Share with us your dudes, it can be from 40k, Age of Sigmar, infinity, Warmahordes, etc
Your dudes thread
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Planet name: Akrabam
Designation: Agri-world
Hives: [_1_] (many smaller population centers are scattered around the planet)
Population: 142 million
Climate: Temperate
Planetary governor: Benedict Winfred [deceased]
Current planet status: Rebellion against the Imperium in progress [possible chaos taint]
Solution: Exterminatus, Y/N? [N] Exterminatus fleets needed elsewhere.
Adeptus Astartes, Y/N? [N] Nearby Adeptus Astartes forces occupied.
Battlefleet Vallis, Y/N? [Y], will arrive in system in 30 - 400 days. Delay, unacceptable!
The planet:
The agriworld Akrabam is a relative moderate planet in the Supplex sub sector. The grain that the is the main product of the planet require many hours of work to grow. It's hard work for the farmers to harvest the grain as they are very fragile.
The capital on Akrabam, 'Krasta' is the only "real" city only because it is home to a few million people, while many other cities around the planet only houses at most several thousand people at most. This has led to the majority of Akrabam's PDF forces to be stationed in the capital, leaving the countryside completely undefended.
The threat that threatened Akrabam didn't came from the void. It came from within, after the governor declared a rise of the tithe by 25%.
During the "pacification" of the capital many smaller regions and towns banded together in order to fight back the oppressive rule of the governor.
At first the militia members were unorganized and undisciplined. But that was only until the son of a local imperial guard veteran rose up and united the militia. This man was Bartow West, he had the knowledge and skills possible to form a force that stood a fighting chance. All was well until they reached the capital, there they were aided by a coven of unsanctioned psykers. With their help Bartow and his forces could take the capitol and kill the governor
My fluff for my renegades and heretics
The Gyrinx Ghosts are a Twenty Third Founding Space Marine chapter speculated to derive from the Dark Angels.
They reside upon a World in the northern part of Ultima Segmentum, a world with an abnormally large population of Gyrinx.
Their first Chapter Master formed a bond with one of these creatures, discovering the Gyrinx's ability to enhance their owners psychic abilities, and eventually, a large portion of the chapter had a companionship with one of these creatures.
Over time, many Gyrinx within the chapter began to grow larger and more intimidating, due to the metabolic change that occurs within the creature that makes it resemble it's owner. it's not uncommon now to see some Marines fighting side-by-side with their Gyrinx companions on the battlefield, the felines having strengthened so that they too may fight the enemies of the Astartes.
All of this is still very much a WIP, I just really wanted to do something with the Gyrinx from the moment I saw the one on Yvraine's model, and I'm not really a fan of the Eldar. Biggest problem for me is finding some good stand-in models for the Gyrinx themselves, as I'm not gonna buy a billion Yvraines. (though I might get one, just so my Chapter Master can have the official Gyrinx model)
>tfw I'm painting that very banner.
I have a lot of dudes because I home brewed up a sector rebellion but these are the main ones.
FOUNDING: ..................24th[M.38]
"With Fire and Sword!"
Knights in space. Chivalry, honor, violently oppressing peasants. Huge hardon for chainswords and jump packs. Tons of older marks of armor that no one really knows how they got. Have a habit of knicking shiny things, especially from renegade marines. Bird fetish. Come from a feudal world where they are worshiped as angels of a sort. They don't participate in politics, just deal with recruiting new marines.
Formed due to the Adeptus Mechanicus turning out an excess of chainswords.
I also like to personally mod video games.
Sounds like the black ships might pay a visit.
Just get you some marines riding giant battlesabers into combat.
Chapter: Emperor's Scourges
Homeworld: Crusade Fleet
Geneseed Origins: White Scars
Colours: Grey/white/blood red
Overall Mission: Spread fear and terror to force worlds into imperial compliance
Anyways the overall theme was what if Attila the Hun was a space marine. Naturally White Scar descendants, with a preference for going fast, striking without mercy but lacking the politeness and curt nicety of the White Scars.
They were formed in response to the discovery of a large sector of space in the Segmentum Pacificum that had been cut off from the greater galaxy for a long while. Some worlds had known the Imperium from 30k but others had never even been visited during the Great Crusade. The Chapter was formed to be the vanguard of a greater push to reclaim this sector and were sent on a mission to spread fear, be nomadic and weaken resistance.
However, soon after the chapter went on their crusade, warp storms closed off the most viable routes into the sector so the higher ups decided to spend their forces elsewheres. But told the Scourges to continue their mission until such time as reinforcements arrive.
So they've been battling rouge human warlords, orks and dark eldar mostly alone. A section of worlds have been brought to heel in fear and terror of the Scourges so there is an imperial controlled area to support but they still remain largely isolated and reliant on less than advanced tech.
Any way I can flesh em out a bit more?
>tfw my army has 5 pages of fluff
>tfw its fluff its adjusted to go well with my roomate's armies (renegade tau pirates who spam firewarrriors because they cant steal many suits, chaos space marines who are not really chaotic but worship a lovecraftian deity who eats chaos)
>tfw when im bored i just sit down and write down noteworthy characters or battles
how far i am down the autism spectrum?
I dunno user...
Lets see it
That's not autism, that's having a good time with your friends and enjoying narrative play. If I had friends I consistently played against rather than random people I met up with at the local shop I'd work them into the fluff for my guys too. Hell I have actually now that I think about it, since I fluffed my guys as being on a crusade against necrons and I have made it my mission to defeat my shops necron players.
The daemon prince Visavorax was once an artillerist and Warpsmith of the Black Legion. Over the course of countless campaigns, he came to believe that the Blood God was speaking to him through the roar of his heavy cannons. Eventually pledging his soul to Khorne, Visavorax came to favor a merciless creeping artillery bombardment followed by a rapid airborne or mechanized assault to bath in the blood of the shattered enemy. It was while leading a tank wedge into a devastated regiment of Imperial Guard that he earned his ascension. Now the undisputed master of the Blood God's Roar warband of Daemonkin, he continues to favor the tactics he used in his mortal existence. Massed batteries of Skull Cannons, Forgefiends, Basilisks, and countless other daemonic artillery pieces unleash a devastating and calculated bombardment on the foe. When he judges the time to be right, Visavorax unleashes his heavy Bloodcrushers as shock cavalry on the strongest defenders remaining, Flesh Hounds sweeping the flanks of the wounded and broken. Frequently he prefers to hold back himself until the final assault, savoring the pounding of his guns. His warband contains unusually few Berzerkers, as he finds it difficult to prevent them from charging into the midst of his own artillery bombardment.
Wandering Brotherhood
Fleet Based
Origin: Raven Guard/Dark Angels (Debated, though Raven Guard is accepted within the Chapter)
Battlecry: "That others may live!"
Founding: 13th
Close ally: Navigator House Belletain
They share their beliefs most closely with the Lamenters, however, acting altruistically and closely with more typical humans. Their SOP is to work closely with Imperial Guard units, acting in support of them or as the army's assault or recon element; they rarely deploy on their own. Typical super soldier operator shit. Additionally, they work hand-in-hand with a Navigator house, occasionally treating their members like full blown chapter members. The Brotherhood maintains a small garrison in the Navigator quarter on Terra.
The Brotherhood suffers a mutation with their sus-an membrane that, while not necessarily undoing the Hypno indoctrination Marine's receive, makes them highly susceptible to feelings of empathy or malaise. These feelings make them both highly contemplative and has them seeking out company among their brothers and the humans they serve with. This has made them highly communal, with squads and even companies becoming attached to Guard units and requesting to serve with them for the remainder of their deployment.
This ability to become so quickly attached has lead to each Company training it's own scout units, usually putting a company at 120-some-odd Marines. 1st Company keeps a compliment of the best scouts, though those scouts won't be integrated into the 1st Company but instead be rolled into the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th companies with honors.
Because of the Brotherhood's strained relationship with the Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Cult as a whole, they tend to run light on Chaplains, instead, they've adopted their Navigators as their spiritual leaders. Because of Belletain's Enatic-Cognatic inheritance structure, the Elder Navigator's who fall into these roles are referred to as "Mother Matron".
The Shitfuckers
they kill krauts and their sandnigger buttbuddies as well as xenos (aka krauts in denial)
I took the Guardians of the Covenant and focused on building it's 3rd Company. Since not a lot of lore is known of them (only some notes) I could adapt them to my edgy preferences.
Chapter name: Guardians of the Covenant
Founding: Unknown
Chapter world: Mortikah VII
Fortress monastery: The Spire
Predecessor: Dark Angels
"We watch over the Void."
Weirdo Unforgiven, so they are weird amongst weird. Based on what little lore they have, they aren't complete dicks to regular civilians of the Imperium. They value knowledge above all and refuse dogmatic indoctrination, making them be at odds with the Ecclesiarchy. On the other hand, they don't usually partake on the fanatical hunts of Fallen the other Unforgiven are commited to, so even amongst their brethen they are seen as an odd bunch. They are bros with the Angels of Redemption tho, since they are the most laid back and reasonable Unforgiven. Intellectual studies is encouraged and a regular practice in the chapter, and their Company Masters and Librarians are usually prominent thinkers and philosophers. They don't favor Chaplains, since they aren't really keen on divinizing the Emperor, ironically following his original desires of not being deified.
Since they are mostly outcasts in both the Chapter system and the Unforgiven alike, they usually partake on campaigns isolated on the borders of their sector and the Segmentum Pacificus, even going beyond Imperium's borders to face unknown xeno threats.
They keep record of all races they have fought and even investigate data and technology they find on alien races.
Their battle style is mostly mechanized infantry on drop pods and rhinos, with artillery support. 3rd Company Master Grigori goes to battle accompanied by a small squad of command veterans equipped with both archaic and exotic weaponry, known as "The Watchers."
They have the support of a Freeblade Imperial Knight, known as "The Void Walker".
I run a 30k army using imperial cults. They all have +6 armor, +6 FNP, Zealot, and Rending in close combat.
They are a xenos force touched by chaos on some backwater world. They are lead by a couple possessed psykers and thats about it. They are murderous heretical chattel and I can field them 10:1 against power armor.
Ive modeled them by putting skaven plague monk heads and mutant arms on orks, and backing them up with a couple gnarly looking tanks. I refer to them affectionately as the Rat Men Of The Computer Planet, and I love them.
Until 8e drops, 30k is where all the 40k fun ran off to.
Meant Angels of Absolution instead of Redemption, they get mixed up sometimes.
In my defense I have to say that the bits that makes them pretty snowflakey aren't mine and are taken from official sources.
I should note that these
These are just my original test models, so if they look a little off its because they're held together with GS
Cool models user. I guess those would also make for some cool mutant rabble units for Renegades and Heretics
Is renegades and heretics 40k? I havnt even been paying attention to new releases.
Yes, it's a continuation/spiritual successor to the lost and the damned that GW made during a special campaign, so it got picked up by Forge World
Ill wait for 8e and see if its still legal. My problem would be that nearly none of my guys have guns. My main gunline are a half-dozen heavy bolter servitors with the HQ upgrade to make them AP3. That rips and tears in 30k, but there's no way in he'll it'll fly in 40k.
I think Forge World have said that all their rules will be released next to/the same say as GW's 8th E
I fucking envy you. At my club something like that would be laughed off despite all of them being anal about "this hobby is more than just playing, you have to model real hard" but then ignore other aspects of it.
There is such a thing as too much. I give names and trophies to guys who do well, but beyond that there's just the baseline "this is who they are".
For example, Ive played CSM for about 15 years now, and Ive got one model who's basically been riddle-of-the-ax'd through all of it. He's a regular chaos marine with a bolter and chainsword, but over the years he's acquired numerous little bits for things he's done. Somehow he always pulls through for me. His armor has a few holes from times when he saved 30 bolter rounds in one turn. His helmet is one of those cool Khorn Breserker ones with the wingys cut off from when he did a stint in a big khorn blob. He's got an extra set of krak grenades because one time he blew up a few transports on his own with them. Eventually I ended up with a few guys like him, and after a particularly good game where he killed a nob, I made him squad leader of my group of ragtag motherfuckers. They dont have names, but they have history.
Here are my Age of Sigmar dudes, enjoy and please tell me what you think
Hey, because I can see that you made a map with Inkarnate, I figure I should ask: what the hell happened to all the old features? Where did mountain stamps go? Why are there far fewer ground textures now?
Well, as GW doesnt have models for them, I wouldnt be surprised if they dont get rules. Things are going to be bad enough in nu40k, I wouldnt want to sour things further by playing a forgeworld army.
I am a huge fucking 80s robot cartoon nerd and so every pilot in my 300+ points of Heavy Gear gets a name.
Thus I've made the Three-Ones. Long version here:
Short version: They are a unit that has had an ever worsening run of luck ruining their formerly chill "bunch of well meaning a-holes with mechs" image. (I couldn't very well write fluff about their heroism and fearsome deeds because I've never won a game)
There was the time Alektra, their ace pilot, got in a fight with a visiting snooty top brass type and nearly got sent to a penal legion. Had she not gone on to 1v1 a notorious enemy ace and fuck him up so hard his troops' morale was broken she'd be out in a toxic wasteland breaking rocks. As it is she's trying to pay off a fine so big other regiments think it's some kind of joke.
There's Cadre III. They ended up with a bunch of failed prototype mechs, not in the cool anime "it wrecks shit" way but in the military contractor rivalry "it's a cheap ass piece of barely functional shit" way.
Cadre II used to be cool dudes. Then they got reinforcements, a couple of angry dykes with flamethrowers who everyone "knows" rat out their comrades to the authorities for shit like black marketeering or losing paperwork.
And then there's Littner, the stuffed shirt desk jockey who thinks he's the second coming of space Napoleon and thinks the way to keep morale high is confiscate all the booze and get squad leaders to tell their men that Command thanks them for their service but there's still a problem or two with their conduct...
It used to be a pretty chill place. Plenty of stuff to shoot, a steady supply of beer and cigarettes and a town with loose women, cheap restaurants and gambling only a truck ride away. Sadly some assholes have gone and ruined it for the rest...
I'll add - being a Your Dudes guy fucking sucks if like me you can't roll dice to save your life
>lay out named, themed army
>you feel the losses harder than the guy who never looks beyond stats
After the economically disastrous mission to Dawn many companies in the countries involved and their close allies went bankrupt, but Rheinmetall endured, snatching up just enough contracts within the surging Oceanic market to stay afloat
With the advent of the US-Panoceania war however, the company ended up caught between two fronts. Unable to supply one side without forsaking the other was the final nail in its coffin, forcing it to downsize greatly and nearly disappear
Too late now to throw its lot with the rapidly surging hyperpower, Rheinmetall's directors took the only course they could think of: adapt
Moving its headquarters to mars, the company decided to pursue a business model of producing artisanal high-quality copies of PanOceanian military equipment for the civilian market, and to create a subdivision dedicated to bringing further exposure to their brand through military contracting
And thus, Rheinmetall Defense was reborn from the ashes of the old world, akin to a phoenix clad in steel
Current products include marvels of technology such as:
The TOSIR (Thermische Optik Schwere Infanterie RĂ¼stung) "Schweizer", a copy of Swiss Guard armor with slightly lessened weaponry interface options, but boasting a completely custom quantronic warfare interface
FESIR (Feuerwehr Elite Schwere Infanterie RĂ¼stung) "Adler", a type of heavy armor with a unique combination of sensory equipment designed to compete with Neoterra's famed Aquila guard
MFF (Mehrzweck Ferngesteuertes Fahrzeug) "ZonDrohne", a clever feat of engineering wherein a set of highly-sophisticated set of systems comparable to PanOceania's own Dronbots tech is placed within a chassis very similar to that belonging to the Nomad Nation's military, allowing the company to circumvent a plethora of licensing and patent issues
I dunno really, one day they updated it and the old features were gone
You're fine but I'm a bit worried about the Chaos player though what with the lovecraftian sub deity. That sounds pretty dumb.
My dudes originated from a world of the Gothic sector which has been destroyed so long ago that they forgot its name. The bulk of the population was extracted by a local splinter of the sector's battlefleet but due to Administratum snafu, they were never resettled. They now live and breed in the bowels of the starships of the fleet and their population is tithed to form the bulk of a ground force the Fleet Admiral use for ground operations.
This is how I play my IG and justify the lack of heavy tanks and the prevalence of infantry, light vehicles and sentinels, since starships use a lot of power lifter sentinels.
I never put precise names or definite allegiances on any of the places, ships and people to allow me some flexibility. Maybe the Admiral is a proper Imperial Fleet Admiral, maybe he's a Rogue Trader, maybe he's a renegade. I can play whatever.
The most elaborate I've ever gotten for backstory for "my dudes" was with my local college's gaming club Kill team campaign.
I had a charasmatic Boss Nob called "Tuffnutz" because he was a tough nut to crack (paid for armor 4+). With his band of merry Stormboyz, representing the looting style of deathskulls they owned their local sector, eventually looting bikes, embarkments, a rusty turret, and building up to be the top guys in the campaign. The liked to move up and crash into the enemy with their looted rockets. Taking anything from their enemy's munnitions or the very wings off a Daemon.
Tuffnutz never died or got severely wounded, growing more in power, although a few of the boyz did bite the dust. Eventually they Zogged off to a bigger Waaagh! (regular games) because the campaign ended.
As it stands, that Kill Team (Heralds of Ruin) is the most fun I've had in 40k. It also didn't hurt that I didn't lose.
Chinese nationalists for our WWII game, Ostfront
Scratch built gai liang field guns, 1/72 Caesar Infantry, Vickers Mark E tanks from UM and an Sdkfz. 222 for good measure.
Terrain is also scratch built for our Shanghai 1937 table - clay sandbags, cardboard box buildings with color printed sides
Dudes I have helped work on, and my favorite ones
>Argo Brigade
Being the cross!
Best Your Dudes, hands down
I'm starting to finally work on some My Dudes that I'm pretty excited about.
I'm turning my Saurus from Fantasy into Tarellians using bits from Fire Warriors that I will soon purchase and combining them with my Imperial Guard, Scion Tempestus, and Empire Handgunners so they can act as Kroot stand-ins; including using sci-fi'ed Cold One Knights for Krootox and adding all sorts of armor and autocannons to my Carnosaur to make it look like an armored Knarloc to act as either a Hammerhead or Broadside stand-in.
I'm probably going to have one or two units of actual Kroot fighting alongside them to give more of a mercenary feel. All the Tarellian kit is going to have some neat Polynesian iconography painted on purely because I'm hapa and think it would look baller as fuck. Both will also add to the "alien mercenaries," vibe.
After that I'm going to take the rest of my blueberry and human shit and turn my humans into Gue'vesa--probably using a lot of the Fire Warrior Breacher, Cadian, and Scion kits since those miniatures look not only dope, but also bulkier than most Fire Warrior miniatures--so they'll act as stand-ins for the Tau infantry stuff.
That way my entire Tau list is made of auxiliary troops, with the only actual blueberries represented by the few mobile suits I'm going to have (I refuse to use anything Ghostkeel-sized or larger because I'm a fluff-fag) and maybe some Pathfinders for the unit variety.
I'm still working out some of the fluff stuff, but I'm pretty excited to get to work on the actual miniatures. Doing those alone will make it an interesting experience.
I guess the chaos thing could just be a spin on Malal or Necoho, but that's some dusty old 40k lore...
Made a Chapter with the generator, but can't come up with a name for them, would like some suggestions from you bros;
>Blood Angels successors
>Fleet Based, Armored Assault boarding specialists
>Extremely high rate of succumbing to Black Rage, 50% of chapter exterminated by Inquisition, geneseed confiscated
>Most of remaining chapter lost fighting Orks, only parts of 2nd and 7th Companies remaining, spread across fleet ships
Why not roll a name up for them
Rolled 43 (1d100)
Rollin; just for the fun of it
>Sable Wings
What the fuck, how does that match the decal I stole from a Bloodbowl transfer sheet match so well.
Rolled 66 (1d100)
Forgot the 2nd d100
So I got:
>Honoured Souls
This list owns. I rolled:
Brother Crusaders
Brazen Knights
Black Hunters
Star Destroyers
Steel Hawks
Crimson Sons
Crimson Skulls
Ultimate Death
Millennial Warriors
Ultra Fury
Fiery Fury
War Death
Star Lords
Flesh Swords
Rolled 87, 38, 41, 18, 60, 87, 99, 48, 29, 23, 49, 15 = 594 (12d100)
Well most of those were shit, but Iron Consols sounds bitching.
>>age of sigmar
>>your dudes
What are you trying to say?
He's insinuating that AoS has no capacity for individualized armies with personal character
The first of the Lamenters I've made and painted. still need to do basing and some touch ups. first figure I've painted for half a decade.
That's ludicrous! AoS has a huge room for your dudes!
There is nothing to grab hold of, the setting is so vast as to become bland ad flavorless
Ultra Champions
Some how I'm picturing a super hammy ultra marine successor. Lead by ether Nathan Fillion or John Barrowman. Some how this is starting to work in my mind.
>p-please make this thread into another skubtasy vs age of skub discussion
kys viper
Can you faggots not go "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" even once? I fucking despise AoS, but if somebody can actually immerse himself in that bland kitchensink of a setting enough to come up with his own dudes, more power to him.
I have allot of fluff for all my armies:
-Cyclops Space Marines - A recently founded Ultramarines derived chapter, fairly codex adherant. They spend most of their time trying to keep the area of space around their homeworld on the eastern fringe stable.
-Nigran 1051st IG regiment - From the hive world Nigra (the sister world of the cyclops homeworld, Cyon). A fairly typical hive world IG regiment wearing greatcoats and rebreathers in a simmilar fashion to the steel legion. They fight in many of the sme fields as the cyclops space marines, providing them with much needed manpower and garrison forces.
-Sa'Conas Sept Tau - A very recently established sept on the extreme southern border of the Tau empire, inhabiting a cold world where the only life is found on whe warmer equator.
-Neoterran Lambda Operations - The best trained and best equiped soldiers Pan-O has to offer who are tasked with the dirtiest and most politicaly questionable jobs that Pan-O denies all knowledge of.
-Paradiso Crusade Force: Division Tirtius - A mixture of knights from different millitary orders grouped together and tasked with the recapturing of urban areas on paradiso from the CA.
-USARF 78th Regiment - A regiment from USAriadna specialized in urban combat.
-Onyx First Contact Force 'Bone' divisoin - A subsection of the OFCF used primarily for demolitions and brute force rather than infiltration.
My 40k Admech don't have background because they were my first dudes so they're just standard Martian Skitarii, but I did quite a lot for my 30k Mechanicum.
They're the evolution of a Xanatite Explorator fleet, who were out of the Imperium's territory when the Heresy broke out. After the first planet they came to shot at them for being Reductor ships (who were mostly Loyalist) and the second for them being Xanatite (traitors) they decided fuck it and returned to a cushy system they'd found in their trip. Fast warp lane through a couple fiddly sectors, but an easy trip for Mechanicum precision. They set up on a planet with a whole bunch of greenery, started mining the asteroid belts and steadily assimilated the planet, using their already large number of Magos Biologis to turn the local flora and fauna into war machines. The Archmagos in charge, Xander Treides, is largely a massive cogitator bank spread throughout his fleet, and sends out copies of himself in custom bodies to lead expeditions whenever required. If he "dies", he's obviously still fine, but he loses the data that body was carrying, and his mind gets steadily more corrupted by interference and such every time, so he slowly goes a bit mad. Eventually, late into the Scouring, he realises what's happening to him and locks the useful parts of his mind into the ship, losing his memories in the process. He takes over subordinate's minds and uses their memories and perspectives, which has led to strange command strategy as he commands with the biases of anything between a great Archimandrite and a Skitarii Alpha Primus, each taking prominence as required.
>-Nigran 1051st IG regiment - From the hive world Nigra
His last body, abandoned with the torn memories of the ancient Archmagos, was rendered Damnatio ad Gladium by the last commands of the intact Xander, and led the majority of the fleets Cybernetica and their newer Genetus monstrosities against the Dark Mechanicum in an enraged vengeance crusade for the destroyed knowledge of Mars, finally being killed (some of his fellow Archmagi preferred to say "put down", there was hardly anything separating him from his creatures by the end) storming Cyclotrathe by Knights of House Atrax.
The fleet is still there, dug into a system that would be a fortress by cosmological standards, even before it became a collection of Forge Worlds, gun platforms and energy farms. The Genetors continued their experimentation, slowly developing research paths that were sealed in the Vaults of Moravec for good reason before, combined with some of the Vodian research from their last homeworld, and before too many centuries had passed could be considered the equal of any in the Dark Mechanicum. Strange corrosive bio-weapons, living ships, creatures of the Warp bound screaming to flesh as the Soul Forge did to metal. Occasionally, a rumour would spread of the "Old Mechanicus" beyond the Ghoul Stars, but aside from a few missing ships little was found besides worlds picked clean and poisoned more subtly than the Plaguefather tended to. Inquisitorial attention had been planned, but was dramatically disrupted by the onset of the Thirteenth Black Crusade.
Hey, like them a lot. I use an allied detatchment of a hundred of those guys instead of Adsecularis cannon fodder, since I don't see why cloned swarms of chaff would have guns, restraint or neat 20-man formations. Also, I dig the rules. I have a friend who uses 40k Renegades, they're pretty fun. They have cool alternative force org that makes their infantry respawn and Outflank on a 2+ after death, and chewing through 300 respawning useless Infantry is great fun. They have all the same vehicle support as you, too.
Custom Stormhost time!
The Dawnguard [thinking about changing the name]: of all of Sigamr's warriors, the Dawnguard stand out in one important fact; During their mortal lives, they were all ordinary men and women, not great kings or warriors, who none the less performed great feats of heroism during the dawning of the age of chaos; they are farmhands who ran at daemons with pitchforks, school teachers who threw themselves at marauding hordes to save their students, peasants and merchants who formed ad-hoc mulita's once their nation's standing army had been shattered.
As a result, the storm host did not take the field until the latter parts of the Relamgate war, as they required training from scratch instead of mere relearning, but are able to coordinate and fight alongside free guild regiments and other mortal forces much more easily. To this the day, the warrior-chambers of this host are open to any mortal to visit and petition, and the stormcast themselves free mingle amongst the people
I've got some Space Marines I've been wanting to talk about and get some feedback on.
Chapter Name: The Broken Shields
Chapter Founding Date: 2nd Founding, 021.M31.
Gene-Seed: Ultramarines
Known Decendants: None
Chapter Homeworld: Kaerramidia
Planetary Designation: Argi-World
Location: Segmentum Solar
Chapter Monastery: The Broken Oath
Battlecry: "We shall be their Shields!", "We shall remain Unbroken!"
The backstory for them, is that shortly after learning of Guilliman's plan to reorganize the remaining Space Marine legions into Chapters, as well as the introduction of the Codex Astartes. A Ultramarine Scout Sergeant by the name of Matthias Aldeen became rather disillusioned, and angry by it. Matthias saw the rules and regulations recorded within it's pages as far too restricting a method for the Space Marines to properly wage war. As such, he, along with many of the scouts he was still training, and the few full brothers who felt the same way as him, left on a Strike Crusier by the name of "The Maccrage Sparrow". The ship having been secretly loaded with enough Gene-Seed and various other supplies and equipment.
After much traveling, the group, comprised mostly of only recently inducted scouts and initiates, eventually settled upon the world of Kaerramidia. A planet that had suffered greatly during the latter years of the Horus Heresy. As such, the population was rather hesitant to even speak with them when the group first appeared.
Seeing the sorry state the planet's population was in, Matthias had his forces assist with the rebuilding effort. Food distribution, medical aid, he even had his scouts assist in building barns, and tilling nearby fields during their offtime, should their help ever be needed. In exchange for their assistance, the planet eventually began trusting, and even offering up its hardy population for induction as Space Marines.
More to come in a bit.
well alrighty then, Ill have to give it a shot sometime.
You sound like a pretty cool guy I like your chapter it's a bit of hope in the grimdark grimdarkness
Sorry if any of this seems weird, or the writing of this is shitty. I'm kinda new to 40k, as well as sharing and writing these sort of things. As stated before, feed back and questions is appreciated on this....
The influx of new recruits wasn't the only side effect of their relationship with the people of Kaerramidia...
Due in part to the majority of Matthias' Marines being Scouts, or younger, and far more inexperienced battle-brothers that had only been inducted shortly before the end of the Horus Heresy, and due in part to Matthias' more "Liberal" training methods. It became a rather common sight for the young initiates to start up relationships with young women on the nearby farms and homesteads they were often ordered to assist. This has caused long standing, yet out of place tradition in the Chapter, where it is often encouraged for Scouts and initiates to get married. Sometime before they become full battle-brothers. Some initiates even going so far as to sire children before becoming full marines.
You're no more autistic then any Black Library writer.
So, very?
The Chapter is currently non-Codex Compliant, going so far as to even refuse the usage of Tactical, Devastator, Assault, or any other kind of markings.
They currently stand at 12 company's, each one containing anywhere from 120-150 marines, none of which are scout Companies.
Instead, scouts are trained by whatever company's happen to be stationed on their Homeworld at the time, as companies are often rotated too allow marines time to visit home, and tend to their farms and families.
Other than it being encouraged for initiates to marry before becoming full marines, it is a common sight for the more older marines to adopt and raise orphans from planet's they have recently fought on. With many of whom go on join Kaerramidia's defense force, or are inducted as initiates for the Chapter.
Their Chapter symbol is a White Shield, with a golden cross running the width and length of it, with black, jagged line starting at the upper right side, and running diagonally downwards the bottom left. It symbolizes their desire to be the Shields of the people, as well as the breaking of their oaths to their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman.
>refuse the usage of Tactical, Devastator, Assault, or any other kind of markings.
Couldnt get the transfers to work, huh?
the moment Roboute returned, my guys decided to put themself into a giant cardboard box and collect dust until I can muster enough motivation to rearrange them for an older Edition, or the End Times are over.
I've actually never thought about using them to be fair. I've just never liked them in all honesty. Therr are no tactical, devastator, or assault squads just marines.That... and the Broken Shields assign their forces equipment based on what's needed at the time.
>"Oh? You're saying you need to requisition 62 jump-packs for your next assault on the Ork fortress? Alright then, there you go!"
I personally like having a your dudes are my and then keeping and canon named hero in the wings to be added to a special fight, making it feel as if a superhero has come to save the day In a darkest hour
It's not fully done but you can give it a read.
Their relationship with the majority of other chapters is sketchy at best, due to their lack of Codex Compliance. This causes the majority of Ultramarine successors refuse to work with them unless the need is great enough. The Chapter has come to blows numerous times over the years with the Marines Malevolent, due to both Chapters opposing views on the treatment of civilians.
Even so, they find they work well with Chapters such as the Salamanders, the Space Wolves, and have even worked with the Lamentors on several occasions, due to such Chapters views when it comes to civilians.
Their hated foes are of courde, traitors and those who follow the forces of Chaos. The Chapter going to great lengths to eradicate such forces as soon as they crop up.
Fun fact, akrabam means relatives in turkish.
My guys are a Dark Angel's successor chapter who had a civil war within their chapter when some of the chapter master led their veterans renegade. They lost a lot of their relics like terminator armor and bikes so they can't field the respective wings. They're led by a counsel of librarians, chaplains, and captains to keep power decentralized.
It is fine but this
>chaos space marines who are not really chaotic but worship a lovecraftian deity who eats chaos
Is retarded.
Their homeworld is probably governed by various KANGZ that feud with each other all the time.
40k got its cut off date for me at the height of the 13th black crusade where Abbadon got trapped in cadia with his warband while imperial navy bombarded them daily.
I am ignoring any fluff written after that date.
The 40k ended there, what we are seeing is child tier fantasy that has nothing to do with the setting.
There any tips or ideas for trying to kitbash models for those Guard regiments?
I used to have My Dudes, but they've been shelf'd forever waiting for better times
I kinda miss working on them
Chaos, Nids, Orks, or Deldar?
Space Marines
For "better times" i don't mean in the game or the game rules
Really, huh cool coincidence I guess
>one womyn and a shitload of marines
Her nights must be busy as fuck.
> Ignoring fluff after some arbitrary point.
No matter what happens user, fluff will come following your end point. And like an insidious growth it'll gnaw at your headcanon because, ultimately, it will always lead to the new fluff.
Like a time paradox, regardless of what you do, it still leads to the same place.
Working on a Tzeentch-worshipping Lost and the Damned regiment for a 40krpg
The Dreaming Damned (working on a better name)
They were once a highly decorated Imperial Guard regiment, but their preferred strategy of minimizing their own casualties at the cost of tactically valuable locations and civilians, even other regiments, drew the attention of a commissar who ordered them Decimated.
Faced with the prospect of personally killing a tenth of their own, the regiment brutally murdered the commissar, sabotaged the Guard's presence against the orks, and went renegade. They escaped in the chaos as the green tide swept over the planet.
Their crimes did not go unnoticed, and the regiment found themselves hunted by the Inquisition, and no save haven in an inhospitable galaxy. Worn down by years of pursuit and boxed into a corner, they were contacted by an Apostate of Tzeentch, who offered them the protection of the chaos god, in return for their service. Faced with annihilation, they grudgingly accepted.
They used their newfound powers and allies to devastate the pursuing forces and kill the Inquisitor leading them, and escaped to the warp. But the deal they struck gnaws at them constantly. They had sworn to serve no one when they left the Guard, but here they serve again. The touch of their benefactor has changed them utterly, forcing them to weave spells just to appear human again.
Now, they specialize in impersonating other Guard units and prefer to subvert them above any other foe. Though not as psychically gifted as most Tzeentch followers, they provide a level of discipline and organization that most human cults sorely lack.
They also have a lot of Tzaangors.
>Just because rome turned from a republic to an empire you cant have jolly good adventures in a setting where you are in republic period.
The universe is a big place, whatever happens nor you nor your dudes will be missed.
aw yeah, represent. I did a lot of the art for those threads.
and the Loyalty's Reward story...
and most of the 1d4chan page...
...and no one besides me has edited since those threads.