/hhg/ Horus Heresy General

I was asked sub-edition
Perty is a good boy
RGbro tells us about Knight spam
There were lists, Wolves and Sons in the previous thread! >Step one, put the dick in the Boxnaught

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll

>HHG Discord


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First for Sanguinius' sword of triple wounds

Second for [REDACTED SECTION] legion.

Third for the return of RGbro. Maybe with some of the old hands back around, things will get better. Maybe even Scananon will return.

Ironic that he's the last to get any rules

Well, he isn't Khan.

Nth for somebody make a different bread

do not encourage threadwar faggotry

But this thread is cancer from the very start.

You're making it cancer. GTFO

Scananon is around, he was just flustered after some rando insulted him. It was a horrible thread

>first nyaa.se goes down
>then scanon abandons Veeky Forums

What are you working on tonight /hhg/?
I am working on my Shield Grey Slayers, finally got the second set of shields.

AFAIK he has not abandoned us.

>nyaa.se is gone
Excuse me, I've got some angry muttering to do.

what is nyaa.se?

nyaa is not the end of the world. It is a bloody headache though.

Pretty sure he's still here and just doesn't use his trip when he doesn't need to.

What're you up to /Hhg/? Any good games or plans for games soon?

This little friendo finishes up my current Custards list, so now it's just off to priming/painting and then things are good to go.

Also, anyone know if Retributor Armor Spray is bad for health or something? All the local stores have dropped it (including the GDubs one, so I dunno what's up) and the website says it's a hazardous product. I don't buy primers offline ever, so wtf is with it? Will I get sprAIDS to go with my Resin Cancer?

Different user, it's not that wearing ornamental armour is a sin. IMO being able to fight properly in that thing must mean the warrior is skilled.
I have no problem with angelic iconography for the BAs, but many seem to think their 40k codex made them blonde Space Wolves with "Blood" instead of "Wolf". Like the vampire boys to their werefags.
Luckily 30k BAs aren't like that. Yet.
They have Inferno pistols and Assault cannons only because they're red, that's the sole reason.

The Scananon never used a trip or a name. That's one of the big reasons he's still liked around here.

This. It would be real nice if PEOPLE DIDN'T USE TRIPS WHEN THEY DON'T NEED TO. But oh well, that's deeeefffiniittelllyy never a topic of conversation here.

Also, subtle. I dig it

Metallic spray paint has something in it that gets you high, a lot of paint sniffers use it.
Can't imagine it's all too healthy

>it gets you high

Wow. Good to know I've been using it wrong this whole time

Need to buy some black paint so that my Dark Angels stop looking like Space Wolves.

>The Scananon never used a trip or a name.
I thought he did when he was dumping pics or giving scanning related news? I could easily be wrong, though.

The BoP guide for Dangels is really good. Base Abaddon, edge everything eshin, detail edge dark reaper, sharp curve edge thunderhawk blue. desu makes them look better than Templars, the grey-blue makes for a much better contrast especially when you put lots of red checkers/symbols on.

Anyone got a mega library with all (or at least most) of the horus heresy audiobooks? The one I had previously died.

How do I attain this level of slaughter with my Black Shields?


A simpler time, an earlier time, a time of innocence now lost. We were all so young then. Before Angelus. Before AWG. Before the dark times. Before the curse of shitposting, primarchfagging and worse.

I did like how people began to call Primarchs "Numbered mistakes" for a while, though. And the Bearversor hungering for Tau flesh

le upboats to the left, 1d4ddit

Metallic sprays have hazardous chemicals in them like all spraypaints; they're probably being recalled to create new labels for them.

So, I've been contemplating some lore for my Night Lords chapter. My thoughts on them are a little scattered, but I have a basic summary cobbled together.

Thinking that they've long been strongly loyal to Curze and Sevatar, particularly the former's dedication to justice (or what they perceive, at least). They prize order above all else, and believe greatly in it being the epitome of civilization, and see order as the perfection of sapient life, maybe seeing Curze's rule of Nostramo as the model to follow: through the threats of absolute terror, order is achieved. When Curze went comatose and Sevatar scattered the fleets, they obeyed. The chapter opposed the Imperials for their general rejection of the Night Lords, and the Traitors for their submission to obviously erratic and heinous powers (even by their [somewhat hypocritical] standards).

Does this jive?

A simpler time? That image is from like, 3 months ago.

So, they believe in order through terror, is that what you're saying? If so, sure why not.
Hey, can you guys think of how to make yourself look spookier without wearing flayed skin and the like? Batman is supposed to be spooky and he wears none of that shit. He does act like a ninja with teatricality and deception, though.

Sounds good to me.

Nah man it's the rape faces, the rape faces are what make 'em scary.

Wait for the Curzefag's opinion. You get that, and you'll know you're on the right or wrong track.

Pretty sure she's asleep now, but I'll throw her user's way later.

That looks like a horny Severus Snape.
Though I'm a DG, so Fear doesn't really work on me.

That's what he's hoping for.

I wonder what his helmet looks like. I cannot take a man with long hair seriously.
Yes, the Lion also has long hair, but at least he does wear a helmet.

>I cannot take a man with long hair seriously.
u wot m8

>The Emperor being a mere man
user plz. He's glorious, but He's no man.
I wish he had a glorious helmet, though

Fuck off, Lorgar.

>I wonder what his helmet looks like.
It's mentioned several times as being "skull faced"

>Chaplain Curze

Now that's better.

With 8th coming up I'm thinking of getting a Calth box to do one of the renegade legions (Alpha Legion or Night Lords).
What's the fluffiest thing to add to it?

A Spartan with a bunch of sweaty Terminators inside it.

Drop pods.

Skulls and flayed skin

Oh, really? That surprises me.

Neither, because both are meme legions.
Any other of the traitor legions has better lore and less herp derp attached, even World Eaters.

I think all the primarchs had helmets, they just didn't usually wear them. Leman apparently had a wolf-skull helm.

Fuck off let him play what he wants.

Assault marines go well for both, esp legion-specific ones.


tom go home

>Alpha Legion
>Operates completely differently than the other legions, actually has interesting relations with other Primarchs, enough room in the lore to play around with
>World Eaters
>"Yeah we put nails in everyone's brains. I don't see how this could go wrong"

Well, better to stock up on Retributor for my Custodes, then. I only have half a can left and I dont want the base for my custodesto differ to wildly; my stormcast already have two different tones of silver due to the new leadbelcher sprays being a lot darker than the old one.

Also, can I ask you to take a close-up picture of those Adrathic Destructors? I am debating wheter to give my Achillus twin Infernus Incinerators or twin Adrathic Destructors and I can't decide based on stats and costs alone.

>That's one of the big reasons he's still liked around here.
Huh, and here was me thinking he was liked because he gave us glorious pristine scans.

>enough room in the lore to play around with
This account is a lie :^)

Don't be silly, user, no-one cares here about super-high quality scans of expensive books.

I think the Wolf Helm of Russ is a bit more than apparently.

After Coatl's force being done/victorious its time for a new project! What are you looking to start user's? I am rolling up a jump heavy RG recon force + a RG ZM force.

MECHANONS - something similar to pic attached as Ordinatus counts as?
Perhaps with large vulgates in the claws?
What to put where the head gun is?
Is it really too small to counts as Ordinatus? Mech-Whale-Forgemaster-user said it was 5" too small :(

repurposing some of my world eaters into loyalists and allying them with custodes for a 2500 point list. hopefully will have it fully painted by june. since 1/3 of it is already painted.

I like him because he's not rude like other anons and because he seems to carry a lot of guilt on his shoulders, which is something I dig.

fully painted is best painted user, godspeed

I wouldn't give a shit about the size difference, but the fact that the weapons don't match up at all is a total dealbreaker for me.
A Warhound or a Knight-Porphyrion would work better as a stat donor.

Giving this another try since last time I got a lot of neat ideas for fluff, but little practical advice: I got a box of tartaroi that I don't need as a unit, so I want to make a bunch of consuls from them. Which WE or TS consuls would benefit from tartaros armor? I already have a Primus Medicae in terminator armor for both legions, so that is covered.

Champions, forgelords, get a banner and do a command squad

Champions and Chaplins really seem to be the only thing worth looking at.
Everything else either can't take the armour, or is fairly pointless, like a forgelord

Not him, but are champions actually worth the investment? Whenever I see them Imthink to myself that a praetor does the same job way better and that other consul options can throw down nearly as hard while doing more for the overall army.

For some, they're alright as a bargain-bin unit. Thousand sons, Imperial Fists and Emperor's Children can use them well. But they are completely outclassed even with legion buffs

>the surviving 4th fellowship of the Thousand Sons show up during the Heresy in their original legion colours and request to fight alongside the loyalists
How do the they respond?

By opening fire on them.

Depends which Loyalists. Suspect most would say"welcome aboard, we could use the help", but I wouldn't be too surprised if the more anti-psyker Legions started shooting at them. Also depends on whether those Loyalists knew about what went down on Prospero in any detail yet.

Buying more ashtrays

Does FW or GW sell any beakies with plumes on them?

Ultrasmurfs would shoot them while they sleep, is not like they haven't done it before :^)

The space wolves Beakie has a pelt on it?

They're shit, pure shit. A legion champion with artificer armour is 95 points, a praetor is 100. For that extra 5 points the praetor gets +1W, +1A, +1Ld, and MotL. The champion gets master crafted, which is certainly nowhere near as good as an extra attack. The praetor has much better options as well, like a paragon blade or iron halo. The champion needs to be either significantly cheaper or significantly killier to make them worthwhile.

Guy with those short custodes bullock bikes here: Gonna play my first heresy game today.

2000 points involving everything I have built so far:

Tribune with no cyber familiar or digilasers

Achillus, spear and (because leftover points) dual Adrathic weapons

2 units of 3 basic spear dudes

6 man sentinel squad, one with Vexilla and power fist.

3 bikes




>not taking the tankbune
More like Cuckstodes.

Can you give me the exact equipment and point breakdown? I'll help you as best I can.

Decided that I wouldn't mind having a Legion army alongside my Mechanicum, and because daemony conversions look fun I've been leaning towards Word Bearers. Is there any must haves when playing them or listbuilding? They seem to get stuck with a giant pile of taxes to take anything good, and those badass Gal Vorbak lack their LA rules.

Night y'all

Ashen circle is a really cool unit and you can take them as troops choice if you run Zardu Layak. You should do a chaplain conversion too because you'll field him pretty often if you don't have Erebus

Pretty much just tribune, spear and shield on the shield captain, fist and banner on the 6 sentinels and spear and wrist guns on the Achillus. Everything else is stock for now.

If the Custodes Las-pulser is the same in 8th edition, that is to say a D3 shot lascannon, it’ll do 1-18 wounds, entirely at random.

Stop that, one of the reasons trips got so hated in the first place was a chunk of the bump limit would get taken up with inane bullshit chatter every thread:
>hiya [name]
>how's it going
>good, you?
>yeah, good
>off now guys
>night night
>hey it's [name] haven't seen you for a while
>hi [name]
>how's it going
>brb food
>what are you eating

You were clearly trying to fit in better, mainly posting about your projects or whatever, and now you're just falling back into cancerous habits. For shame, man.

Ok, Give Melta Bombs to the Tribune/Captain, put Extra Armor on all vehicles, and one Las Pulsar on the bikes. If you have the points run Arae Shrikes on the Tribune.

The only vehicle that can buy extra armour is the Caladius.

Which Primarch is this?

Pallas can buy it as well; it becomes 90 points a model because of it.


Isn't that the grandpa from Spy Kids 3?

Would the stats of the Voice of Terra work for Sagittarum bolters or would the range be too little?

All of those things look really cool and I want them. I was thinking of a couple Ashen Circle and Gal Vorbak squads jetting forward/deepstriking, and a backline of a couple dreads and Vindicators or maybe Rapier batteries with dudes casting buffs on them and maybe summoning a few daemons. Is that at all feasible? I seem to be up against a lot of melee Legions, so I'm worried that going in without dakka and Psychic Support is going to get my ass royally kicked.

the weapons don't line up? if i put the big cannon in the tail as in the picture i linked, and put vulkite culverins in the claws, then how would that be different from the ordinates?

If you take the RoW that allows you to take daemons as allies you have to keep in mind that you cannot take more than one heavy support choice. If you don't take daemons then the rest of ideas are perfectly viable. As a fellow Word Bearer bro I would suggest taking vindicators as they look really cool with lots of scripture and colchisian runes