>If you ignore the fact that I'm 3 meters tall, have few extra organs and spit acid I'm human :-)
in every other setting SM would be considered mutants
If you ignore the fact that I'm 3 meters tall, have few extra organs and spit acid I'm human :-)
Who cares
space marines are considered mutants
they get away with it because the emperor literally created them out of his own flesh and blood
That's the point idiot. They have to make themselves no longer human in order to protect human kind.
Emperor was a faggot and a closet Grot as well.
same with the navigators - emps approved, so everyone else did as well
Old fluff had sororitas and the like actively distrusting them
Except none of those qualities are caused by mutations in their DNA, it's just biotech. Just like someone like Captain America isn't a mutant.
They are not mutants for a simple reason. Their abilities come from surgery. Not genetic tinkering.
Remember, Space Marines are implanted with genetically engineered organs transforming them from regular humans into Space Marines. Almost all Space Marines were born as regular humans.
That's not the same for navigators, astropaths and ogryns.
Wouldn't they be mutates rather than mutants? ie: changed by outside forces rather than born genetically different?
Abhumans are a thing user.
By and large technically anyone with a mechanical upgrade of any variety is technically a mutant if your standards are high enough.
>Wouldn't they be mutates rather than mutants? ie: changed by outside forces rather than born genetically different?
That's how Marvel differentiates them.
You act like rampant hypocrisy isn't part of the setting, OP.
Isn't he called a "mutate" or something stupid like that. I think Spidey is too
But they aren't considered human, are they?
While humans go under the term "Homo Sapiens", Space Marines have their own. "Homo Astartes" or something weird like that, I seem to recall.
Emps didn't approve, he just knew the Imperium needed them to survive since they are essential for effective Warp travel. The Webway would have made them irrelevant and he would have been able to purge them like the freaks they are.
Well they certainly are homo.
as if anyone cares about other settings
Loving every laugh.
Nobody but hard autismos cares about WH40K because it's a meme setting autists took seriously.
Yes, honerable Battle Brother
They're only mutants if they're born that way and pass the traits on to their offspring dingus.
If they're different because of shit you cram into them after the fact, they're transhuman.
TL;DR: In Shadowrun, Space Marines would still have 3 essence left. So much for 'every' other setting.
>Not genetic tinkering.
>Gene seed
>What is anima?
It's fine to admit you know jack and shit about settings user :^)
I would assume he meant pre-birth genetic tinkering, rather than the Space Marine method of genetic modification that is typically performed on adult human males
>Ha ha wow! There's hypocrisy in the imperium of man, I wouldn't know this because I read the 40k wiki for about 3 minutes and think I know everything about Warhammer XDDDDDD
Space Marines eat brains to absorb memes
They're all born 100% human though. And they're all male. Without a breeding population the "risk" of mutants is greatly diminished even before you consider the Marines' exalted history. Emps was careful to design them so they would not replace humanity.
What about the mutants that often feature in post-apocalyptic scenarios? Aren't those usually humans by birth that got fucked over by some sort of NBC weapon?
>men are treated as disposable shit in the Imperium
However pictured is a marine from the Imperial fists chapter, who actually can't spit acid.
Confirmed for worst chapter
Everyone is treated that way senpai
>can't spit acid.
How can they even call themselves Astartes?
In any other setting imperium would be considered villians and antagonists.
But this is not any other setting.
Welcome to 40k.
What if OP wanted to recieve this answer and was making fun of the anons here?
Or did he just choose the picture randomly and i am overthinking it.
No shit, man.
The whole fucking point is that the Imperium violates practically every law, tenant, and belief in the name of power, showing itself as a ruthless, despotic tyranny, every bit as evil as the things it fights and claims superiority over.
The Imperium is evil, man, and it will justify anything to itself in order to continue existing.
>What about the mutants that often feature in post-apocalyptic scenarios? Aren't those usually humans by birth that got fucked over by some sort of NBC weapon?
Those are technically not mutants; it will surprise you to learn that not all Hollywood screenwriters are accomplished geneticists.
Tbh that is kinda stupid. Sororitas would not even know about traitor primarchs except for horus to suspect marine chapters loyalty.
In the mind of the average citizen of the 40k world horus heresy happened when horus rebelled with his legion and gathered bunch of bad enough dudes to kick his father.
Filthy Xenos go home
>every law, tenant, and belief
You dont violate them when you are the one setting the rules.
They come from baseline humans, so they are acceptable. Humans really hate unstable mutations, not stable evolutionary offshoots.
That and the Emperor made them, so they are merely augmented humans. Just genetically rather than mechanically like the Adeptus Mechanicus for the most part.
Modification isn't mutation. Get it together.
Bioengineering is not mutation.
But they're not mutated from the human standard.
Its like saying someone with cybernetics is no longer human.
>The Imperium is evil, man
You're right. Everyone's way better off being eaten by tyranids, beaten into mush by orks, disintegrated by the c'than, sucked straight up satan's pulsating asshole by chaos, or any of the many other delightful alternatives on offer.
The two aren't mutually exclusive, retard.
>humans have great daot era and get fucked when it collapses by robots and xenos
>humans then have godlike being drag them out of the age of strife to save them from being dicked over
>godlike being gets fucked over by chaos and xenos take advantage of humans and try to attack and end them again
>calls humans evil when they're dicks back and don't trust xenos and chaos
Ah yes, the ole 'every possible choice is evil' gambit. Ignoring how that's how it works in reality, too. And we don't call the least-evil options "least evil"; we call them "not evil". Even "good". Or we used to anyway before everyone went full moral relativist and started getting genuinely confused about whether raping children is actually worse than not raping them.
Mate, what the others do to you doesn't justify what you'll end doing. The fact that Xenos took advantage of mankind doesn't make the imperium any better for annihilating them en mass.
It does when those very aliens are trying to destroy humanity, and when chaos is attscking you from within and externally forcing you to be a militant society just to survive.
Or do you think the moral thing is to roll over and die because fighting back and defending yourself is evil?
Let me remind you of a bit of text that is present on the first page of every 40k book and codex ever printed. You may have missed it.
>It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.
>Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse.
>To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
>the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable.
I wonder why it is so bloody and cruel. I don't suppose it has anything to do with everyone being hypervigilant because any time humanity tried to be nice it resulted in chaos and xenos pounding their ass into the ground and this rightfully made people become harsh due to not wanting to die.
Nah, I'm sure the Imperium just randomly did bad shit and the good ol' chaos boys and xenos dindu nuffin'. They were just living in peace before the big bad Imperium persecuted them unjustly.
I'm not saying "roll over and die", but there's a difference between retaliation and full blown intergalactic genocide.
Oh no, everyone's a cunt in 40K. No one's innocent, not even the oh-so-called goody goody doo Tau.
You can justify every single faction's actions that way, though.
After all, Chaos is just a reflection of the emotions and thoughts of the material realm. If everyone in 40k was a nice guy, then the chaos gods would be nice guys too.
Hell, the giant irony if the setting is that the Imperium creates it's own worst enemy. The very regime that you claim is vital to their success is the exact same one that forces so many toward chaos worship.
What part of "the ruthless evil regime survived while all the moderate/good ones were crushed by bots/aliens/demons" is hard to concieve?
A demon will kill you until you eat a dozen innocent newborns. Does it makes eating baby steak less despicable?
Who are you to assign value to justifications?
>the good ol' chaos boys and xenos dindu nuffin'. They were just living in peace before the big bad Imperium persecuted them unjustly.
Now you're just being stupid.
Genocide is the only solution when every other side wants to fight you to the death or keep you enslaved so they can suck off of your life force. The Imperium's actions are justified given their history and the circumstances. No other side wants peace, or their idea of peace requires humanity dead. Not like there's much of a choice. It's either destroy them or die. Not choosing the path where you die does not make you evil.
When are Marines considered human or even consider themselves human?
Ecclesiarchy has a very dubious relation with Marines, since they do consider them to be mutants, but at the same time they are the Emperor's Angels of Death...
And that justifies the way it treats it's own people?
The wanton waste, the pointless wars, the self centered leadership who will sacrifice billions for their own personal comfort?
The callous enforces who will sentence untold numbers of people to death or worse for the most minor of infractions?
It'd be one thing if the Imperium only reserved it's cruelty for it's enemies, but it treats it's own people just as bad, if not worse, then it does it's enemies.
Marines should be purged to fuck and replaced with Catachans and Nuns with Guns completly.
Yeah because sterilisation camps and dropping exterminatusing billions as soon as one faggot joins chaos = good guys who make tough decisions !
Bullshit, the Imperium of Man is a totalitarian regime as fascistic as the Third Reich with the USSR's bureaucratic crap, all topped off with retard levels of zealotry.
That is my point. The reason the Imperium is "evil" at all is to protect humanity. Because everyone else is out to get them. The Imperium didn't randomly decide to slaughter xenos and chaos for no reason. It was the only choice to survive. When your enemies are attacking you on every front, refuse to work together, manipulate you when you try, attacking you from within, and generally do not want peace but want you dead or under their control, how is it wrong or unjustified to be harsh or untrusting? It is the only reasonable choice. Is it cruel and bloody? Yes, but that is because they are left with no choice if they want to survive. Necessity made the Imperium what it is, not some random desire to dick everyone else over.
And that makes them justified.
Fuck most xenos and chaos, obviously, but why treat your people like shit ? Why kill the guardsmen who defended a planet just because they saw chaos for half a second ? Why brainwash, reprogram and constantly survey your own citizens while denying them basic rights ? Why keep inhabitants on feral and feudal worlds in total squalor (same goes for hive worlds) ? Why be such zealous assholes against mutants and theoretical heretics ? Why start wars with teh Tau and other peacefull races, and waste ressources ?
This isn't what the emperor died for.
Space Marines aren't mutants, they're weaponized humans.
>The Emperor created the Space Marines from his own flesh and blood
>they are literally his grandsons
>they understand and respect his vision and fight to preserve it
>a bunch of cucks show up when he's gone and start doing the opposite of everything he stood for
>they fucking dare actually even think ill of The Emperor's own flesh and blood
Can't wait for Bobby to purge all of those Eclesiarcial faggots and cucks
>i worship the Emperor
>but his literal grandsons and also the greatest protectors of humanity are abominations
Can't. Fucking. Wait.
And the Eldar, who only act the way they do because of their own past experiences?
And the Orks, who only act the way they do because they were designed that way?
And Chaos, who only acts that way because the emotions of living people shape them?
And the Dark Eldar, who's obsession with pain and death stem from their desire to save their souls from a chaos god?
You can justify every single race's actions by their situation, it doesn't make any of them any less evil.
Yes. Or did you forget that because of how chaos is, anyone who deviates is a possible enemy as well as anyone who consorts with aliens? To be tolerant is to possibly invite any number of things that can fuck people over. You can't afford to be tolerant when any time someone deviates an alien takes over planets or a cult pops up that drags the planet into the literal fucking hell that is the warp because it was a chaos trick.
What do you expect them to do? Play nice and hope it just works out like it hasn't for over 10,000 years and since the age of strife?
Orks aren't even evil
That's because a SINGLE unchecked cultist can result in a fucking daemon world, which is a HUGE deal.
Cleanse the fuckers on the ground, there are tons of other responses that we see all the time. Send in the Ordo Hereticus. Rally the other inhabitants agains them. Send in the assassins. Maybe if people weren't living in their own filth, on the verge of starvation they wouldn't join the death cults ?
Anything could work instead of blowing to shit billions of working men and women, potential soldiers and precious industry. I thought the Imperium was running out of ressources ? If so , then why be this retarded with heresy ?
Makes sense to exterminatus a world when one world falling to chaos can mean daemons ripping through the fabric of reality and start a huge cascade of worlds falling to chaos.
You act like it is being done in a normal world where the warp doesn't exist and daemons and chaos forces can't crack reality and storm across the stars in an orgy of bloodshed and destruction.
In a world where that shit does exist, yes, it would be moral to blow away one world in order to prevent that one world from becoming 100 or 1,000. Or should they leave it alone for daemons to start sweeping across every world they can reach?
> Race that lives to wage permanent warfare
> Slaughters and annihilates trillions
> Not evil because ?
I think you've been spending too much time on 1d4chan, friendo. Exterminatus is always the final option on an unsalvageable world. Inquisitors exist to conduct investigations and root out heresy quickly to stamp it out quickly, not push buttons of genocide.
>Maybe if people weren't living in their own filth, on the verge of starvation
Maybe is The Imperium had a fucking break from all the nightmare factions attacking it 24/7, it could focus on life improvement and not just naked survival.
Yes, and justified evil is still evil. Which is the point initially made.
>combining 40k faction e-peen with alignment discussion
We must be masochists at this point.
Daemons have a lot of trouble maintaining their presence in real space and depend on cultists and converted guardsmen to fight their battles. If only we had an elite force of superhuman soldiers that could fight these battles with ease.
>Space Marines can be everywhere all the time
I agree, one of the reasons it's in such a state is because of the constant warfare going on. At the same time, it's also because it's a bloated bureaucratic mess rife with corruption and retards.
There's like a 1000 grey knights at best.
Which, again, is the consequence of all the warfare. It's easy for assholes to capitalize when the guys in charge spend their whole existence looking at battle reports and receiving distress calls.
It isn't evil. They aren't doing any of this shit you mention for no reason. The actions they are doing, even to their own people due to chaos shit or simply not having the resources and time to raise the quality of life because they are at war constantly, and the people they are killing are people who want them dead. There are dicks in the Imperium, but it isn't unjustified. It is the necessity that forces their hand. If tomorrow every chaos faction and xeno stopped their shit the Imperium would hardly be as bad as it is. But until they do stop, there is little choice but to keep fighting and being harsh in order to live for yet another day. That or die.
more human than you desu
>the end justifies the means
It is better to die good then live by necessary evils. If you stoop to their level you're swimming in the same shit, regardless of who started it.
I'm not human I'm a subhuman american mutt I wish I wasn't so fat and stupid but Jews pretty much invented me to serve their interests and fight their wars I also mutilated my dick to be more like them.
So, then you are, in fact, saying to take the high road and that this high road is to roll over and die. You're a fucking retarded faggot if that is your solution to being attacked. Talk about being a spineless coward... Would you let a murderer kill you as well or rape your wife because causing harm is evil and stooping to their level?
When /pol/ and depression collide
It's not about giving up on a fight. I think he meant that there's a point where just giving up on life is better than comitting the atrocities necessary to preserve said life. I mean would you really be willing to skullfuck a kindergarten class to avoid dying ?
I'm nearly the same as you. They got us good.
I always wanted to write a fan fiction about a bunch of space marines being sent in to liberate a city under siege from a demonic /mutant/ Tyranid force and the citizens , having never seen marines in the flesh , mistaking them for more demons/mutants / alien horrors and attacking them/fleeing in horror etc.
But I'm lazy.
>It is better to die good then live by necessary evils.
Right. So the "good" thing for people to do... is to refuse to do 'inherently evil' things to protect themselves from evil, thus letting the entire universe become ruled by evil as a consequence of letting it destroy all that is good. Yeah, that makes sense. You've opened my eyes, user. You should write a book about moral philosophy.
>dying with integrity is somehow harder then caving in to your animal instinct of self-preservation
You're the coward here, user. You're so terrified of death that you fail to realize that living can be worse.
And, obviously, there's no reason to "roll over and die". At the very least you can go down swinging instead of taking the morally bankrupt route to base survival. Not living, by any means, just surviving.
how would skullfucking a kindergarden class keep anyone from dying? are you standing over them with a gun and a camera?
Ork-poster detected. Get off my board greenskin
If the cost of living in this universe is to make it Hell, then why fear death?
Yeah, sorry bro, but acts of murder and violence are inherently evil. So you can't "go down swinging" without doing evil and thus having failed to live up to the ideals that you presumably go down swinging for.
Special case of dickcancer that could only be cured by loli spit ?
Well considering we're talking about the context of 40k here, it's because the Slaaneshi cult that took over your Hive block is doing a recruitment drive. You can murderfuck some kinds to get in the club, or you can get murderfucked.
You don't have to "make it hell". You just have to recognize that you can't live in it as if it were heaven.