Is Breya really as oppressive of a commander as people complain she is? I haven't seen anyone running her, I'm curious.
Is Breya really as oppressive of a commander as people complain she is? I haven't seen anyone running her, I'm curious
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maybe, doesnt happen at my play spot.
Looks useless to me. What can she do, tickle 3 damage until each opponent is dead?
Only when the objective of the deck is to get one of the many infinite combos together.
She's about as easy to break the game with as compared to several other Commanders.
Pretty much.
Sword of the Meek
Ashnod's Altar
Thopter Foundry
Build up infinite Thopters and Mana and start Bolting and Grasping everyone.
Yeah, but she's plenty fun if you build a deck around graveyard recursion.
>repeatable, instant-speed creature removal
>bypasses indestructible and regeneration
>doesn't even require tapping
Your opponents are only in trouble if they're playing decks that use creatures or their commander.
For shits and giggles she can even heal you, in case you draw a little too much aggro. Or if you have enough myr/thopter/clue/servo tokens in play you can just eat them all and ping an opponent for lethal.
Not enough people bring up the fact that she's completely naked in the art.
I would consider her in the top 25 commanders, but not top 10.
Yes, she is as bad as people complain about.
Consider Sharuum. It really doesn't fucking matter what his text-box says, all that matters is the colors in the corner, namely WUB, which encompasses all the best cards in EDH.
Now consider Breya. Not only does she add an extra color to the already nut Esper combination but she's actually a combo-piece and win condition all in herself. And given that EDH is all about comboing your opponent out (don't look at me like that, someone is going to do it) you can't ask for something better than the best control/tutor colors while also acting as a combo piece.
Why Wizards doesn't know this when both the regular EDH and 1v1 EDH communities know this is just indicative of their incompetence. Officially the EDH rules committee doesn't seem to understand this fact, but we already know they're incompetent. Former head judge and inventor of EDH are fantastic titles but Sheldon doesn't fucking know what he's doing.
Ashnod's Altar + Eldrazi Displacer = infinite mana, thopters, life, player damage, and targeted creature -X/-X. In other words, multiple victories in one.
Not a big EDH player myself, but I imagine aside from the opportunities from the color combination, that middle option can do a lot to lock other commander's from surviving on the battlefield. Pretty much nearly every commander with toughness 4 or less is just gonna get sent straight back to the command zone, which sucks for builds that rely on their commanders for synergy or combo or voltron or whatever.
Built-in, repeatable, easy to set up, instant speed removal on a creature that the build is always gonna have access to seems pretty pushed.
Most Breya decks are incredibly similar and not interesting to play against, and have a tendency to threaten to combo off super early in the game before anyone else gets to do what their deck is built to do.
Actually, the best color in EDH after Blue is Green, with Black a close third.
>Not enough people bring up the fact that she's completely naked in the art.
Hardly matters when her entire fun zone is missing.
It's ridiculous how much value was in her deck over the other 4, never mind her being powerful in her own right. First time a planeswalker appeared in a precon while not being the featured card.
>running an inifity combo deck
What about the literal first set of commander decks where mimeoplasm had OG garruk in it?
I swear this is the most pathetic format ever
what format are you playing that hasn't had major bans recently?
stop being oppressive to me I'm just here for fun
I don't even understand what point you're trying to make, card get banned all the time from all formats for being too oppressive or some other vague reason
Really? I must have traded that one away and forgot about it.
>tfw you turn 5 win because you own mox opal
Hey man, I lost a kitchen table 6 way with me and the breya and that 3 ping right before I was gonna swing for 15.
Shit was super fucking gay.
>Complaining about someone building a deck that's within the rules
Don't hate the player.
>playing a 6 player game
They would last 3+ hours. And this was before we discovered boardwipes. We also had a couple drunks who took forever.
Just split that shit into two pods of 3
The bants were occasionally worth it
>Not enough people bring up the fact that she's completely naked in the art.
Considering pretty much every point of interest is gone you'd have to be a tilefucker tier dude to care.
I have a friend who plays a deck based around her.
It is basically an non.
I dunno, I fapped to Master Transmuter once or twice. This is right up my alley
>Buhu infinite combos hurt my fefees!!!
kys asap
You might be retarded. Breya is only 'repeatable, instant-speed creature removal' if you have a fuck ton of artifacts already. Attrition achieves what you claim Breya does more effectively.
Breya is 'oppressive' because she generates 2 tokens on ETB and can use those two tokens for damage/removal. She works very well with flicker shenanigens and can go infinite in a number of ways.
2 cards + commander is too many cards. Prosh goes infinite with just food chain. The combo you listed is also pretty easily disruptable (bolt the displacer, torpor orb, anything that prevents/taxes activated abilities, etc...).
3 player games are objectively the worst games (outside of decks designed specifically for 3 player games). I would rather play 1 player solitaire than a 3 person EDH game.
I don't play infinites with her. I just know plenty exist.
She's a plenty fun Commander with some flickers, cards that do something when they die, graveyard recursion and cards that care about when other things die.