Is there something like fifth edition but with more powers and cool abilities?
Is there something like fifth edition but with more powers and cool abilities?
4th edition
Savage Worlds.
Fourth edition.
Fifth edition what?
MYFAROG if you want anime style fun
Is this a prank answer?
How? is combat slow?
Combat can be slow, yes. You can make it faster by using the monsters from Monster Manual 3 and books published afterwards.
In the original MM the monsters had a lot of health but didn't do too much damage, which meant fights tended to drag. In MM3 (I also recommend the Monster Vault if you can find it. It comes with tokens!) they have about half as much HP but do twice the damage. Makes things much more tense.
There's a guide for modifying the stats/damage of the older monsters out there, if you can find it.
>is combat slow?
Relative to what?
With the updated math from the Monster Manual 3/Monster Vault, it's no slower than any other edition of D&D.
>they have about half as much HP but do twice the damage
Not even close. It's more like -3 HP and +3 damage.
Then what is different from other editions?
Everyone has interesting options, as opposed to just casters having interesting options. Also the GM side of the system is so much easier to use, holy fuck it's awesome.
Really? you made me want to try it
Do it.
Worst that happens is you don't like it.
Started reading the player handbook, the lack of fluff surprises me
Define "cool"
Like powers with tons of effects and shit, see azura strike from Ragnarok Online
It's very hands off. Aside from the war between the Dragonborn and the Tieflings and the general makeup of the cosmos, very little is established by the books.
Honestly, I love it. I grew up with Forgotten Realms, and I *despise* settings where GMs are afraid to improvise because every square inch and every NPC has been written about in detail and they don't want to step on the canon's toes.
You play 5e, adding the shit you want into it. 5e is kinda built for it
I think that i would end adding a lot of stuff, and i dont have a lot of time for that
I prefer Points of Light to the other DnD settings really. Gives you enough to jump off with but doesn't put a stranglehold on things with a ton of established characters/events etc.