When you roll dice, do you worry about air friction affecting the outcome?
When you roll dice, do you worry about air friction affecting the outcome?
No. I'm not autistic. Not in that particular way, at least.
>When you roll dice, do you understand that the outcome was/will be determined by the boundary conditions of the multiverse, and that you're engaging in a ritual of ignorance whereby you continually acknowledge the fact that, even though all is already written , the part of reality known as you cannot possibly comprehend all there is?
If you don't you're a fucking normie and should get off this board
It's expected.
Air friction is pretty much required to roll the dice, retard.
Of fucking course it's going to affect the outcome.
Do you complain about hand placement as well?
Hand placement I can control/
I recognize that dice bag. From a game, can't remember though and it's bugging me. Anyone know?
Looks like an old pair of gloves
thanks doc
>not keeping your dice in a clear airtight box with a near-perfect vacuum and rolling the dice by shaking the box, thereby minimizing any chance of air friction lowering your roll
Thanks, doc.
Esh-Esh crafts?
yeah, I breathe on them so the moisture will allow the air to slide off more easily
not really, all my dice are rigged
>Looks like an old pair of gloves
Two pair, considering the amount of fingers.
this sounds like broscience desu desu
>Letting some glass box roll your dice
>Not making a box big enough for you and your gametable to fit in with NASA approved spacesuits so you can roll your dice with your hands
What are you? Fucking gay?
>16 "fingers"
>2 pairs of gloves
user, um, would you mind posting image of your hand? Timestamp optional.
If you account for the rotational pull across the earth's surface then you needn't worry about air friction. At least not while indoors.
Hey, polydactyly is no laughing matter.
well two pair of gloves would in fact be four gloves which would have 16 fingers, and 4 thumbs, easily differentiated by size. post an image of your hand.
Yes, constantly.
That's why my players play at the bottom of a swimming pool and I pipe in the otherworldly sounds of my voice from submerged speakers. They roll giant dice with lights in them so I can see the number they rolled shining on the surface of the water.
Looks like we've got ourselves a mexican hand-off.
Hey I love dinosaurs!
>When you use a device intended to simulate random and unforeseen outcomes, do you worry about an external effect that makes the outcome less predictable?
Now do you understand the fundamental idiocy of what you just said?
>thumbs are not fingers
What are you, baptist?
>letting the air pressure inside the gloves of your spacesuit affect your rolls
It takes, what, five seconds to roll dice? A human can survive a full minute in a hard vacuum. Man up and get in there.
Came in here to write this except less bombastically
>worried about benign physics affecting a random outcome
About as paranoid that the air friction around me will choke me this second.
Is it really random if the roll is "affected" though?
>Is it really random if the roll is "affected" though?
Nothing in classical mechanics is random. What's "random" is your knowledge of the result, and that's not affected by the air.
How about we lop YOUR mexican hands off, you stupid spic?