MTG: Legacy General

Storm Edition

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>Current Legacy Metagame

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>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)

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So we can make dragon storm like those fucks in modern general made kithkin, tier 1 here we come

I wish I had more to contribute to these threads.

Well its up to you and me to make a shitpost deck competitive

What does ANT look like these days?

heres the storm list ive been running recently. It needs a bit of tuning but i think its pretty strong

4 Crimson Kobolds
4 Crookshank Kobolds
3 Kobolds of Kher Keep
4 Memnite
4 Ornithopter
1 Spore Frog
3 Wild Cantor

Non Creature:
2 Tendrils of Agony
4 Phyrexian Altar
4 Lotus Petal
4 Dark Ritual
4 Enduring Renewal
2 Enlightened Tutor
4 Glimpse of Nature

4 Verdant Catacombs
2 Scrubland
2 Savannah
3 Marsh Flats
2 Bayou

Typically like

Reposting my favorite format memes


Wow I guess I'll have to make more

our only bad matchup is living end

Except dragon storm is a real meme

Lol the legacy one kinda looks like a Top

Does looter scooter have any place in legacy?

No, the cards barely powerful enough to see Modern play. The only reason it saw a Standard ban is that Standard is so laughably underpowered now that the moment a powerful card comes around its a mainstay of every deck since theres no reason not to play it unless its not in your colors. With Copter being colorless it easily slotted into every deck pretty much but the cards not all that great neither is Reflector or Newmrakul.

Some stompy lists run it. I've seen it in Colorless Eldrazi and Thalia Stompy.

I'm interested but I know nothing about storm. Is there a reason ad nauseam is only in SB for this list? Is it still worth the green splash and decay in SB with miracles gone?

This. When you make every viable answer card at least 3+cmc, it's no wonder when good cards get all the representation. Same issue in modern as well. When creature's etb effects are getting better and better, the reason to have counterspell increases. Also part of the reason why thoughtseize and inquisition are so good.

Ad naus is mostly a tool for speed, so it is boarded in for matchups where you want to go fast, like DnT. As for the green splash, I think it's fine, abrupt decade is still a good card and still hits lots of creature/artifact lock pieces. I don't think it's necessary but without it you probably take up moreally sideboard space with a couple fatal pushes and a couple ingot chewers or the like, instead of a couple decays.

Anybody been messing around with control lately? I've been working on some UWr and UWb standstill brews, there are so many possible builds to test that I feel like I've hardly made a dent.

I'm gonna be playing a ub standstill list at some of the side events at the gp this weekend. since this thread is apparently back I'll of course be reporting.

sorry for your loss

I see. I have the mana base sans volc and the only other expensive shit would be leds so I was thinking about giving it a try

I'm going to be playing a doomsday list at a GPT this weekend, so I'll be reporting as well. And if I do real bad, I'll probably decide it's time to let the deck go.

why no tinder wall?

These always crack me up.

What kind of effect would the hypothetical unbanning of balance have on the format?

It'd make it a very balanced format remember, symmetrical effects are always fair

I doubt it would result in a ... Balanced metagame ahahahahahahah

Daze gets better.

White Stax becomes tier 2

Looking into getting into ANT. I realized that although I already have most of the cards for it in other decks. However, I don't want to have to keep switching cards between decks so I'm basically at square one except for the lands.

first world problems

just put them all in the same sleeves. ez.

Stax might actually be playable again
>mfw they give a new card for stax

Honestly, if I ever were to play a storm deck, it'd be Dragonstorm because it tickles my big dumb Timmy inside.

But if you ever wanted a meme deck for the Legacy General, ours is Desert Power.

Than friendo, i gotta ask, what is desert power

I thought the original meme deck was Lich.

It's a worldgorger dragon deck based around sunscorched desert and piranha marsh.
PROS: it's cheap, part of your combo is your manabase so you have more space for disrupion.
CONS: it's a meme.

Dude u accidently put a pro in your cons

>DDFT guy
>the guy who plays DDFT
>the guy who played Nourishing Lich
>the guy who plays memes
>put "its a meme" in cons.
I guess the top ban is hitting him hard.

Storm is a deck you basically have to study in order to be proficient in it. It's not a deck you can just pick up and play like delver. That said, I can't think of a more rewarding deck to play. You should proxy whatever you're missing if your lgs allows them.

Thinking of building Lands as my final MtG deck. Good idea?

That depends on a few things but it would net you a pile of cards that will age nicely. Diamonds and tabernacle are highly collectable. The investment will be steep if you don't already have most of the cards though.

Why lands and what's the context surrounding this being your last deck?

Black Moon? Black Moon!

I actually like Fallen Empires.

Looks super-fun, but it's a bit needlessly expensive if you don't have the Ports or Tabernac.

Thats what I was seeing. Pricy deck but ill grab the Tabernacle last even if it jumps in price.
Because I like that its a non blue deck thats competitive and its a novel concept of being almost all lands its either that or D&T because I like aggro. It'll be the last deck because I already have a ton of MtG decks
Burn in both Legacy and Modern
Titanshift in Modern
UR Storm in Modern and a really pimped out Teysa, Orzhov Scion deck for EDH

Death and taxes is not an aggro deck, it is a control deck


If price is no object, Lands is a gorgeous deck.

Those aren't mutually exclusive categories.

Yes, Black Moon.

8 rituals, 4 demonics, 4 black lotuses, up to two yawgmoths, and a single bargain in the sideboard

Price isnt an object. I have patience and can wait while I just pick up card by card. I already have a ton of decks so I can just play those as I build it.
>beating down with aggressive creatures that just happen to have mana taxing or disruptive effects is control
Even counting vialing in creatures at the right time that hardly strikes me as control

>You play 4 black lotus and no necropotence

Is Vintage Storm good nowadays? I miss The Perfect Storm, dont like the new Paradoxical Outcome. I just want to play Yawgs, Wheels, Timetwister and Necropotence and then Tendrils people.

Guys what if...
We unban baghdad

>an aggro deck playing 23+ lands
>2 mana 2/1s are "aggressive"
>swords to plowshares in an aggro deck

1 mana 3/2 fliers and 2 mana 5/6s are aggressive, not death and taxes' creatures. Mother of runes, sanctum prelate, recruiter of the guard, etc are not aggro cards. Eldrazi is an aggro deck, delver is an aggro deck. Death and taxes is not


Please ban leovold

more like necroimpotence
bargain is better

Dredge ruined the graveyard for everyone.

Top ban killed Painter, so what do I do with my shitty red control deck?

Is Free Wins Red a thing in legacy?

It's not uncommon for aggro decks to contain removal. You will note that eldrazi packs chalice and to a lesser extent, thorn. These effects have simply been condensed into the creatures. is entirely correct. However DnT is most concisley catagorized as an aggro deck. Splitting hairs over pikers vs 5/5s is silly.

Give me a sandstorm aka desert power aka worldscorcher aka animate dead worldgorger dragon aka stupid fucking meme deck list and I'll 100% take it to legacy night and give an event report

4x animate dead
3-4x necromancy?
4x leechridden swamp
4x new desert land
4x entomb
G-brands for a little back up
World gorgers
I don't actually have a list sorry

Splash blue for Force, Thirst and Dack.

Could you splash green for crop rotations or is that too bad?

>storm edition
Well I did have a really bad dragonstorm deck a while ago... now that my favourite thing was banned I guess I could try to legitimize it

Splash white for mana tithe, sb tech and some kithkins

I think you fucked up

I didn't fuck up cropping that image, idk what you are talking about

Good! Good! Let the hate flow through you! Join the Big Red Side of the Stompy, It is your Destiny! But all joking aside, you can pretty easily build into any stompy variant for cheap because you already have CoTs. Goblin/Werewolf/Big Red all try to jam turn one Blood Moons or Chalice on 1.

>DRS into turn 2 Leovold
>DRS into turn 2 Liliana
>DRS into turn 2 Waste you hymn you
I just want to die

Which decks have a good matchup against BUG?

burn, dredge, lands, elves, loam, and combo decks in general, but it depends on the build imo

The 3 bob in the board seems spicy. What do those come in for, I wonder?

I imagine its for decks that don't pressure your life total that well and are likely to side out all of their removal

>casts Leovold
>I have to Dark Ritual -> Death Wish into Abrupt Decay to combo off
I hate BUG

Do you think you could pull the same thing with Young Pyromancers, or does that just dillute the deck pointlessly?

What deck are you playing that runs deathwish?

Lich, unironically.

Well I think they serve different purposes. Bob is there to draw cards, while pyromancer is supposed to be a win condition by itself. However, usually if you are trying to win with pyromancer you need to be going off anyway. I suppose it is a way to still win even if your payoff gets countered, but then again some decks bring in answers to empty the warrens which would also hit your elementals. Another consideration is that pyromancer forces you to fetch out your red source, which I think is a real downside. That being said, some omnitell lists run pyromancers in the board, so it is certainly not unheard of. The best way to find out is to try both, test it out and see which one you like better.

I know I'm late to the party, but mom is real good in infect. I just played a ton of games against grixis delver, and it was good in the obvious way of blanking removal, but it also let glostener elf attack a few times.

also, invocations are super pretty. I wasn't in the thread during spoilers, what are people's opinions on them.

The consensus was that the art was good, but the frame and font are just atrocious. The frame makes the art seem small and the "3D" effect makes it look like some shitty ps2 cg. The name and typeline are practically unreadable. Also that they don't look like magic cards. But then people got a hold of the real cards, and they thought that they looked actually passable in real life.

I still don't believe they're real MTG cards

seeing the magic back actually threw me off when I flipped the card over.

My favourite is definitely Hazoret the Pervert

Shit senpai you're using my shitty Death Wish list? That list goldfished way better but in practice I think Death Wish was shit. What's your list? I'm high on Veteran Explorer right now so I've been running pic related. I'm seriously considering devoting myself to this meme if I fail to resuscitate DDFT.

>just put them all in the same sleeves. ez.

That's a good idea, but the problem is I still want to have multiple decks ready. Though I guess I'm not exactly going out to buy another $1k mana base so that seems to be the best way to do it.

Tabernacle is pretty ridiculous. Instead of Ports, you can try using Ghost Quarters.

Godspeed my man. Give me a reason to buy another three LED's. In this dire hour I think I've found your theme song

>a reason to buy 3 more LEDs
well ANT is still a good deck. Also, I love power metal but that song is real bad. Theme song for the weekend:

I could never get into music like this, the closest thing I like is probably Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden. I'm more of a wholesome feelgood guitar kinda guy though, my favs are Aerosmith, Led Zep and AC/DC in that order.

I admit I haven't actually like Hammerfall for about six years, but the lyrics are perfect

>Never give up, never give in
>Always ride out the storms, so fight
>Never give up, never give in
>It's your life, make it right

Also, pathfinder is pretty sweet

>Why is it whenever i'm having fun, it's wrong?

sigh yeah...

But power metal is basically 2 Iron Maiden songs played at the same time, what's not to like?

There's just too much going on at once for me, I have a hard time enjoying a particular part when there's 2 other instruments trying their best to drown it out.

See I like it because there is so much going on. What deck(s) do you play? Maybe there is some correlation.

There probably is.

I would have guessed sneak and show

I don't think I could ever play a deck like that, it leaves my opponents to open to, you know, do things. Gimme Chalices, Trinispheres and Bridges over Brainstorm any day.

>tfw you didnt get a trust fund so you cant play legacy in this life time

guess ill just have to wait to regenerate