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nth for running people over with leman russes

>Calling first for gretchin.
>That punctuation.

Fourth for the true gods of the universe



so how badly will the tyranids get fucked in the new 8th ed lore? i have a feeling they will be reduced to NPC status or merged with orcs.

RIP nids, 1989-2017, i loved you and your gribbly ways

>10 wounds required and still 3" movement
>No Immobilization
>No lost treads
>Steam powered
>Pressurised boilers
>Taking damage
>Slow Leak
>No catastrophic explosion

This is a piece of shit wargame who designed this crap.

Nth for nids getting buttfucked again in 8th

>reduced to NPC status
>implying they've not been NPC status at some point

People stopped sperging out about vehicles not exploding a few threads ago.

So I just read helreach and I cant help but to wonder why that isn't a prime world for a moderately sized exterminatus. Shouldn't the billions of orks slaughtered there give rise to a new WHAAAAAG! in time?


>Bring Superheavy squadron of 3 Baneblades to the shop
>one of them explodes
>roll leadership
>the other two also explode

Bravo GW! 8th is gonna be great!

The fuck are you on, they are literally the definition of NPC race and always have been.
Same with orks to a lesser degree.

>he doesn't get ork grammar

Think of it like a containment planet for Orks. From the Imperium's perspective, having billions of Orks on Armageddon is better than having them fuck off in a thousand directions and dicking over more planets.

And another retard that hasn't actually read the morale rules before sperging out.

>I don't know how 8th edition morale works, the post

>muh LD6 baneblades

So the production potential is still enough on Armageddon to warrant the constant raiding bands of orks that pop up?

Baneblades are crewed by guardsmen, so yes, they will be Ld6.

so Armageddon is /pol/?

Yeah now they flee instead

Killing a tank doesnt always blow it up, its pretty rare anyways.
Even if you hit the ammo dumps in a tank youre more likley to just ignite the inside of the tank and kill the crew than cause a massive explosion.
Most of the time, a shell would hit the tank, and either:

>shatter the hull and make the tank unustable
>destroy electronics and make the tank unusable
>Pierce the hull and kill all the crew while the tank still remains somewhat usable
>Destroy the turret/main gun and make the tank combat inactive, usually causing the tank to retreat or ram other tanks in the case of soviet tank crews
>ignite the ammuntion and kill the crew
>bounce off

The only things that can easily blow up a tank in 1 shot would be a 100+mm fucking gun or something ridiculous that can go through 2 tanks, its really hard to blow up a tank.

>Pretty sure it's not contained.

In one word: Yes.

>Reasons we don't use steam

What happens if you shoot it in the engine?
From behind?
Because Facing?

>Tau Fire Warriors are leadership 7 in 7th
>Tau'Nar supremacy armor is Leadership 9

Really makes you think

Engines are like the most bulletproof parts even of a regular car. The cilinderblock is one solid, massive lump of metal, good luck shooting through that.

Even shooting through a regular fuel tank doesn't cause explosions, there needs to be flames involved

Not so much contained as 'the more the Orks are focused on Armageddon (the system overall, not just the planet), the less likely they're going to be fucking up the rest of the Imperium.

> Tank crews have never abandoned their tanks ever

But Hollywood taught me that even a drop of gasoline can make a car explode

Bulletproof vs Shell-proof aside;

Doesn't the spalling of the engine block provide enough heat for spontaneous combustion anyway?

Actually curious now.

>Tau Fire Warriors are Ld7
>Various Battlesuits are Ld8-9

Explain this sorcery!?

>I am sitting in a safe metal box.
>Getting quite scared
>Better leave my safe metal box.

>Most of the time, a shell would hit the tank, and
What about a giant death ray?

But i mean what happens afterward. The planet is now covered in spors.

Do you want WHAAG!s? Because this is how you get WHAAAAG!s.

If you shoot it in the engine youll disable the tank most likley, cant move,shoot,turn,do anything, its turned very rarely will it explode as says
Hilarously enough, if you do hit a tank in its fuel comparment, in the case of some armoured cars, and you caused a spark, youd more likley have the spark get drowned by all the gas than ignite it.
The only way tanks explode is if a shell is powerful enough to both go through the entire engine, and ignite something in the tank, like ammunition, which is fucking crazy hard to do, The Tiger tanks, The kv2s tanks, and churchills do it though, as well as most big SPA tanks could also.

Tanks aren't alive, so a death ray doesn't do anything to them

8thE Space Marine stats are Ld 7.

Everyone is bumping everything else down commensurately.
Probably not legit, but if it is there'll be hell to pay.

I feel like a death ray would just vaporized the parts it hit, not even crush, or pen, or blow it up, just bascially part of the tank dissapear.

The Omnissiahs thrice blessed holy Promethium was personally given the Rite of Staying-calm-and-only-explode-inside-the-combustion-chamber, you are absolutely safe. But just to be sure, praise the machine spirit at least every half hour and be sure to cover the motor with cold, wet blankets, so it doesn't overheat and kill you and your fellow guardsmen in a massive explosion.


>My mates in metal boxes just got wrecked
>Metal boxes sure feel safe right about now

>My metal box looks like this now
>I think I should leave it now.

Here's to hoping CSM keeps VotLW so we can be as close to fearless as any army can be in 8th.

Thats only found in Modern Kinetic penetrators which are traveling significantly faster than shells from say the Second World War.

Spalling is likely not what causes the air to ignite, looking at how a HESH shell operates, spall is just basically shrapanel deadly to the crew.

With ww2 American tanks a glancing hit would kill all the crew since the shitty rivets on the inside would pop out and ping ping ping

The point there is more that Guardsmen in vehicles will have higher leadership to account for the fact they're better protected.

If the go up to 8, which is perfectly reasonable, then they'll be entirely safe from morale barring any modifiers.

Space marine tanks might end up with 9, making them even more resistant to such things.

And of course if you're that worried, you can always run your tanks separately instead of in a squadron.

Today's post kinda implied squadrons don't exist anymore anyway

Short answer? No, not really.
An engine is a giant block of gas, or ignitable fluids. Theyre more metal, rubber, plastic in a tank then raw combustibles. Most engine have their fuel lines located in a way so that youd need to go through the entire metal bits of the engine to hit, which is very difficult.
Engines were mostly located in the back of the tank as well, and most combat was in the front of sides of tanks, if you got a rear shot youd more likley just disable the engine and neutralize the tank.
Yeah, its much easy to pen and kill the crew of a tank than try to blow it up, you dont want to destroy an enemy tank. You get a free mostly in good condition tank, if its fucked, you get free tracks, electronics, engine blocks, wheels for your crewmen and tanks to do field repairs with.
The only bad part is removing the mess inside...

The fuel leaks
This causes fumes mixed with air which then ignite
Explosions are rarer but just look good and are cheaper using spare parts etc than the more common total burning of a still solid car

>surely my squishy, fragile body will fare better against those weapons that just totaled those battle tanks

>lose carnifex
>lose the other due to 'psychic shock'

That was only early war tanks such as the Lee/Grant, which was created as a stopgap and replaced as soon as possible with the far superior Shermans.

Youre thinking of Italian tanks, shermans were one of the safest tanks of the war, russians using Sherman on the lend least program recalled how nice it was when a shell hit their tank no one would get injured from the kinetic force or shock of the shell, unlike in t34 tanks and such at the time.
Italian tanks where living tank grenade, you get hit and the rivets kill everyone inside, even if it just glances the tank and bounces off.

>Do you want WHAAG!s? Because this is how you get WHAAAAG!s
Nonsense humie! One good exterminatus will wipe all those pesky boyz off Ragnarork-er, Armageddon nice an' proppa!

Awful meme
Go read a history book

But aos lets you deploy those shitty looking orc and sigmarine dragons in units

What would be the explaination for having more guardsman die after failing their morale roll, this is without a commissar, and then not running away from the fight but staying put?

Not using thrice blessed mechanicum blankets and lighting incense to the machine spirit?
11010101010 heretek detected!
Purgatus in extremis! Praise the omnissiah! Death to His enemies!


>Get hit with bullet
>get hit with shell
>Get hit with shell in tank
>violent ricocheting inside the tank, ear drums bleeding, gore, etc
You dont aim a tank like a rifle. Its much hard to score a direct hit with a tank shell on a tiny ass man than a tank.
Its also a waste of ammo, why waste your time loading to HE to kill 1 or 2 dudes running away, when another tank could show up with you ass exposed, or try to get a direct hit with an AP shell and waste it?

Marbo is back.

>Have Carnifex in Synapse
>Boosted to LD 10
>Impossible to have them flee even with 2 losses in a unit of 3

>Have Carnifex out of synapse
>2 die with shirty leadership 5
>Last one runs off like the mindless beast it is

What's the problem here?

Meant to quote



Nice source faggot


Is this kitbash or new model?

So who here is ready for the age of white scar dominance?

>can assault out of rhinos
>can disembark, shoot, then re embark in the same turn
>mobile white scar armies full of cheap razorbacks and rhinos
>white scars will make tac marines great again


Changed up my list to the new rules + fluff for DE

Quality imperial tech right there.

>no rules for callidus

>actually thinking vehicles and mc will be affected by battle shock the same way troops are

But their crew are. Ive seen (and we flirted with) energy weapons that wreck biological systems and leave everything else. In this case the liquefied crew drips out the bottom of the tank. for the purposes of the skirmish the tank is out of the fight because no one there is likely to be able to operate it.

>actually not reading the article where it says a lone tank would circumvent battleshock by being alone

>auto wounding blade
>has a 5+ invul from pure fucking luck
>gets back up after getting knocked down
What the shit, did they OD on the 1d4ddit page for the guy or something?

Looks immobilized.

Looks like it didn't have d6 mortal wounds stripped off it's 12 wounds.

Carnifexes instinctive behavior is to move to the nearest enemy and kill, not run away. nids aint animals that feel fear.*

*well, until now it seems. Pissing all over established traits of armies is what 8th is all about

Yeah, but that wouldn't blow up the tank, would it?


>No Snikrot
>No Scorpion Exarch
>No Cypher

Word from GW is that IG will absolutely still have squadrons and platoons.

That's their instinct on your turn. Carnifex in previous editions could already fail morale checks and flee while out of synapse. Because when outside of Synapse, they're angry animals that can still get scared if they think they're outmatcheds?

>Safest tanks of the war
>Dem shot traps

thats their instinct since 3rd.

>no farsight
Bullshit desu

That's the Germans.

Sure hope it's a kitbash, cause it's rubbish.

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>Now at the end of the turn you roll a d6 and add that to your casualties if that is higher than your LD you lose the difference.

This is going to destroy imperial guard forces. Considering tac marines are Ld 7 now one can expect guard will be LD6 for soldiers and LD7 for sergeants.
This means if I lose one guy I have the chance to lose another the same turn on a 6.
If I have a conscript blob that loses 10 guys to enemy fire I will auto lose and additional 5+d6 dudes.


Commissars better be able to shoot a guy to reroll this shit or I am fucked.

You're still not listening.

Carnifex. Out of synapse. Isn't fearless. Can run away if it fails morale.

Are you going to stand here and say that isn't how it works already?

Yes, out of synapse they retain fearless.

Use a fucking flag, guardsman.