So the other day I was raped by a yuan ti female in my tent after nursing her back to health. How should I play this out on lawful Good Paladin
D&D 5e
As a lawful good paladin I would slay her.
lol "Thats for taking my virginity"
Context insufficient.
State Oath.
Rape her back, justice is served
Marry her, get it annulled, then slay her.
Clearly, it was her way of thanking you.
She is trying to show dominance, you need to assert your position and prove that it's her place at the bottom and not you.
oath of vengeance
You don't have to do anything about it then.
A Vengeance paladin is closer to a Terminator than a crusader. You swear to kill one particular evil motherfucker and then repair everything he broke.
Rape her back I guess.
but what i forgot to mention is I know she is evil and I spared her life in an encounter because of one of my flaws is trying to spare evil doers so I can one day steer them away from ever doing another evil deed
Redeem her with your huge benis, wash her evilness away with your semen!
You kill her? This seems pretty egregious and it was her response to you helping her.
Also how the fuck did she overpower you
thru myself failing on my spell saving throw of her casting suggestion.
tl;dr you kill them asap, just as though they were a party member.
>Yuan-ti in their prime will scheme, breed, and work on behalf of their tribes. Breeding is carefully controlled, seen as a holy act, in order to produce the "best" offspring. Prospective partners will coldly measure one another and if both agree that the match is promising, they usually mate, regardless of their personal affections towards each other.
So do you uh, remember being violated, or was it wierdly consensual as far as your paladin remembers.
Also this is straying pretty close to magical realm, as long as it's being treated with gravity and as fucked up as it actually is that's ok,.but if.anyone is chuckling or jacking off under the table gtfo now. Rape is fucked up regardless of gender
She could use snake contraception, you know
like i was basically under a spell and i know i was but couldnt do anything about it
Did she do it for the purpose of fucking up your PC or for the purpose of fucking your PC?
Then you kill her.
She just raped you user, gods know what she's up to, she probably wants to sperm jack you to try and improve her tribe
Also please this was a pure blood
to steal my shit
If she wanted to rob you she would have just robbed you. Anyway you should feel violated and shit and probably be tore up, but kill her.
Vengeance Paladin, it's right in the name
Ops magic realm bait has failed I'm proud of you Veeky Forums
Easy mode: Kill her
Hard mode: Marry her, continue to rehabilitate and wring the darkness from her, raise your children right
Every time you post it gets more confusing OP.
If you were under a spell somehow why didn't she just steal your shit and leave?
Was she fulfilling some kind of sadistic power fantasy or just being "lustful"?
Anyway what you gotta understand is that he's gonna associate being alone with females and females in general with this painful experience and it will have lasting impact on his psyche, and he won't be able to work it out alone. It's not even guaranteed the members of your party will be of any help if they don't know how to deal with that kind of trauma. Maybe he'll meet a kind maiden that will cure him of his female-PTSD.
Can't annul if it's consummated.
Put the sextape online as revenge.
Continuing on the PTSD thing :
What your character is most probably gonna do is clam up. He's gonna focus on something (like vengeance) in an effort to stop thinking about the terrible event. He's gonna be enraged, humiliated, maybe even violent, but he's gonna feel guilty inside somehow. His body will feel alien to him, after he has witnessed it acting outside of his own will. He was a witness, he was unable to act or do anything about what was happening. Being this helpless about a situation will probably be an entirely new feeling to him, and he's gonna hate it. He's gonna hate himself, at least a little bit, even if he knows it's irrational. What you gotta do is get him to open up, but slowly. If he's a supposedly hardened Paladin, he's not gonna cry into a friend's arm instantly. He's gonna keep up the mask for a bit. It's hard to get it right.
And post her nudes of course
OP doesn't actually play RPGs, dum-dums.
Hora hora
You have to take responsibility. Insist you get married and just play it hilariously straight like "We're a couple now".
This is retarded, punch your DM for being shit at the game and iliterate AND forcing his fetish trash on your party.
Suggestion is not Dominate person. Forcing a Paladin to have sex with someone they know for a fact to be evil and hostile should absolutely count as obviously harmful. This is a 2nd level spell for crying out loud.
If your DN allows this trash then just have every caster in your party use Suggestion on every enemy, demand they lie down and go to sleep and then surround him and hack it to pieces. There's no Coup DE grace I'm 5e but you still get advantage, automatic crit and they fail every str/dex roll automatically.
These. My dad was raped by a gay dude as a child, and this is how he behaved with men other than family for a long time, according to what I've heard.
He's also intensely homophobic, which is why my little brother hasn't come out to him, just me and mom.
shouldn't a paladin fall if this happens?
Why would a paladin fall for doing something he had no control over?
If anything he should take a ding for sparing the snake pussy in the first place
Your little brother has my sympathy as a fellow gayfag, user. I've been there, although in my case it was my mom.
>had no control over
should have made his save if he didn't want to fall
don't paladins have advantage against being charmed or some shit like that anyway?
No, though they do add their charisma bonus to all saves and will is a primary save. That may have changed in 5e.
In 5e they get this at level 6, can confirm. Though it'd be a Wisdom save rather than Will.
You're fucking retarded.
Does a Paladin fall if he gets his ass kicked by an antipaladin? If he didn't want to fall he should have dodged.
Do your best battlecry and give her a divine shield.
The oath of vengeance doesn't just let you do whatever you want. It's a code of conduct as strict as the Oath of Devotion in its own way. One of its core tenets is restitution. You must punish your enemies in proportion to the harm they caused and repay their victims the full value of what was lost wherever possible. In this case you, as the victim, must subject her to the same trauma and lost of dignity that she inflicted on you. You owe it to yourself.
I hop you don't know this from first- or second-hand experience.
Or yknow, kill her
the antipaladin didn't take away his virginity, did he?
Why do paladins keep being raped?
I speak as a fellow raped paladin. I forgave her however since she was just dense.
Because some people have a fetish for defiling and debasing what is pure and good.
>sympathizes with gay brother
>doesn't pity the rape victim
You are such a fucking faggot, fag
lawful good paladins bring villains to justice, they don't make the same self-blaming exceptions real people do. they burn with righteous fire. allow divine energy to cleanse you. there is only one way to make sure your seed isn't stolen, user. semen-stealing magic is for women and smugboys. set the snake on fire.
unless your god likes rape?
forgot to mention purebloods mate with abominations. she's gonna addle your baby with demon semen.
*can mate
your DM is clearly out to get you
Why do you retards always confuse Lawful Good with Lawful Neutral?
Here's what you do.
Track her down and then break her legs.
Drag her to the woods.
Tie her to a tree.
Now you can do multiple things here.
1) Beat her face in
2) Leave her to the animals
3)Keep her there until she learns the error of her ways
4)Combine 1 and 3
what, should he call the cops? are they going to leave the snake enchantress in prison somewhere?
Not making her good through power of the dick.
Learn that evil creatures may not understand the concept of altruism and she probably thought she was paying you back for the service of treating her wounds.
Marry her. Raise the child.
That's a little much for the dm to lay on you but if that's the kind of session you're in and everyone is ok with it w/e
There's a lot you can do. Distrust of strangers or females or anything that can use magic to seduce you would make some sense. Not spending much time with just one other person to try and avoid this same situation again would make sense. Maybe you stop trying to save things anymore m8. Your paladin got reminded that people can be really shitty and he probably doesn't want that to happen ever again.
My players are about to enter an abandoned city that's filled with non hostile creatures
They are like ants in society structure, a bunch of drones. They are dog like but made completely out of tangled vines.
My only concern is if one of them goes murder hobo and tries to attack one.
Since they are like ants, if one of them is attacked they will all dog pile and attack the one who harmed their own.
The place is filled with thousands of them.
Should I make triple sure if my player wants to attack one? Like, ask him multiple times if he's sure or just let him get fucked if he attacks one.
Maybe drop hints how they seem like a society, or show them dealing with a threat.
Have them kill an intruder or natural predator early on. Gruesomely describe the vine creatures tearing it to shreds for assaulting the hive.
Do they have poisonous barbs? You could linger on their natural weapons to hint-hint the party.
Or have them treat something the way ants treat caterpillars... Maybe just the one party member who decided to murder-hobo? Kidding... kidding... not kidding at all...
Good idea, I'll do the threat one. I was going to have them interacting with the players as disinterested and avoidant. Just going about their own business.
Also, do they have an instantaneous telepathic hivemind? Do the drones need to report back, or use pheremones to communicate?
These are ways to prevent the entire colony from assaulting an individual. Pheremones could be washed or contained with air magic.
They are a psionic hivemind.
For appearance, think dog shaped, but made of vines, they don't move their legs but have tens of roots that scuttle them along the ground.
They have venus fly trap like heads and can spit a sticky acid like substance that does 1d4 acid damage over 10 rounds.
They also bite and can use a claw like attack.
1 intelligence, and completely non hostile unless attacked. They were created by the civilization that use to live in the abandoned city a few thousand years ago as guards and creatures to maintain the cleanliness of the city.
So how is the kensei monk? Thinking of making one.
Stockholm syndrome
Use it as leverage over her if possible.
Avengers are usually the most self-sacrificing. They take on the burdens of the people they defend and use it as fuel for their angry strike.
As far as your previous encounter with her, job's done, vengeance meted but you spared her life because of character flaw. Your own personal opinion about what she pulled on you will have nothing to do with oath of vengeance. But now is an opportunity to try and use it for good, there's a bond between the two of you now. She can't be going off doing evil shit now or you'll be coming for her. You'll be watching.
Trying to form that kind of unsettling or disgusting bond with a creature of evil in order to stop her causing more harm is the kind of edgy self-sacrifice type stuff avengers would pull.
Goddamn fags