Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

all the American shitposters are now up edition

>Duncan does dank

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW FAQs.

>8th edition FAQ:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>List organizer picture book

>Offline list builder

>Forge World Book Index:

>I play Chaos Space Marines


That is all

American as in USAfags?

Because I'm American but not from the USA.

Also Dark Angels are just a gay joke

this shitpost could maybe squeeze a few more drops out if someone shooped nork dedog's face on the dude and a SoB's on the chick

failing to see what chaos did wrong desu

>a fucking leaf

he could also be mexican, or from one of many countries in south america

>a fucking spic

>failing to see what chaos did wrong desu

1st for "We told Gav the Emperor wanted him to lie on the floor and the madman did it"

>Just Canada and the USA
>Missing more than 1/3 of the continent

Nice basic education you got there. What next? Math is hard ?

>I play Space Marines

>t. third world shithole

>implying the non-white countries are even worth mentioning

France? Or you mean the rest of the west getting overrun by sand terrorist?

Also thanks for ruining the thread from the start with your retarded posting

I didn't know they sold warhammer to subhumans

You're either american, canadian, or some kind of sub human animal
Thats it

>8th rules are going to be 12 pages
>units will have their own movement and a bunch of other autistic shit to remember

oh god what the fuck are they doing. if they're actually streamlining it and the rules are only 12 pages, then the individual unit rules are going to be generic as fuck and dumbed down too since it would be counterproductive to streamline the rules but then make the units complex. which means 40k has literally no complexity now, they went from one extreme to another.

they literally did it. they elder scrolls'd warhammer 40k. god fucking dammit. this shit is officially a kiddie game for CoD tier retards.

Europe has warhammer hell they made it. I don't see your point.

I sure am glad people are talking about 40K in this general,for a moment there I was sure it was going to become a thread entirely devoted to /pol/flake shitposting.

Legit feel bad that someone is that pathetic on the inside and out

Age of Sigmar has 4 pages, effectively 2.

This makes 40k 6 times as complex as Age of Sigmar.

There's a lot of potential in 12 pages, I'm giving it a chance.

Really not happy about armor facings going away, though.

Go back to 1d4ddit

Play 7th you grog'
I might even play 40k if the rules are anything like AoS's

USAfaga ruined another thread.

We need the banners from /pol/ so we can actually know what country has the worst shitposters

I originally wanted to play either nids or orks, but it was in the middle of 6th and I had no idea how shit works so I saw dark vengeance in the store and thought "starter set? that must be what you buy to begin". started painting the chaos dudes and reading up on them and realized all dat sweet customization, fell in love with the legion memes, chaos gods, sorcery, etc. and now I am chainsword deep in the heresy. I actually didn't think I would want to play CSM at all, at first they seemed like just some edgy space marines but now they are my favorite faction. so I got pushed into CSM by sorta happenstance and just bought more models to add to my dark vengeance chaos.

>inb4 the words are just 6 times larger

welp we don't know as yet. but they have said that unit will get more in the way of special rules while doing away with USRs for the most part (in the adepticon article)

>We shitpost about armies

They're actually building a /pol/ off topic board partly because of the overflow. It's gotten very popular lately.

Besides, /pol/ is essentially a bunch of people complaining about how society at large is devolving into shit, what if there was a board for people who complained about /pol/'s shitposting?

>They have to PAY for Bolters!

Does your army have fluff or is it just a generic WAAC faggots army?

What is your army fluff?

>new orders
>overcharged lasguns
>S3 AP-1 gets hot until end of turn

That already exists you mong. It's called /leftypol/
and it's cancer

I'm getting old and jaded.

At least we got reminded of Gav and Bob. Back when Veeky Forums was just partially shit

help me out fellahs, i saw my first genestealer cult army playing, the guy had these real muscular models holding sledghammers and such, but im browsing the gw store and arent seeing them. anyone have any ideas?

>replying to shitposters

Alright anons show me your army. DO IT NOW

i miss when frog posting was still funny :(

sounds about right to me

Nice outdated rules, faggot. Go back to

Sarcuck ruined pepe and kekism.

Does the Emperor approve of straight shota?

I have two fluffs.

The bulky armour is due to my SoB not being that and just some Inquisitor personal army (Battle Harem)
The other is that the Canoness won a Tarot game with a Magos, and the salty loser supplies the order with bulky armour. Resulting in the Inquistion getting called about men under arms, arriving there just to see annoyed Sisters in bulky armour.

What I am currently working on for a 1500 point event.

Not sure what to do with the remaining 25
I actually like sargon, what do you not like about him?

Ork Badmoonz stuck on Armageddon, currently converting a Maxmini Wartrakk into my Mad Doks mobile medical station, and a squad of 20 Cybork Bikers with Kromlechs cyber wheels and Cybork arm bits as his retinue of Frankensteins.

>imperial shits
>"i actually like the wannabe alt-lite cuck"
Can't make this shit up

he says he doesn't even like image boards and has never been on Veeky Forums, talk about cultural appropriation, he's really just a normie
>although he did say he played 40k as a youngling which is cool

>with xenos
Double heresy
Pretty good. I would add a couple extra bolter bikes to take hits for your grav--gunners.

Putting together some Rubricae, still waiting for paint delivery to arrive.
Hopefully I won't do terribly on my first go

Can I take a wild guess and say you used the dreamforge models for SoB?
Here's what hasn't been put into dettol yet.

Alri grandad

This image made me sad.
>I will always feel like it's 2011 but the world has moved on

Acolytes or some shit, you get them in Deathwatch Overkill/from Ebay.



Well you're playing an animals game then, what's your excuse?

Indeed. Mostly because I didn't want resin recast and I got tired of metal models.

moderates get shit on by both sides of the spectrum, half the people say he's too far right and the other half says he's too far left, everyone at my LGS is very far right or left, I'm down the middle so i just keep my mouth shut about politics unless I'm looking to get in a fight
>tfw the marxist and confessed "alt righter" actually play the same army and get along

Sargon's the definition of a redditor who comes to 4/8 chan, takes jokes and images to parrot to his tard friends and audience and brags about going there. Fox news and people like him are the reason this place is such shit

Forgot the pic

Is there music in the 40k universe that isn't just imperial marching songs?

What do the citizens listen to?

If someone calls themselves an "alt-righter" they're likely a civnat /r/t_d browsing alt-lite Milo loving faggot.

Not sure of the meme here, there's a con and it's 1500 cad only
Not a bad idea, hadn't thought of that.
no (you) for you
Ah, I hadn't thought of it that way. I've always lurked on other boards and just have always assumed "it's gotten so much worse" is just a meme.

We're, in this moment, at the good old days from 2 years from now probably

fear not for kek has not forgotten you my son

Imperial marching songs at max volume constantly

Are all 40k generals usually this /pol/faggy?

I always imagined contemporary Imperial music to be Gothic chants and shit. You know, like that one track from DoW1.

But then it's a big place so reasonably we can only assume that somewhere someone is listening to [your favorite genre].

they listen to the words of the holy emperor

A sorcerer from the Black Legion is recruiting rag-tag units from around the warp and realspace to bolster the warmasters forces, it's how I fluff running both Slaanesh and Khorne. I also have two plotlines for the warbands chaos lord to follow (for larger games he either goes Slaanesh or Khorne builds and gets an extra 50odd points of cool shit)
The sorcerer also has an "ascended" more expensive form and I'll eventually buy a DP model for him as the last model to put in this army, his reward for succeeding in the eyes of the warmaster and the pantheon

it was fine a minute ago, then american shitposters woke up

It's kind of a meme, as in "/b/ has always been shit." But the issue is sheer volume of users. Over time imageboard culture has been worn away as we're outnumbered by newfags who refuse to integrate. In essence, Veeky Forums has always been shit, but it keeps getting shittier

Only when USAfags are around.

I like to think it is like modern music, but with more Emperor in the lyrics. Like for example Christian pop or rock.

I'd say that you have one hot opinion there bud but digits don't lie.

Consider that there are basically all kinds of worlds in the Imperium, with at least one country for every combination of "country stereotype" and "real world historical period"
So I suppose there is a world out there where the latest album is a rap compilation about the greatness of the Emperor and another one where Molfgang Wamadeus Aozart has just written a great classical symphony about the light of the Emperor leading the mankind to glory

How would a character with time manipulation powers in 40k be represented in the rules?
Rerolling armor saves or hits like with veil of time and Orikan the Diviner?

>le dubs xddddd
>he doesn't realize that Veeky Forums have hated smurfs since 4th/5th ed
Never (You) me again

Terminators are currently sitting in a nice pot of dettol but here's my forces so far

>le smurf hate maymay
1d4chan pls go and stay go

I started 40k about 6 months ago, it didn't see this amount but could just be the new edition.
>outnumbered by newfags who refuse to integrate
That sounds oddly like a situation in the real world

Basically. Fateweaver knows everything that will ever happen, or has happened, and gets a 4++, rerolling ones, and can re-roll one die of your choice per turn

back to 1d4, junior. We don't need your trash memes.

I'd say that to represent time stop you should give him the ability to repeat a phase whenever he want, to represent him doing his shit while time has stopped

Bringing back dead models/units to represent rewinding time

Win whenever you want because it just works

Not bad. My advice would be to add cultists. They make decent meat shields and are dirt cheap

Would be pretty neat in current ed (if they became ap3/4), I'm not sure how the next edition is going to handle orders, if it includes them at all.

8th Necromunda Dragoons and 144th Cadian Armoured on tour as part of an Enforcer Strike group.

Games are usually 1500 points at my club so I like to think of my guys as being an armour patrol or spear head with the Dragoons providing a Mech-vet platoon with the attached Cadians providing a tank squadron. My valk is a navy asset they call in when they begin an engagement

what's an army that's impossible to make unfluffy?

>freezing time: you can choose to double your movement speed, your shooting phase or the number of attacks you have
>reversing time: reroll all rolls to hit, wound, failed saves, and forces opponent to reroll all succesfull rolls to hit and wound as well as successful saved wounds inflicted from models with this ability
>skip time: it just works
>speed up time: same as freezing time but x4 rather than x2

Outing yourself way too fast there lad.

My Imperials: Jaded puritanical Inquisitor had his faith renewed by witnessing the ascension of a Living Saint, and pledged his life and armies to her cause of defending the common people of the Inquisition.

Necrons: Terminator-style Oldcrons who treat other Tomb Worlds' sudden development of individuality as a flaw, and prioritize their elimination.

Look to 3rd edition (best edition) warp time power.

It basically allowed you to re-roll everything

Orks and Imperial Guard


Go back to 1d4ddit

don't forget reset the universe

what's this, an auspex for ants?

Do Dark Eldar actually have personal relationships, or is it all backstabbing all the time?

Oh, here's one for skipping time:

>once per game you can choose to force your opponent to skip his turn, however all your units except the ones with this special rule are forced to be put under the same effect

I'd say Space Wolves
They don't follow the Codex Astartes and all the Wolf Lords can do whatever they want with their company, to the point that different SW company can be as different in tactics as different chapters normally can be

So you just need to say that your HQ really likes bikes/jetpack/infantry/vehicles/wolves/elites etc. and the company followed him

The only exemption would be the HQ units, since they are normally part of the Wolf King company, but Egil Ironwolf had literally all the members of his company act like techmarines, so I suppose you can fluff it as you lord really like psykers or chaplains and the 2-3 rune/wolf priests you have in your list are for the most part normal astartes that are just so good at that that they are almost the actual HQ

Eldar are creatures of heightened emotion so they must be able to form strong relationships but each and every Dark Eldar is a jaded fuck to the extreme. You would probably have to do a lot to get them to overcome that and put trust in a partner.

yes and yes, you always need to sleep with one eye open in commoragh.

Thanks, was considering doing a scenario where a single character one the opponents team could basically do a second phase whenever he wanted once during the opponents turn, so if someone tried to shoot at him he could stop time and shoot that unit first or run into cover, we just did a serious apocalypse event so i told my group id try and have a meme game next time