Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Lizards n' Stuff edition! What are Kobold like in your world?

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I'm a potentially super fun class that was never updated, was broken with web content, and needed forced XP expenditure as well as finding psionic items/users in the game to actually know more than a Psion!

How would you bring me into Pathfinder?

We were on page 6, you dickhead.

P A G E 6
A G E 6 P
G E 6 P A
E 6 P A G
6 P A G E

Do you want anime OPs? Because that's how you get anime OPs.

You are literally worse than kitsuneposter.

I was thinking of getting rid of Gnomes in my setting and just working some of their thematic points into Tucker's-style Kobolds, mostly in regards to their tinkering skills, with just a dash of Wildstar Chua in there for taste. I want the common wisdom to be that a Kobold left in a cage with a clock and some string will often turn into an escaped Kobold, having found some way to turn the clock into a primitive clockwork bomb before walking out of the cage and using the string to floss his teeth on the way out.

Also I like the stats for Zethian Kobolds.

Explain how it works, senpai

Looking for any game, text preferred, any day other than tues and wedns, EST, any other stipulations are a nonconcern.

Wanting to play pic-related, 5-foot tall maskguy, melee combatant of some description, likely a Swashbuckler, Urban Barbarian, or Fighter depending on party composition.

Message Draknirv#4693 on Discord

What in the atual fuck? Are R20 Randos starting to leak into /pfg/?

>5-foot tall maskguy
If I took off that mask, would you die? You're a small guy.

You're a psion, yeah? You know a bunch of powers like usual.

You can LEARN any number of powers though! Theoretically your repertoire could contain every Psion power!

However, you can only cast a harshly-limited number of DIFFERENT powers every day. You can reuse the powers you've already cast in that day, but once you've reached the limit of unique powers per day, you can only cast those powers for the rest of that day. This number is usually prohibitively low, so it requires a fair amount of thought and care.

If you know powers A, B, C, D, all the way to Z, and you have 2 unique powers, you could cast power B a bunch and then decide you need power H later, chosen at the moment of casting with no preparation, but the moment you've cast those, you've effectively only got powers B and H for the rest of the day.

Gotta look everywhere, it's a hungry world with so few nibbles.

I would die of embarassment.

Is there any build that can use a vishkanya's poison well?

It would be very painful... for your mom.

I think it's moreof desperation.

The only reason I haven't joined him is because I don't see the point, if I can't find games on Roll20 or in the thread dedicated to it why would my chances improve here?

Well, you got yourself caught. What's the next part of your master bait plan?

Anybody got a pdf of that "The First World, Realm of the Fey" setting book?

Is there an NPC in your game that you wouldn't be terribly sad to see die horribly, /pfg/? What makes them so detestable? Are they an antagonist, an ally you're forced to endure, what?

Grognard user from last thread who prefers theater of the mind over tactical maps. Honestly, if there's a couple more people that share that outlook, I might be up for running something.

Crashing the material plane... with no survivors!

Dude just run shit. You'll get played

Almost all of my experiences both DMing and playing with /pfg/ posters have been almost entirely pleasant!

I am supporting this entirely because I am desperate for a game, please help.

Yea, just go for it and don't look back!

That is a very grumpy, rattish Fennec.

Are vehicle rules in Pathfinder irredeemable? Right now I'm looking at them and they look like they'd be just horrible for a game with magitech chariots and necromancy-powered motorbikes.

They can be like that sometimes.

Spellslots or spellpoints?

There's an inexplicable mob stereotype that's a reoccurring character in our current campaign. He's pretty dumb and lorebreaking, mostly their because the DM likes to do Guido impersonations.
I wouldn't mind as much if the DM didn't also slap 14 levels of Wizard on him. Or of there was a full on mob in the game. But no,
he's an inexplicable powerful Italian greaseball and the DM's "you'll do what I say" button.


Anybody here got a PDF for the Empath?

Is curse of the crimson throne good? I need to run something for my irl pals and don't have the time or creative juices left to come up with something. Bram Stoker also gives me a boner

It's considered one of the good ones, yes.

Speaking of the adventure paths, what's your favorite one, and why? Your least favorite?

Are there any with a lot of exploration? I need some inspiration.

Reign of Winter and Iron Gods are GOAT

Yeah it is
Also, you cab spring for the old or new one.
New one has updated shit (including art, which is a + and -)
Old one you need to convert to pathfinder (which is easy, but you might want to not do that) also has older art (which is a + in my book)

Would you risk hitting on a worshipper of Calistria?

Simple version: Instead of having a whole separate learning mechanic, treat it as a psion archetype that can swap X powers per day for powers of the same level from power stones. Then you just need to fine-tune what X is based on level and what you lose for it.

Iron gods is my personal favorite.

If you do this, make sure to have lots of Snare Setter Unchained Rogue Kobolds.

APs I have played:
>Rise of the Runelords
>Curse of the Crimson Throne
>Second Darkness
>Council of Thieves
>Carrion Crown
>Jade Regent
>Skull and Shackles
>Shattered Star
>Reign of Winter
>Wrath of the Righteous
>Iron Gods
>Giant Slayer
>Hell's Rebels
>Hell's Vengeance

I played them nearly in order so it's been a long time since I played some, but if I had to rate my top 5 in terms of story it'd be:

>Iron Gods
>Curse of the Crimson Throne
>Reign of Winter
>Shattered Star
>Council of Thieves

And the 5 worst written:
>Giant Slayer
>Skull & Shackles
>King Maker
>Carrion Crown
>Hell's Rebels

Strengths of Top 5:
>Iron Gods
A real sense of adventure and unique experience in golarion. The enemy actually feels frightening and oppressive, and you interact with a very unique setting in golarion. The story itself is one that I have to say is absolutely fantastic, especially for the entire last arc with the divinity drive.

Well written urban adventure with an interesting cast of characters. Suffers from a few plot holes that can be fixed with little effort however.

>Reign of Winter
Another sort of High Adventure game which had a very strange and entertaining second half.

>Shattered Star
Best villain

>Council of Thieves
Another urban romp. People bash it because of apparent lack of stakes. I agree that that stakes aren't high, but I don't find it an issue. It's high personal stakes low wider impact, sort of the difference between Jojo Part 3 and 4.

If you threat 'em right you ain't got nothing to worry about.
I'd that qt Calistria worshiper

I once had someone argue with me about how badass and effective his fighter is in combat with his sweet combat feats and extra abilities and magic gear, able to take on a wizard.

But, in the end, what about outside of combat? There's so much more a wizard can do. They can kill you without you realizing you're in combat. It's that simple. The fighter tries so hard, spends so much gold, and goes far above and beyond with specialization to stand toe to toe with a wizard, maybe even beat him, in one aspect of gameplay.

A wizard snaps his fingers.

>Why don't you play DHB's UC Fighter: the post

Wizards have the worst saving throws in the game. Literally every class has better saving throw support than them.

>I've literally never heard about tier lists.

>not knowing there are spells that boost saving throws or give immunities to things

Aw shit! I guess that means they're useless.

Tied for worst with all of the other classes that only have one good save

Name the wizard spells that give bonuses to saving throws, besides haste.

I'll wait.

>I hate sandbox campaigns.

No, they're way out ahead of anyone who's only got good reflex.
Fort is roughly as important as will, but both are far more valuable than ref.

Wizards have no class feature support. Many of the one good save classes do have class feature support. Barbarians and Fighters being examples.

You got a link?

who /red mantis/ here? Assassins for best edgelords.

Not even tied for the worst, because Will saves are the most important of all saves. It's tied with anyone who has just Will, is below anyone who has has Will and another save, and above everyone who does not have good Will saves including those who have BOTH Ref and Fort.

That is an absurdly cute Elf.

If you're already proficient with the Sawtooth Sabre, do you still need Exotic Weapon Proficiency to qualify for the class?

Holy shit you people are retards.

So you're saying the Barbarian is worse at saving throws than the wizard? Really? Is this what I'm hearing, because I'm starting to think you guys are retards.

If you have explicit proficiency in sawtooth sabre, it's EWP. Otherwise it's essentially just a longsword.

Nope, because you qualify by having the "Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sawtooth Sabre)" feature.

Protection from [Alignment]/Communal versions
Stunning Barrier/Greater Stunning Barrier
Heroism/Greater Heroism
Moment of Prescience
Greater Angelic Aspect

There are probably more, but those are the ones that come up when you ctrl+f "save" on the sorc/wiz spell list

>Swordtrained: Tengus are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with all sword-like weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).

Would this count? It doesn't specifically name Sawtooth Sabre, but I'd assume it counts as a "sword-like weapon".

So, scythes are hilariously impractical. However, are there builds that can make them effective? Include 3PP material, if you want.

Why would you waste a feat on something you already have?

i'd say yes

Scythes aren't really bad unless you're comparing them to Greatsword, F A L C A T A, Scimitar, etc.

Scythes are fantastic if you have a Cyclops Helmet though.

Sabres are swords. Sawtooth sabres are sabres with a serrated edge. Ergo, sawtooth sabres are swords

... You wouldn't. I was just saying that you don't need the feat since you technically already would have it.

Be Wizard

Cast Sleep

Coup De Grace


>not being a witch and using Slumber hex

are you retarded

Note it does not work if enemy are more than 10 feet apart or if there are 2 or more enemies, as they'll just wake each other up.

Are any of the 1pp Prestige Classes any good?

Which one is your favorite?

Well that's why you have a party to take care of the pests who don't fail their saves against you

while it doesn't out right say it, and doesn't name any exotic "sword like" weapons, I believe the RAI is to just give them all the Martial weapons for classes that don't get them

That being said, I'm with There's already racial traits in the game that gives free EWP, and a player will likely stick with one (for enchanting, namely) so I don't think it's out of the question.
I'd would be up to the GM in question tho

I think the quasi-official ruling is that it's everything in the light blades and heavy blades weapon groups, which includes sawtooth saber.

Falcata, huh? Please, go on.

I'm partial to the Chevalier, even though it isn't very good.

Stargazer is fantastic for any fullcaster that doesn't particularly care about class features

The Cyclops Helmet does not give you a critical, just like it won't let you activate Vorpal.

Being a 19-20/x3 weapon makes mathematically the best crit fishing weapon

I didn't know that. Thanks for pointing it out

So the Tengu can easily become Aldori Swordlords?

I've always been partial to entering Eldritch Knight with odd builds, like sohei monk/empyreal sorcerer or Slayer/witch

He's only partially correct, I know the Cyclops Helmet cannot work with Vorpal, but I don't know if it can't give a Critical.

That's actually far less than I thought and for the most part higher level than I thought. Heroism is the only actual practical one.

Is there something about kobolds and faeries I'm not getting out of that picture, because it doesn't make sense

>mfw you will never play a slender, noble Tengu with a half-cape lined with raven feathers draped over your arm, Dueling Sword in hand

What's stopping you?

Where does it say that?

>Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer can choose the result of the die roll instead of rolling her next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check.

If you choose a nat 20, you threaten a crit because you "rolled" a 20.

Protection from Alignment is great when you know what you'll be dealing with, and any prepared caster worth his salt should have an idea of what he'll be fighting

Well you don't see many games around these parts still recruiting, yeah?

>around these parts
There's your problem.

It's a resistance and a deflection bonus, what your ring and cloak should already be giving. It only really matters before you get a +2 cloak, which is early on. It also only lasts 1 minute per level. On a whole it's impractical.

It's also not long enough for any of the really bad compulsions for the second effect, though the second save is good. Using a spell to give a second saving throw is worth it, but costly.

For the third effect it doesn't matter unless you're fighting summoned creatures.

Mediocre/10 for the cost.

Red Mantis Assassin was such a waste of a PrC. They should have just given it 4-level spell casting from a limited list.

Is there art of that?

I still say it's great considering it does all of that as a 1st level spell.

If it was a 2nd or 3rd level spell it wouldn't be worth it, but as it is it's pretty solid

Greentexts for LoBaF yet?

>They should have just given it 4-level spell casting from a limited list.
That's exactly what it has, user.

Well, depends on the kind of critfishing, though.

It's the best for raw damage, but not for triggering on-critical effects.

It's only good and first levels and falls off after level 4-5.

Shit I meant full BAB, not sure why I wrote about casting.