If the less armor you wear the higher the rating then, what if you wear nothing at all?
If the less armor you wear the higher the rating then, what if you wear nothing at all?
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How do you know you're not actually wearing armor right now?
Blackjack rules, if you would go past a certain threshold you bottom out. That threshold is cloth panties and, in some settings, a bra.
Ever heard of the naked Dwarf syndrome?
You realize even if you wear no clothes, you will still be wearing the flesh bodysuit, right?
This is about to go down a dark path, isn't it?
You play with dangerous forces, OP
Also, what a nice picture ruined by a fucking terrible haircut
Armor increases as you approach a worn value of zero. However, the rapidly increasing armor value is in truth an asymptote and approaches infinity as armor worn approaches zero. Realistically however, the minute fraction of armor required to give a near-infinite armor value can not be represented by a real number of armor coverage.
The minimum armor coverage would in fact be 1. The armor value represented by this coverage though, will vary by system.
There are people who have tested this theory and found it to be sound.
>Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.
He explained to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Sometimes I would enter under the water where children were playing. I would dive under the water, grab one, carry him under and break his neck. Sometimes I'd cause accidents. Sometimes I'd just slaughter them."[9] In January 2008 Blahyi confessed to taking part in human sacrifices which "included the killing of an innocent child and plucking out the heart, which was divided into pieces for us to eat."[10]
Blahyi claimed to a South African Star reporter that he "met Satan regularly and talked to him" and that from age of 11 to 25 he took part in monthly human sacrifices.[11] In his account of a typical battle Blahyi claimed, "So, before leading my troops into battle, we would get drunk and drugged up, sacrifice a local teenager, drink the blood, then strip down to our shoes and go into battle wearing colorful wigs and carrying imaginary purses we'd looted from civilians. We'd slaughter anyone we saw, chop their heads off and use them as soccer balls. We were nude, fearless, drunk yet strategic. We killed hundreds of people--so many I lost count."[12]
Trick question, you're playing AD&D 1/2. Taking off all your clothes will make you AC10.
You have to eat babies to have effective bullet protection while naked though.
>baby-back, baby-back, baby-back
Then GURPS gives you an even higher armor rating and if you're female, an additional +1.
Is this chaotic-evil?
He claims to have met Satan on several occasions.
What do you think?
>imaginary purses we'd looted from civilians
It's something that makes sense if you are wasted.
That sword obviously doesn't go with that sheath.
You become invisible.
Seems practical to me. I have never had long hair, but I watch my kids tussle about and my daughter is constantly having to stop and move her hair out of her face. I can imagine a sword fighter would be very careful about their hair.
It's not that it's impractical, just that it's ugly.
I get that. But if you have to sacrifice a little hair to keep the tits alive, that is what you do.
Ah, nudity makes you stronger on this planet!
Raditz pls
isn't the standard practice to just.. tie your hair back?
Shaving half the head and swinging your bangs around doesn't seem very practical at all, since the bangs are what's going to get in your eyes.
Impenetrable defense.
Can confirm,
Am male with long hair, have to tie it back for work.
t. skellington
Sounds more like an average chaotic neutral character.
noone has mentioned the nigga on the side
vault suits aren't armor though.
they're clothes
But you can ballistic weave them up.
Which 'nigga'?
>Sports bra over your vault jumpsuit
My first ever D&D character was a berserker chick, who was a sort of hot buff as hell Jasper type, and after repetitive jokes from the guys in the team, ended up making her have a compulsion to go completely naked in combat.
Worked out pretty great for her, she was an uncommonly lucky character.
I actually watched a documentary with this guy in it. He's like a church preacher now, and he tries to build houses or something for the poor. A few days before the interview with the reporter or whatever, some dude from his past tried to run him down in the streets with a car. I think in passing he talks about eating children. At the end of it, he did say if there was ever a need to, he'd drop everything and go back to being a warlord again.
>At the end of it, he did say if there was ever a need to, he'd drop everything and go back to being a warlord again.
Didn't he specifically say "I can not go back to my vomit" when asked if he'd fight again? That seemed like a solid no to me.
Bullet-proof nudity is a thing in GURPS. Well, a rule option you can turn on in That Kind of Campaign.
You can also buy a one-point perk that waives the penalty for running/fighting in high heels.
VICE did a documentary on him, back when they were producing good journalism. It's an interesting story.
If you ever want to see why we have principles like Rule of Law, go watch what happened to Liberia.
Depends on your charisma score. Above or below a specific point, more bonuses. Mid range, less.