ITT: Images that inspire character concepts.
ITT: Images that inspire character concepts
>ck comes over for D&D.jpg
Is this from something, or is this original stuff?
No clue.
I want to adventure with this heroine
Me too user. Have some more punchgirls.
I, too, have always wanted to be a gigantic skeleton
I know i've seen a game that has land editing like this but I can't put my finger on it...
It's Age of Mythology, the bear is summoned by the "O Canada" cheat code.
We Dungeon Meshi now, bois
That's too fucking cute.
Does anyone have the Yugioh card version of this?
The one where all the cards go home?
That's just every player character, isn't it?
We wuz knights n shiet
>Mr. Clean, huh? That doesn't sound very intimidating
>Yeah well when no one ever find your body or any trace of a crime, we'll see who's laughing
Knight dump
*Autistic screeching*
I actually love this, but is there a reason for the ankle guards? They look like they'd crumple under the weight of any substantial weapon swing
Probably protecting his ankles from hunting traps like this.
Yikes. Good call. Thanks for the info
This'n here?
"Ah hello there. I'm on a quest to find the best catnip available. Got any on you?"
Meant to reply to this one.
that's not king allant
No It's not that.
I don't think it's an official card.
It's called "Bittersweet ending"
Every card you have on your hand goes to a place called home.
You keep drawing and keep putting things home.
Eventually you run out of cards.
Then it says "You're home don't need to fight anymore..."
It should've.
Are you alright?
Is anyone out there?
They'll respond soon.
Real soon.
I'll try again...
Taako is bae
Not really.
Got any snacks?
I did but then he ate them...
He only gives me enough to keep from starving....
Neither is this.
"Yo dude I know you're my target and all that but thats only if you don't give me everything in your bank account."
(You'll probably fucking kill him anyway)
It's okay man. I've had it rough too. Not gonna say we're gonna make it, but I think you can. Take it as you can, alright?
I really like this concept. Got any more?
"What is to die?"
"To simply cease?"
"To be forgotten?"
"I hope I never find out."
It might because I'm stoned but I just laughed at that for about 10 solid minutes. I laughed so hard I was on the edge of suffocating. My chest feels like it's going to tear itself apart.
Is that vampire David Bowie? With crackwhore David Bowie?
I'm on it
Could be. Depends on the character you make.
It's a magical picture.
"I know I know you've got a bomb crazy maniac attacking your mansion."
"The thing is...."
[I swear of you fucking monologue anymore I'll tear your you shit. You little fuck. Who do you think you are? I'll fucking kill him myself actually since you clearly ca-]
"He's already dead..."
[You motherfucking shrimp dicked retard I was gonna kill him! Honestly do you think that you're fucking funny? I ought to cut your legs off.]
"I fucking hate you."
I will.
Thank you for the kind words user.
"I was a Jock once"
(How nice)
"You know wrath."
"I don't want to do this anymore."
(Neither do I)
"I'm tired wrath"
(Me too pal)
(Me too)
hey user, if you need somewhere to chill with, we'll be here inevitably degrading threads into pointless debates about dragon anatomy or something and generally having a good time between all of us.
Because no matter what some others may say, some things never really do change on Veeky Forums, and you're always welcome to post your absolutely shit and completely wrong
Its an abstract happiness that this post gives me.
The hero Veeky Forums needed but never really wanted.
Which Persona are these from, again?
Post more or ill cry
(Oh your body feels so warm~)
"Please stop..."
(Come on baby it's just a little bit of naughty fun!)
"Not right now then!"
(Have you heard of this thing called Futarani?)
"Please don't."
(Only if I can get tazed again! That was fun!)