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Stealth and Strategy edition: What underhanded tricks have you used to pull a win when it shouldn't have happened?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Stealth and Strategy edition: What underhanded tricks have you used to pull a win when it shouldn't have happened?
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Blind powder in the pocket and use flurry of blows for multiple dirty tricks
my paladin started eating the rogue out after she caught her head in a lock.
was effective.
Evil eye, lots of evil eye.
Put a bunch of glass in a bag, smash the bag against a rock for a minute, then throw the contents of the bag into someone's eyes for a no-save non-magical permanent blindness effect.
Hi Spoony.
So how many people play Pathfinder society, if so, what scenarios allow you to create Goblin/kobold characters?
There wouod be a save, you twat. It would essentially just be blinding powder. *Maybe* with a slightly higher DC on the Fort save, or perhaps longer duration of blindness with nominal nonlethal damage added.
Intentionally threw Dust of Sneezing and Choking. It's a trick that works once before the table tells you to go fuck yourself.
Unfortunately for you, I have damage reduction. Every single shard of glass is unable to do enough damage to overcome it.
What would you do if a bunch of powder got thrown in your face? Would you recoil and try to rub it out of your eyes because you can't see? Congratulations, you just cut the shit out of your eyeballs, permanently blinding yourself.
This is total bullshit, but yeah, it'd work like that.
What is "any cure spell"?
Well, Pathfinder goblins are canonically horrid little bastards of such unrivaled stupidity that it's a considerable failing on the rest of Golarion that they somehow survive to see Starfinder. As such, you might not see them in PFS often. Kobolds have a little more leeway, but I think it's best to discuss it in-depth with your GM all the same.
Ever hear of Caltrops? Yeah, neither did 99% of the people playing this game.
Wanna know something even more powerful than an easy-to-use and cheap way to create difficult terrain?
Scatter them near some stairs or a hole. People WILL die.
There would be a reflex or fortitude save. That's just how the game works, noob. That guy detected.
Cure spells fixing anything other than intangible "battle damage" is homebrew.
One of my players might be going from a Monk to a Brawler for story reasons (LG to NG alignment shift) starting at level 6.
I am thinking about letting him have unarmed strike at character level instead of class level. I am also considering letting him replace a few levels of Monk ever few levels as well.
Are either of these a good idea?
Ogre semen has a no-save versus monster pregnancy by your logic.
So says the man who keeps advocating for a homebrew instant-win condition.
Oh, did I say man? I meant munchkin.
Different user, but I've had glad in my eyes more than a handful of times. You don't go 'permanently blind'. Up your WIS score a bit, buddo.
Okay, let's put a reflex save on it, if you want.
Now the bag is a reflex-or-blind item that costs like 4 copper pieces. Didn't get much worse.
None, they are not legal races.
You quoted the wrong guy
If it's possible, honestly I'd let him just completely swap out.
You had glass in your eyes? Cool.
Did you know not to rub said glass into your eyeballs? Yes? Ok, cool.
Do you think Orgok the orc fighter would know not to do that?
I had a friend who made a goblin sorcerer who had eaten a Necklace of Fireballs that allegedly gave him his powers (but not his pyromania). He became the party's pet/mascot and was pretty much treated better than anyone else due to his lovably stupid views and general helpfulness in clearing mobs (and everything else remotely flammable).
Not saying it's a bad item, it's actually ingenious in it's simplicity and ready availability (think of all those extra flasks and bottles); I just think that a no-save item that is cheap is dirt is somewhat broken.
Impregnation does not require a save from the female, so yes, it would be.
I did.
I really did.
Really don't want to imagine what an ogre semen flurry looks like.
Would you care to explain all the little riders and caveats this "glass in eyes" situation requires to fully understand?
Because it seems like a long list, and you're only explaining new ones as people call you on the last ones.
Yeah, retraining class levels due to plot developments is a thing.
Not necessarily. You have to admit, there has to be a save, even death effects from spells flung via dietic hand have saves. The DC might be mid to high, but there needs to be one.
Since everyone seems to get chaotic neutral wrong, what's the correct way to play a chaotic neutral character?
Also, just because you throw powder at someone's face doesn't mean that it immediately is magnetized to their eye sockets. Even if that were the case, your eyelids can react insanely fast to oncoming threats due to the fact that the brain signal that controls reflexive blinking happens not in the brain, but in the mid-spinal cord--a much shorter distamce for the neural signal to travel.
So yeah, reflex save.
Are cannons a thing?
I kind of want to run a Skull & Shackles thing but ships need cannons
Who is this?
That's a nice song.
But playing a CN character?
Let me lay this out for you, it's really not that complicated.
>Take a piece of glass
>Put it in a bag
>Smash the bag against a rock
>Get in a fight with Buck the Fighter
>Toss the contents of the bag into Buck's face
>Buck now has an unknown powder in his eyes, obstructing his vision
>His first instinct is to rub it out of his eyes so that he may continue to see you, as you're obviously about to shank him in the kidney
>He rubs the microscopic glass shards into his eyes, cutting the shit out of them, and thus blinding himself
Sure, you can put a save on it. It'd be a reflex save to dodge the powder altogether, because you're not fortituding fucking glass in your eyes (although DR would let you ignore it completely). A reasonable GM could grant the character a WIS check to realize what the powder is and what to do to not blind himself.
Bitch from queens blade with the egyptian themed tits.
Generally someone with selfish impulses who doesn't want to be tied down. Not willing to risk breaking the law openly but he'll lie and cheat if it'll help him. He'll help his friends and those who promise a reward or better life. Possibly a loner or just stricken with wanderlust, either due to the past or a gypsy soul.
By the AP as written? No, they're secret weapons that only the end-game villains have access to. Everybody else uses either ballistae, catapults, or magic for ship-to-ship combat.
That said, the AP also has regular sidebars that go "Yeah, we know, pirates are supposed to use guns. Here's the kind of guns you can insert into the AP, and where."
Hero Quest Rena villain, Queen of the World.
You make it simple. CN character has no great moral beliefs, other than he likes battling, and he likes his friends (the party), so he tags along just to fight alongside his bros.
He only likes good fights so he doesn't bully weaklings, nor does he engage in random destruction of stuff because that ain't fighting.
Yeah and he just kills random people on a whim without feeling guilt or remorse, right?
And he'll burn down the whole village for no real reason?
... right?
Running away and then re-engaging just as soon as an opportunity presents itself works wonderfully.
Sounds about fair. I agree that Fortitude save makes no sense, reflex to blink or avoid the powder altogether makes more sense. How much DR would you rule is enough to make your eyeballs resist glass micro-shards?
>Toss the contents of the bag into Buck's face
>Buck instinctively closes his eyelids, and thus his eyes suffer little to no damage
No that's Chaotic Evil.
So! Who all's excited for the weekend? Any big plans, game-related or otherwise?
Yes, that would be the reflex save.
Which he will most likely fail.
Or not get at all if you're being extra sneaky.
That's a name I haven't heard in an age.
I fucking hate my life so much.
Did not mean to quote.
Massive over simplification, not looking at what would be reasonable or what would fit with existing in game mechanics. I think a bit of deliberate ignorance in the mix as well.
How broken up are the glass shards? How damaged is the bag? If you have a fine dust of glass, the bag would probably stay intact. If the bag is damaged, the dust could fly out before making impact and not be delivered into the eyes. If the bag is undamaged or only partially damaged during the glass breaking process, the bag could fly in such a way that it doesn't break apart against the face and actually be a barrier between the eye and glass.
We ignore items that work similarly, like a vial of alchemist's fire is a jar of burning liquid, or tanglefoot bags are a bag of tar. How would a character be able to dodge it? I'm sure we could ignore that blinking and ducking are automatic reflexes.
More RotJR, a gameday with a bunch of friends, and HR!
How about you FennecAnon? You doing anything fun?
GMing a session today, just finished calculating the rewards for the party's latest quest and deciding it's a good time to level up. One of my players is leaving so I'm having a time skip to help the new guy come in and get settled.
Thank you. Swap out Aasimar for Human, go up to 25 pb, modify STR to 16?
Beyond Cut From the Air, typical feats? Vital Strike, so on.
The idea of him beating the shit out of them with his plated fists is also appealing via Iron Tyrant, could an unarmed strike build stay a viable threat?
1 DR probably would be enough, because realistically, each shard is doing like one-onethousandth of a point of damage straight to your eyeballs. It's just that your eyeballs really don't like being damaged, especially all over and at such a small level.
RotJR, WotR, and oh dear lord this is gonna be rough there's so many good apps
I'm looking forward to Overlewd shitposting
>Put a bunch of glass in a bag, smash the bag against a rock for a minute
>roll crafting to avoid fucking up and getting glass everywhere in the air
>roll fort to avoid dying of glass shards inhaled and cutting up your lungs, successful save means you're just exhausted
Sounds like you're not gonna get any sleep!
You don't throw the bag, user. You just hold it by the opening and chuck the powder at your target. It'd be like the world's smallest breath weapon.
He's mostly governed by his wants and whims. He's somewhat selfish with a "good heart"; often favoring a "least harm" ethos when balancing his desires and needs against those of innocents.
We've got a very angry man we need to calm down on Saturday night!
After accepting my overlewd invitation Im looking forward to working with the other accepted apps to touch up our builds for optimal compatability and maybe even interweave our backstories some.
Human resources?
I'm very sorry to hear that, user.
I can choose two 1st-level Cleric spells.
Which two do I choose and why?
It's not hard to ensure a bag stays closed until the very moment where it must open. Sure, maybe you could fumble and throw the powder improperly, but that would require you to roll a 1 on an attack roll, which there likely wouldn't be for this situation.
depends on what your class is and how many times you can cast them per day
Eh, you won't really get enough scaling from unarmed strike, go with the usual greatsword.
Feats and PB sound good.
A LOT of shitposting about Overlewd, can't wait
Isn't this a hook?
>It'd be like the world's smallest breath weapon
Which gives a reflex dodge.
Oracle. 3 spells per day.
which we've already established multiple times that yes it would do that unless it's some kind of extraneous circumstance
can you read the thread
Are Fennec foxes good at snuggling?
>tfw you're pretty sure you have 0% chance on getting into Overlewd.
>this thread
Glass is for beauty, not hurting!
Looking forward to Overlewd announcement! Really hope I get in, the wait is killing me. Fingers crossed! And good luck to everyone else that applied!
It's the last game, user.
Well, I'm planning to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie with some friends. Going to have a 1-on-1 session with my GM as well, since a lot of the group is busy, either with work or with family stuff (including announcing an engagement). He's brought up Beastkin Barbarian, and wants to know if I'd be interested in switching from Mooncursed, since it's apparently quite similar, but more effective.
There's like two others already up
Etan's ego is as fragile as the glass he blows!
Thank god.
Soon we'll be free of this hell. Yeah, there are some stragglers but they won't pick up steam.
I can see the sunlight peaking out from the clouds at last. It's glorious.
>New GotG movie
... Shit, I forgot about that, and my friends might wanna see it tomorrow.
DAA is like a car crash. I don't want to get involved but I can't stop watching.
Haha. That's cute, but wrong.
One is only attracting Roll20 randos and the other was either made by a retard or someone deliberately trying to stir up a shitstorm.
did you go for cure or inflict? if you went inflict, take cure light wounds
i'll assume you took cure, so the spells to consider would be:
>Aspect of the Nightingale
>Comprehend Languages
>Obscuring Mist
>Summon Monster I
Can confirm exhack is a retard
>tfw I don't know if I'm a retarded, and it makes me nervous
Nah. Kobolds in Space got that good heat.
Hardly, we haven't heard anything about their characters, and I hope we never do.
Hell's Rebels
Well that sounds lovely!
>Glass powder
How the fuck are you getting straight up glass POWDER from smashing it against a rock rather than just normal-ass shards?