Can anyone explain this board to me?
Can anyone explain this board to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nerds talking about plastic dudemans, card games, and how to play pretend.
What's not to get?
This, With occasional thematic overlap from /a/, /pol/, /v/, /tv/, and /d/. Not necessary in that order.
This board is for people that play gaems that aren't vidya gaems, such as board games, role-playing games, card games, and war games. It is also sort of a "general purpose fantasy nerd" board.
Lurk moar.
What about that dice roll stuff in the sticky?
Just a gimmick made obsolete by the second sticky. Pay it no mind.
Remnants from an age when we had quests.
Why was it that, in 3 season of great characters and 3 seasons of mediocre caracters, the best waifu is some throwaway NPC from one filler episode?
3 of these things need to go.
Rolled 70 (1d100)
memes. Now check these dubs.
Yeah, /tv/, /v/ and /d/ are shit boards their influence shouldn't be tolerated here.
I think this is about as concise as I can get it.
What are quests?
I think the idea was to show the value of the common folk, the ones who were far removed from the battlefield yet also the ones most affected by the outcome. It's supposed to make you think about the potential we have as a population.
Ask that here
We don't talk about quests. Anymore. If you're curious to learn more see
Do other boards have caps like these?
So close. Swap out /d/ for /pol/ and you're objectively correct.
Basically choose your own adventure type things. The OP comes up with a story, and asks the board "what happens next?" People vote on a few choices and occasionally roll dice, which propels the story forward.
A small selection of vocal autists screeched long and hard enough that quests got moved to their own board, /qst/. Without peripheral traffic from Veeky Forums, quests are dying. /qst/ is essentially an Indian reservation/concentration camp for freeform roleplay.
>tolerating degeneracy
>I see you, DGanon
Second try, good job Veeky Forums.
>Leaving /a/ and /pol/
/pol/posting is against the rules. On-topic sfw /d/-posting isnt.
Collaborative stories, usually in the context of a game with one or more protagonists, written by the OP, and controlled by the posters in the thread. They were given their own board, /qst/, and banned from Veeky Forums because they were supposedly sliding board-related discussion.
Many believe that the ban has had a negative influence on board quality, and others feel the opposite. Both sides feel very strongly and will turn a thread into a flamewar at the slightest mention of quests.
/apol/ alliance is for true patricians.
Actually it is.
Smutfags were exiled to /d/ for a reason.
Not him but rules are gay.
> On-topic sfw /d/-posting
Good thing that's a number of oxymorons stapled together.
Now run off back to /soc/. Or /b/. Or /d/. Or whatever the next board you're going to be exiled to when you get too uppity will be.
Have you guys finally concluded your longstanding debate on the homosexuality or lack thereof of traps?
Where can I play these kind of games then?
/pol/tards and their obsession with degeneracy are pretty sad.
>shipping /apol/
>not /polo/
Risk is tolerated on Veeky Forums, /pol/, and /qst/, and most boards won't object to them as long as they somewhat pertain to the board topic. Believe it or not, /pol/ is quite good at role-playing.
Stay clear of edition wars (which are really D&D caster wars), Have you tried not to play D&D threads, and fully autismo that guy threads.
Also classic shitposting threads, like elf slave what do threads.
Weapon and armor threads are still pleasant, pay a visit to those or ask about shit you wouldn't in /k/ or Veeky Forums
Otherwise somewhat as the other people have said.
and 70% of the time
Are the result of crossboard contamination and shouldn't be entertained in any way as constituents, but rather contained and warned. /leftypol/ is to be treated with SLIGHTLY more leniency not because their ideas are of any true validity but because they don't seem as extreme posters as /pol/ and their shit is currently rare here. Keep it as apollitical and source related as possible in any discussion. /d/ is mostly ok because they tend to fuck off once reminded of board boundaries, but they need to be constantly reminded of such things. We still accept general monstergirl/kemomimi threads as long as thread is kept within reasonable boundaries /tv/ causes shitposting and drama around here. Certain elements of /v/ Veeky Forums and /vr/ are tolerable IF they fall under the purview of the ancient commander keen rule (that is, they're either a fantasy, sci-fi civ related or otherwise wargame/worldbuilding, traditional games setting AND thread is mostly focused on lore / lore making rather than meta or mechanics).
Oh shit, I forgot about /polo/
/mlpol/ was the best. The two most cancerous containment boards forced to deal with each other.
A cluster of mismatched pricks.
/pol/ doesn't have unified stance on pretty much anything.
Personally, I am not that concerned with gays or what they do in their own time, and I do believe that they should have the same rights as everyone.
I am far more concerned with opposing globalization and ensuring that my people do not become a minority in our homeland due to mass immigration.
I am actually studying for an exam to enter university to learn more about political history and shit so that I am better equipped to fight for the causes I believe in.
>mfw the place will probably be full of lefties and I'll have to contain my powerlevel all the time.
Hardly a surprise, with all the false-flagging they do, gotta have plenty of experience pretending to be somebody else.
Forgot to add, this is still a blue board, you can get banhammered if you post non censored nude art and shit, although writ smut is kind of accepted.
Reddit: the post
>mfw user goes to university and through exposure to factual information realizes that alex jones is not a reliable source
>mfw user leaves university as the goblins he went in to oppose
What's the matter /pol/tard? Triggered?
>implying that /mlpol/ wasn't a fucking blessing.
If you aren't a /pol/ regular, you won't understand, but I'll explain anyways. The board had become so filled with reddit newfags and shills after the election, that it had basically become unbearable.
The flood of ponyfags drove those cancerous fuckers away for a few days. It was like a miracle. Few days free of shills was great.
I was there, /mlpol/ was a beautiful thing. For one day, each and every single newfag, shill, and redditor left us in peace. It's end brought a tear to my eye.
>cancer - it never stops
> *Its
>implying that I buy into alex jones.
I am not a murrican m8, my concerns are related to Europe and chiefly to my homeland.
And nothing will turn me into the pathetic little leftist vermin that universities seem to breed.
I detest them utterly.
They are basically neo-communists and I wish for a new civil war so we could get fucking rid of them like we did 100 years ago.
Lots of campuses have conservative clubs/groups; look for them.
Alternatively, find the bible-thumpers. They're usually a bit more right-wing than the average normie, even if they can be a bit insufferable at times.
People don't change; they just grow new layers over who they are deep down. You go to a new place, you meet some new people, and your views change, but your values don't.
> mfw leftists win in the end and realize that /pol/ was right all along
Didn't Conrad Curze say something about death being nothing compared to vindication?
I believe so, I'm not certain, but that sounds like something he'd say.
Frankly as a damn dirty lefty I don't care if he stays conservative or goes full communist, but anyone who stops listening to Alex Jones is a win for humanity.
Do you guys actually think people are dumb enough to bother shilling on Veeky Forums, and on /pol/ of all places?
>when you reach the point of the argument where all you can do is post all-caps stutter greentext
This thread is getting dangerously off-topic. We can all agree that /pol/ is a garbage board; who wants to talk about slayin' and layin'?
Yeah, he says that to the assassin sent to kill him I believe.
Yup, triggering confirmed. You can go back to your safe space now.
I'm just still surprised that we didn't get lumped in with /lgbt/. It seemed like a pretty obvious one to make.
> Frankly as a damn dirty lefty I don't care if he stays conservative or goes full communist, but anyone who stops listening to Alex Jones is a win for humanity.
Unironic National Socialist here, I agree completely.
2e is seriously underappreciated.
When UN has done fucking study on /pol/, people shilling there does not seem to be out of the question at all.
>/pol/ is a garbage board
/pol/ is garbage but /mlpol/ wasn't.
And co, k, mu, etc
That would've just lead to retarded internet slapfights the entire day instead of being funny.
>this entire thread
>"wah wah cross-board contamination is anoying"
I literally don't get it. If I didn't want my conversations about homebrew settings to be interupted by rants about how its all the jews' fault or why this season's newest harem anime is absolute trash, I wouldn't be on Veeky Forums.
/k/ and Veeky Forums are closest allies.
> /k/
Man, I wish I could go back to the army with my new attitude and actually enjoy my time there. When I was there, I was a lazy shit with fucking miserable attitude and made the experience worse for myself, and my team mates.
I want to shoot muh rk again.
Glad we agree on that, you nazi bastard
No, it's still pretty retarded. Just because the UN commissioned a study doesn't mean shilling on /pol/ has any better chance of working. Besides, it's not that important, UN study or no.
I'm a little bit ashamed that /k/ makes better settings than we do.
Fair point, but there's a limit to how much is acceptable, and /pol/ is one of the worst offenders when it comes to crossing the line.
Not a better chance of working, but a better chance of existing.
>that shit tier resolution.
You can't read half of the text in that picture.
But that implies that both parties wouldn't already be doing that anyway. At least the cross over angle has a sort of wacky sitcom element...
I may have just talked myself out of thinking it would've been funny.
Yeah, but the /b/tards know to keep most of the gore and Spider-Man in /b/.
Still not a very good chance of existing. 5% is higher than 4%, but that doesn't mean I'll take those odds.
Veeky Forums confirmed autistic as fuck /b/ tier shit?
At least the other boards didn't derail themselves.
Where the fuck does Paintball even belongs to? The equipment are toys by /k/'s standards.
You do know that /pol/ is a very high traffic board, right? It is basically /v/ tier, if not even more popular, and there are shill threads on /v/ ALL THE TIME.
Painball goes here.
It does now, the screencap comes from before /asp/ was a thing.
>tales of Ba Sing Se
Relevant (and quality) backstory/character exploration is not filler
I think the issue is just that people don't want Veeky Forums to be "defined" by other boards.
Veeky Forums is about traditional games, but this is Veeky Forums, and cross-board talk is to be expected and often encouraged. There's a lot to learn from people who have different interests and specialties, and it's good to hear from /m/ when designing a mecha game or asking Veeky Forums on advice for what kind of special spices to include in a cooking mini-system.
But, Veeky Forums hates it when people try to define it, but is simultaneously filled with people trying to define it. Veeky Forums is lewd, Veeky Forums isn't lewd, Veeky Forums is left, Veeky Forums is right, Veeky Forums hates elves, Veeky Forums loves elves, every single thing is a point of contention and subject to heated debates, even the question of whether Veeky Forums is about traditional games.
It's probably best to just not say Veeky Forums is anything except what's written on the tin.
>Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc. go here!
But people are so quick to cry /pol/ at even the most mild of shitposting. Veeky Forums gets triggered by poo in the loo, for christ's sake.
got a bigger version
The UN doing a study on any related issue ONLY increases the % by 1?
Are you serious? If the UN claimed you were a pedo, the % of threats you will get on your dialy life will not increase a mere 1%.
Damn, sorry to hear that. I've always wanted to join myself, but I'm asthmatic and a literal autist, so I'll never be able to. Have you considered going into the reserves or national guard?
i was getting scared
this website is for shitposting in 72 different flavors
paintball is /asp/ like airsoft