Realism/semi-realism art thread rides again
Realism/semi-realism art thread rides again
Anyone have any Indian arms & armor?
>Indian arms
Indian arms certainly push the limits of realism. As for armor I have obvious Osprey Mughal series, not much for the older periods.
How much is there on pre-islamic arabia? Doesn't even have to be soldiers just regular people
I have some things from the Chicago Art institute. My phone camera is not the best quality so sorry in advance
Here's a jouster
That would be great
Stupid phone
This was a tournament game where two men stood on opposite sides of a barrier and each had a sort of pike, and had to push the other one back or knock him over
It's not art, but this book is probably the best resource on pre-islamic arabia.
Also checkout the unit pages for the Sab'yn (Saba/Sheba) and the HalMalkut HaNabati (Nabateans, who built Petra) factions for EB.
Like in gladiators?
You can get books from here but be wary, they aren't very accurate.
That's all
Anyone got any stuff on Islamic Spain? Something that seems to get left out of fiction a lot, I've found.
Pic quasi-related.
This image comes up in painting threads on a certain other board occasionally.
The story behind it is there's a Russian knight, who has to choose whether to kill some terrifying Mongolian snake man thing or not. That's him at the crossroads, deciding whether to go to probable death
Someone last thread asked if I drew this and yes I did
Does anyone have that mace with the words please reconsider written on it
eat shit
Workin on this little combo.
Here's a question: do you prefer historical games, or do you like to include heavy historical themes into your fantasy?
Me, I think there's a lot of things about history that never get properly explored in fantasy, and having some depth to it even if it's only loosely related to the real world is important.
The latter, otherwise there are a lot of spoilers.
Not like every history game would revolve around big, well known events. Could turn into alternative history.
Oh really?
BTW, is this thread limited to a theme beyond realism/semi-realism?
>How do scabbards work
>is this taunt string dangerous to my hands