So I want to make some Terrainpieces for my wargaming group (since they are all dumb as shit, still being busy building their huge ass army because of course you should spend 400+ Bucks at once just to play 1000 points anyways because thats all they build so far)
I dont have the kinda money to buy all these fancy terrain models (eventhough I like what GW and other shops have) so I will make my own.
Thing is, there are a lot of templates out there, right?
Some free, some paid.
Can someone recommend me some good free once or share some paid once?
Like, Veeky Forums literally shares tons of books and stuff that cost money every day so...
>Also General Budget Wargaming Terrain Thread I guess
Budget Wargaming Terrain
Other urls found in this thread:
Spaniard? also what terrain are you after and how much are you willing to spend?
Dont know what that is.
We play 40k and I in particular have an interest of getting the guys into Shadow War, so some Imperial and Industial (specially Industrial) Setpieces would be cool.
In terms of money, I don't have much. I basically was looking for a way of making most out of cheap craftmaterials and/or papershit I already have available
You type like a Spaniard its weird. However what you need is Trash terrain by Commissar Gamza.
>You type like a Spaniard its weird
I have zero clue what you mean
>However what you need is Trash terrain by Commissar Gamza
Thanks for this, thou
the way you type its similar to comments on social media and YT posted by Spaniards
Just use your imagination.
Pringle cans silos,cardboard mouldings, fruit cup huts, bendy straw pipes, lightbulb-paper sheet metal. You can make literal trash look good with a half-decent paint job.
These are pretty neat. Simple and functional terrain. They are tall enough for infantry to hide behind them completely and they provide good shooting position on top. Easy to make and can't get any cheaper than cardboard.
Here's another cardboard thingy
This guy's stuff is cheap but has a certain charm to it. Made for Rogue Trader 40k rather than super grim serious nu40k.
bumping thread for creative juices.
If yiu can find them download the citadel how to make Wargames terrain books.
Its got some good advice, normally the 40k general has links.
In general most recyclable household waste is good for making terrain from. Only real cost is time, glue and paint.
I'm in bed but I was gonna do a bunch of terrain building tomorrow. Will post some stuff if thread is still up
I don't know if it's really that cheap but I use modular panel based terrain (like GW's or Pegasus Game's) and stretch the panels with bits of textured plasticard with currigated/slat/stamping textures.
I'm going to base them on squares and make a modular industrial ruins board. I'm not going to have a main board with ground texture, just the bases of the terrain touching. Might be cool dunno.
>citadel how to make Wargames terrain
You mean this?
Check out this kit
You get a bunch of little greebels and bits to make buildings and such.
Foamcore and extruded polystyrene insulation are your friends. They are cheap and incredibly versatile materials.
Can you hotglue this stuff?
Yeah, works realy well.
Just don't use superglue or aresol driven things like spray paint.
If you Do want to use superglue on it then prime it with a few coats of Gesso to act as a barrier between the foam and the glue.
>Just use your imagination
That's asking too much from like 70% of people.
>Pringle cans silos,cardboard mouldings, fruit cup huts, bendy straw pipes, lightbulb-paper sheet metal. You can make literal trash look good with a half-decent paint job.
yeah, but imagining what you want to make using what you've got and actually imagining HOW to make that work are two different things.
the second one is much more difficult.
This is a cool fucking thread
Post MOAR cheap-ass repurposed trash as epic wargaming terrain plz
Here's a bunker I made from some plate carrying cardboard box. Top hatch has blown off and I don't know where it is.
Nice man, I got one of these when they were common in UK Poundshops so I have plenty of greebles. Now you only seem to get them for like £8+postage from dodgy Russian ebayers, I think the original company is Tehnolog and Airfix licensed some of it as "Robogear".
I've just realised I gave away all my transfer sheets to some random guy on a FB trade group. The IG tank ones could have been useful I'm realising.
When you buy things like electronics, you often get molded cardboard packaging. I find it makes great impassable-style terrain. It has the look of low-lying bunkers and concrete buildings when turned upside down.
Shameful plug on my blog. I made some fantasy ruins for really cheap, and I like the method a lot.
Everyone is fond of towels.
ravioli ravioli give me the terrainioli
in model railroading we use pink foam.
It's cheap and you can build whatever you need from it. You can also paint it. In fact you need to paint it.
Easy to build large structures with and very easy to work with.
You can also check out aquarium supply places and pet stores. Sometimes they have this sort of shit for cheap.
Is something you need to train up, its like muscles or good knowledge. You wont ask just anyone to squat thrust without good back muscle and leg work or anyone to build a functioning rocket.
>You can also paint it. In fact you need to paint it.
But if you're going to use any kind of spray on it, you have to base-coat it first or the spray can melt the foam.
depends on the foam. Some stuff I've used, had a plastic coating on it and I was able to spray it.
Best to take a piece off and test it.
I wish I had still some of these laying around
Gesso's pretty expensive though. You can usually get away with a few coats of Mod Podge or other PVA glue. Or if you're really worried about melting your piece, I'd suggest just taking the time and brushing it. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass, but it's also a guarantee that your shit won't get fucked.
These look so nice.
I wished they were easy to get
Some posters for your buildings.
Oh god emperial propaganda.
This the best thing.
What would you say how to use these best
I want to build terrain. I'd rather build terrain than work on any more models. But I've no where to store it. Seems like a waste of time. So I don't do it.
Print out as is. Ruff up the edges and paste on side of building.
Just like how you see down town with band flyers and such.
What do people use for the bases for these?
Also /wip/ has some stuff in their pastebin for building scratch terrain.
Found this here:
Seems like Pegasus Hobbies licences this stuff, but orginaly it was made by a russian company.
They seem to have some nice terrain pieces.
Has anyone had expierience with some of these?
Are they cheap compared to other stuff?
This kinda terrain could work for some xenos shit, like eldar exodites or maybe just very old eldar ruins or even ruins of some other, more primitive civilization
So I recently started painting up some Mantic Deadzone terrain, my plan was to salt mask it but that hasn't worked. No matter what I do I just can't get the technique to work, I dunno if it's the paint I'm using or what but I'm abandoning that idea as it's driving me fucking mad.
Anyway the long and short of it is I have about 4'x4' worth of terrain thats been painted a rusted brown and I don't know what to do with it. I really don't want to just paint over it and I sure as shit don't want to strip it and start again, at the same time I don't want it to just be rusty brown either.
Any of you lads have idea how I can salvage it or am I completely fucked?
I was wondering if I could make sponge stippling work in reverse, you usually stipple on the rust the main colour, what I'd be doing would be the opposite. I guess I'll just have to try it and see.
Sell it or give it away to your FLGS.
Cardboard is my best guess?
You should check Commissar Gamzas Channel, as recommended.
He uses some hard material for the base. His Intro is annoying and stuff, but his trash terrain series is solid.
Here is a playlist:
Foamcore. Cardboard. Chipboard. MDF. Really any rigid material could be used as a base, and you're most likely going to be covering it up anyway so it really doesn't matter.
You can get solid results out of papercraft, but the ink can get expensive and the paper can be finicky. Once you get the hang of it tho, you can make all sorts of stuff and refurbished ink cartridges are cheap as shit
Pic makes it look a bit lighter than it is in person but it's pretty much all like this at this point.
The failed salt masked stuff has already been stripped so no pics of that. It was just some crates so all the buildings are just primed brown like this.
Sounds like the indian call centre guy talking about web traffic "Oh yes we can give you the many ultraclicks for your websites"
i recommend you look up commisar gamza on YT and check out his trash terrain series.
If it is just primed brown I dont see a problem.
Just paint it in the color you want, maybe use the primer to get some nice rust optic on that ruin
Are you trying to get a pattern where you put down a first color, then a protective pattern (the salt), and finally a 2nd color - then remove the protective material and reveal the 1st (base) color? If so, put down the first color, and then stipple on pic related with a natural sponge. Once this stuff is dry, it'll be easy to rub off and reveal the under coat easily.
As for your current brown buildings, you could put a few washes and highlights on them as well as streaks of rust and they'd be table top quality pretty easily.
And while we're at it - have some PDF content for interest.
If your terrain doesn't at least have 1 Pringles can in it, your not doing scratch built right.
I often prefer seeing scratch built models before they are painted and detailed, they look so much cooler
If find your lack of classic 'spikey balls'... Disturbing.
When I was a kid my brother made warhammer 40,000 shantytowns out of toungue depressers, with bits of cloth and the right paint they could look pretty convincing. We used model magic to shape terrian and rocks form our big backyard to make boulders, etc.
Papercraft just rubs me the wrong way. No heft, so fragile.
It looks beautiful, there's no denying that.
I've seen styrofoam spiky balls, but are those sponges spiky balls? Madness.
No, they're just the crusty looking floral foam covered with Gesso and then painted.
I don't get to post these enough.
Classic 'Deathworld' terrain.
Ladders, straws, balsa wood, kneadite and empty drink containers are your friends. Google for the trash terain series, it's on youtube.
And that's the last of em. Let's see what else I've got.
Theres a bunch of forums dedicated to sprue terrain
And that's all folks!
This is an objective marker, but the material's still useful...the skull's made up from used B&N gift cards.
Heh, I created that!
>They seem to have some nice terrain pieces.
>Has anyone had expierience with some of these?
>Are they cheap compared to other stuff?
Yah, I have some of their stuff. PLastic i good, he connections look a bit weird, but it's bearable. All in all good value for your money and far cheaper than GW. Sadly there are not many manufactuers who make terrain in this style.
not sure if cheap terrain or tech gore but here you go