I ran a game of MAID for my circle the other day and we were all pleasantly surprised by how fun it was.
Has anybody else played MAID?
If so how did it go?
Did you get wacky SOL hijinks or an icky journey through a magical realm?
I ran a game of MAID for my circle the other day and we were all pleasantly surprised by how fun it was
I've ran a bunch of one-shots of it and played in a campaign. It never went magical realm because I don't play with absolute retards, nor do I play with strangers over the internet.
It really needs a group that can take the game into their own hands and make fun situations, though.
I ran Maid once. We had a transforming robot Maid drive us to the beach, become a boat, crash into a glacier, reenacted titanic and Robinson crusoe, had the loli chain smoker kill an assassin who was hiding behind a curtain, and had a jolly good time in general.
>Has anybody else played MAID?
Many times. It was used as a filler between campaigns with the same group, and a few times as oneshots when the DM couldn't make it/needed a week off.
>If so how did it go?
Every single time it's been pretty great
>Did you get wacky SOL hijinks or an icky journey through a magical realm?
Almost every time we've played, I've been the one running. I mostly ignored the Favor rules because I'm a shit GM and just let people declare when the wanted to roll on the random events table. I'd roll to determine which one (Fantasy, Modern, or Futuristic), then which one from that table.
It seemed like every time they rolled, the dice conspired to shit on one specific character. It got kinda silly after a while, but it was always in good fun.
I GMd MAID for some fa/tg/uys.
It was a contemporary modern campaign with a prebuilt mansion.
The first random event I rolled was the one that turns the world post-apocalyptic... but yeah, hijinks ensued!
Fun times, at least for me.
I've played a 1 shot and 2 long games.
All 3 were lots of fun but I had to abandon the second long game. Because I was in too many games at once at the time and needed to drop one.
Ran a two season series of MAID in the post-post-apocalyptic city of Mansionville 200 years after the Soap Sud Plague had wrecked havoc on the former USA.
They were part of the Metropolitan Enforcement Intervention Defense Organization, a stop gap between the normal beat cops and calling in the militia.
Was inspired by Dominion Tank Police, The Naked Gun, Police Academy, Gunsmith Cats, Sledge Hammer, Grand Theft Auto, Payday The Heist and Journey To The Moon.
Altered things a bit by having their Master be the police chief and no characters under the age of majority. They were also generally expected to work together but the grind of handling Felinoid race relations and Sewernaut vault dweller machinations sometimes led to stress explosions.
Was with complete strangers on skype through text, recruited off /tg out of the blue at that, but led to a lot of fun times.
Just in case anyone wants to laugh at how normalfag the guys what brought maid to us were.
I played a MAID one-shot a while back. At one point Shaquille O'Neal was summoned by one maid in order to fight a wolf, which was instead stopped by being glared at by android maid, Shaq was then beaten at basketball by a pixie maid
Also my gf wants me to run a MAID game for her to play in, she's on board for wearing the costume but refuses to call me master
fuck off pedshit
You got something against meidos, nerd?
no he's got something against the sexualization of the clearly underaged.
You can always take the "Dirty Pair/Lovely Angels" angle and have her and the other players be agents for a higher power like the Worlds Welfare Association.
So instead of your GF's character having to please a character played by you as the master ditectly nebulous AIs need to be appeased through clandestine cleaning activities.
Give the attached "Eclipse Maid" mod a once over for further transhuman cleaner ideas. If she wants to be a magical girl remember "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Moe/Magic".
Checked and noted that you can just call them "Super Deformed" or not allow any imaginary employees under the age of majority.
>a completely bog standard kid dress, but with an apron
>"creepy sexy"
Reading this, they cut out the most hilarious parts !
If you want to name the Nerd you must first know their sins.
Also useful for personality profiling them insane Mary Sue housekeepers.
My first session ended with the master breaking his legs three times, the mansion getting destroyed by a glacier, four groups of bandits appearing from nowhere, a jungle sprouting up instantly, the maids getting killed by Kenshiro, and then everybody got ran over by the glacier.
Random events are fucking nuts.
In that case he sounds like a humongous faggot.
That is just a little kid in a Maid outfit with nothing creepy implied.
> Has anybody else played MAID?
Something something that Wodehouse campaign an user storytimed the other day.
Any details?
It should be archived on suptg.
I can't find it with search options so you may have to retell this tale of harrowing housekeeping.
Having been a philistine and never hearing of P. G. Wodehouse before I thank you for the kindly link spoonfeeding.
You have enriched the catalog of horrors to inflict on staff and for that you have my gratitude, user.
You're a real hero, Banter.
What exactly is sexual about the OPs pic?
I appreciate the kudos but the real heroes are the Domestic Enforcement Routine Police. In a city fueled by the tears of catgirls they provide the first line of defense before crumbling and calling for MEIDO.
I'm proud to have served, even if it was with those [REDACTED] comrades of mine.
It's my go to oneshot system besides Engine Heart.
Engine Heart is love and also has great crossover potential with the hijink avalanche that is MAID.
Though your domestic Positronic Chipset housekeeping device might have to really strain its RealityCom to keep up.
Imagine running a concurrent session where the bots are, depending on the supernatural proclivities of the servants, the day or night crew opposite from the Meidos.
The mischief of one side is the person shaped wall hole of the other.
>nobody posted best meido
More along the lines of really crazy stuff. The random events and the fact that your players can spend points to roll for one or to get an item helps. It reminds me of FATE a lot in that aspect.
It's been remarked on a few times that MAID's actually a good system to do certain types of 40k nonsense, but there's another angle that's very obvious after you hear someone point it out:
It's almost the perfect system for Jojo stand bullshit.
Don't forget fist of the north star.
There are even stats for not! Kenshiro and a FOTNS style setting.
Not even the best looking maid by tex-mex.
Also Cromarte High and less hyper macho high school Stress simulators can be attained through hacking MAID.