Pathfinder General /pfg/
Anyone who brings up discord is a lying shitposter and should be ignored edition
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Anyone who brings up discord is a lying shitposter and should be ignored edition
Unified /pfg/ link repository:
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Fuck off with the fetish bullshit OPs already.
>falseflagging this hard
Are reverse traps fetishbait?
It's not fetish bullshit. It's actually a manga about ragtag group of Prussian soldiers being taught how to work together as a unit. One of the characters (the one in the OP pic) is a woman in disguise.
We were on page 2.
Bloodrager Barbarian 12 / DD 8
Where were you when /pfg/ became mmo-Veeky Forums-general tier?
P A G E 2
A G E 2 P
G E 2 P A
E 2 P A G
2 P A G E
wasn't that like 6 months ago
Remember folks, Sage goes in the options field.
We are /gsg/ tier
nah, we're /gw2g/ tier
No we aren't, the gay garfield scat porn hasn't shown up yet, you know nothing.
>the actual good post gets deleted
he could have self deleted
We talk about spl@ r@ and c@.
We're /gw2g/
What should I play if I want to mind control everyone and get away with it?
1pp only.
I'm sorry, user, I thought the thread was supposed to die anyway. I didn't notice the other thread.
Mesmerist with one of those "roll bluff or stealth or whatever to make no one know you were casting" feats
[6:43 AM] maximumsleep: Mmmmmaybe I shouldn't announce Overlewd in the thread. >.>
Fuck it, time to announce Overlewd's picks because I'm just done with these threads.
It's Doug, Rory, Also Doug, a faceless NTRguy, and your waifu.
That is all.
So he really did have his picks done a while ago. I'm pretty disappointed.
Or he could have just finished picking, was about to go "oh boy time to let the thread know!", and then realized the error of the timing and is going to sit on it for a couple of hours until everyone calms their tits.
Computer, create a Pathfinder game with an extremely vague plot and tone, but with plenty of potential for writing amateur erotic stories. Post the game on Veeky Forums. Disengage safety protocols.
Please no bully the computer into going faster.
I need this. Please.
Hey you weirdos, got some new information for you! In today's edition of "what shit did the Paizo Blog put out today?" we have an overview of the Envoy class for starfinder!
Behold, the SKILLMONKEY! It reads like rogue without sneak attack dice, but stealing the Investigator's inspiration mechanic.
see Today was the closing day after all, and not having availability makes you an auto fail, which there was close to 20 of.
So it's an Expert with rogue talents?
So what
literally "the face: the class"
Looks more like a rogue that has combat abilities stripped out. Subtle difference, but important.
Hey man, I just report the news, I don't make it.
remember that DHB used his status as a tripfag to try and shit talk someone in this very thread, called out someone for stutter posting
DHB is not your friend, he is part of the enemy
There must be more
why would they strip out rogue's abilities
I don't understand
Nobody cares
The Envoy Talents are probably going to work like how the Vigilante's social talents work - very good, just focused to noncombat scenarios.
Guys, you're forgetting that in a genre like Sci-fi, there IS a place for being the dedicated Face. Talking and General people skills are significantly more common here than with Fantasy.
Or you could cast Charm Person or Suggestion
Oh damn, I know what I'm making first.
But talking in Pathfinder is all but mind control.
Tell us about your potential character, user.
You. You're the cancer.
Medetterranean Europe in the 14th century it is. Golarion can suck a bag of dicks, unless it's into that, in which case it can be shunned.
No I'm Tau-chan
Computer, recreate the early 21st century online community from Veeky Forums known as Pathfinder General. Disengage safety protocols.
please someone reply with >vultposting.jpg
Why not both?
Anyway, since this thread's picking up steam, here's what
were replying to that was deleted:
So, /pfg/, Merfolk are pretty good. They have armour and +2 to Dex, Con and Cha. Their only flaw is their very slow speed- 15ft max when starting out a non-Monk or Barbarian character.
Does anyone recommend any core classes for a Merfolk? What are they good with? What are they terrible at despite their amazing stats and armour?
Those spells do not exist in Starfinder!
Can you release pheromones via augments to sway people to your side while also using great people skills?
The BBEG of your campaign has lured you into a trap! After extensive research, he has developed a super weapon that no opponent can resist, and has begun to mass produce it. How would you defeat an entire army of men equipped with bags of glass?
Find a new DM
Reminder that charm person and suggestion are only useful if you never plan on talking to the person a second time.
Also not useful in any form of civilized society, because any society where compulsion magic isn't highly illegal is fucking insane.
My first Bard was The Grand Viscount Jacob Von Semaphore III, a drunken, drug addicted, and secretly Groetus worshiping Taldan nobleman turned adventurer turned spy; who ended up as something of a running joke in our group. From then on, in almost every campaign we've run, he or one of his descendants has made an appearance or been a PC.
Thus, my first Starfinder PC will be The Grand Viscount Jacob Von Semaphore CXLIII. Probably going to play him as Captain Kirk mixed with Commander Riker, and a bit of Rick Sanchez. It's gonna be a helluva ride.
>disengage safety protocols
You're asking for a bad time
So which /pfg/ personalities would be lost likely to try and rebel/break out of the simulation?
That's a hell of a family line, man.
I'm going to play an Azlanti who just now came out of stasis w/ flesh to stone.
seriously, who the FUCK is m. kawase?
I hope so.
Oh my god, between the skinsuits and "fuck me" particles we're seeing a lewd storm of epic proportions.
Explain Sacred Geometry since I'm too stupid
Yeah! I sure wish I could get into a lewdstorm in a lewdgame, but OverLewd is far too late for me.
Don't bother, no GM in the history of the world has allowed that feat.
If you are asking because you want to know why no GM would ever allow it, it's because it's essentially two free metamagic feats with no spell level adjustment at level 9, because it becomes nearly mathematically impossible to fail the prime number check.
Also if you don't have a calculator specifically for it, it makes your turn last forever while you try to figure out whether or not you lose a spell
Just wait until August, you could be the first sci-fi slut!
Yeah, but so many people will want to be sci fi sluts... I dunno if I'd get in...
Can a Bolt Ace who chooses the Heavy Crossbow for his Crossbow Training get Dex to damage when he fires a Ballista?
From the Siege Engines page:
>Ballista: A ballista is essentially a Huge heavy crossbow fixed in place.
nobody knows or cares, so just ignore it
/pfg/, what do you do with Alchemists in your Spheres games? Do you have them use the Spheres archetype, or do you let them keep their standard extracts to differentiate between Alchemy and Magic?
Seems like we're sticking to this thread then.
Let's play another round, since it seems my friends aren't coming over today. Some of y'all roll me a d13 if you could.
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
I let them use whichever they want. Alchemy isn't powerful enough to warrant forcing the conversion.
I would probably homebrew a specific magic tradition for Alchemists and Investigators, to be honest, but leaving them with Vancian casting is honestly a little appealing to me
Rolled 12 (1d13)
I'm drinking alone myself, bud.
Based and white R&I poster
I have a question about the insinuator antipaladin archetype.
For Ambitious Bond's bonded weapon's requirement of having to devote the weapon's first enhancement bonus to anarchic, axiomatic or unholy, does this apply when you only have a bonus of +1?
The way I see it, one of three things is possible.
A. You get the +2 bonus anarch/axio/un even while you would only have a +1 bonus. Neat.
2. Unable to use it for the +2, you are free to use whatever +1 until you get to 2 enhancement.
three. You HAVE to use your first bonus on anarch/axio/un even if you do not have the points. You cannot spend them on anything else, meaning the feature doesn't do anything until you get two points of enhancement.
C'mon, you're the biggest whore in this General, I'm sure you'll get everyone ogling your goods!
The problem is that all of them rebel and attempt to break out of the System.
White and based
With all this talk about the discord, it sure is missing from the OP. Why isn't something like that easily accessible?
Gee, that's encouraging! Thanks!
The numbers just seem to keep going up, roll me a d277 mah boi.
Shut up loser
Rolled 10 (1d13)
Sure thing, fampai
Because there's a war going on between Thread posters and Discord posters, neither side wants to give the other more troops.
Hey! I'm NOT a loser.
I just want to play as a qt cleric pretty boy in a group of buff tall female martials.
Maybe in the imagination of a couple of shitposters. Discord and the thread coexist just fine until shitposters start trying to get us to fight..
>Mikasa and Korra as tall as the Amazon
What is the absolute edgiest 1pp class/archetype I can play?
Reminder: Any time discord drama involving Vult shows up, Vult sheds his name to demand screencaps as proof, if screencaps are ever provided they are decried as being taken "out of context" because they were just the relevant passages and didn't include the entire day's worth of conversation.
Druid but make them hate sapient creatures because of a backstory full of rape and murder. Their wish is to have animals rule the world and make sapient creatures their slaves.
Probably one of the kineticist archetypes
>Blood Kineticist
Mess with people's blood!
Muh emotions
>Dark Elementalist
Literally smoke people's souls like an aftersex cigar to get power
If you go kineticist, make sure you go with the Void element, so you can use DARKNESS powers
Or, you can go for the tried and true Executioner Slayer, that gets bonuses on intimidating and killing people, and they HAVE to be evil
So PETA the character
Fiendflayer Tiefling Magus.
The archetype gives you the ability to cut yourself, in exchange for more arcane pool points.
Serial Killer Vigilante.
>that Korra