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First for Age of Smegmar faggots to go back to their containment thread and to stop trying to drag down 40k with them

First for Chaos, we Captured it!

First for bugs

What if i were to tell you i have never played Smegmar?


Reminder to ignore shitposting

Sure you haven't user, sure you haven't

So what do you guys do with your spare bits, just been wondering since Im gonna have a whole bunch soon and im interested to know how you guys use your leftovers

Tyranids have a special rule on their data slate as follows:

While this unit is within 12" of a unit with the Keyword "Synapse Creature" it does not take battleshock tests.

space marines have a special rule on their data slate as follows: We are awesome and never run away from anyone cause we have reasons and therefore this unit never takes battleshock tests.

there are precedents for this all over the place in AOS don't worry


Which one of you fucks is this?

I never played Sigmar and have no interest, but I'm hype for what they're doing with the rules. Maybe you should stop projecting shit just to have a specific target to whine about.


I hope you enjoy the deadgame making your models worthless when Tyranid and Ork players all leave and GW stock drops again.


Because they are made from belief and emotion. The Emperor cannot destroy those things. He cannot destroy the gods directly, but they are no threat to him directly either. He could have gone into the warp and blasted them apart all day, but new ones would just manifest and he'd be just wasting his power. He needed to save humanity from their influence.

But user, 8e is an AoS in space. If you want, you can still burn all your models and shitpost with 3 other anons in fantasy general - noone will miss you

I bet he plays CSM.

>kept things under wraps

Does anyone know:
When you buy audiobooks from the black library webpage, can you download the mp3 immediately, or do they ship you a disc or something?

>can't tell who's worse, the "40k = AoS" faggots or the "muh Fearless Synapse" shitposters
>tfw they're probably the one and the same

Yeah I never thought about this until now but, previous editions did always have playtesting leaks coming out months before they went live and we have heard nothing this time, which doesn't follow with the idea that they have the largest ever external playtesting team.

We might just be getting straight up rused. I hope some of the playtesters come forward.

You can download it immediately assuming it's actually released.

>I can't believe you had nothing get out
>/40kg/ and leddit flooded with rumours and leaks for last year like morale phase sigmarification, NuMarine pic, dropping the codices etc

next has got to be /40kAoS/ general

>"muh Fearless Synapse" shitposters
It's not shitposting. They're destroying the core identifying special rule of an entire Faction. This is like if they took orders away from Imperial Guard, just, completely.

Nah. As a CSM player I can already tell you I'm on the up side of this not hyped but optimistic. Nothing they have revealed is too horrible for us.

Probably a Nids player, worried he has to lose 1-3 bugs a turn from their little buggy brains burning out from all the psychic death screams pumping through them.

>tested under the "cloak" of AoS

Says who?

Some shit got out, but I get the feeling GW is just throwing money at people after launch if they can keep their mouths shut.

Those old enough had rather big rummours regarding 2nd to 3rd. We knew shits before 3rd was release. Here we know shit. I really doubt that we have nothing in the age of wikileaks

Yeah. There's even some precedent in that happening with Tervigons, but apparently just being able to use the arbitratility high leadership of a nearby Synapse creature won't work out. Not even if their leadership is above 10, which is possible now.


10+d6 loss of gaunts per turn. Enjoy

What armies do you play and why?

How about you go and make your "9th age general" for the "real" 40k?

stop being salty about thermodynamics, carnac

read a book, nigger

Frontline gaming seem like pretty cool guys so they probably would have keep to their NDA.

source: the livestream Q&A

1-3 bugs? You mean 11-16

Admech because I have a fetish for Gas masks and Bolt Action rifles.

Harlequins because that fetish is gay.

>10+d6 loss of gaunts per turn
Hey cheetahfag - trying to make up a new avatar?

Focusing on getting my Thousand Sons force painted up and expanded with a ton of plans and things to paint. Also have a minor force of Necrons. Egyptian, magical or incomprehensible cool things are really cool.

I started collecting Blood angels and then got bored of marines and have recently started collecting nids.

Oh no they are changing your Synapse to do something new. There is the river, go cry there and see if you turn the water salty.

The fact is Shits changing for everyone not just you fearless is all but a memory. Get over it. At least they aren't saying your bugs are running away. They came up with a good in game reason.

This is a war game, expect units to die. Expect to slaughter and be slaughtered. Grow a pair of reproductive organs you neutered pansy.

>tfw Sisters have a history of stubbornness
>we'll be the true masters of the battle shock

I don't know why but that was the funniest shit-on-carnac post I've seen in ages.

Shhh, don't engage them or they'll shit up another general

>Caring about the lore
Pick one

No I mean 1-3 because Synapse will give you some kind of mitigation. It will cut your losses to a d3 or something like that

nah orders were not a part of guard until 5th ed.

this is like taking away shuriken catapults from Eldar.

Tyranids, GSC, and Skitarii.

They all have the best model aesthetics and cool fucking lore (discounting the new tyranid lore that shits all over ACs god-tier stuff). Skitarii and GSC also have very fun playstyles and almost all the units feel viable, and they aren't overloaded with too many units so the Codexes just feel.. I don't know, cleaner and more solid somehow.

>fluff for sisters battleshock
>orks killed more than you thought before
At least that's most of what I've seen of their stubbornness.

Which sucks because I like sisters, even though they're powered by most of what's wrong in the Imperium.


Bitch, I'm talking about table top.

You just get to auto win against Nid players now because they will all die in the leadership phase.

That's fun right? Those are good game mechanics right? This is an amazing game right?

>nid players
>adapting to a changing environment

btw its Cruddace*

Except they are shitting on the lore to the same extent they would be if they said "Sisters of Battle have a new special rule where if you shoot a bunch of them and they fail a Leadership test at the end of the turn, X amount of them suddenly convert to Chaos and their squadmates have to shoot them in the head for heresy".

That's about how much sense battleshock in synapse makes.

Tyranids died all the time in every Edition. What the fuck are you on about are you on about?

At least its shitting about 40k and not /pol/ crap.

really there is nothing to indicate what compensation for the loss of synapse will be and losing one of the key features of tyranid gameplay is rather depressing.

I'm pretty sure he means in reference to the game, as in GW doesn't care about the lore when writing rules and regularly goes against it.

I know he didn't say much, but context, nigga.

Every /40kg/ will be shitted up until 8e launch. Then they will make /real40kg/ or /7eg/ threads few time. When the 8e will turn out to be a good game they will try to spam it like fantasy salt-fags tried to spam AoSg. Then, they will just find another game to shit up it's community

Necrons and Iron Warriors. Necrons since their 3E debut and I'm sticking with the oldcron soulless murderbot vibe and staying away from the egyptian stuff. Iron Warriors because I wanted something to convert and fiddle with army list options because oldcrons were very boring on both those fronts, and 3.5 CSM was very interesting.

>Oh no they are changing your Synapse to do something new.
I'm pretty sure synapse already bumped units' ld to 10 I believe

it's not even new, it's just less

Do they still send you a disk of some sort, or is it just the download?

It's rather depressing because you're going to lose your entire Army in the leadership phase

By lore Nids are mere NPCs and would just auto lose anyway. Be glad your shitty army is not held to the lore.

Right nids who will get to do something like roll a d6 for every potential Battle shock loss and on a 4+ ignore a guy lost. Or use the Hive Tyrant leadership from across the board as long as the Synapse network is up, or only take d3 on a failed moral as long as they are in Synapse.

It's more obnoxious when someone makes an on-topic post but uses a word that /pol/ uses, then autists feel the need to rage that /pol/ exists and the user must be a pure /pol/ poster just here to fuck with us or something.

There's literally nothing that says synapse is gone.

More like because you can only drybrush silver.

September can't come fast enough for this reason alone. I say September because I reckon it will take a couple months for all the salt and "muh 7E" to die down.

By the actual lore, not shit lore from an autistic anti-fanboy who started writing them after the actual writers left, they would fuck the living shit out of any other single race in the setting. Be glad the current writers are chaoswank autists like you instead of people with talent.

It's just a download, unless they specifically mention a disc, but I don't think they've ever done that.

You would think a legendary shit poster what actually be good at triggering people.

The non-player character meme is really old

You have so much more new material to trigger me by Carnac, but this is just ancient.

except AoS isnt a good game.

and 8th ed Fantasy was suffering from imbalance and bloated ruleset like 7th ed 40k. 6th ed was the golden age for the skirmish game WHFB, 7th ed onwards was a money grabbing army size explosion which started the death spiral for the game.

However 40k is more suited to what AoS should be anyway so I have some optimism on AoS2: electric boogaloo.

Exactly every indication is that it's just been changed to a mitigation.

Hell it would be cooler if everything that had Synapse before could do something new and cool with it like Zoathropes arcing their psychic powers through warriors.

They literally say only a few units, not factions, will ignore battle shock.

They literally say to many armies ignored the Ld phase.

But user the writers past 3rd are autistic wankers they can't write basic rules nor fluff.

And I playing fucking Ultramarines and Eldar I got enough broken and attention

I think people would rather focus on the fact that nothing says its still here then try and be optimistic and maybe get let down.

Regardless of how anyone feels, that is the actual lore. It's real. It's how the universe works now. Not liking something doesn't make it invalid. Ignoring something of a lower quality doesn't mean the stuff you focus on in your own head matters outside of it.

You are working for GW? Tell me more about Nids new abilities and stuff - I want to know them now

I am not chaoswanker.
But funny isn't it? You don't like chaoswank but are fine with nidwank.

I am not the carnac poster.

Imperial Guard because I love the idea of common soldiers standing up to a universe of horrors, coupled with the fact I am also an unrepentant tread-head.

Really hope the Orders system survives into 8th. I love that shit.

>Chaos fills the galaxy with psychic spooge
>Nids die from psychic backlash all the time now


>Exactly every indication is that it's just been changed to a mitigation.
But that's not what synapse IS. It's a deeply established thing in both the mechanics and fluff that's been more or less unchanged since the dawn of Tyranids being a thing. It utterly fucks their fluff up. Tyranids suffering Morale effects in synapse at all is like Grey Knights getting possessed by Daemons, it's like Orks suddenly becoming pacifists, it's like Tau being relevant.

I've played through 2 of Cruddance's shit codexes and now he's in charge of the core rules.

They always fuck Nids. GCults changed from BBC to AoC. Terrible supplements terrible formations no 7th edition codex and absolutely no major detachment

Please tell me more about how I should trust Games Workshop? Eat my ass

>except AoS isnt a good game
Well, it's you opinion like mine it's a decent game and I'm looking forward to see new battletomes and updates. Just have fun with whatever you like

you don't know what a wank entails

You seem to be missing a lot of shit the west is experiencing.
It has gone so retarded that even previous supporters of said stupidity are trying to leave the sinking ship.

My feelings are more important than facts. So if Chaos wankers need this shit lore to feel better they will have it.

After all chaos marines are basically SJW, needing a safe space (Eye of terror)

Exactly, no leaks at all.

It's not a morale effect, it's a psychic backlash.

You've got a point, no way Nidfags could wank with such tiny dicks.

My 'crons are actually various shades of gloss black with some gold thrown in for a sort of living obsidian vibe, and it's a bit of a bitch to apply properly to get a glassy smooth finish without cheating and burying all the details in glosscoat.

IW are admittedly a bunch of drybrushed metallics, but more than anything I had fun converting pretty much everything.

>is like Grey Knights getting possessed by Daemons, it's like Orks suddenly becoming pacifists, it's like Tau being relevant.
I think all of those things already happen, except for the tau, where they might now

>It's not a morale effect, it's a psychic backlash.

Did you vomit while trying to make this point? 10+d6 lost per turn is because of psychic backlash?

Oh no your bugs brains burn out if too many of them die too quickly? Oh no the still fearless bugs are effected by something my fearless since at least 3rd noise edition noise marine are. Hell my whole damned army was fearless because I gave everything MoS which used to give fearless.

Guess what 3rd ed fearless worked this way too.

Technically speaking they don't have a dick, they have clitoris. All Nid players are female.

Check your privilege!

>Tervigon dies
>Nearby gaunts suddenly fall over dead from psychic backlash

Fucking 8e rules, am I right?

...which has never ever been a thing mentioned in the fluff for over 20 years, other than Tervigons specifically doing it to Termagants (and even that is retarded and surprise, it's post Cruddace-era). They're just making up new bullshit to justify it.

If my guys are dying to psychic backlash, then why aren't Eldar dying from the Shadow in the Warp for just being on the same battlefield as me like they do in the lore?

>It's a deeply established thing in both the mechanics and fluff
We heard you the first time you fucking autist, repeating it over and over isn't convincing anybody.