Stat this baby tg. Most importantly, what alignment is a baby?
Stat this baby tg. Most importantly, what alignment is a baby?
Ritual Components/10
Almost all humans are Chaotic Evil for at least the first 2 or 3 years of life.
One and done.
Chaotic nuetral
Like IQ, they inherit the alignment of their parents along a statistical mean.
>25% of being stillborn
Neutral Evil. It looks out for nobody but itself, freely inconveniences others for its own gain, and most importantly, cannot excuse this behavior by not being sentient.
Actually, back before there was all sorts of medical shit to keep babies alive, 25% is actually not terribly far off of stillbirths/died shortly after birth cases.
Unaligned. A baby does not possess the requisite mental capacity for an alignment, similar to an animal. Once at about 4 years of age they do.
So if a newborn is unaligned, wouldn't they technically count for less edgy points than NG toddlers as sacrifice in a lichdom ritual?
Oh, whatever.
In 5E:
Small humanoid (any race), any alignment
HP 1
AC 5 (Natural Armor)
Speed 5 ft (crawl)
>STR 1 (-5) DEX 1 (-5) CON 3 (-4) INT 3 (-4) WIS 3 (-4) CHA 3 (-4)
Senses Sight 30 ft, Passive Perception 6
Languages None, but can partially understand language of parents
Damage Vulnerabilities all damage
>Inexperienced. The baby treats any die roll of 5 or better on a skill check or saving throw as a roll of 5, unless another creature without the Inexperienced trait is taking the Help action to aid it.
Charisma should be 18.
>Anything but CE or CN
Used to help out part time at a day care. Children at that age are horrid little monsters when in large groups.
I considered adding a special trait that gives humanoids a save or be charmed, but didn't put it in.
Toddlers are Chaotic Evil. They lack empathy and sympathy and are just tiny, tiny little Hitlers.
That's an interesting question. Even if a baby is technically of an "evil" alignment, most good deities tend to throw a shitfit if you so much as scratch them. I'd say is the best answer, but treated as good for most purposes much like a good-aligned demon is still treated as "evil" mechanically.
Hitler had empathy for animals.
A girl I went to high school with put a fucking rabbit in the microwave after hearing it would explode
Hitler is probably neutral evil, children are chaotic evil for sure
>tfw had an evil little sister
Here's a list of the shit she's done off the top of my head
>Cut off a cat's tail with a pair of scissors.
>Sat on her pet guinea pig until it died
>Plucked the tail off her pet cockatoo
>Held every single animal she's ever touched in the worst, most uncomfortable way (like carrying a cat around by wrapping her arm around it's neck) imaginable. If you told her not to do that she would scream.
>Would beat our pet dogs for no reason
>Would grab our chickens by the feet and swing them into a wall
Basically, my mom is a bad parent. She never gave a shit about anything her children did, as long as they weren't bothering her. And if they did bother her, she'd put in the least amount of effort into making them happy as possible, like buying my sister a new pet after she killed the last one.
>cut off a cat's tail
>swung chickens into walls
>killed guinea pig by /d/ tier fetish asfixiation
If my sister ever pulled that bullshit she'd get exterminatus'd right in the kisser
The shock and skepticism on his face makes me think lawful, the blue eyes and blond hair, along with the slight trace of determined brow makes me think good.
We've got a born Paladin!
I'd say at least the first 6-7 years of life, but they're especially evil in the first 2-3. A higher grade, more potent form of evil.
that's a fleshlight/10
>Children at that age are horrid little
These are signs of child molestation, user. You said "my mom is a bad parent"; is dad gone? Does she have a boyfriend?
She's my half-sister. Her dad had 3 kids with my mom. They all seemed to like visiting him, preferred it, even. I always found that weird because he was a hard ass who didn't take their shit. I guess they preferred living with him than living with us and being neglected.
Mom did have boyfriends, but the kids were horrid before then, so I doubt they did anything.
I'm pretty sure my mom only kept them because child support money. But they were all little fucking daemons who destroyed almost everything they touched because lol mom will just buy us new things and big brother will have to clean it up.
Now I'm having PTSD. So glad I moved out at 16. I even tried parenting the little shits in place of my mother, but my she'd get pissed when I got hard on them.
>only the wisest among us are able to kill babies
>King Solomon
Seems about right.
>Children get taught that there are no consequences for their actions
>Proceed to act as if there are no consequences for their actions
Sounds about right. Though the sheer lack of empathy for and plain out brutality against pets strikes me as odd and unnerving. Our family had a dog as a kid and I never wanted to hit her. Throw her into the pool because it was funny, maybe, but not hurt her.