/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Make your choice first, then see what happens.

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>Make your choice first, then see what happens.
Most terrible advice I've ever seen. Go away.

Nobody plays it like that, anyway.

How many waifus are too many waifus?

The answer: there are never enough waifus.


Your answer is correct, but not for the reason you think :^)

Bamboo extract and bear witch gives me... juggernaut i guess i will go live in the mountain and try to get internet there?

I've just seen Guardians volume 2.

How many companions is too many companions to add..?

What is the reason then?

There won't ever be enough waifus to make you stop being lonely, user


Just do what feels right, Jefry.
If that means doubling the number companions, then so be it.

I stop reading if there's more than twenty. Then I pick the girls with the biggest boobies.

Can I have the Sunbreaker Titan's super instead?

Those are the best ones. Otherwise it's just theorycrafting convenience and fuck toys.

The only real answer is any number more than zero is too many.


Those digits say yes.

Because exploding and then pulling a hammer out of the fire to hit things is really, really cool.

>Biggest boobies
Flat is justice though

>ywn wield a hammer made of nuclear fission to smite the evils of this world.

I require a dildo in my ass

Any cyoas for that

The sun warlock super is better.

God I miss Destiny but not really.

Post the coolest cyoa.


You know how they actually charm cobras in real life right?

They sew their mouths shut (and sometimes defang) so they can't bite. That's it. Everything else is the snake responding to a threat normally but without being able to bite.

Related: a "charmed" snake


There wasn't much content in the base game, but the game had some cool shit. Most of it was background lore, but hey.

That is fucking cheating

I'll take mage snek, ragtime snek (the party bard), warrior snek, solid snek (the sneky roge), and of course, batsnek (our party's specialist against clowns with big shoes). Just try to tread on us, bitches.

Yes. Yes it is.

Accept only the occasional substitute sometimes maybe.


I do often feel there need to be hundreds more..
I better get some tiddies in here then quick.

I think you meant asses user.
All the asses.

It's not that often a profile picture includes her ass. I'd pick ass first if that's an option.
>Tiny snek
>Smol man
>Solid snek

>long boy
>snek con piernas
>snek on fire

I hope beri makes new OC soon. Beri builds always make the threads nicer and more comfy.


>nicer and more comfy
literally impossible to have those two at once

I saw you post this in reply to someone insulting your husbando/anti-waifu whining. So obvious shitpost right there.


what, the fact it's in /cyoa/ didnt give you enough clues




Are we truly one of the worst sub-communities on Veeky Forums ?

I'd say yes, but Veeky Forums hasn't been doing so well lately as a whole

No, tower girls CYOA is slightly worse than us

Ya'll seem to be forgetting /pfg/

Learn to read

Aren't the WH40k turds the worst on here?

I think "one of" is the word being overlooked


Kinda. But all of the CYOA sub-communities are the worst on Veeky Forums.


Honestly, this is par for now. This is what counts as Veeky Forums getting shit done nowadays. It's sad, but what do you do?





It done nigga. The blurb at the end is to prompt your imagination.

I may be new to this CYOA thing, but that is a very nice system.

If by "system" you meant the "make your choice(s) first, look at results after" bit, that's a standard mystery box mechanic. One that people are generally tired of, by my understanding.

Not exactly, it's the "combine two choices, get one result" thing. I've been at half a dozen /cyoag/'s and that's the first time I've seen it here. If anything, I was getting tired of standard, point-spending CYOAs.

Question about this fuck huge CYOA.

Do you add the stats of each class together or pick the highest class' stats? Is it the same for command slots?

>Tiny Snek
For covert ops.
For multidimensional ops.
>Mage Snek
For arcane ops.
For poison ops.
>Scrungo Beepis
For leg ops.

When it was made, the author said they'd make a secondpage.
They then disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Chose Bear and bamboo and pretty much got what I was expecting. Great.

Ah. Yes, having things combo and/or synergize like that is indeed neat.

You pick a class to be your "main class" and use their stats and skill slots. All other classes would just contribute skill points, unless you take the Class Change skill, then you can choose whichever to go into battle with. Free slots can be filled with any skills you learned through your classes or purchased by itself, and they can be changed before battles, too.

Not that user, but by skill points, you refer to Command Abilities, right? You gain access to all the CA that all your classes gave you, and you use the slots on your main to accommodate them?


Mage snek, ragtime snek, snekkerino, warrior snek and solid snek

Yeah, I used the wrong word. You gain any command abilities from the classes you learned and they're put into a personal stock, from which you can swap them into a free slot before battles.

Thanks anons.

I says it done. Now write what you think happens next nigga





I'm ashamed to admit I do something similar. I can always make intelligent party building decisions, until I realize I've picked at least one female with the largest breast size.

At least Traveller sort of prevents me from doing this, with lack of pictures, but Lethice still ends up my companion somehow




Monstergrills and infinite scaling.




You better make a build for this. and not just post it to post something.

I will user, be patient.

Do we have a secret criteria for when it's acceptable to post CYOAs? Enlighten me



Well, I have a weekend. I can see about making something after work.

Make something that will challenge my superior cerebral capabilities for once.

Hmm... I dunno. I try to go with simplistic (sometimes wonky but always simple) mechanics. I don't want spreadsheets to be required.

You have something in mind already?

A few ideas, none of which are set in stone.

>can't play as the one true fate

Maybe I should make one.

There's already a Jewish cyoa.