Stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
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Which setting and system?
Lvl. 18 Fighter (Samurai)
Dumb jackposter. Can't wait until your shitty cartoon is over.
Raises a good question, actually.
How high a level can you attain just by training with little genuine experience? He sure got a lot of former in his youth but we didn't see that much of the latter by comparison.
Wouldn't all that training have just gotten him high ability scores, but left him relatively low level, maybe 5 or 6? Yet even then he was capable of taking on Aku, suggesting demons in this setting aren't particularly formidable.
I'd say even by the end he wouldn't be higher level than 15.
>not Paladin
You do realize he destroys a Literally army in the first couple episodes mostly singlehanded. That would have to count for a shit ton of xp. And this is the shit he does on a daily basis.
Lmao. Go watch your nancy little schoolgirls with bug eyes, neckbeard.
Jack always struck me as a paladin as well.
>Stat me Veeky Forums
>Habitat/Terrain: Veeky Forums board
>Frequency: Daily
>Number encountered: 1d3
Jackspammers are a common low-level encounter on Veeky Forums. They appear nearly every day, despite understanding that people who otherwise would enjoy Samurai Jack are getting annoyed by their constant presence.
He has no smite, his weapon just has righteous power enough to go around Aku's damage resistance. He also generally doesn't rely on any sivine power, but instead fights based ob his principles. LG does not always mean paladin.
Those beetle drones don't seem that tough, though. Depending on the edition, he could beat up a small army of them on a fairly low level - while not getting all that much experience out of the deed.
Master of every weapon, indomitable will and the ability to keep fighting after being stabbed are all things a Samurai gets.
Level 8 Open Hand Monk, Level 12 Champion Fighter
His fighting styles are Great Weapon Fighting and Two Weapon Fighting.
High Strength and Wisdom, moderate Dex and Con, Int and Char are his dump stats.
Wields a stupidly powerful magic katana(longsword) that deals a fuckton of extra radiant damage to fiends and undead.
Way of the Kensai?
The more of an enemy there is, the higher the challenge; he can't just tank hits from them more or less indefinitely, so they must be worth some exp each. At least at the beginning of the show.
They are using cleaving rules or playing 4e.
That would work too.
What about those 4 robot assassins that Jack had get a robotic arm to kill. For the last one when the arm broke, he called upon his ancestor spirits to help him kill it. That's pretty much a smite in my book.
He did that exactly once and had to pray for like 10 rounds to do it. That was a GM fiat if I ever saw one.
Plus all it did was temporarily give him enough strength to cleave through adamantine.
That's inspiration by roleplaying.
Else, he'd be an Ancenstral Guardian Barbarian
Or playing AD&D, where he gets to attack as many times as he has levels - provided the enemy has less than a full HD.
That works too, but I've learned to not speak of that which I don't really understand.
It usually ends badly.
Name: Unknown "Samurai Jack" "The Samurai"
Guild: Samurai
Homeland: Japan(?)
Swordsmanship 4
-Ancient Heirloom blade, Arrow block,
Bushido 2
-Perfect cut, Unbreakable, Heroes' aura
1. Fled my homeland to escape Aku.
2. Trained by many masters.
3.Claimed my ancestral sword.
4. Evil is clever and deception is its most powerful weapon.
5. Jack jump good.
6. I have saved countless innocents.
Fate: To undo the evil that is AKU.
Curse: I cannot bear to see innocents suffer.
Level: 3
Fair enough, but I know a thing or two about AD&D.
Given that the edition has likely the strongest fighters when compared to other classes, the katanas closest to "Uverpowered in d20" -meme, the kensai subclass which specializes in unarmored combat (see image), and that even the greater demons can be brought down by a mid-level warrior, we could make a pretty strong case here that Samurai Jack runs on AD&D.
Fair enough.
Could also be Way of the Kensei in 5e.
But AD&D kensai can only gain levels when challenged by another kensai upon the point of leveling up and beating them.
Jack only fought a true samurai for about three times during the series, and even that's stretching it. So if he were a kensai then he wouldn't have gained that many levels at all.
Samurai Jack
Types: Monster, Shadow
Powers: Fighting Spirit, Super Evasion
Qualities: Wanted, Muscular
Weapons: Striking Martial Arts, Katana
Athletics 8
Affection 3
Cool 6
Will 12
Skill 1
Luck 2
Roots: Loyalty
Suit Colour: White
Hair Colour: Black
Master of every and indomitable will are also the Paladin's shtick, except they're actually better at the later.
Also, his sword is most definitely a Holy Avenger.
To be honest, the main thing for going with Samurai is:
>Samurai: Strength Before Death
>Starting at 18th level, your fighting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you can delay that damage and immediately take a bonus turn, interrupting the current turn. You don’t take the damage until the bonus turn ends. It is possible to do things, such as gaining resistance, that change how much of that damage you take.
>Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
For the scene where he is stabbed and still kills her.
Samurai Jack
Large monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft.
20 (+5) DEX
12 (+1) CON
17 (+3) INT
3 (-4) WIS
12 (+1) CHA
7 (-2)
Skills Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Multiattack. The Samurai Jack makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
don't care/10
Is that MAID?
5e version of the Owlbear?
Nice change of pace.
He kills the VAST majority of that force through traps, planning and prep. At the end he's fighting no more than 20 of them at once and he's struggling.
Screw jack,
Stat the crazy sword of his...
>dont seem tough
only because they were up against jack
average commoners cant handle even one, let alone an army
He's a samurai, obviously a subset of rouge, a Ronin.
Nice try Aku
1D10/12, slow attack, Boosted attack speed effect 2xDay?
Definitely Chaotic Good.
Jump good.
If we go by DnD terms, then I'd go with a +6 Magic Sword, which ignores all DR.
This means it'll chop through all that insane shit Jack tends to just cleanly cut, and means that Aku's DR of "I don't take damage" is also ignored. Give it some sort of bane against demons where the crit chance increases against them or something.
It's also a sentient weapon, which demands its user follows a specific code of honor.
Lawful or Neutral Good IMO
>dump stat
>gets tricked by worms
Are you deaf and blind?
In 5e terms
He's like a level 20 monk Way of the Kensai.
Certainly very high wisdom as his extremely high perception/alertness is a theme.
He's very Dex based, but not Str. He actually struggles the most in the raw Str area- unable to toss large rocks far, etc. He makes Dex saves with extreme proficiency
He's also consistently weaker without his sword, and I'd agree with or it's probably the equivalent of a very high powered magic weapon. He shows proficiency in staves, spears, and bows.
Has a lot of projectile deflection.
Most importantly, he is very very fast and mobile, capable of jump good, momentary wall running, and survives numerous falls for huge heights.
That'd more be a poor sense motive roll, since he assumed that one ACTUALLY did tell the truth and they weren't just both liars.
>Never considers that they might both be liars
Guess that's an 8 to Wisdom
>you don't watch my weeb show made by a weeb?
>go back to anime then weeb!
I hope you realize how silly you sound.
Why do you guys want to force Jack to become the next JoJo?
>Why do you guys want to force Jack to become the next JoJo?