>Peasant’s outfit
>1 sp
>2 lb.
This makes no sense
>Peasant’s outfit
>1 sp
>2 lb.
This makes no sense
Go weigh your day to day outfit and come back.
A pair of boxers, an XXXL tshirt and a fedora should weigh just about 2 pounds, I agree.
I came here hoping for a more titaliting thread, with discussion of human sexuality.
saliva aqp
For your information, I wear boxer-briefs, a 4XL tshirt, and a trilby
Common peasant clothes were mostly made by heavy\coarse wool fabrics. Cheap, warm, durable, perfect for any peasant spending most of his time in the field.
Nudist here.
I weighed my outfit, and found it's right at 0.00 lbs. With a cost of 0.00
Just thinking of that is choking my nads.
Why? I find them rather comfortable. The perfect blend of gonad support and freedom.
Same. Boxer-briefs GOAT male underwear.
haha wow you're hilarious
1sp is about what one drachma use to buy right? so approximately 25 dollars. a shirt at walmart is like 10, pants about 10, most peasantry used to go barefoot, which is why the us still has that no shirt no shoes thing in some of its restaurants, holdover from a lowkey way to keep out poor blacks, maybe a hat though for sun exposure issues. And light clothing weights about 2lb, not including shoes. Seems legit.
Not for me chaps. Not to say I have big genitals, average at best, but briefs choke the life out of them. I need to swing freely.
what nudist lives in an area wth internet?
What, are you saying a nudist can't have Wi-Fi? Or a phone or tablet? Wow, Nudistist much?
..........Los Angeles? Um... Yeah.
Your players aren't including their clothing in their weight calculation, are they Veeky Forums?
Punish them. They deserve it. They want it.
The civilized kind of course.
What doesn't make sense? Pic related. Just weighed it. About 2 pounds with the sabbots, and a little over 2 with leather turnshoes.
Before accessories and outerwear, of course.
Nudists tend to be "gotta get back to nature" hippies. Who would have no interest in wi-fi.
Overwhelming documentation to the opposite, if we're talking Europe. Shoes were important to the working class. Simple canvas shoes, rope sandals and various wooden shoes were all quite cheap and easily made via cottage industry. Leather was the pricier stuff.
Foot health and protection is incredibly important to the livelyhood of labourers. This is why exceptions to the rule is notable, such as in Ireland and other parts of the British Isles, where the local weather makes foot maladies more dangerous when wrapped in wet covers.
your mother that's how she makes her money!
But there are also nudists who aren't hippie-dippie tree huggers and just aren't ashamed of their bodies. There are also nudists who just like being naked because it feels good. You shouldn't assume all nudists live in the middle of nowhere and hate technology.
>Gropey "I have medieval peasant clothing laying around" the Clown
You forgot bits like the belt, perhaps clasps or buttons, as well as how most pre-modern clothing would distinctly lean towards heavy wools and long sleeves and pants, or even long tunics - pants are somewhat complex, at least compared to taking one large cloth and wrapping it around yourself properly.
You're welcome!
>There's an actual act of girding up one's loins
I thought it was a metaphor akin to 'grow a pair'.
Well I mean there's an actual act of growing a pair, too.
Its like wearing tighter underwear for sports, so keep them from shifting around.
Holy shit, user, do you think that words magically have meaning out of nothing? For fuck's sake, how deep is Marx's cock in your mouth?
I thought that's what 'girding' meant in the context.
>Secure your fucking balls where they ought to be and fight like a man.
Well, loin is like in loincloth, gird is somehow related to girdle...once you remember that a lot of ancient cultures wore kilts, togas or robes, it starts to make sense.
>Gropey "I still haven't made an imgur album or something for all my homemade porn because /s/ doesn't take my quality pictures anymore" the clown
O hey how's it going man? Life treating you well?
>Gropey "I still haven't made an imgur album or something for all my homemade porn because /s/ doesn't take my quality pictures anymore" the clown
Did I give you a clown girl, medieval lady or baroque lady kink?
>Life treating you well?
Eh. Working like crazy (TURN was back to filming at my museum). Wishing I could just buy some land and go be a self sufficient hermit with my lady for a while. Maintaining otherwise
Dumping peasants
>wearing male underwear
No i just want your porn. More specifically, your faun girl porn.
Well, it's good to hear from ye, as I'm just recovering from some illness and should be asleep, but I'm not.
>Did I give you a clown girl, medieval lady or baroque lady kink?
>Not wearing underclothes
You obviously live a sedentary, and inactive lifestyle.
Oh shit, whats your plague?
You're welcome!
Who said anything about not wearing underclothes?
>faun girl porn
As an user who's heard stories of mythical kinky deergirl hunting, I'm fascinated.
It was mostly just high fever and lots of mucus. Still hacking up a lot of mucus, but should be good to go back to work tomorrow.
Now gimme them faun girls.
Gropey once had a thread here that was to be migrated to /s/, only to discover that the standards on /s/ for image resolution and quality were beyond most of his pictures, rather unfortunately.
He still hasn't just made an imgur album.
>and a trilby
This still triggers me. I have a brother who ironically wore a trillby at one point in his life.
Granted, he was in the band, but he wore it outside of band too.
You don't get to wear a trillby unless you're a fucking reporter or perform with an instrument more complicated than a recorder.
For what it matters, I too am interested in the molesting jester's binder of fauns.
The vast majority of my gathered and home made pics are not of the massive minimum resolution that /s/ has. This goes for all the deviancy I have listed.
The only thing that doesn't make sense is the price.
An untrained hireling earns 1sp per day.
A poor meal costs 1sp per day.
Untrained hirelings (most peasants) would only be able to afford food. No clothes, no housing, no minor frivolties, nothing. I know peasants aren't rich, but they aren't fucking beggars.
The worst part is that he was able to post some pics, but not all. Fucking cocktease the clown.
Aye! Clown!
>that thing where whatever keeps us alive goes in a pot???
Not only is that literally bouillabaise, but now it's a delicacy people pay good money for. Meanwhile, in Victorian England, mostly the poor ate clams. A lot of "high class" food started out as peasant food.
D&D economy is fiat at best.
Sorry. Also, I know a clown named cocktease
Get into larping.
Yes, most of us know that.
You should really know what Veeky Forums stands for by now.
I know it's just some silly comics, but a peasant couple with a mute but expressive lady is rather cute.
Gimme them faun wimmen, clown
Don't you wish to aid this po' boy's recovery?
Hey Gropey, what was your reaction to the end of the Ringling Bros + Barnum and Bailey show?
I've been wondering if it was something you saw coming but haven't actually been in the same thread as you for months.
Poor stuff works its way up. Usually more in a 'we can't afford the rich stuff' way, or 'the poor stuff is getting rarer and therefore more valuable' way, but it keeps on happening.
If someone had told me that a Japanese dude throwing cloth into some mud to dye it brown would be worth thousands of dollars, I would've laughed. But what do you know, since there's only one guy left making it, that's how it is.
>Ringling Bros + Barnum and Bailey show
That made me said.
I saw them a few times growing it, it's a goddamn shame it closed shop.
Where do you keep the phone user?
Its early in the morning. Don't get your panties in a twist.
This is a peasant thread.
You will get peasant girls. In 1sp worth of clothes, and may or may not be the daughter of a baker.
Being a RB&BB grad, I got free tickets and went to three shows. The shows have been declining in quality for years anyways, but the last few shows were good. The circus and traveling show as a mainstream entertainment industry was circling the drain for years, hence why myself and many others focused on the counterculture/art scene that is propping it up now.
I did not know that
So who trains new clowns now? Is it an apprenticeship of independent clowns sort of thing without the big circus training newcomers?
It's also matter of region where you live. In mainland clams and seafood is expensive, because it's fucking hassle transport it there, while on coastal regions it's cheap as fuck. Or in warm regions, you can always get oranges, but they was a symbols of opulence in North.
Kale, user.
Kale used to be poor black southerners food.
Now it costs how much a pound because some white west coast fucktard found out, yes, not only is it delicious, it is outrageously healthy for you.
>But there are also nudists who aren't hippie-dippie tree huggers
Are you alluding to the Nazi nudists?
Now you do. LEARNING!
The colonist of North America actually perpetrated war crimes by feeding British troops lobster more than three times a week.
No clue. Most clowns go to Canada, Brazil or Europe to train. RB&BB closed the college the year after I graduated, and hired a bunch of east Euro clowns to cut costs.
Believe it or not, but there is a clown colleges. Being a clown is a serious business. They are rare though.
>The colonist of North America actually perpetrated war crimes by feeding British troops lobster more than three times a week.
Well, when it's the only thing you eat.
I love crab, but sadly, I've only had glimpses into the excellence of lobster. The one time I went to Red Lobster as a kid it tasted totally like seawater.
Having lived in Nova Scotia and Massachusetts, im picky about my lobster.
>dat file name
>dat classy edit
Is that one of your personal pics, clownbro? Good fucking job mate!
closer to "roll up your shirt sleeves" in that it implies preparation to buckle down and do "man's work" that you can't do hindered by dainty pieces of cloth in the way.
>Red Lobster
That's more like the shitty fast food version. Doesn't really count unless it's fresh from the atlantic.
>Don't get your panties in a twist.
Someone, quick start the faun/clown thread! I'm interested!
>Gropey once had a thread here that was to be migrated to /s/, only to discover that the standards on /s/ for image resolution and quality were beyond most of his pictures, rather unfortunately.
That's a damn shame. It's always a sad day when niche porn becomes more niche.
This is why most people, ya know, learn a skill. So that they are TRAINED hirelings.
also, in 5th is specifies that "poor accommodations" or whatever it is that costs 1sp includes housing in addition to food.
Yup. Its good to play the noble.
Nah, I am heading to bed.
>Doesn't really count unless it's fresh from the atlantic.
The really good stuff is consumed before it even leaves the Atlantic. Eating it on the boat!
The real madmen try to consume cooked lobster while it's still underwater. It cannot be done!
Gropey, you monster! Why won't you aid the plight of this rare deepwater jew in his search for faun porn? It's so hard to find.
How do you fucking do it. I bought some recently and they ride up like motherfuckers. The constricting isn't too much of an issue unless I get an erection because I'm a grower, but if I do the pain in my dick causes me to wanna die.
>Came here to troll
>Suddenly involved in discussions of clown and faun porn and wiking the Bundschuh movement and German peasant rebellions.
This is how Veeky Forums should be.
>consuming anything other than alcohol while on a boat
>discussions of faun porn
>but not linking said porn
It's horrible, being a blue board.
Why is it that that specific kind of outfit is particularly appealing to me?
Like any kind of plain cloth just tied around the body.
Also to reply to OPs question
Those outfits were often made of heavy cotton or wool, and seriously go weight your clothing, it probably weighs around 2lbs.
As for cost, I know it should be cheaper
>Dat pic
Is there more?
Is the thing at the top a cap or underwear?
What did he play? I knew this guy in my high school band class who wore a trilby everywhere, but he damn well deserved it. The level of class he exuded while playing an instrument more than made up for it. The guy's senior project was this haunting piano refrain he spent months perfecting, it was beautiful. I sometimes wish I could hear it again.
If only he would have worn something other than a tee shirt and blue jeans every once in a while, he might have actually gotten laid.
Bass guitar.
It's acceptable to eat food on a boat, but only if it was cooked in alcohol.
That's not a peasant's outfit retard. Serfs typically wore
>underwear, possibly some kind of bra support if female (even if rags wrapped)
>hosen, thick wool stockings affixed to a belt
>a thin linen shirt of some variety
>a wool shirt
>possibly some kind of coat or an additional layer of clothing for a dress if a woman
>some kind of hat to protect against the sun
Bull fucking shit you tell me that doesn't weigh two pounds, if not five. Just my jeans alone weigh around a pound.