Out of curiosity, when you folks are play Diplomacy, do you consider it ok or bad play to continue negotiating after you have been knocked out of the game?
What about if the still active players approach you instead of you approaching them?
Out of curiosity, when you folks are play Diplomacy, do you consider it ok or bad play to continue negotiating after you have been knocked out of the game?
What about if the still active players approach you instead of you approaching them?
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TFW you bought a spiffy-looking deluxe edition of Diplomacy but can never get your friends to play it because it's too "serious" of a game and they're all pussies who feel bad about hurting somebody else in a war game and/or get bent out of shape when things don't go their way. TFW even Dominion is too hard core for some of them.
if you're out of the game you're no longer a power worthy of diplomatic recognition and should be rightfully ignored
But with that said, I think the standard approach in war games is to sideline yourself once you've been knocked out of a game. You're no longer involved and should let the folks who are playing the game do their thing without your interference. Of course, some of this tradition may come from the fact that people tend to be less interested in the game after they're knocked out of it and therefore etiquette has developed that justifies/promotes folks not having to give a shit about the game anymore. Really, I think the answer is to talk to your group before you start play and come to a consensus about the issue.
>you're no longer a power worthy of diplomatic recognition and should be rightfully ignored
I certainly think that in many cases you'd be little more than an irritation to those still playing the game. They're leaders of nations and you have zero clout in the game, so why should they care what you think? Still, what if you're the best strategist / tactician amongst your allies, and they'd be lost without your guidance? In that case, I could see your enemies being a bit bent out of shape if you continued leading your allies even though you'd been knocked out of the game.
if you want to play adviser then it's up to the people still in the game whether to listen to you or not. But if you've already lost then there's no reason for anyone to believe or listen to you because you have nothing to lose and no power
Can Germany ever win without someone else making a colossal fuck up? Theyll die in four turns if a couple of powers put their minds to it
if they don't convince Austria or France to avoid them then they're pretty much fucked
This is pretty much the reason Austria and Germany need to be best buddies almost the entire game, in my experience. I'm no expert, but A-H is my most drawn power by far and any game with Germany firmly on my side has either been a game with a good chance or a victory. Some strong diplomatic play is generally a deciding factor for all central powers, though.
This is essentially me situation. Lots of new players, me and one other experienced player. He managed to convince a newbie neighbor to stab me at a time that resulted in both of us dying.
I was approached by a coalition of the newbies asking for advice against experienced player to try to prevent a solo victory/fuck him in the ass.
Part of me wants to help them because they're new. Part of me also wants to help them to fuck the guy who stabbed in and teach him a lesson in fucking with me.
But the final part of me also doesn't want to be a bad sport. I am unsure of what the "correct" decision is here in terms of board game etiquette.
Diplomacy? In my Veeky Forums?
If you want to be nice, I'd say something to the effect of "if experienced player X is so tough, maybe you all should band against him?"
From there, hopefully they'll start seeing the name of the game.
They're already banded against him. They're more or less just asking for me to check their moves because they don't have a great understanding of coordinating movements and the like.
For example, two turns ago, they thought they were at a stalemate until I pointed out a move to them which allowed them to continue to make ground. I was still in the game at that point, so I didn't feel bad about giving the advice then, but they are now asking for advice again now that I have been knocked out.
Is that map perhaps Napoleons idea of an ideal Europe?
If so i'm sad he lost the war.
That map is worse than the Total War Empire map.
Yeah, don't do that, you're meant to be dead and also dead people can ruin the game because they no longer have any stakes in it.
Nah, based on the "starting positions" of WWI.
That's what you get for listening to the dead
Holding grudges between games isn't healthy for a long term play group, recognizing their strategies is important though. Don't fuck with the veteran just for fucking with you.
Try and show them an order resolver script that they could play with and test it. And if they still want your help, teach them another lesson: "What's in it for me?"
How do you negotiate with someone who has nothing concrete to offer?
But I sometimes kept chatting and maybe even discussing strategy with defeated players while playing webDiplomacy.
How about this: every time a power is eradicated, the player in control must choose and join another power as advisors. If there are multiple players in control of a power, they secretly and independently choose which power they defect to.
The catch is, the first time power is eradicated, all players in control lose 6 points. The second time, it's 5 points, the third time, 4 points, and so on. In the end, the player who started with the power that was never eradicated will have 0 points, whereas somebody who got ganged on early but jumped ship to the winning power will do better than somebody who was forced to defect many times. The only problem is that it might incentivize you to throw a game if you're doing really bad and want to cut your losses in the hope of joining a power with the best ability to win.
>Still, what if you're the best strategist / tactician amongst your allies, and they'd be lost without your guidance? In that case, I could see your enemies being a bit bent out of shape if you continued leading your allies even though you'd been knocked out of the game.
if you're so good, why'd you get knocked out? Now zip it, men are here to get things done.
Ganging up early on players that have proved themselves to be major threats is not necessarily bad meta.
>France has Alsace
Très bon!