Rate My Dark Souls System
Any Comments, Suggestions, or Issues is always appreciated!
Also Shameless self bump
>roll 3d6 per stat
>vigor = 10 + VIT
Fixed, was a mistake
Your writing is pretty bad
Your stats are terrible
Should I go on a rant now or after I read the combat section?
Whenever you feel most comfortable
don't even bother. its a d20 system with the basic ds3 mechanics shoved right up its ass with no thought to how absolutely clunky and overdone this all is.
run me through a basic combat and I'll tell you whats what
Sticking this close to dark souls wont make for a good game. By removing bonfires and focusing on camps you're damaging an important aspect of the setting.
Rolling for stats like that is quite dangerous. Might not make for a fair game. Consider doing 2d6+6 instead. Or 8+1d10.
All of the base + rolled stat (sometimes divided) seems a bit bloated for no reason. This is once again manifested in the damage calculation (backstabbing). Especially with percentage health loss from status effects.
How far can you roll when you're under 25% encumbered?
It seems like you can sprint then double attack.
Parrying seems a bit pointless. Either you lose 3 addional HP or the enemy does next turn.
Skills are pointless. Why not let each player pick a skill they are good at?
Yep. In the character sheet it says that vigor is rolled for. The character sheet is probable messed up.
You've done the beginners mistake when adapting from one media to another.
You're trying to transfer the machanics almost 1;1 instead of making new mechanics that fit the core themes of your material.
It's a do over mate.
'lol camping' is probably your only original idea in here and its not a great one
Camping and sleeping in a bed have nothing to do with the themes or mechanics of dark souls
Seems to be an okay interpretation of DS3 combat for tabletop, but I get the feeling it'll be very slow and labored in action. Have you done any play-testing?
>seems to be an okay
It's literally a d20 system lifted and raped with a bunch of extra pointless math because muh game ds3 game mechanics
OP just start all over
>rolled stats
You're the worst type of homebrewer, and sadly, the most common.
Not gonna lie dude, it's pretty bad.
Try to capture the theme of the game, not the mechanics. From even the briefest skim of the combat mechanics it sounds like an absolute book keeping chore and parrying barely even makes sense. It's not listed as a reaction, which I'd assume it is, but the text seems to imply it just happens on every single attack or can be attempted on every attack without action.
It really does seem like 5e DnD (which it appears to borrow heavily from) itself would be better suited to the task than this.
Go learn Song of Swords and then try again
Get Bullied Kid
I wasted 10 minutes reading this shit
I'll never get that time back. OP owes me 10 minutes worth of his life force and should die 10 minutes early on his deathbed for being a pile of human garbage
Im running Dark Souls right now using Riddle of Steel.
It works.
Try that, or Song of Swords.
Dark Souls is more about its themes and storytelling then it is about its mechanics. You could run Dark Souls using D&D 5th with a little tweaking, as long as you got the feel of things correct.
Keep trying like others say try its more about story telling then anything.
OP did you give up hope
have you gone hollow?
OP Here
Nah, I've just waited a while for criticism, and I think its valid. Its my first time attempting a system build at all. I take every comment on the chin
Have you only ever played d20 systems before?
Would you be interested in learning how other systems handle and what they can do?
>Its my first time attempting a system build at all
You dont need to reinvent the wheel and create more work for yourself AND your players
That's fair, I've never seen any other system have tried to be another thing other than just a different theme, but maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I do appreciate the comments though, So I'm going to try and bring this to my players as well and see what they think.
Just play Song of Swords and find a neat way to do Humanity, Souls and boss weapons
>I've never seen any other system have tried to be another thing other than just a different theme
So you have only ever played d20. That is the worst possible starting point for homebrewing.
So much of this is just lifted right out of the game. You're going to have one hell of a time if a player just decides to switch equipment. All those calculations will take forever.
>d20 systems
i often read this, but what do you mean with d20 system? is it a name for a kind of systems or do you just mean all systems that use d20, because if the latter i don't see too much of a difference with another dice system, unless it's bell curved.
>All dice are the same
You've fallen into the classic trap of adaptations, attempting to emulate mechanics rather than looking at what those mechanics do in context and figuring out how to replicate the effect rather than the cause. Your system will be a mess unless you change your way of thinking.
d20 is a generic Dungeons & Dragons system with all the intellectual property pulled out to make it legal to sell to idiots.
I'd say just run what you got in 5e. Be up front with the players about what the game will be saying you want to run a Dark Souls lite game using 5e rules, explain the theme and tone of the campaign, if you want to houserule items and magic go ahead (I know I've seen 5e DS and BB homebrew items here before).
I'd say your best bet is tweaking 5e rules to fit the DS aesthetics. The number of Estus can equal your HD and be usable as a bonus action or something.
How the fuck do I make this faggot with your rules?
My friends and I made a dark souls system that uses palladium combat. We use actions in place of stamina. The document doesn't have the palladium combat rules in it but it works well. Pick an OCC similar to your class you picked at the start which only determines your skills and hand to hand combat. I can post the document if you like but it is very bare bones at the moment. You could take ideas from it if you like.
It wouldn't matter.
His outline for combat isn't actually functional