
Can we have a Yu-Gi-Oh! thread please?

>meta discussion
>favorite decks
>'locals' stories
>YCS / regional impressions

post 'em
>kill the rat

>be me
>go to locals like usual
>'that one kid' that once safed my ass from getting scamed comes up
>'you in the tournament today as well user?'
>'duuuude, you gotta lend your photon prime this time, I'm playing blue eyes, I need him for my dark matter dragon'
>'meh.. I really don't like giving my cards away'
>'come on user, remember that time I saved you from getting scamed? you know you can trust me.'
>'well I suppose. see you in the finals then I guess :)'
>give him card
>play first match
>search for that one kid
>can't find him
>'probably on toilet atm second match about to start, oh well'
>play second match
>search for that one kid
>can't find him
>'probably just getting a drink, third match about to start, oh well'
>play third match
>(insert recursion)
>play fourth match
>'that one kid' still missing
>locals close, waiting for 'that one kid' to come out as well
>'user, what're waiting here?'
>'I'm still waiting for 'that one kid'. I've lend him my prime.
>Guy tells me that 'that kid' reguarly lends shit and doesn't give it back

>skip a week ahead
>'that one kid' not there

>skip another week
>not there again

>skip yet another week
>not there !again!
>'told you user, 'that one kid' really is 'THAT kid'

>tfw I will never see my prime again

I'm still sad

Serves you right for playing such a shit game.


I really need to get some Ultimate Odd-Eyes, they look really good.

Serves you right for lending someone a card, retard.

At locals, people lend each other cards all the time and there has never been any problems. Everyone trusts each other. Maybe my group is weird.

My favorite deck has always been, and may well always be the Exodia deck. It is basically Meta-proof, draws out unspeakable amounts of rage from people who "lost to rng", and has very cheap upkeep, since the fast majority of the deck can't really be improved much.
My love for Exodia is to the point that I sometimes run DISTRACTION EXODIA decks, where I have the 5 pieces, a few bullshit support cards (Obliterate! is a favorite, since it's basically 5 "fuck yous" to whatever you want), and the other 30ish cards are my actual deck. Nothing throws people off of your actual strategy faster than finding out you just searched your deck for a piece.

Cardfu, I know it's entry-level, but Dark Magician Girl is just too perfect.

Seriously, why is every Dark World so fucking retarded? I'm playing against this high-rated guy on DB, who thinks that Return of the Red-Eyes' effect works like Call of the Haunted and that I can't use it during his EP and use it again in my M1. Now I have to wait for an admin to come.

And incidentally, he uses DW. And it's not even the first time I come across a retarded DW player. Jesus.

every game has these kind of people

I like Fluffals even if they aren't that good

I REALLY REALLY wish there would be english Frightfurs without the autistic censored art

>really dig subterrors
>hidden city is 17 bucks a pop now

Dark worlds are full of players who bought the structure decks and picked up free wins due to how stupid the value plays and how fast it worked were at the time, and don't actually know the rules. The amount of people who didn't know the difference between discard for effect and cost was obscene. I still remember back when DN was alive needing to wait for admins to explain to him that Lightning Vortex and other shit does not trigger DW effects.

Dragged down is fucking retarded.
>lmao 2 snoww, now I'll take the card you need the most.

Need consulting on a fanmade archetype; Perfect Harmony

Tuner monsters. When attacked, they can synchro summon into a monster double their level. OP or not?

Really depends on the level and wether or not a enemy monster to attack your monster.
If the wording would go something like

>"When this card is attacked: you can send this card to your graveyard, then Special Summon from your Extra Deck a Synchro Monster double the level of the original level of this card ignoring its summoning conditions."

then shit would really hit the fan. Let's say one of your monsters is a level 4 then you could just summon him along with ANY other monster for instant access to crystal wing and other level 8 synchros. Level 6 would mean instant quasar which is even more absurd. I can see something that boosts synchro decks, especially quasar decks, once the Link mechanic hits but having one-body synchros would probably be tooo much IF Perfect Harmony can be played alongside other engines and / or maybe have some other effects. Otherwise they'd be to gimmicky and easy to play around. I wouldn't recommend such an archetype.

children could cut themselves on such edgy designs. ;)

post your man card status and your favorite archetype

>alpha male
>Ancient Gears

your move Veeky Forums

Can a card be any more alpha than this?


nothing personnel, optimus

this game has always been complete dog shit. The most enjoyable format it had was when it was all Wind Ups, Chaos Drags and Dark World

Has anyone ever moved from MTG to Yu-Gi-Oh? I sold all my magic cards for a few thousand over the years and recently felt like getting into a cheaper card game to play casually. I always enjoyed the lack of lands and the horrible art and translations have a strange endearing feeling for me.

Maybe I need to see a doctor?

Just play online on Ygopro or DuelingBook

Kaijus are fun.

I just play whatever card games I feel like at the time. I feel like it helps from getting burned out on one from playing it too long.

No, it'll be a specific monster, like a Perfect Harmony monster. No instant Quesar shit.

I'm mostly a MTG player, but YGO is a really interesting TCG. I'd suggest you pick 3x Kaiba (or the Dinosmasher) Structure Deck and give it a try, they're cheap and pretty strong. Also, you can test the deck using YGOPro.