Hi Veeky Forums. In the homebrew campaign me and my friends were playing we have just beaten the empire, composed of the unification of several neutral aligned races. The emperor was a warmonger who tried to conquer the world by making a pact with the darkness, but was finally defeated by our race (a naturally good one) thanks to our superior tactics.
Now we are making the surrender terms. First, keep in mind that our race has been constantly bullied over the ages because of our refusal to defend ourselves. We were almost wiped out, only managing to survive because of a revolution who gave us permission to fight if it was in self defense. Also that worshiping the darkness almost destroyed the world, especially when the emperor started bombing everything because he was a sore loser.
With this out here are the terms:
>return of the sacred capital
Our original capital who was taken in an ancient war, which still holds power.
>return of every piece of land took from the light over the previous wars
Each war we lost in the past we lost territory, until we were pushed into a island at the sea.
>desmilitarization of the empire and former provinces
The guy who suggested this said that was the only way to ensure our security.
>reparations as aggressors from war
He said that was costumary of war.
>dismantling of the empire into smaller countries
Another PC said that breaking the empire into smaller pieces would ensure they wouldn't become a threat again.
>destruction of all the dark churches and altars of sacrifices
My edict, because of the almost destroyed the world bit.
>destruction of all unholy artefacts and books Complemention of the previous rule.
>outlaw worship of the dark gods
This one I'm not so sure, in fact I have no idea how we would do that. But I think it's important to consider the option.
Are those terms too harsh? Too lenient? Should I add something else? Keep in mind that we are a good race so it should be just and not vengeful.