What are some Veeky Forums pleb filters?
What are some simple ways of identifying uncultivated swine in the game store or at the gaming table?
What are some Veeky Forums pleb filters?
What are some simple ways of identifying uncultivated swine in the game store or at the gaming table?
1) posts on Veeky Forums
1. They roll stats without being told to
2. Their only experience is in pre-written modules
3. They've been playing for more than a year, but have only ever played some edition of DnD
4. Their character concept stops with their class and race.
They play pathfinder
They don't thin their paints
Their ability to type (spelling, grammar, etc.)
Their punctuality to the game
How they interact with other players before the game (bossing around or bullying, etc.)
How they interact with me as a GM (arguing constantly, insulting me)
If they play D&D, they're out. Everything else gets a warning.
I ask them who their favorite superhero is. If their answer is Batman, I stop talking to them immediately. Any big name Avenger or JL member gets a warning and warrant further investigation. Almost anyone else should be good, but isn't an immediate red flag. And anyone who says a hero I haven't heard of gets an automatic pass.
What if I dont care about capeshit?
What if I think picking favorites is for children?
Depends on how you say it. If you use the word , "Capeshit" I know you will immediately dismiss anyone who does enjoy cape comics and you get out in the Batman group. If you just don't like them, you get out in groups two or three depending on exactly how you share not liking cape comics.
Just see if they're aware of any tabletop game other than D&D. The majority of people think that D&D is a unique nerd thing and don't realize that it's just one game among thousands of others.
From my experience I don't think you'd even have to know of obscure things to not be labeled a causal. I went to my local game/comic/nerd store and was looking for a grid battlemat and the employee thought I meant the Pathfinder map products. Another time I went in and asked if they had Savage Worlds and the guy thought I was talking about a manga. Most people know nothing about the hobby beyond D&D.
What if I don't read comics? What if the last comic I read was in middle school? What if my only experience with comic books is that 90's animated Batman tv show?
Im just using capeshit as a catchall meme. Personally I think the entire mainstream comicbook continuum is creatively bankrupt.
>1) posts on Veeky Forums
>Their ability to type (spelling, grammar, etc.)
>Their punctuality to the game
>How they interact with other players before the game (bossing around or bullying, etc.)
>How they interact with me as a GM (arguing constantly, insulting me)
These are the ones that matter, everything else is personal opinion and elitism.
Using the term "Objectively" to describe how correct you are.
The use has gone the way of Literally in normie cultures: In the context of Veeky Forums it really means "Entirely my subjective opinion, except I'm autistic and want to argue about it."
Pointing this out whenever someone uses the term will earn you a response denouncing your ability to argue against their point, which you can then reply to with further bullshit until the argument is so far removed from the original topic you're finally able to unleash your weapons-grade autism in order to make the thread absolutely unbearable. Whenever anyone insults you, you either thank them for noticing or berate them for not recognizing that whatever insult they used was too mild to be accurate to you.
Throughout the whole thread you're pointing out that you're doing this, then pointing out that you're pointing it out, all with purple prose and meta-humor, so it's really obvious you're being a troll, except the autist WILL STILL BE ARGUING WITH YOU. This means that no matter how cringey, retarded or insane you act, the autist is still worse because it's become obvious that he's not arguing for his point, he's just arguing because he has to have the last word. Even when you point that out, he STILL argues.
The end goal is to make Veeky Forums self-aware of how pointless this all is, and how some things simply aren't worth arguing with certain people, either trolls or autists, and recognize how easy it is to fall into either deplorable mindset.
I knew there was gonna be some autism when I came to this thread but whoa, momma.
From now on, I will always answer this question with Toxin, even though I've never read a single comic with him in it
starting a thread with a picture of an attractive woman in a fearful attempt to garner interest is a clear indicator
I'd never want to play with capeshit enthusiast anyway
Do you allow an exception when the term "objectively" is used to assess the value of an action in combat/assess mathematical values, outcomes, and probability?
If not, an autist is you.
This poster is objectively a faggot
1. Uses term "pleb"
2. Use of the term "uncultivated swine"
3. Posts on an Asian goat-trading site for advice on how to be less inclusive in a hobby they enjoy
4. Said post smacks of elitism
Calling me a faggot is an insult to faggots and an insult to me. I've honed my ability to be an annoying cunt far beyond normal faggotry and into the murky depths beyond.
Also I'd technically be classified as an AIDS-ridden degenerate because I'm in a romantic triad with both a man and a woman.
No, just specifically to describe what is obviously an opinion.
This word uttered non-ironically is a filter.
>>Their ability to type (spelling, grammar, etc.)
>if you confuse their, they're, and their I just don't think we're going to get along.
DoEs ThIs bOtHeR yhou?
What's it like, having objectively shit taste?
>If they play D&D, they're out. Everything else gets a warning.
what do you play then ?
>If their answer is Batman, I stop talking to them immediately. Any big name Avenger or JL member gets a warning and warrant further investigation
But that's fucking wrong you autist. There's nothing wrong with liking mainstream heroes, its the meme heroes you have to watch out for. If someone says "yeah my favorite is deadpool/squirrel girl" then they're probably going to be lol randumb XD.
This is traditional gaming's single greatest pleb filter.
What about Spider-Man?
>everyone is a caster
>it is nearly impossible to die unless the DM is bullshit
>bloated with needless and useless options
>combat takes 5 years
>not The Maxx
I mean I would have also accepted Pitt, Grunge, or even Fairchild.
Only the McFarlane years.
Look! I already caught a pleb!
No really, I mean it. Explain this.
Was my DM bad? Did I actually miss out on something good?
No, it means you are a troll, user.
No one who actually knows anything about the game uses the whole "everyone is a caster" line, because D&D casters have never worked the way 4e's aedu system does.
You gave yourself away with the very first line, and then tried to backpedal.
Thank you for conceding, user.
Next time, don't give yourself away so quickly.
Ask them to play Phoenix Command.
THIS. Mainstream heroes are fine, it's Deadpool, Harley Quinn and the rest of the teenager-magnets that should set off alarm bells.
>I ask them who their favorite superhero is
Superman, specifically the 90s and All-Star versions.
Am I in or out?
>3. They've been playing for more than a year, but have only ever played some edition of DnD
That seems a bit unfair. 3.PF groups are often violently resistant to playing other games, even for a one-shot. Instead, I'd ask them to name 3-5 RPGs that aren't D&D.
It's definitely a red flag.
>be at LGS
>see guy looking at dice sets
>hey man I'm user, haven't seen you here before
>"what's your favorite superhero?"
>"I said what's your favorite superhero."
>Uhh Batman I guess, I'm not a big comics guy but I liked the Nolan movies
>his face is awash in indignation
>he does 180 and walks away with his dice
We should have colonies for people who embrace their autism. I don't want them walking around in public.
Try playing a few games with them and then ask yourself something like this.
1) Do they smell horrid?
2) Can they show up on time? Alternatively, if they can't make it to a game do they let you know that they will not be present?
3) If the player has problems with others, can they talk out their problems like an adult? If someone talks to them like an adult, how do they react?
4) Are they responsible enough to remember their character sheets ( if you let them keep them ), or other game materials?
Well, this post actually contains a decent one.
Anyone who cares about being "inclusive" is a pretty good person to keep out.
People who hate D&D as much as him don't play anything.
> What are some Veeky Forums pleb filters?
Anything less than full immersion into the game process is an automatic red flag.
I'm serious, in my experience, anyone who describes his character with "he/she/it" instead of "I" is usually a shit player.
Threads like this always make me glad I play with friends, who all met for non-gaming reasons, enjoy being around each other and can keep their shit together.
They play EDH competitively.
1.) Pathfinder is their favorite system
2.) "[martial class] is overpowered in [3.pf]"
3.) Whole army unpainted
4.) Mjolnir charm worn outside a shirt
Before judging, you mean instantly IC or do we have time to adjust?
There are always those dead minutes between when we all arrive and the real start of the game, but we rarely break character.
Anything vaguely related to Anime in any aspect of their character creation is an absolute no.
Jace and his Gatewatch
I've had the opposite experience. Players that know how to take the narrative voice and apply it properly, then switch for dialogue are on the same page and telling the same story. Players who use the first person in reference to their character when not talking as the character are often okay but seek loot and fame for "themselves" rather than letting their character achieve its own goals and deriving satisfaction from that.
>No they're not
>You didn't play it
>Bull fucking shit
>You have a tiny amount of options in combat, what are you doing, playing league?
arrow guy, by virtue of being able to get 14 range in heroclix when I gave it a try that one time. I know nothing else about superheroes. Am I in? Disclaimer: I know that isn't his name, but I never learned it. I also didn't like Heroclix so much.
>Any archetype that relies on enforcing a code of conduct or laws by any means
I've never seen full grown men become more obnoxious or childish when given the prestigious title of Paladin or Cleric.
I can never play another game with religious characters without some faggot trying to ruin mine or other peoples games.
Not knocking religious people, but i've found people who publicly and overtly atheist are ironically the the most cuntish roleplayers when given a bolt pistol and crucifix.
>You can't do that REEEEEEEE!
>Why won't you let me get away with killing that heretic without evidence and no witnesses! REEEEEE
>I'm going to try and throw the entire parties water supply just because a heretical symbol is nailed onto the side even thouh I know it's safe to drink and the heretical symbol has nothing to do with posion and is more of a coat of arms! REEEEEE
Batman had some okay arcs.
Superman is objectively shit.
Hellboy is really not a super hero comic.
Atheists are the best fundamentalists because they look at religious people from the outside and notice the insanity of the fundies and the hypocrisy of the phonies.
>edgelord detected
Isnt that the comic with fucking hillary clinton showing up?
Possibly, but I would argue that the open and loud atheists i've met (specifically 4) just so happen to be horrible people anyway, who you would not give any form of power let alone a gun.
What kind of spergs do you play with? I've never had a paladin player act like this.
Sadly alot of different people as I usually don't lock myself down with one group and sort of jump from social sphere to social sphere in my city and online.
Perhaps pure bad luck, but I fucking just can't face another power mad 28 year old man trying to derail my campaign or piss off fellow players again
Precisely. They post here, you don't want them.
>What are some Veeky Forums pleb filters?
The "airport test" i.e. "Would I want to be stuck in an airport with this person?"
Also, invite this person to spend an evening with you, doing something unrelated to your hobby. If you don't enjoy his company away from the gaming table, then you probably won't enjoy having him as a player either. Also, it can uncover other warning signs.
A backstory ten pages long about how great and awesome their level one character is in a setting where level one is barely above a peasant farmer.
Seriously, you did not fight and kill some super demon of doom when you were twelve. Stop it
Exactly. Anyone who knocks it without having given it a fair chance isn't worth the time or effort, as you know the'll just parrot BS rather than think for themselves. Same thing goes for people who can't say anything good about the Star Wars prequels.
>deadpool is a pass
it'l like you want le witty C at your table
What about "we"?
It sounds like a matter of luck. That said, man, it must suck.
Veeky Forums in particular seems to have a lot of bad experience with bad Paladin players, moreso than Clerics.
Popular enough overseas, but I'm stoked if anyone else even knows what I mean when I mention the series.
Fake Rider Fan detected, get out of my game.
>"what is your favorite Superhero?"
What do you mean, comics or live-action film?
My favorite is actually W, but I see no reason to shit on what's the series' mascot and symbol.
Have you read manga? Because #1 and #2 are the most balling motherfuckers in Spirits.
That's Rider 1, in modern portrayals 2 has red gloves.
It was a joke, mainly because 1/2 are normie tier to Japanese people and therefore roughly correspond to JL/Avenger A-listers.
The changes they've gone through make it hard to keep straight. Remember when Rider-1 was blue?
Into the incinerator it goes.
Phrases like "I play for fun" or "the most important thing is having fun". Bland platitudes like this are the hallmark of a incorrigible pleb.
I don't know what Avenger or JL means, I've only seen TAS back in the 90s because it was a decent cartoon but I don't like Bateman. Would Spiderman trigger your autism?
My bad, I seem to have caught temporal 'tism.
>The changes they've gone through make it hard to keep straight.
Yeah, I had the hardest time keeping up with that shit at first.
And Riders are live-action too, you know. Except actually cool!
Japanese Tokukino is on a different level than Western live-action capeflicks.
>I don't know what Avenger or JL means
user, why would you tell lies on the internet?
>no live-action
>literally posting live-action
Gotcha faggot
I think you overestimate the number of people who care about superhero media
>I don't know what Avenger or JL means
Are you a caveman?
> they playing GW games
bonus points for not even having painted their armies
Man I don't care about capes and I still know that stuff.
A good number care going by box office numbers.
I've been to a theater in Sri Lanka that was playing Superman V Batman, you underestimate how fucking huge this stuff is. Its cool to not like it but how can you have honestly never heard of it?
t. capeflick fan with pleb tastes
Someone saying that he's never heard of either memebuster Avengers movies is like someone saying that he's never heard of Jedi.
New players are full of energy, enthusiasm and ideas.
The cancer redflag players are the ones who've been playing for years and bustle with shitty learned habits, superiority complexes and powergaming tendencies.
New players never turn up with a printed out wad of homebrew and third party material they HIGHLY ADVISE you run.
Doctor Doom
>failing your own test
>getting upset when your rules need clarifying
Now you're failing my test. See you in the incinerator.
never watched any Star Wars besides ANH, not my thing, and jedi was mentioned like once there. No idea what Avenger movies are about.
haven't heard of Avengers or JL, many things are popular but it doesn't mean everybody knows/is interested in everything
No deodorant
>Stealth Rider thread
I approve.
See the way you phrased this whole thing leads me to believe that you are a massive cunt with a superiority complex. Let's be quite frank your social skills are probably shit, and you compensate for your failings by telling yourself the lie that you are better than most people and that is why you can't get along with them. That's bullshit. Come down off of your high horse. If they are friendly, and maintain a decent standard of hygiene give them a chance. Don't look down your nose at someone who doesn't have your experience or knowledge, remember that you were new once too, and guide them to find what they enjoy in the hobby. If you just stop getting hung up on stupid shit i guarantee you'll be happier for it in the long run.
tl;dr don't be a neckbeard cunt, just try and get along with people and have fun rather than judging them for how they game, and you'll enjoy yourself more.
It was meant to be.
Posting this other one, because I fucking love it to bits.
They call stats the wrong names.