Hello Veeky Forums. Beel lurking around for a bit, and thought I'd contribute with a story from my earlier days of DMing. One where I learned a valuable lesson about Sidequesting, Individual leveling, and why one should never combine the two.
This is the story of Fafnir, a tale of a character that broke my campaign so hard, he essentially became a lesser god. So grab some popcorn, and here we go...
>Be Newish to DMing (First campaign, but at the time Fafnir started his sidequests, had about 4 sessions under my belt).
>Have a player make a Neutral Evil character, a Dragonborn Barbarian named Fafnir. Party doesn't know his alignment, and Fafnir's ultimate goal is to become nearly indestructible.
>His big Vice is greed. He was so greedy that, when a bounty he was supposed to kill offered him more to kill other people, he took the offer... until his new employer begcame a liability.
>So, after Firing acid breath down the old killer's throat (long story, for another day), he got the attention of the Diety of Greed, a being Named Crakkus...