What's a good blanket term for some ones force of personality, persuasiveness, and social perception BESIDES charisma? I'm coming up with OC snowflake stats because reasons, right now I have Athleticism Sagacity, Cunning, and Grit. Pic unrelated
What's a good blanket term for some ones force of personality, persuasiveness, and social perception BESIDES charisma...
Take your pick of presence and manipulation.
Presence. Works for all uses of charisma, including force of will. (0 charisma is described as being unable to distinguish oneself from a coffee table, for example)
Verbal dexterity if you want to trigger people who've read through Fatal >:^)
To justify using dexterity in social situation you'll have to jump through some hoops
Another use of it was How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
feel like there's one on the tip of my tongue but it just ain't coming to me
Are you rejecting the term "Charisma" for any reason other than you wanting to appear to be original?
> I'm coming up with OC snowflake stats because reasons
wanting to appear original seems to be his reason, yes
though charisma refers specifically to attractiveness, it speaks to a linguistic limitation that it is even used irl to describe people who are good at persuading or manipulating those around them and picking up on subtle social cues
Charm is what I came in to suggest.
>muh speshul stat names
Fuk u op u suk diks on the regular my man
Charm. Grace. Confidence. Guile. Allure.
Take your pick.
Charisma is pretty much the exact definition. It's not your fault that retarded neckbeards equated it with personal attractiveness
System I use uses Presence for force of personality. Social perception is normally int based.
I have these:
Toughness: Strenght and endurance combined.
Coordination...Well DEX and Speed.
Mind: Inteligence and perception.
Magic Force: Raw magic power that affects your surroundings. Those who have excellent bearing or know how to assert them selves usually have plenty of it.
Charisma however is something i do not quantify because i make my players roleplay it.
REIGN has both Charm and Command. You can be pleasant with the first, you cannot be ignored with the second.
Leaders are Charismatic,
Salesman are Persuasive,
Models are Attractive,
Psychologists are Perceptive,
Doctors are Trustworthy,
The Elite are Influential,
and you OP; are a faggot.
>OP opened up wordpad and thinks he is going to write up an RPG system that he will actually finish and other people will play
Jesus christ when will these idiots learn
>He's never done anything autistic purely for the fun of it
When will normies learn
Should be separate attributes.
I mean what if you need to set value for both?
alternatively, politic
When will normalfags learn
lol quit sperging out spergzord
>force of personality, persuasiveness, and social perception
None of these are related though.
Moxie has a nice feel. Kinda fits with Cunning and Grit. Athleticism and Sagacity seem a bit wordy, though.
>Ctl+f: gravitas
>0 results
Come on Veeky Forums I expected more from you.
>It's not your fault that retarded neckbeards equated it with personal attractiveness
Nor is it the neckbeards' fault, because most systems that have Charisma as an attribute place physical attractiveness under its umbrella, even if they also have Charisma cover other traits.
Also source
Opfag here
Do you think it's ok to have strength endurance and agility condensed Into one stat? I feel like splitting them up is unnecessary but I could see an argument for making hand eye coordination its own kind of stat.
I guess you could condense those three things into Athletics or something, but I'm not sure that you should. It gives people fewer options for building characters. I'm reminded of how Pillars of Eternity based *all* damage, including magical damage, on the Might stat, so your only option for playing an offensive mage was to be a muscle wizard.
Ran-sem for source.
Doesn't Cunning cover social perception? Force of personality can simply be Will.
Depends on how your whole system is balanced.
Oh, that was the one I was trying to think of.
"Engagement" could also work if it didn't have connotations of either courtship or military hostility, as in an engaging personality.
It isn't though. Neckbeards equate it with what he described, it actually means "personal attractiveness" or "desirability." Are you a neckbeard or something, user?
>trustworthiness as a stand-in for CHA
reminds me of a mspfa i read once
Plenty of people can lift fuckloads but have no endurance when running or even can't sprint very fast, plenty of people are ethiopean bushmode and lack upper body strength but can maintain good speed almost indefinitely and kick like a mule, and other things associated with agility, like accuracy with ranged weapons and manual dexterity (fiddling with small things or doing tricks with your hands) have little to nothing to do with strength or endurance. I think it's wise to keep them distinct.
Mien or perhaps Poise or Bearing sounds pretty good. Outward countenance and a focus on stability might contrast it from cunning and willpower in relation to what said.
Moxie. Chutzpah. Cool. Suave. Schmaltz. Magnetism.
I'm using
for my homebrew
>having gravitas
[laughing Mind noises]
Why won't anyone post more from OP's gif
Gravitas a.k.a. Social Cajones