt chugger's butt, like they ate the chugger's ass after the potion was butt chugged?
Depends on the potion. I prefer potions that work on skin contact, so you apply them by throwing them at your friends in combat
Thinking about that makes me want to up chug my dinner
Possibly, but the real question is are rabbits evolving and learning how to ride snails?
Were the monks drunk?
Most of the time yes. The catholic church convinced them to give up both worldly possessions and sexual relations they didn't have anything else to do but drink.
Do you have to ask?
Sure, why not. I'd play with a dude that wanted to do that.
Some faggot on IRC told me to post here, so I did. Upvotes to the left.
You'd have to be drunk 90% of the time as the water would give you bugs
Of course, imagine having to live in a monastery or a church 24/7. Picture their boredom.
Partly, some of its symbolism with the time period.
What the fuck is happening here?
You can boil water and store it.
Well water is also potable.
And then there are clean river sources, providing you know no one is polluting it upstream.
potion felching is haram
You sweet summer child...
You can get drunk from your ass--faster absorption rate than regular drinking, even--so I'd say so.
>Can you butt chug a magic potion and still benefit from its effects?
Butt chugging.
This is probably the only thing that would get answered in our group through practice.
"So like.. Slick drank that health potion two fights ago. If he has to take a piss. Can I get a golden shower and get healed for half the amount?"
"No. Fuck off."
That is a shockingly accurate portrayal of a crow moot in my head.
Yes. Modern medicine uses suppositories for a reason.
I think the real question is if butt-chugging a potion of fire-breath would make it a potion of fire-fart?
Maybe it'll be a potion of fire-intestinal-problems
>the ol' dollar on a string trick
Was thinking more of the use of 'small beer' they'd drink daily when fresh water wasn't really in large quantities.
Plus being inebriated sort of takes the edge off being unwashed and life being often fairly shit
Well pills that are shoved up your ass that then have medicinal effects are a thing, so yes actually you could. Suppositories are actually quite effective and fast acting, soooooo yeah.
Let's be real here, they probably just knew some snooty ass noblewoman who had a bed for her dog.
What if someone butt chugged a potion of giant strength?
>Can you butt chug a magic potion and still benefit from its effects?
Yes, if anything it would work faster because the walls of your anus are directly linked to your blood stream.
This is why and how suppositories work: medicine stuffed right up your butt so it dissolves and enters your blood stream as quickly as possible.... People have also chugged alcohol through their anus and basically have gotten instantly drunk and or immediately poisoned themselves.
Traditionally, here in Spain, people chugged into theor butts hot water when they couldn't have a shit because of some intestinal irregularity.
I think that is what that pictire is despicting: a man who just want to have a shit.
That certainly explains his expression.
This is a disturbingly accurate description of government.
I want you to know that this post brought me more enjoyment than anything I've seen all week, and that's saying something.
I would allow it.
A bit tipsy. It really paid off in the relaxing of muscles. Numbed the pain of writing shit all day.
Veeky Forums being Veeky Forums.
>that was nearly 7 years ago
They take a giant sized dump.
>What I used to think
Medieval monks lived pure, sober and boring lives where they exclusively devoted themselves to God and swore off all worldly things.
>What it's actually like
Medieval monks were pre-modern frat boys who got drunk, drew the most retarded shit and decided the best ways to ward off Satan included vagina sculptures.
Well, least by the Tudor era they just said 'fuck it' and became rich as shit.
Only if it's an alcohol based tincture.
>when you bout to do battle with the nigga who's been eating your crops an your main ho grabs yo dick
Hahahaha WTF
Thanks for the belly laugh
I want you to know this post brought me more enjoyment than anything I've seen this week, but that's not really saying much since I'm depressed and it's only tuesday
i want that girl to lick my butthole like that
Same expression?
Sounds like my life but with more praying.
Recently talked about this with a medical student.
Answer is: YES.
In English we have a word for that. Enema.
Medieval monks were thugs, mobsters and proto-capitalists. A monastery was generally a commune that owned resources or means of production and raked in profits from exploiting them. You joined a monastery by investing your own money into it, effectively buying shares. And while the commune was nominally a religious one, I doubt that ever stopped anyone from doing whatever they wanted.
Man am I easily amused
I want to lick that girls butthole like that
Holy fuck, it's Robin Williams.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised.
A lot of monasteries were also breweries or meaderies, because, funnily enough, beer and mead sell well, because people like getting drunk, and the monasteries had to get money in some way, because charity doesn't always cost nothing.
Hell, there are monasteries which are still breweries today.
>Yes, if anything it would work faster because the walls of your anus are directly linked to your blood stream.
>implying that the stomach and intestines aren't vascular and linked to the blood stream.
Pretty sure the reason rectal administration works quicker then oral is because rectal bypasses the hepatic first pass effect.
>behold, Veeky Forums's herald
>Not entering your inventory and clicking 'drink potion' on a potion of explosions
Look at this scrub.
No, John. You are the snails.
I want to chug the potion out of her ass after she chugs it out of his.
How many butts would a butt chugger chug if a butt chugger chugged butts?
As many Squatches as a Sas could Sas if a Sasquatch could Squatch Sas.
A Butt Chugger would chugg all the butts a Butt Chugger could chug, if a Butt Chugger could chug butts.