Hey Veeky Forums! Let's make a monster piece by piece! I'll start:
It should have dinosaur legs with...
Hey Veeky Forums! Let's make a monster piece by piece! I'll start:
It should have dinosaur legs with...
...a curved, barbed footlong...
...and four...
... and prehensile tongues...
....with GREEN LASERS coming out of its....
...That end in poisonous...
...and nine hundred ninety nine...
>Dinosaur Legs, Curvy, barbed, footlong Kneecaps, prehensile tongues, and four breasts. That are poisonous and can fire lasers
3 penis
Are you sure it's not four big boobs, as well as it's prehensile tongues which end in poisonous big boobs that fire lasers?
It should also have rocket fingers
On its back it has a pair of ...
Larry David's
and it's on fire.
It's eyes are actually anuses, which are constantly leaking a foul gruel of...
character art courtesy of will wright
Gotta have that purple penis...
wait shit the scissors were supposed to be on the back, not leaking out of the eyes
i did my best
Fuuuuuuuuck. Okay now let's stat it.