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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Mist is just clouds of liquid water. Leviathan already covers it.
Rolled 5 (1d8)
16. Generic Magical Girl
- Location: The 'Burbs
- Theme: We're Basically A Magical Girl Team Already
- Team Name: Endymion Magician Girls
- Teammates: Dark Magician Girl, Berry Magician Girl, Lemon Magician Girl, Apple Magician Girl, Chocolate Magician Girl, Kiwi Magician Girl
- Animal Companion: Dusk {Charmer Familiar}
- Age: 10 years
- Identity: Drop-In
- Abilities: Extra Allies! , Extra Allies! , Basic Elemental Zap , You Turn Into What? , Anti-Magic , Aggregate Impact Psychotherapy
- Items: Communicators
- Drawbacks: Locked
- Future: Move On?
>Plum here! This is nice, you know? We've got our team dynamic back and everything!
>This feels natural by now. Looking back through my journals... wow. Can you believe how confused I was when I first changed?
>Anyway, we've been fighting a lot of Fiends here, but that's okay! We normally come out on top. Normally.
>Apparently there's more like us out there, but they're pretty good at hiding themselves.
>1. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>2. Kill La Kill
>3. Nichijou
>4. Eclipse Phase
>5. Fire Emblem Awakening
>6. R-Type
>7. Ark Survival Evolved
>8. Muppet Treasure Island
Rolled 445 (1d816)
Didn't happen last thread, but there was no real need. It was nice.
Asking a Kamigawa question again as I looked back in past threads and didn't see any answers:
How specific can a Symbolic Link to a place be? Are we talking "Kami of This Particular Bench" or are they more-or-less just things like "forest" and "plains" and shit like that?
Secondly, tied to the first one: Do these symbolic links look good / kosher?
> Flame; Light; Music; Dance; Blood; Love; Home (Arcia); Witchcraft
Oooh, Legend of Mana.
Not sure, but I'm getting a "Kami of Festivals" vibe from those links, although the Witchcraft and Blood bits are throwing me off. That the intention?
How familiar are you with Fire Emblem Awakening, user?
Enough to know everyone gets shipped with everyone.
Let's throw on Legend of Mana for the Queue, since it was rolled.
Besides, who wants their nickname to be "Misty"?
>Legend of Mana
The jump feels really bare-bones, t b h.
Legend of Mana is actually top tier as far as jumps are concerned. Tempering is the best, and being able to create items of power out of locations is super good. Merging that world's magic system with any other magic system so you can use their world destroying magic without worrying about not having the mana for it is also strong.
I also love the drawback that lets you make everything in the world ridiculously strong which you can carry over and turn on and off at will in later jumps.
>t b h
Fuck you. Say desu the way god intended.
Jump # 78 Overwatch
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Starting location: King’s Row
Race: Human
Alignment: Hero
Role: Support
*Tracery Booty (0)
*Old habits die hard (100, Discount)
*We’re going to do great (0)
*Hello hello (0)
*Walk in harmony (100, Discount)
*Experience tranquility (200, Discount)
*Guardian Angel (300, Discount)
*World Could always use more heroes (300, Discount)
(I know nothing so…)
So another world in need of heroes It seems. I joined overwatch and helped out as much as I could. I helped upgrade their tech a bit, until it started getting stolen (That damn hacker…), then I decided to switch to supplying magic items and the like to help out.
Honestly my companions and I did quite a bit to thwart talon and it was kind of fun hanging out with the colorful characters of Overwatch. I used my money to start improving the press of overwatch and threw some money around to try and get them reinstated. It’s amazing what a few well placed donations can buy especially among some of the more impoverished nations.
Talon was a constant pain in the rear. I did however strike a rather large blow in the form of un-brainwashing widowmaker with a magical purification blast.
I was amazed and disturbed by her hatred of Talon after that (We undid the process that was numbing her emotions). While the information she provided was valuable, It was a difficult fight trying to get her help.
That's good, but you should also know there's going to be two wars, and in a few years a giant (as in mountain dwarfing) zombie dragon is going to get resurrected and try to kill everyone with zombies. You might want to join up with the Shepherds, because it's going to be a mess.
>Legend of Mana - 541
Age: 26-years-old
Drawbacks: No Future (+600)
Final Point Count: 1,600 CP
Race: Half-Basilisk
-Abilities and Techniques (Free)
-Synchronize (Free)
-Tempering Tycoon
-Preserve the Land
-Enchanted Instruments 101
-Green Thumb
Artifacts and Companions:
-Li’l Cactus (Free)
-Companion Import (Free, with a catch)
-Starting Equipment (Free)
Li'l Cactus is the bestest. The cutest.
Also, using Preserve the Land and careful research to ensure the locations I steal don't impact a world too much if they leave. I'm cheating and populating Arcia's surface with cool and kickass locales.
Yes I know I am terrible.
>How specific can a Symbolic Link to a place be?
As specific as you wish to make it.
>Are we talking "Kami of This Particular Bench" or are they more-or-less just things like "forest" and "plains" and shit like that?
Kami have a Symbolic link with at least one color, which is their link to a land, connecting that links you closer with the themes of those types of location. Personally I feel that limiting folk in their choices when giving out themed powers spoils the point a little, just stick to your personal theme and you should be good.
> Flame; Light; Music; Dance; Blood; Love; Home (Arcia); Witchcraft
You'll need a Land type Link but other than that it looks rather fun. These choices are neat, though Witchcraft in the Japanese understanding is quite old school in it's perceptions. Closer to Maho-Tsuki (Blood Curses and sacrificeing others for power) and less Harry Potter (Just a word for generic female magic user)
The jump itself does seem to throw out a lot of the standard ideas of jump design. Origins are only races with their own powersets, priced appropriately, and no perks or items have any discounts or tree-type arrangements. It has good perks, and they are fitting for the world.
Legend of Mana was one of my first JRPGs, and I have fond memories of playing it with my older brother. Niccolo was my favorite to play as, but I don't recall much else besides some man made of glass bubbles and the process of recreating the world map being weirdly important to me. Seaside housing was very valuable, I thought.
>You'll need a Land type Link
Welp, time to figure out what kind of land a world-ship qualifies as.
>Witchcraft in the Japanese understanding
Shoot. Aight, thanks for that little clarification. Gonna want something else then.
>Not the original desu
Great shame.
What is that one perk that punches people across the internet? I want to use it on Void Cowboy in Worm, feels appropriate.
Rolled 4 (1d8)
221 Dragon's Crown
Age 28
Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Cooking -100, Mastication Medicine -200, Guild(Ruari[Sorceress, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Create Food, Gravity -100, Curse -200], Tag[Elf, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Rapid Fire, Clone Strikes -300, Diversion, Super Ethical Reality Climax], Naruto[Wizard, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Extract, Meteor Swarm -300], Ranma[Wizard, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Extract, Meteor Swarm -300], Hinata[Elf, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Rapid Fire, Clone Strikes -300], Anko[Elf, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Rapid Fire, Clone Strikes -300], Shampoo[Sorceress, Palette Swap, Soundtrack, Narrator, Basic Attack, Create Food, Blizzard -300])-400, Rapid Fire -100, Extract, Golem -150, Concentrate -50, Ammunition Opportunism -100, Magic Resistance -200,
JS Vita -300,
Labyrinth of Chaos +600,
New dimension same as the last. Not much of interest to me here other than the Labyrinth, so I think I'll blitz it in a bit of a speed run. And I have a lot of speed.
1 Kill La Kill
2 Greek Myth
3 Carnivores
4 Morroblivion
5 Full Metal Alchemist
6 Light Bringer
7 Morroblivion
8 The Incredibles
the desu torch has been passed senpai
I'm 7 hours in, you think i have shame?
Elder Scrolls, lots of fun stuff there.
Skipping through it doesn't count, desu.
>New desu
God I feel old
its in generic virtual world I think
One of the Drop-In capstones, iirc.
One sitting, user. You underestimate me./spoiler]
>weird-ass filename
Forget your trip, Nikamoth?
>Welp, time to figure out what kind of land a world-ship qualifies as.
Likely White, given how much order and commanding a ship like that would require.
I was trying to be anonymous since I feel like if I shove my trip everywhere it'll annoy people
Thank you.
Looks pretty good to me.
A relic power for magical shielding/defense/fortification?
Divining non-magical stuff? Like if I wanted to keep track of my companions from around the world.
Self-Mobility? A sword that swings itself, a staff that flies to your hand.
Good places to import Armor?
Akame ga kill
What's better, Mystic Eyes from Basilisk, or Imagine Breaker?
For armor I tend to do Warframe - Metroid - The Avengers.
I haven't decided yet if those 3 Jumps are good enough or if I should go further, but generally merging them seems pretty amazing.
The Mystic Eyes aren't a trap option, though Imagine Breaker is more powerful. So Mystic Eyes.
Import as a costume in The Incredibles.
Import as costume in Young Justice.
Import as a symbiote in ultimate spider man and recoloured outfit in Spider Man Movies.
Import as power armor in Metroid.
Import as ARS suit in Vanquish.
Import as a Barrier Jacket in Lyrical Nanoha.
Oh and as a costume in Duel Monsters - The Heroes, plus take Bladedge or DoomGuy as your hero gimmicks to add either of those.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
17. Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Identity: Mage
- Starting Class: Dark Mage
- Body Type: Medium
- Age: 20 years
- Mage Perks: Focus , Tomefaire , Healtouch , Lifetaker
- Companions: Roster {The Magician Girls}
- Dark Magician Girl: Mage, Dark Mage, Focus , Goetia , Tomefaire , Elixir
- Berry Magician Girl: Mage, Mage, Focus , Tomefaire , Restore , Bolganone
- Lemon Magician Girl: Mage, Mage, Focus , Tomefaire , Restore , Rexcalibur
- Apple Magician Girl: Mage, Mage, Focus , Tomefaire , Bolganone , Rexcalibur
- Chocolate Magician Girl: Mage, Mage, Focus , Tomefaire , Restore , Rexcalibur
- Kiwi Magician Girl: Mage, Mage, Focus , Tomefaire , Restore , Rexcalibur
- Items: Master Seal
- Drawbacks: Blushes
- Future: Move On?
>H-hi. Plum here again. Something about this p-place has got me all flustered.
>Is it just me, or is everyone pairing off with each other? And this 'Avatar' person... encouraging it?
>Isn't this supposed to be an army? And why is that one girl w-watching him sleep?
>W-we're never going to beat that dragon they told us about like this! Somebody should instill some discipline!
>Don't look at me. I can't t-tame this beast.
>1. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>2. Kill La Kill
>3. Nichijou
>4. Eclipse Phase
>5. Legend of Mana
>6. R-Type
>7. Ark Survival Evolved
>8. Muppet Treasure Island
Spice and Wolf for the Queue.
Um, sort of?
I'd like to say i've given up on jump making, except I kind of need a creative outlet, and this is a good one.
I suppose it would be more accurate to say i've given up on announcing stuff. That way I can make my 2/3rds of a jump and move on to the next one without getting yelled at for having too many claims and never finishing them.
Having a hard time deciding between Boogie Manimal, Path to Victory, Medical and Biological Science, or Assimilation. I am trying to decide which is better for long run, I already know PtV is best for post spark but by then I would have already a better precog most likely.
Rolled 1 (1d8)
18. Ark Survival Evolved
- Location: Badlands
- Origin: Survivor
- General Perks: Basic Video Game Stuff? , Respawn , Adonis , Unlimited Resources
- Survivor Perks: Foraging Skills , Danger Sense , Negotiator , Charming
- Suvivor Items: Raw Meat , Protective Clothing , Broth of Enlightenment
- Mounts: Wyvern (Lightning)
- Companions: Builder {The Dood Squad}
- The Dood Squad: Builder, Planning Mind , Feat of Crafting , Engines of War , Sense of Style , Bored? What's That?
- Drawbacks: Scorched Earth
- Future: Move On?
>Finally! It's our turn to do the journal, dood!
>Yeah, but what do we talk about, dood?
>How about that huge flying lizard the girls got, dood?
>Oh yeah! That thing was way huge, dood! Good thing it's on our side, right, dood?
>Alright, when did you guys get into my diary? Honestly, though. It's a good thing Chocolate's here, or we'd all be drier than Necrovalley right now. Wait... do I remember what a Necrovalley is? It's in here somewhere. Oh, right. Plum here.
>1. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>2. Kill La Kill
>3. Nichijou
>4. Eclipse Phase
>5. Legend of Mana
>6. R-Type
>7. Spice and Wolf
>8. Muppet Treasure Island
80s Action Movies.
>Medical and Biological Science
That's definitely the worst of the four, and for the long-term it's almost useless. Highly-limited medical knowledge is obtainable through time and other jumps pretty easily.
Can I ask you some stuff about Shaman King?
I thought it would give me an edge on anything that counts as Medical and Biological science and I would learn at a better rate or be more effective, unsure.
Are there any perks that would allow one to convert Health into Mana. (HP to MP) I'm not talking about fueling magic with health, I mean literally turning one's life force into a means to sustain their magic.
Go for it.
I mean, that's how I interpret it.
I actually rolled exactly that shard, and I liked it enough that I was like, "Yeah, okay, sure."
I mean, sure, you CAN pick up other perks from myriad other jumps, but if you want to be the type of person who does crazy bullshit biological fuckery, that's a pretty good base for it. Sortof a catch-all supercomputing instinct for medical stuff.
At least the way I do it.
I think PtV is a huge force multiplier, but I'm personally afraid of it turning the user into a robot. The temptation of just having a "know what to do" button could end up corrupting you over time.
I don't see Boogie Manimal discussed a lot, it's definitely a good minion power. You could also just fuck your opponents over by throwing the smoke everywhere, without shaping it, in order to blind them.
Med+Bio is good if you want to be a doctor, and the potential for self-modification gives it a surprisingly high amount of versatility, though it faces the stiffest competition in terms of "there are similar powers in other jumps."
Assimilation is potentially really good if you see yourself encountering a lot of exotic tech in your travels, and it has the advantage that you don't need to understand the tech to make use of it.
Long term, my vote goes
>Assimilation (close second)
>Boogie Manimal
PtV is useful in pretty much every conceivable situation, apart from when you're dealing with things that are immune to it. Even then there are still work-arounds. It's only going to get better as Jumper gets stronger and increases the number of possible actions available to them.
Assimilation has a huge amount of flexibility and growth potential, 'nuff said.
Med+Bio is solid and will continue to be relevant in most of the worlds where the populace is made of meat (hint: most of them). Plus, you're going to get stronger really fast as your resources improve and your research increases your knowledge base. Again, the biggest mark against this power is that there's similar stuff available in a other jumps, though often not on this scale, so you might want to get something harder to find.
Boogie Manimal is solid, but it doesn't have the same growth potential as the others, though it will get stronger over time, which is why it comes in last. It'll be a long time before you're making an Endbringer in a reasonable amount time.
Personally I went with Math Senses, since it works as a multiplier to every other power you end up getting. Especially in settings with magic based on math, or in super crazy sci-fi.
First is this from last thread.
Can Above Average Ghostly Allies buy from any Perk tree, and do they get a full 700cp regardless of how many you buy? Or do they have the same sort of restrictions that Guardian Ghosts have?
Is it possible to Form an Oversoul with a living creature as a medium, like a horse for example?
Sorry if these were answered when the Jump first came out.
Uhh if I used the ZERO system from Gundam with assimilation you think it would be a good enough replacement for PtV? Its not that much bigger then me plus I could shrink it.
I think you need to stop being a power gaming little shit and apply some common sense. Shamans can either handle one powerful spirit, or multiple weaker spirits. Not multiple powerful spirits. The mental stain would be nutty and the mana drain way too intense.
And no, you cant use a living creature to make an oversoul. Ever. Spirits only.
Rolled 1 (1d8)
19. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
- Pokemon: Fennekin
- Partner: Bulbasaur
- Free Skills: Moves {Psybeam/Will-O-Wisp/Fire Pledge/Light Screen}, Combat Diagnostics, Pokeglot
- Perks: Natural Instinct , Multitalent , Hyperkinesis
- Items: Explorer/Rescue Badge , Treasure Bag , Reviver Seed Bag
- Town: Free Pick {Treasure Town}
- Future: Move On?
>Where are my hands? Any my clothes? And my everything!? What AM I?
>Uh. Hi?
>"What's your name?"
>...Plum. Call me Plum.
>"Plum, huh? Weird name. I'm Bulbasaur! Nice to meet you!"
>Hey... have you seen six human girls anywhere around here?
>"...humans? Aren't those a myth?"
>...oh boy.
>"Listen. You seem like you're new around here. How about I show you around? That way, if you go looking for your friends, you'll know where to come back to when you find them!"
>1. 80's Action Movies
>2. Kill La Kill
>3. Nichijou
>4. Eclipse Phase
>5. Legend of Mana
>6. R-Type
>7. Spice and Wolf
>8. Muppet Treasure Island
>Queue: Shin Megami Tensei
Is there a darker than black jump?
Reminder that Perfect Communication+Thought Implantation means you're essentially unbeatable by humans if you have enough time to open your mouth.
>Perfect Communication makes you competitive with Jack in the manipulation department
>Jack needed subconscious telepathy to reach that level
>You start at the level as a base, and then add significantly ramped-up telepathy on top of that
Plus, you get the terrifying honor of being known as Wormverse's only true telepath (Jack doesn't count since his ability is just communicating with shards, and yours works on anyone).
I have no idea what that is or what it does.
Maybe it will work perfectly, or maybe you'll die alone and unloved. Maybe those two options aren't mutually exclusive.
So what are some settings for which you would /least/ like to see jumps?
Pic related, but it's too late for that.
Shoo shoo XXVoid CowboyXX
Honestly? Xianxia/Exalted. Alas, it's all too likely we'll get more.
>Several hundred yard range
As soon as they pin you down as a threat, you get sniped and die. Kinda like Nice Guy, but worse, since you have an explicit range limit.
Goodnight Punpun.
A good read, but I think it would suffer from trying to cram it into a jump.
In the long run, I'd argue Biological Science is actually a close second to PTV. Because if you try to actually further your knowledge of biology through perks like the Doctor Origin perks from Franken Fran, assorted Blame/Sidonia perks, Essence Spinner from Starcraft Zerg and whatever perks from Hivequeen Quest, you start to get into some fuckery.
In the long run, you just start to create whatever you want and hybridize whatever you want. And any non-organic technology could later be turn into organic technology and spread to others.
Aside from that I'd put Assimilation next and Boogie Manimal last, only because Assimilation is limited by size, and Boogie Manimal just seems too hard to properly scale to late chain, to me at least.
I don't think so.
>Getting sniped
Doing it wrong. The entire point of a charismamancer build is that you get other people to put themselves in harm's way.
Then you're basically heartbreaker. If you're doing worm as a first jump, you just dont have the mental fortitude perks to avoid the 'do stupid shit' command that powers inherently force on you.
I had boogie mammal and I liked it. One way I though to game it is to add equipment into my creations. They can't actually have cybernetics, but something that could be either controlled remotely by me or eventually with a physical trigger that the BM could interact with and turn on. Imagine like a series of controls in the arm where the elbow would meet the gunarm, and the BM made to push these triggers from its elbow parts.
ZERO system is a more immediate/personal thing from what I remember, while PtV has... very little limitations regarding what it can, theoretically, use to get info.
If you just want to do the combat stuff Contessa pulls, sure, it's a perfect replacement. But if you want to use it for long-term planning and stuff, you're probably gonna find yourself dssappointed.
Warp Spasm/Contractor4lyfe.
I want Utena to be a thing. Would make for an interesting gauntlet.
Magical lesbian cars?
Contractor is fucking amazing. You can beat essentially any parahuman in Worm by just giving one of your minions some bullshit specific power that counteracts theirs. They have a power to control fire? Send a spec ops with the parahuman ability to lock the temperature around them, rendering them immune to heat and flames. They have the ability to control bugs? Anti-bug aura, instantly kills all bugs within a thirty foot radius. Holmes-like deductive ability? A power whose entire and sole purpose is to spoof Holmes-like deductive ability, making the person reach false conclusions. Contractor is ridiculous and easily makes you one of the most dangerous parahumans in the world, particularly when you combo it with the Rogue perk line.
yes. i'd make it myself but i can't into symbolism
Are there any perks that allow me to summon stuff out of my warehouse?
Are there any limits to who you can give them to? Could you use it in conjunction with something like BBS's Demon Spawn or TT's Self-Duplication to get loyal, powerful minions?
Requip. From Fairy Tale
Was there ever any ruling on whether people empowered with Contractor can experience similar growth in power as other parahumans, or are they static?
Not him, but you could do some fun stuff with that perk, giving your companions some really esoteric tinker specialties, and then get a companion to reverse engineer the tech with their reverse engineer shard or something.
Its up there with Iterative Improvement.
You can only give up to ten people average powers or five people very strong powers. You can't give more than one power to a single person and you can't give powers to yourself.
Other than those limitations you could theoretically give powers to anybody, including creatures that you've created.
It all depends on your Jumper and your builds thus far, and how you operate.
But here's how I'd list them. From greatest to least.
>Boogie Manimal
Though that's just through the hard lens of 'what is empirically best for my Jumper'.
Out of those options I'd probably end up going with Assimilation or Med&Bio.
Or do what I did: go Rogue, make your company a PMC, and use Best in the Business to train up elite commandos while creating a bunch of Tinkers to modify them into super soldiers and build equipment for them.
Rolled 787 (1d816)
Oh! Look! Robots!
Setting: Wish Upon A Star
Age: 32
Origin: Doctor (100)
Perks: 600
Basic Robotics (Free)
Enhanced I.C. Chips (100)
Weaponisation (200)
Robot Master Builder (300)
Stuff: 300
Light Capsule (Free)
Release Model (300)
ZERAKULE: Wily Number, Pun Power, Combat Optimized, Special Weapon - Boomerang Blade
>Great, I have a son now.
>If you were my son you'd be gooier.
>*Zerakule runs off*
>Great, the Shushu spirit is my edgy son now. What did I do to deserve this?
Welp, since nobody suggested a replacement jump last thread I'm going to roll for the replacement jump.
Roll list
1. Johnny Test
2.Lyrical Nanoha
3.Anima Beyond Fantasy
4.Age of Mythology
6.Shadow Realm
7.The Room
8.Super Mario RPG
Rolled 6 (1d8)
Alright, randomly rolled jump to replace the fifth slot was Wheel of Time. Let's see where I end up next!
Roll list
1. Johnny Test
2.Lyrical Nanoha
3.Anima Beyond Fantasy
4.Age of Mythology
5.Wheel of Time
6.Shadow Realm
7.The Room
8.Super Mario RPG
R-type as a replacement
So, can you make RWBY auras stronger by powering up your soul, or what?
Speaking of Worm, how does Complete Arsenal work, exactly? How esoteric can the powers be? Would gaining super strength mean you gain the durability to make use of it or would that take up a separate slot?
Two things about Hyperdrives:
Were i to reverse engineer the bought one from OT and essentially make an exact replica, Would it still work?
Additionally, how bad of an idea is it to fit a hyperdrive onto a man-sized suit of power armor?
Yeah, that's how it seems to function. I've only seen the first season, so my scope is limited, but i would assume it would function the same way Psyker powers in 40k do, scaling with soul
Is there anything I could use to spoof the growth rate for Worm powers (or other similar super powers) so the Alexandria package could grow to comparable to Alexandria in years or decades instead of centuries?
>Hyperdrive Power Armor
I dunno, can you withstand speeds up to the speed of light? If so, go ahead. If not, it's a very, very bad idea and you would be a retard to do it.
>function the same way Psyker powers in 40k do, scaling with soul
Wait, do they scale with your soul, too?
Inertial. Dampeners.