In this world, the only sentient beings are humanoid versions of fantasy monsters. Elaborate.
In this world, the only sentient beings are humanoid versions of fantasy monsters. Elaborate
More original than the painfully standard human-dwarf-elf trio. Probably more interesting too if handled correctly, as this could lead to a lot more diverse cultures and temperaments than [insert your current culture here]-Scottish-Arrogant.
Them wizard niggas don't know how to keep it in their pants, nigga.
>I exclusively play with shitty DMs
Your life must be filled with suffering.
Ram and sheep people, everywhere
But how do you handle fantasy creatures that are usually humanoid, like lamias, minotaurs, and the like?
>I can only into characterization along racial lines
Sorry to hear that you're shit, user.
>WAKE UP SHEEPLE is no longer a phrase used by tinfoil lunatics exclusively
Humanoid monsters ended up emerging either by chance or because humans started fucking monsters and produced human/monster offspring.
Either way, once they appeared, normal human men and women couldn't compete, and so, due to sexual selection, after many generations, there remained no humanoids with non-monster traits.
By leaving them humanoid. Duh.
Monsters that predominantly eat meat would probably have a hard time coexisting with herbivores. Monsters that occupy the same niche would likewise have a hard time coexisting.
Tarrasque-tan is the strongest!
>bog-standard hentai fodder
>not having norse dwarves
Sounds like typical anime crap.
Why can't they be normally shaped monsters? I feel that would be much more interesting than having various flavors of regular people.
What would the culture of the nonhuman monsters be? I can certainly see some being more brutal than others.
Also, how humanoid are they? Full furry completely bestial, or only slightly monstrous?
And there's only one actual human left, but doesn't know she's actually human?
But in truth, she's just like the monster girls, but the monster half is also human
Pro-tip, Humans are just Ape Monster-folk
This idea i like.
Imagen the players of such a setting as inhabitants of a super dungeon.
>Steve the rogue mimic
>Rob the zombie babarian
>Raul the goblin paladin
And for them the fungeon is just the world as they know it, with factions, anarchy, villages and untamed cave systems.
The adventures could be kept in a gritty sunday morning cartoon style.
Endgame would be of course the exploration of the "Superdungeon" above, where those pesky invaders come from and half of the day a giant fire in the sky tries to burn your flesh off.
I don't like talking about my nightmares.
Wizards, no sense of right and wrong.
Oh boy, they drink mead instead of ale and use axes instead of axes.
Idea: 12 sapient species, each based on one of the animals from the Chinese zodiac. Humans are the monkey-folk.
Pigs are Orcs, Cocks are feathered elves
Are you a tough enough dude to run a between town courier system through the monstro countryside?
>Humans are the monkey-folk.
Lame. Monkeyfolk are vastly underused as it is.
I like using monkey folk better as creepy human-imitators.
You know, the "I like you so much I want to be you" type who will both treat you as an honored guest and also try to eat your heart for your powers.
I like them more as monkeyfolk instead of tryhard grimwank, but maybe that's just me.
Eesh, a little prickly today, eh user?
Rat: Something like the Nezumi from MTG or the Skaven from WH.
Ox: Minotaurs
Tiger: Something like a Leonin from MTG, but with tigers instead of lions. Maybe something vaguely Rakshasa like.
Rabbit: Viera from Final Fantasy
Dragon: Something like a dragonkin, dragonborn, half-dragon, whatever.
Snake: Lamia
Horse: Centaur
Goat: Satyr, only with a goat
Monkey: Human
Rooster: Something like a harpy, but flightless. More like a feathered man/raptor.
Dog: Something like a gnoll, but with dogs
Pig: Japanese style pig orcs.
The gods are humanoid. Only beings worth enough to evolve into the divine shape achieve true sentience.
There is a manga about this
You're talking about "12 beast" right?
Tell me more.