How much more complicated is Magic compared to Yugioh?
How much more compared to Hearthstone? Really tired of Hearthstone, want a deep and complex card game.
How much more complicated is Magic compared to Yugioh?
How much more compared to Hearthstone? Really tired of Hearthstone, want a deep and complex card game.
Yugioh is Shit.
Magic is Shit.
Card Games are Shit.
Games are Shit.
Life is Shit.
That's the impression you're going to get from this thread.
Magic is actually less complicated than Yugioh, but more complex. The rules are better written, so there's less pointless bullshit and more meaningful interactions.
Magic has more interaction than Hearthstone since combat is dictated by the defender and you can act during your opponents turn. It also has very little RNG compared to Hearhstone. Yugioh is much more complicated than either, but not in a good way. Many Yugioh cards have complicated and long rules text printed directly on the card and there is no attempt to standardize card behavior and interactions like Magic does. However you can still have fun with Yugioh if you can tolerate its bullshit.
Is that MTG android game any good? I know it claims to be "free" but then makes you pay like $10 for the content, but that doesn't seem like a bad deal if it's a good Magic game.
Rec'ing VtES if you like deepness, you can even print your own cards.
Illuminati is also good if you like complexity.
It is garbage. Magic was not meant to be a digital cardgame in the same way hearthstone was designed to be a digital card game.
If you want a decent upgrade to hearthstone in digital form, I would recommend Eternal, which is closer to magic in design philosophy, but actually designed to be a digital cardgame.
2015 is bad. Give Magic Duels a shot on the PC. It's not paper Magic but I'd still recommend it for a new player. It's a pretty good introduction into the game.
Magic is the most interesting and complex of the three.
Yugioh is easily the most "bullshit" tcg. Games are usually over ridiculously quickly, and everything is broken, which means everything is weirdly balanced. Power Creep is an absolute bitch though; a headlining deck is obsolete in a year, and uncompetitive in two.
Magic is more about the long-con than yugioh or hearthstone, it has more twists than Hearth, but far, far fewer than Yugioh, but isn't a great game virtually. Honestly, it shares a bit of kinship with 40k where setting up your deck can actually be more fan that playing with it.
Haven't played yugioh since metal raiders, but I always thought of it as the "marvel vs cap on" of trading card games, in that it's completely bonkers and ridiculous. I only played the beta of hearthstone, but honestly I don't even think of it as a TCG. It's a video game based on TCGs. The experience is just too different, and didn't really hold my interest. I played magic briefly as a kid, but forgot about it for a long time, and just started playing seriously about 2 years ago. IMO Magic the gathering is way more fun and involved than the other two.
buy all three, rage eternally.
>card game
it's a board game m8
I've played about every single tcg ever and I can tell you the following:
mtg: Very slow game with a healthy metagame and community, cards are easy to understand but games are difficult to play, requires a lot of thinking and planning ahead, the community is bigger than that of any other tcg, but most people take this game way too seriously (I only have anecdotal proof of this).
ygo: Faster than any other tcg I've played, the meta is always shit, always, but no rotations means pretty much anything goes, which allows me to play 25 year old cards at regionals no problem, playing requires minimal planning and turns are mostly reactive, the community is reduced, but most players are friendly, if a bit snobbish.
Hearthstone: DUDE, RNG, LMAO!!!!! fuck this game, only good for when I'm taking a huge crap and have no magazines at hand.
I've also played many others,including pokémon and vanguard, ama.
>but most people take this game way too seriously
that's all card games
>turns are mostly reactive
not true for ygo whatsoever, reaction is impossible
By reactive I don't mean reacting in real time unless you have traps set up, I meant that you have to wait until it's your turn to respond to the enemy offensive, and then the enemy responds to yours, until someone runs out of LP, which often happens at around turn 3.
>not true for ygo whatsoever, reaction is impossible
there are plenty of card effect that activate on the opponent's turn you moron
>25 yo cards
Yu-gi-oh is needlessly complicated. Just a fucking mess of a card game.
If you are interested in Magic the Gathering, download Magic Duels on iOS or Steam and give it a go. Should give you enough of a taste to see if you like the game.
Try playing The Elder Scrolls Legends on pc or ios.
It's a step up from hearthstone and almost a complex as magic.
The best thing about it though is really the fact that it's The Elder Scrolls, so if you like those games you'll love this.
Esl doesn't look complex at all, wtf are you talking about
Never played Yugioh, but as a Magic player introduced to Hearthstone, I'd say that Magic has a TON more depth. Hearthstone relies much more on chance, and it doesn't seem like there are as many creative synergies/interactions as Magic.