Info on morale phase is up
Info on morale phase is up
So AoS.
Eh, I think it's just a tad too deadly for my tastes. Low-leadership horde units are fucked.
Looks like they're happy with how the AoS battleshock worked, and I think that's fine.
Now you don't lose an entire unit to sweeping advance, individuals can run while their squadmates don't, etc. It also helps speed up the game in a sense from my experience, and makes things feel more 'lethal'
It's also nice because both sides in a melee can lose models, rather than just the 'losing side'.
No word on how leadership will affect things like pinning yet, but that's probably in unit specific rules with pinning weapons
Maybe they'll have a 'mob rule' situation in the special rules for certain units like orcs that take a nob or something, or nids near enough o synapse get a boost to their Ld/ignore the first three fleeing models etc.
In AoS we saw a few modifications to core rules once the warscrolls came out for individual units, so it may not be all over yet. Plus, Marines have Ld 7 now at base, so they'll be running too (unless they keep their fancy ATSKNF)
Looks like I'll have to buy some commissars come 8th, LD tests are going to brutal and I'm ok with this.
Except when there is a commissar to blam them!
8th edition is all about treamlining, and battleshock is not har bad of a system
And like this user said both sides should have a chance to loose troops, not just one
I will miss however falling back and things like that
what about ATSKNF?
I can see a rule along those lines: if you have a commissar in the squad and are supposed to lose more than one model, you can choose to execute a single model instead
Hordes in AoS often get leadership increases per 10 models after the first 10 in the unit, horde lists are some of the most powerful ones in the game.
Fingers crossed Commissars and Priests buffs Guard blobs.
>Info on morale phase is up
Basically, morale is deprecated.
I don't mind any of the changes that have been introduced up to now, but this grinds my gear a little. Falling back and regrouping is the flow of any wargame and they basically got rid of that. Rip the fun of my IG list.
>Maybe they'll have a 'mob rule' situation in the special rules for certain units like orcs that take a nob or something, or nids near enough o synapse get a boost to their Ld/ignore the first three fleeing models etc.
Hoping for some sort of exception or special rules for commissars as well. Falling back and regrouping was essential with IG armies.
While true in theory, in my experience 90% of the times unless you play marines if a unit fail its morale is as good as dead just with more rolling and more time wasted.
>even easier to pass morale checks
>no more units falling back
oh, okay. i will miss breaking units by morale since it hardly happened and everyone has ways to ignore or easily pass morale
>leader joins small unit
>unit suffers casualties
>roll poorly
>leader dies of battleshock test
All the hordes already have some form of Ld management - Commisars, the Mob Rule and Synapse
As long as they're adapted you can get some very tough hordes if supported right
Yeah seriously, rolling double 1s each turn to see if a couple of boyz return is just tedious.
>HQs joining units
Not anymore!
>HQs joining units
>Not anymore!
has it been confirmed?
any talk of los?
Doesn't seem that bad. There are exceptions to every rule. Marines will probably get to re-roll failed morale tests, IG and orks will probably have a way of taking minimal casualties, necromancer will probably have high leadership along with daemons, and hopefully nids will ignore it if they are within synapse. All these things are possible, we haven't gotten all the rules yet.
My phone is retarded, nercrons not necromancer
Nah not confirmed, but it's so likely now that I don't see it going any other way. Even in this article they speak of dark apostles giving off a buff to nearby units instead of it affecting the unit they're in.
>fluff tomorrow
I don't know if I have to hype or be afraid
>even easier to pass morale check
I would respectfully disagree. As the result depends on the number of casualties, horde units may be at a disadvantage (ignoring all special rules they may have). Remember a Marine is only Ld7 now (8 for Terminators ...and Dreads, which is strange since Dreads can't even be affected by morale if I understood well)
Unless you meant the whole procedure is streamlined?
I imagine Commissars will be something along the lines of if a unit containing a Commissar (or a unit within X" of a Commissar) that fails a battleshock test reduces the number of casualties they suffer due to battleshock to 1 representing the Commissar executing a man and the rest getting back in formation.
Pretty thematic and it means that huge units of guard that would otherwise be wiped out due to casualties and morale will be difficult to shift with a Commissar near by.
Interesting, you only roll 1 die not two like before
Certain spells and abilities in AoS still use Bravery which is why single units still have the stat, I assume it'll be the same for 40K.
>>Falling back and regrouping is the flow of any wargame
No, lots of modern wargames (maybe even most) have dome away with units falling back from moral. It adds a random mechanic that you can end up losing an entire squad because of one bad roll on 2d6 on top of losing combat or 25% casualties to shooting. I'm glad to see it go but it's too early to say is battleshock is a good replacement.
They mentioned HQs joining units in the Q&A video, specifically that a guardsmen unit won't get the special rule bonuses from a space marine captain joining them. I assume the rumor came from some shitty fansite that fucked up a summary.
>change ruleset
>marines stop having a solid 3+ armour and ignoring morale
>release numarines with 3+ inv save and that ignore morale
post yfw
thanks for the insight, I can see it being relevant for psyker powers indeed.
>and represents...dying from the psychic feedback shockwaves of their allies
>a gaunt dies despite not being hit because another one did
tyranids confirmed to be stunt actors in badly directed fight scenes
>the squads behind, to the left, to the right and in front of me all just got obliterated in an instant
>No-one in my squad dided though, I'm still perfectly fine with bayonet charging the cosmic horrors
Because Guardsman Timmy isn't a panzee.
>Hissgurgle had too much of the bitch gene
>Hissgurgle clumps up in the middle of the swarm so he doesn't get shot
>a few die, and due to angles Hissgurgle takes a hit
>the swarm was fine, nids accept death usually
>however Hissgurgle loses his shit as he dies and Chitterclick just blows up.
Fuck Hissgurgle, the next batch should have that problem fixed.
>Shoota Mob to the left decimated
>Slugga mob to the right on fire
>I bet I can kill those gits
More killin' for me, boss!
>whfb 8th
>one unit breaks so the entire army falls apart
I'm just curious what ATSKNF will be like and just how problematic/ignorable thid will be for small capacity units, like Kataphrons.
7th Edition
>ATSKNF is too powerful and fear is useless!
8th Edition
>I remove models because other models died and I rolled higher than my leadership?! WTF
I vastly prefer the new system, it's faster and more effective and it makes fear and leadership scores matter again.
I think the addition of keywords will dictate what units can inyeract with other units, like in AOS
for instance, maybe a space marine captain could make it so his squad does not battleshock, but that only works with models with the "space marine" keyword
Thats how it works in AOS, and it makes it hard to form deathstars
It means small units barely feel it, as once they've lost enough models for this to effect them, they're as good as dead anyway.
3 models ld7 loose 2. The only way you lose the last one is on a leadership roll of 6.
>Commisars, the Mob Rule and Synapse
This assumes GW is keeping those rules in for the 8th edition. Given how the horde/Assault-heavy armies seem to be benefiting most from the upcoming rule changes so far, they probably will.
Looks like I might've picked the right time to get back into 40k. Now I just need to find a place to meet other players for games...
I imagine that for IG platoon standards will be more useful and vox casters will be almost required
I don't mean to harp on you too hard, but there's a lot of anons making typos in these threads. I don't know what the deal is.
Into the valley of death rode the 600?
everyone is ragetpying
I was phoneposting is my excuse. Noticed it too late.
If I wanted to play Total War: Rome 2, I'd do that.
>Unit of Five Marines
Alright, let's shoot us some deathguard bastards
>Not in rapid fire range, shoot five shots. Three hit, one wound, but they pass their FNP
>Deathguard shoot my marines next turn
>One Marine fails his save, damn it
>Morale phase, roll a 12
wait what the fuck Marines are leadership 7?!
>Every marine dies of glorious sudoku because Brother Bartholomew had to fuck up
It's 1d6 plus models lost.
You would need to lose 2 models, and then roll a 6 to lose 1 more.
The only way you lose all is if you lose 3, and then a roll a 6.
You only roll 1D6
These fight scenes LOOK FUCKING SHIT.
I wonder if units like the ethereal will keep it's bravery bubble that it currently has. Failing bravery checks sucks but at least there is no more sweeping advance
Whos chitterclick? But sure hissgurgle was a bitch, typical middle child of 6 million
Battle Shock seems interesting, will really feel like it has impact as turns go on instead of units just immediately disappearing or being written off as useless when they take multiple turns to run off the board.
I wonder if Pinning and the like are still in, however.
It was given some interesting buffs in 7th but then removed from like 80% of the guns that had it so nobody ever had to deal with it (Unless the Eldar/Tau player wanted to have some fun with units that are never used) unless it was exploding Transports.
My biggest concern however is not from core rules changes (most of the issues with the core rules themselves seem to stem from their consistently shit formatting but I digress), but from the individual army lists themselves.
Core rules changes don't matter if the design team can't take their heads out of their asses enough to not engage in blatant faction favoritism like we've seen for the past near 10 years.
Because the changes to Battle Shock don't mean anything if the powerful armies still have Special Rules/stats that let them just ignore them most of the time.
I know I'm being blatantly pessimistic and they say that they are trying to balance the game again but given their track record for the last 2-3 editions it's difficult to really place belief in that promise, for me at least.
Other companies would kill for the customer loyalty that GW has accrued over the decades but GW themselves seem to have just taken it for granted or squandered it for the past decade or so.
Something big must have happened for them to actually get off their asses and make a public attempt at balancing this shitshow and regaining some of their previous playerbase trust.
Only time will tell if expectations actually pay off though.
So for every point over your leadership are you losing 1 whole model or just taking 1 wound?
>what about ATSKNF?
I'd imagine it'll be immunity to leadership modifiers
I like it clean and streamlined. No managing falling back units and regrouping.
As a guard player i'm stoked.
Even without buffs they're still fine.
If a commissar costs 50 pts vs a 5pt guardsman, you can just stick more men in there as ablative leadership.
Where angrt,
Also I imagine executing a coward is a way to bypass the test. I hope it's not a reroll, this game has too many rerolls as it is.
My guess is nids will get access to plenty of fearless shit like they did last edition.
I disagree, unbalances are much more manageable than bad core rules.
they already said they would listen to the community and update the books if they aren't fine enough, applying the 'community fixes'. So I think there is some hope on that field too - at worst a codex/battle tome will be imba for a year, judging from AoS
you made me laugh out loud user, thank you
As a nid player I'm expecting only the synaptic creatures themselves to be immune to morale, with the rest getting to use the ld of the synaptic creature if in range
>The mechanics are simple – any units that suffered casualties in a turn must take a Morale test at the end of it. You just roll a D6, add the number of models from the unit that have been slain, and if the number is bigger than the unit’s Leadership, the unit loses the difference in additional models. No units falling back, no regroup tests – all that is gone.
Thank god. Even if my nids could potentially be fucked, I like it. It's cleaner and easier to manage.
how interesting would it be if the only effect of being out of synapse range was 'you are obliged to use your shitty Ld3'?
(well now that Marines are Ld7 why stop at 3, Ld1 it is for Gaunts!)
You tried to strawman, and even fucked that up.
user, kill yourself, my man.
Fair enough. What are your shrimps even doing outside of synapse, in the first place ?
Any word on the rumor that all transports are assault transports now?
they weren't. Ork snipers happened, synpase creatures disappeared
Good job, then.
... w-w-wait, did you just said, "ork snipers" ?!
Can only hope it turns out well. Nids have been getting the short end of the stick for too long. When was the last good codex 5th? 4th?
Not a nid player, btw.
Wrong chapter.
Post your fucking face when its revealed ATSKNF means marines ignore extra wounds caused by morale. And AGAIN get away with the most bullshit OP special rule in the game.
>ablative leadership
my new favorite term out of all this.
True that. Let me sudoku myself.
Don't have any pictures of me shruging.
I have high hopes for 8th. Doesn't mean I haven't learned from being burned so many times before.
So you just remove the difference from the game completely?
it has never been a reliable rumour
because it started as a straight confirmation from GW somewhere in the comments
There is a part of me that wouldn't mind this if it meant that being outnumbered 3 to 1 against armies like CSM, nids and orks, outfought by armies like Eldar and Daemons, outshot by Tau and Admech.
user, I would like SMs to be able to bring >30 models to the table total and be able to throw down, and have no problem with units being very expensive if they have the rules to make them survivable enough to actually fight.
Unlike now where MEQ infantry is some of the worst in the game, and no SM army you can think of uses actual infantry, but loads up on as many elites as they can cheese out of formations.
>When was the last good codex 5th? 4th?
from what I gather definitely 4th edition, with 5th and 6th being cruddex
>tfw I started tyranids with the release of the 5th ed codex
So that's why they charged out of the Rhino in that stream...
I suspect ATSKNF will be similar to the command ability in AoS that lets you ignore battleshock for a round, but you have to be battle forged to use it.
seriously? god dammit
Its not that marines deserve to die by the droves, but its pretty shit that everyone else does. And why should a marine heavy army like will be possible now in 8th with only minus one to hit with heavy weapons when chaos marines could do the same without the crutch.
>its pretty shit that everyone else does
The only armies that would are the armies that would outnumber MEQ armies by magnitude, and would still roll MEQ armies entirely by sheer weight of numbers. That is part of the reason why people don't take infantry MEQ, because they are expensive, but still fall to dice, especially in CC.
CSM are likely going to have their own list of goodies that do something similar, on top of the fact that outside a MEQ statline, CSM plays much different compared to SM.
Also immunity to fear
>I assume
The thought of someone rolling 12 on one D6 and loosing whole squad is quite hilarious.
I am almost seeing the player
>Fucking 8th edition, making my perfectly fine dice dodecahedral
definitively 4th, begin with it, the transition to 5th was hard
It would be an interesting way to do it. Even on an average roll, if you've lost anything at all (and thus are even having to trigger battleshock), the gaunts eat each other to some degree.
But knowing GW we'll get that on top of stupid shit like eating ourselves on our turn too, because Cruddace is the Tyranid Expert.
The batsuit is really fucking uncomfortable. Almost every batman movie except for Adam West one had people complaining about nearly passing out in the suit.
>mfw when Kairos Fate weaver.