Is it sjw-propaganda when the two most powerful gods are female? One neutral good, the other neutral evil.
Is it sjw-propaganda when the two most powerful gods are female? One neutral good, the other neutral evil
who cares?
gonna post this preemptively
I mean Egyptian mythology involved a male god self-impregnating to create the world, so I don't see why you could have the reverse
>who cares?
One of my players.
>One of my players.
Post their character sheet.
I mean, you DO have their sheet, right? You're not just making this up to have a spooky skeletons thread on Veeky Forums instead of /pol/, right?
What are their domains?
No, because according to SJW propaganda, women can never be evil.
Is it mra propaganda when the two most powerful are male?
Depends on a few factors. Some examples are what year was this choice made, are their other choices made in the story that can seem like propaganda and did the creators voice their own opinions.
Remember most people are really heavy handed when it comes to pushing their own political commentary.
No, he has his sheet.
Good, healing, Protection, Sun
Evil, Death, Destruction, Darkness
Also strong suspicion of OP bait
Do they have parents or consorts? Why are they the way they are?
Can't you possibly phrase this question in a less moronic way OP?
lol what a bitch, you too for indulging him.
Unless they're the most powerful BECAUSE they're female, or your setting makes a big point out of how they're female and much better than all the stupid males, no.
Also you're retarded for even asking.
>game has any females in it
Am I being too much of a libfag, /po-I mean Veeky Forums?
Why should a god have gender at all?
Monotheistic gods that exist outside of human understanding are (objectively) cooler.
Because if its not a monotheistic religion these gods are banging stuff left and right
A good point to bring up - how do these gods do the whole Zeus thing where they fuck mortals for children? Do they do it at all?
this, wrong board nazi snowflake
who the fuck gives a fuck
They lay eggs in the males
I'm writing up a setting atm with 3 gods. A female who's domain is creation and birth, a genderless god who's domain is that which exists, and a male god who's domain is death and destruction.
I think its pretty fun.
>enforcing gender roles this hard
Why would you do this user
I know you're joshing me, but greek gods were kinda fucking cool and fantasy pantheons need more of that shit.
social justice warriors don't make propaganda, you're thinking of social justice bards, or maybe even social justice clerics. I would know, i'm a social justice rogue.
Could be, or could be something else.
Was MGQ sjw propaganda?
>men are all effeminate bitches being facerolled
>monstergirls are leagues ahead of humanity in virtually every respect, raping and pillaging freely
>social justice rogue
Isn't that basically a chaotic good-aligned rogue?
Yeah, but monsters did nothing wrong! Look how happy their sex slaves are! Look at the majesty of the villages they either stole or had built for them! Don't you just want to BE one, user?
It's not SJW, but as with all other Good vs Evil double deities, it's pretty boring.
Your player seems stupid enough to confuse the two.
Only if reality's alignment system matches my personal beliefs
Although honestly if fascists/misogynists/racists/homopobes/etc. are the good guys i'll gladly be evil. after all, if good and evil are primal, universal forces, one can't be less valid than the other.
>be social justice wizard
>cast protection from homophobia
>it's just me ignoring it when people say faggot
>be social justice cleric
>cast turn homophobes
>it's just me kissing my boyfreind then /pol/ gets uncomfortable and leaves
There is no SJW concept, only SJW execution
This is why alignments are garbage. 99% of what people consider "good" and "evil" is just what society molds. Gets even deeper when you consider other factors to control your thoughts.
"Look at me, I'm the good guy!" As you bash in a helpless foes head in. "Its ok though cause he is big evil." Meanwhile people on the other side will see you as evil, while people on your side is good. Nothing is black and white but in children's games.
Everything you think is right and wrong in this world is shaped by somebody else.
Unless they go around flaunting their womyn powah then no.
Whining about the SJWs whenever a female character is given a relevant role is fucking stupid, specially when it makes sense for said role to be played by a woman.
>make save
>cleave the homosexuals in two
Never stopped Loki, really changing sex just meant more sex and more kids.
>Powerful women = SJW
Remember that the most powerful woman of the 20th century called feminists poison.
>the most powerful woman of the 20th century
I wanted to call you a moron but then I realized you're right, Oprah probably influenced a lot more people than Thatcher and probably did more to dictate their actions in life. Even in the political sphere her open endorsement of Obama probably did more than a little to land Obama in the white house.
She's a fucking talkshow host. What's wrong with this planet?
what a dumb thread
well, for one thing, maggie thatcher is the fucking worst
And now we've got a reality show host in the white house. Fun times.
They're deities, they can do what they want? It really comes down to how they're played as to whether or not they're propaganda. If they behave like typical deities who happen to identify as female, then I don't see why there would be an issue. If they're constantly pushing an OOC agenda, then I could see that being problematic. Them just being female is not sufficient for it to be an issue, though.
I have a feeling we'd be friends.
So are you the retard or is he?
You can have two powerful goddess' just as easily as you can have two powerful gods, it only becomes a problem at the table if someone turns the whole thing into something more than it is.
Or this could be bait.
If i could choose my form, i'd definitely be a cute elven loli tbf lad
No, ledditors go away.
>is it SJW propaganda to ever depict females in any position of authority, power, or influence regardless of context, details, or authorial intent?
I hate everything.
Is too weebshit.
Susano and Amaterasu.
Meh I prefer to have a MF pair with each of them having split personalities driving up their normal domains into the extreme to achieve the opposite effect.
I like to use the 8-trigrams (that swirly black-white thing in Taoism) diagram for this.
Male God = Haven, Sun, Wind and Storms, Vivid Life.
Neutral Good.
When driven to extremes becomes a destructive fire.
Transforms to Chaotic evil.
Female God = Earth, Cold and Death
Neutral Evil
When driven to extremes becomes nourishing for new life and balance.
Transforms to Lawful Good.
Basically keep them fluid in their views and divorce them slightly from human morality.
If your player insists it is, kick him out for being a paranoid /pol/lack who jumps at shadows.
If you insist it is, then make your setting different, dumbfuck.
>Is it sjw-propaganda when the two most powerful gods are female?
Definitely, only goddesses should be female, not gods.
>not sjw propaganda
- two female gods
>sjw propaganda
- two female gods
- replace former gods for no reason if there were any
- aggresively advertised to strong womyn and cucks as a selling point
My condolences.
Hey, this is a blue board. You can't mention stuff not safe for workers like Thatcher.
>the evil god is female
Fits just fine.
>gods are female?
Really they're gods, they don't reproduce, they are not physical beings, their behaviour is not affected by the differences in their hormonal ballance. Their gender is just a cosmetic feature, and thus irrelevant.
The real problem is having "good" and "evil" gods
Assuming they are sentient beings that rule the universe through domains of influence, the best way to treat them is to go greek (no homo) and have them be overpowered humans with qualities, flaws and personal morality issues, not monolithic moral entities of pure evil and good (which are retarded concepts anyway)
Depends on the author's intent
No, that's just called normal.
>you thrust your sword deep, deep in the soft flesh, as a moan escapes the degenerate lips
>roll to avoid homo metaphors
didnt he jerk off into his own mouth then spit out two other gods?
>Coal miner
go fuck yourself, the country was in drought of cash and we were going the ways of some third world shithole like venezuela until thatcher came and removed all of the interests that was blocking innovation and proliferation of new businesses.
Monotheistic gods may have no gender but still are depicted as men in art or when people pray to them ( the god of Abraham is, at least ) . Because it's easier for people to communicate and relate to it when they associate it to something similar to us.
So if your god if male or female depends largely on the culture of the people worshipping it.
So Shar and Selune?
>not roll to avoid a boner
no one's sure, there were debates amoung Egyptian priests as to whether his mouth or his hand was technically the first woman